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the national CoMMittee to CoMMeMorate the life and Work of nelson Mandela

Committee Members were appointed on Wednesday 9th April, 2014 and attended weekly meetings.

the Committee was tasked with the following responsibilities:

1) Develop a programme of activities for the week of July 13 to 18th, 2014

2) Develop a budget to fund proposed activities

3) Coordinate the week’s activities her Excellency Mrs. Maureen Modiselle, h igh Commissioner of South Africa to trinidad and tobago indicated her willingness to collaborate with the government of the Republic of trinidad and tobago and pledged her support for the proposed activities.

Co MM ittee Me M bers

Ministry of national Diversity anD social integration

Dr. the honourable Rodger Samuel, Minister of National Diversity and Social Integration

Mrs. Joy Persad Myers, Permanent Secretary

Ms. Joycelyn hunte, Deputy Permanent Secretary

Dr. Nurah-Rosalie Cordner, Adviser to the Minister

Ms. trudy thomas, Manager, Corporate Communications

Ms. Avril belfon, government Archivist, National Archives

Ms. Lorraine Johnson, Acting Curator, National Museum and Art gallery

Ms. Melissa Williams, Planning and Development Officer, Ministry of National Diversity and Social Integration office of the PriMe Minister

Mr. Dennis McComie, Director of Public Information and Communication

Ministry of eDucation

Mrs. theresa Neblett-Skinner, Acting Curriculum Coordinator

Ministry of arts anD MulticulturalisM

Mr. Neil Devonish, Cultural Programme Coordinator, Ministry of Community Development

Mrs. Natalie Millington-Walters, Communications Specialist

Ministry of genDer, youth anD chilD DeveloPMent

Ms. Indira Rampersad, Researcher, National Library and Information System Authority (NALIS)

Ms. Debbie goodman, Manager, Corporate Communications – PR and Marketing Division national action cultural coMMittee

Mr. Aiyegoro Ome, Servant President and head eManciPation suPPort coMMittee

Mr. tracy Wilson, Chair, Education Committee national council of inDian culture

Mr. Deoroop teemal, Cultural Officer

Ministry of tobago DeveloPMent

Ms. beverly Ramsey-Moore, Coordinator of Community Liaison Unit

Mr. Jonathan Adams, Administrative Officer IV other s takeholders south african high coMMission her Excellency Maureen Modiselle, h igh Commissioner

Mr. Rowland hopley, First Secretary, Corporate Services caribbean airlines liMiteD

Ms. Alicia Cabrera, Senior Marketing Manager triniDaD anD tobago national coMMission for uniteD nations eDucational, scientific anD cultural organisation (unesco)

Ms. Susan Shurland, Secretary- general, UNESCO

Mr. Omar Mohammed, National Coordinator, UNESCO

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