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Glossary Corner
Division: A vote; the dividing of the members into the ayes and nays in order to reach a decision.
Election: The process of choosing a representative by vote. It can take the form of a general election or by-election.
Galleries: Areas in the House set aside for the public, the press and distinguished visitors who wish to attend a sitting.
Government: The political party/group of parties (coalition) with the most representatives in the Parliament usually forms the Government.
Hansard: The name of the printed records of parliamentary debates.
Legislation: The laws enacted by or on the authority of Parliament.
Mace: A large, heavy and richly-ornamented staff which is the symbol of authority of the House. When the Speaker/President of the Senate takes the Chair, the Marshal of the Parliament places the Mace on the Table to signify the House is in session.
Minister: Cabinet minister- A member of the executive, appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. Chosen from among existing MPs and Senators, Ministers are responsible to Parliament for their official actions and those of their Departments. Cabinet Ministers are given the title “Honourable”.
Motion: A proposal moved by a Member, for the House to do something, or order something done or express an opinion with regard to some matter.
Mover: A Member presenting a motion in the House or in committee.
Parliament: The legislative branch of Government composed of the President, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Political party: A group of people sharing a particular ideology and set of goals which puts forward candidates for election to Parliament.
Portfolio: The responsibilities of a Cabinet minister, especially the subject matter or government department with which he or she is charged. Portfolios are assigned by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister.
Question: The matter before the House or a committee, about which it is called upon to make a decision. When the House is ready to come to a decision, the Speaker says “The Question is .... All in favour say.......”
Quorum: The number of Members, excluding the Speaker/President, necessary to constitute a meeting of the House for the exercise of its powers.
Representative: A person who represents a constituency or community in a legislative body.
Sitting: A meeting of the House within a session. A sitting may last for only a matter of minutes or may extend for several hours.
Speaker: The Member elected by the House of Representatives to preside over its proceedings. In particular, he or she is responsible for maintaining order and decorum. The Speaker also oversees the administration of the Parliament.
Whip: The Member charged with keeping other Members of the same party informed concerning House business and ensuring their attendance in the House, especially when a vote is anticipated. In Trinidad and Tobago this function is usually added to those of the Leader of the House, in the case of the ruling party. In the House of Representatives, the opposition Chief Whip usually sits at the head of the opposition front bench directly opposite the Leader of the House.