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OpERATiONs’ pR idE
taking pri De is an exciting departmental initiative led by neela ramnanan, Manager, operations, to build on continuous improvement and engage employees on an individual level. the acronym signifies personal responsibility in Delivering excellence and it was launched at the operations Department’s team-builder in July/august 2013.
The intrinsic connection between employees’ contributions on an individual level and achieving operations excellence is progressively apparent when we can recognize, develop and harness each employee’s strengths. in referencing Methanex Trinidad’s Vision Statement, neela emphasized, “the need to bridge the gap in understanding each individual’s role in achieving the Vision.” She added, “this learning was reinforced in the team-builder through a series of exercises, so that each employee better appreciated the value of their personal contributions in achieving the success of the department and ultimately Methanex Trinidad’s broader Vision.”
Since the team-builder, Operations’ role towards achieving the Vision Statement is being manifested in PR i DE accomplishments that boost overall changes in behaviour. “We are collectively seeking to embed a culture that encourages all employees to do even their routine functions to the best of their ability,” neela expanded. Through the dynamism and efforts of the Operations team, the PR i DE message conveys that “your personal excellence contributes to us being a part of world class excellence.” neela cited examples of sustaining reliability through the simplest actions such as proper collection of product samples for analysis, good site housekeeping, the quality and completeness of a work order description in MAxiMO. She explained, “as a source of personal reflection, doing the best you can in your personal sphere, will inevitably contribute to lifting the level of overall site reliability.” the M-Barc banner: Methanex- Bringing asset reliability closer, expresses a commitment to achieve higher levels of performance by making reliability a site-wide activity. spearheaded by a multi-disciplinary team with cross-functional responsibility for reliability, the M-Barc journey is patently improving Methanex trinidad’s performance culture.
The commitment to exhibit more proactive behaviour is validated in the PR i DE initiative. As a lever of change and in tandem with the positive responses from the Operations team, neela is emboldened that responsibility and accountability are being finely tuned on an individual level. She believes the Operations team is stepping up and actively taking more ownership of their responsibilities.