Annual Report - NWRC Credit Union

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NA l Ch A pte

Annual Report 2019 No Rth West Regio
R of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad and tobago limited Staying Grounded While Moving Forward With
Next Generation

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Report 2 Credit Union Prayer President’s a ddress n oti C e & agenda of the 36th a nn Ual g eneral Meeting s tanding o rders Min U tes of the 35th a nn Ual g eneral Meeting r e P ort of the Board of d ire C tors r e P ort of the sUP ervisory Co MM ittee f inan C ial state M ents 2019 • Report of the Auditor • Statement of Financial Position • Statement of Income and Expenditure • Notes to the Financial Statements • Budget Proposal 2020 3 5 6 7 16 25 27 C o N te N ts

No Rth West Regio NA l Ch A pte R of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad and tobago limited

CR edit UN io N p RAye R

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;

Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

To be consoled as to console;

To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Annual Report

pResideNt’s AddRess

i t is my profound pleasure to address this annual general Meeting of the north West regional Chapter of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad and tobago. the year 2019 was indeed one of challenges but also opportunities. We continue with our outreach with the northern region on behalf of our league and maintain close collaboration with all credit unions.

as we enter a new decade, i am particularly pleased that we are doing so with much optimism despite what many may call a very troubling environment. not only economically as we know, but current developments which are sweeping the global environment such as the Coronavirus (Covid -19). i am sure that you are indeed concerned and cautious as i am, as you move about each day. however, i suggest that we pray for each other and the world that this unfortunate situation will spare ourselves and our families. you are best guided to ensure that the relevant safety measures are properly effected at your credit unions as well as your homes.

and now to the work of the Chapter. our annual report provides details of our activities, but i am pleased to state that we have done what we consider to be very good work on behalf of our league. We continue to collaborate with the league on training programmes for both the general membership and young leaders in particular.

from the standpoint of legislation, we were represented at several meetings with the Ministry of labour and small enterprise development and other Presidents’ meetings at which we fully participated by sharing our views. We continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the legislative framework for credit unions in trinidad and tobago and remain committed to the work of the league.

our youth arm continues to function and we remain focussed on mentoring them in readiness for moving forward with our legacy. i wish to thank the member credit unions for sending these young persons to our educational workshops. i do urge you to continue with the good work in this area.

i sincerely thank everyone who attended the Mix ‘n’ Mingle held in 2019. i encourage you to do so when we host the next one later this year. i t is imperative that we come together in a social environment as well to share information and network for the good of our Chapter and the Movement. i applaud all of you who were a part of that event.

let me now urge all of us to continue to develop our skills and competencies and to follow a clear pattern of good governance standards and quality leadership as we lead our organisations. the global financial


No Rth West Regio NA l Ch A pte R

of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad and tobago limited

pResideNt’s AddRess (continued)

marketplace is facing many challenges and it calls for prudent and strategic management to keep our organisations resilient and competitive. We must remain persistent and focussed in order to succeed.

in closing, on behalf of my Board and Committees, let me thank you for being a part of the Chapter and i do look forward to closer collaboration and teamwork as we seek to take credit unions further up the success ladder in 2020 and beyond.

i thank you!


Annual Report


notice is hereby given that the 36th annual general Meeting of the north West regional Chapter of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad & tobago limited will take place on Wednesday March 18, 2020 at Agricola Credit Union, 20 Phillip Street, Port of Spain commencing at 5:00 p.m.

registration begins at 4:00 p.m.


1. Call to order 2. national anthem 3. invocation/Credit Union Prayer 4. Welcome remarks 5. President’s address 6. Minutes of the 35th annual general Meeting and business arising therefrom 7. reports: a) Board of directors b) supervisory Committee 8. audited financial statements 2019 and annual Budget 2020 9. elections a) supervisory Committee b) election to the Chapter Board c) election to the league’s Board d) nomination for election at the league’s agM 10. any other Business 11. Closure

Co-operatively yours

Jennylyn Bailey s e C retary

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors


No Rth West Regio NA l Ch A pte R

of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad and tobago limited

stANdiNg oRdeRs

1. (a) a delegate shall stand and state his/her name and his/her Credit Union’s name when addressing the Chair.

