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Glossary Corner

Glossary Corner

The Rotunda Gallery

is a sub-level created as part of the Red House Restoration project which was completed in January, 2020. In addition to being a reception area for persons entering the Red House, this area now hosts the Rotunda Art Gallery.

The Mace

is the symbol of authority with which the Marshal of the Parliament is given. The Mace of the House is Silver and the Senate Gold.

The Ceiling

in the House of Representatives Chamber is one of the most striking features in the Chamber. The decorations were made in England in panels, and shipped to Trinidad in crates. An Italian craftsman was sent here to install the ceiling.

The Roll Of Honour

pays tribute to the Trinidadian and Tobagonian men who died in battle in World War I (1914-1918).

The Chambers

are the halls in which the House of Representatives (House Chamber) and the Senate (Senate Chamber) meet to conduct their business.

The Eternal Flame

is a monument which was originally constructed in the aftermath of the attempted coup d’état of July 27th 1990 and was located just outside the building on the Abercromby Street side of the Red House. As part of the renovations completed in 2020, the Eternal Flame was remodelled and moved to the Knox Street side of the Red House.

The Chair

Etched into the marble of the eternal flame are the National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago, the Oath of Allegiance, The Affirmation of the People and the names of those who died at the Red House during the uprising.

The Red House

is the seat of Trinidad and Tobago’s democracy. The Red House is the home of our nation’s Parliament; this is the place where members of our two Chambers meet to legislate or pass laws.


During excavation works at the Red House as part of the renovations, human bones and artefacts were unearthed. Bone samples, shells and other pieces of material were sent to the University of Florida, Brandon University of Canada and the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. for testing. The test results of the bone samples revealed that they belonged to people living in Trinidad during the period AD 220 to AD 1400. Two particular samples of shells tested showed that they were from the periods BC 5510 to 5330 and BC 4330 to 4130.

In honour of this discovery a site was designated along Knox Street where these bones and artefacts were re-interred. The spot where these items are buried is demarcated by a monument dedicated to the First Peoples of Trinidad and Tobago.

Lots of school children visit to learn about Parliament. Here are photos of some of our visitors….

Speyside A.C. High School

work directly with the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. I am also the Administrative head of the Office of the Parliament.

am the Minister responsible for managing the nation’s economy via developing and implementing creative policies.

Once both the House of Representatives and Senate agree to make the idea a new law, it is sent to the President of Trinidad and Tobago for assent. The idea will then become law.

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