Book - Inspiration / Self Help

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Finding Your Purpose and Empowerment in Life Adriana Sandrine Rattan

With Women in Mind

Finding Your Purpose and Empowerment in Life

2 ABOUT THE AUTHOR ........................................................... 5 IN GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION ................................. 7 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 9 Section I – A WOMAN’S TOOl kIT........................................ 11 1 The Power of Positive Thinking ..................................... 12 2 Your Spirituality ............................................................... 14 3 The Power of Your Mind ................................................. 15 4 Your Self-Esteem is Your Worth .................................... 17 5 Take Charge of Your Inner Strength ............................. 19 6 Dealing with Your Past ................................................... 21 7 Don’t Allow Your Ego to Destroy You ........................... 23 8 Your Purpose in Life ........................................................ 25 9 How to Love Yourself ..................................................... 27 10 Managing Negative Emotions ...................................... 29 11 Building and Maintaining Healthy Relationships ........ 31 12 Managing Your Fears ..................................................... 34 13 The Gift of Assertiveness ............................................... 36 14 Dealing with the Fear of Success ................................... 38 15 Identify Your Brand and Manage It ................................ 40 16 Jealousy Kills .................................................................... 41 17 Taking Care of Your Health ............................................. 44 18 The “Shoulda Woulda” Syndrome ................................ 46 19 Understanding Regret and Moving On ........................ 48 20 The Effects of Emotional Pain ......................................... 50 21 Depression is Real ........................................................... 52 Contents “The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand
3 ADRIANA SANDRINE RATTAN With Women in Mind Section 2 – THE CORPORATE ENVIRONMENT .................. 55 22 The Glass Ceiling Phenomenon ................................... 56 23 Rising Above Challenges in the Workplace ................. 58 24 Coping with Stress .......................................................... 59 25 Dealing with Retirement ................................................ 61 26 Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace .......................... 64 27 Your Appearance and You .............................................. 67 28 Understanding Your Peers .............................................. 70 Section 3 – THE DOMESTIC ENVIRONMENT........................... 71 29 How to Create a Healthy Work-Life Balance ................ 72 30 Understanding Abuse and How to Address It ............. 73 31 A Partner in the Home – Not a Servant .......................... 76 32 Setting Boundaries .......................................................... 77 Section 4 – UNDERSTANDING SUCCESS ................................. 79 33 Becoming a Successful Woman .................................... 80 34 The Entrepreneurial You ................................................. 82 Section 5 –TRIBUTE TO OUTSTANDING WOMEN 83 • Brenda Lee Tang ................................................. 86 • Candel Cuffie ....................................................... 88 • Charlotte Weeks .................................................. 90 • Cheryl Bowles ...................................................... 92 • Gail Merhair ......................................................... 94 • Giselle Laronde-West ......................................... 97 • Heather Jones ..................................................... 99 • Heidi Nicole ......................................................... 103 • Jennifer Hosten ................................................... 105 • Lucia Eligon ......................................................... 107 • Pauline Haynes .................................................... 108 • Wendy Samsundar-Beharry ............................... 110 • Yvette Louison ..................................................... 112

With Women in Mind

Copyright © 2015 Adriana Sandrine Isaac-Rattan

Published by The Corporate Suite, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago

ISBN: 978-976-8260-24-6

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher.

Design: The ArtBank Limited, Trinidad and Tobago Print: United States of America


Adriana Sandrine Rattan wears many professional hats, but more importantly, I am an Advocate who continuously champion the cause for women at the local, regional and international levels.

I am a professionally trained Communications Consultant, Trainer and International Journalist offering approximately twenty-five (25) years of progressive experience in the areas of Public Relations, Public Affairs, Counselling, Internal and External Communications, Marketing, Advertising, Journalism, Community & Social Outreach, Stakeholder Engagement, Youth Development, Entrepreneurial Development and Business Management. My radio programme themed “The Business Forum” on Power 102 FM, focuses on major international socio-economic issues. My cadre of interviewees include Prime Ministers, Presidents and other senior officials from within regional and international jurisdictions. I am also a Television Producer and Host

About the Author

who have successfully produced two (2) television series - namely “The Business Watch” and “Young and Upcoming.” My diversity in journalism has led me to be included in the top ten (10) International Journalist and Author profiles on Linked-In – http://www.