(b) speeches shall be clear and relevant to the subject before the meeting.

(c) a delegate shall not speak for more than three (3) minutes on any one subject.

2. only one delegate shall speak on behalf of his/her Credit Union on any subject before the meeting.

3. a delegate shall only address the meeting when called upon by the Chair to do so, after which he/she shall immediately take his/her seat.

4. a delegate shall not address the meeting except through the Chairman.

5. a delegate shall not speak twice on the same subject except:

(a) the mover of a motion who has the right to reply. (b) he/she rises to object or to explain (with the permission of the Chair).

6. no speeches shall be made after the question has been put and carried or negated.

7. the mover of a “procedural motion” (adjournment, postponement, laying on the table) shall have no right to reply.

8. a delegate rising on a “point of order” shall state the point clearly and concisely. (a point of order must have relevance to the “standing orders”).

9. (a) a delegate shall not call another member to order, but may draw the attention of the Chair to a “Breach of order”.

(b) in no event shall a delegate call the Chair to order.

10. only one amendment shall be before the meeting at one and the same time.

11. When a motion is withdrawn, any amendments to it fails.

12. the Chairman shall have, in addition to his/her ordinary vote, a “Casting vote” in the case of equality of votes.

13. if there is equality of voting on an amendment, and if the Chairman does not exercise his/her casting vote, the amendment is lost.

14. the Chairman shall make provision for the protection of delegates from personal abuse.

15. no delegate shall impute improper motives to the Chairman, Board of directors and o fficers of the league or any delegate.


Annual Report

4.0 Vacancies to be filled on the Board at the 36th Annual General Meeting the following directors were appointed for one (1) year for the period 2019 - 2020:

Mr Michael hunte CoPos Credit Union

Mrs Jennylyn Bailey neal & Massy Credit Union

Mr elliot rivas textel Credit Union

Ms alana augustus Works Credit Union

the following directors and supervisory Committee Members are out-going in 2020:

Mr gary francois Board (3 years)

Mr Marlon Pierre Board (3 years)

Ms gizelle russell Board (3 years)

Mr neville Warner Board (3 years)

Mr david Babwah supervisory Committee

Ms Claudette Bynoe supervisory Committee

Mr Keston James supervisory Committee

5.0 Attendance at Meetings

5.1 Annual General Meetings of Credit Unions the Board responded to the invitations from Credit Unions to attend their respective annual general Meetings and in some cases conducted their elections. the Board wishes to commend those Credit Unions on the hosting of successful meetings. also, the Chapter was represented at BeCU’s 35th anniversary and t WCU’s 70th anniversary celebrations.


Board of Directors Attendance Report April 2019 – February 2020


Marlon Pierre President 11 1 1 0 13 gary francois v. President 10 0 2 1 13

Jennylyn Bailey secretary 10 1 2 0 13 esther Pariag asst. secretary 10 1 2 0 13 elliot rivas treasurer 12 1 0 0 13 alana augustus director 11 n/a 1 0 12 John douglas director 11 n/a 1 0 12 franklin Prentice director 11 n/a 1 0 12 ricardo herbert director 11 n/a 1 0 12 Michael hunte director 9 n/a 2 1 12 gizelle russell director 4 n/a 5 3 12 neville Warner director 11 n/a 1 0 12

Excused Absent Total
Regular Executive




No Rth West Regio NA l Ch

A pte

R of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad and tobago limited

Credit Union Month Activities


on thursday october 10, 2019 Credit Union Week was proclaimed by alderman Joel Martinez, Mayor of the City of Port-of-spain. he commended the Chapter for involving the youth and the marked improvement in attendance, including the increase in youth participation.

Opening of Credit Union Week

the north east regional Chapter hosted the opening of Credit Union Week 2019 on sunday october 13, 2019 at UWi grounds, st augustine. the nWrC was represented at all the planning meetings, which culminated in another successful event.

Marlon Pierre, President of NWRC and Mayor of the City of POS, Alderman Joel Martinez declaring CU week open in October 2019 NWRC Youth Arm Members with the Mayor of POS, Alderman Joel Martinez at the Proclamation of Credit Union Week, October 2019

No Rth West Regio NA l Ch A pte R of the Co-operative Credit Union league of trinidad and tobago limited

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