My strong focus on women’s issues led me to produce a weekly column“With Women in Mind” in the Trinidad and Tobago Newsday which is aimed at sharing and disseminating information on important issues that affect women on a daily basis. It provides advice and supporting mechanisms that can assist women in overcoming major challenges. I am the holder of a Certificate in Business Management (UWI’s Open Campus), PostGraduate Dip in Business Administration/BA Business Administration (Heriot-Watt University – United Kingdom), and is currently completing my preliminary research proposal for my PhD in Women and Gender Studies.



I am a compassionate Motivational Speaker, with a unique ability to engage the minds of women, inspiring them to transition from thinkers to doers, which is usually the beginning of their journey to success! I am the Principal Consultant of The Corporate Suite (Trinidad and Tobago), a Communications and Event Management Company which provides a holistic suite of communication services including Marketing, Advertising, Internal and External Relations, Community Outreach, Media Management, Event Management and Training.

My advocacy for women’s issues has also led to the establishment of the International Women’s Resource Network (IWRN), of which I am the President. The IWRN is a registered non-governmental organization, that is designed as a one-stop facility to provide support mechanisms and assistance to women globally, both at a domestic and corporate level. The organization facilitates specialized training sessions/workshops for young girls and women affected by HIV/Aids, Teenaged Pregnancy and Gender-Based Violence. It is managed by a sevenmember Board of highly skilled female professionals located in Trinidad and Tobago and North America (they are all featured in Section 5 of this book).


Phone: (868) 365-7648 (IWRN’s Hotline) (868) 283-0318 (868) 795-9531



There are many persons to whom I owe a debt of gratitude and appreciation on this major accomplishment in my life. First and foremost thanks to my Lord and Saviour for giving me the divine inspiration and wisdom to put it all together. Also to my loving husband, Sookhu Rattan for providing me with tremendous support over the years, to complete this project: my adopted son Kevin Jesse Rattan, my daughter-in-law, Danaja M. Garland-Rattan, my mother, Doris Homer, my Aunty Gloria, my sister Janice Butcher and her husband Bentley, sister-in-law, Judith, my nephews, Ancil “Blaze” Isaac (Jnr.), Akenathon, Yamael, Brandon, Brendon, and Bridon; nieces Annisha, Lettisha and Felisha; my brothers Ancil and Finbar, sisters Brenda and Deborah; cousins Ellen Payne, Quincy, Kerwin, Cheryl Isaac-Monroe, Nicole and Anthony Isaac, Althea Manzano and my cousin-in-law, Earl Manzano. THANK YOU!

Special thanks to members of work team at Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) – Mrs. Dale Laughlin, Mr. Richard P. Young, Mr. Colin Hosein, Mrs. Gloria Rolingson, Mr. Shedron Collins, Byron Bharat and Sariaya Charles!

Special thanks and appreciation to my Graphic Consultant and Fellow Director of the International Women’s Resource Network (IWRN), Yvette Louison, who has also been and continues to be a great source of inspiration to me. Sincerest thanks to Don La Foucade, Motivational Consultant, for his faith and encouragement, Dominique La Roche, Fashion

In Gratitude and Appreciation

Designer, thank you. To my Fashion Designer and Image Consultant, Heather Jones; Lucia Eligon, Make-Up Artist (SACHA Cosmetics) and Fellow Director of the International Women’s Resource Network; Photographers, Michael and Lisa Bonaparte; Hairdresser, Gaynoir Claircin; and all the members of the International Women’s Resource Network (IWRN); family friends; Kendell Beguesse and Daryl Samuel – THANKS to each and everyone of you!

A big THANK YOU to all the outstanding women featured in this publication – Cheryl Bowles, Candel Cuffie, Lucia Eligon, Pauline Haynes, Jennifer Hosten, Heather Jones, Giselle Laronde-West, Brenda Lee Tang, Yvette Louison, Gail Merhair, Heidi Nicole, Wendy Samsundar-Beharry, and Charlotte Weeks, for the sterling contributions made within your various spheres! Your achievements as well as your respective sailings through life, will definitely inspire and motivate other women around the world, and in so doing, influence them in starting their trek up the Ladder of Success!

To my very committed stakeholders who have all contributed in making this venture possible – Mr. Barry Bidaisee, General Manager, Casacadia Hotel and Conference Centre, Mr. Vishnu Balroop, Managing Director, Balroop’s Sound System Rentals, Mr. Martin Rosales, Managing Director, Martin’s Décor and Design … THANKS AND APPRECIATION FOR A JOB WELL DONE!


Anais Nin

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.””

With Women in Mind

Finding Your Purpose and Empowerment in Life


“What do we mean by Positive Thinking? Positive Thinking is a concept which all women should employ throughout their existence. Despite the fact that we are confronted by a mix of both positives and negatives, it is important to identify mechanisms that can assist in arriving at possible solutions. Positive thinking begins with self-talk.

You may ask, what is self-talk? Self-talk is the continuous stream of unspoken thoughts that permeate in our minds on a daily basis, which can be either negative or positive. If the thoughts are negative, our dispositions more than likely would be influenced accordingly, and by the same token, if they are positive, there would be positive outcomes.

Have you ever noticed the exuberance and glow on the faces of women who think and act positively? The result of positive thinking becomes more obvious, as it characterizes their being! Despite how difficult their circumstances, negative thoughts rarely enter their minds!


Because of our psychological and social psyche, it seems easier to have a negative attitude rather than a positive one! Our inner being draws us naturally towards the negative side, and because

this occurrence is so prevalent, the impact of some of the support systems available, such as reading books, attending seminars, listening to motivational tapes, etc., are sometimes nil or minimal. After we’ve utilized some of these, we feel awesome and there appears to be some level of improvement… but then challenging situations arise . These may influence the return of negative self-talk if not properly managed.

This is the negative equation: negative attitudes negative thoughts negative behavior!

Researchers throughout the world continue to explore the effects of positive thinking in the context of the positive impact it has on one’s health. Some of these include:

• An increased life span.

• Reduced levels of depression and distress.


• Better mental and physical well-being.

• Minimizes the risk of death, particularly heart disease.

• Better coping skills and strategies to deal with hardships and other stressful situations.

Being a positive thinker is not about ignoring reality in lieu of aspirational thoughts; it is more about taking a proactive approach to your life. Instead of feeling hopeless or overwhelmed, positive thinking allows you to tackle life’s challenges by seeking effective ways to resolve conflict and arrive at creative solutions to problems. It may not be easy, but given the positive impact that positive thinking has on women’s mental, emotional and physical health, it will be worth it! Positive thinking takes continuous practice. It involves a life-long commitment, and a willingness to challenge negative thoughts and make positive changes.


Surround yourself with positive people. This helps tremendously, as positive people will provide the support you need just at the time when you may be focusing on negative thoughts. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive. For example, instead of thinking that “we would have a difficult time adjusting to our new home” think “we may face some challenges adjusting, but we would overcome.”

Don’t play the victim. You must take responsibility for your life and your actions! Help someone – shift the attention

away from you and extend a helping hand to someone else. Remember that no-one is perfect; allow yourself to move forward. Don’t dwell on mistakes; learn from them and move on.

Lastly, take time to pray about the situation!

You can’t change by yourself… but you can spend time with your Maker who is able to help you. Do what you can and let God do the rest! Also remember, that positive minds equal positive lives, and by the same token negative minds equal negative lives.


Wendy Samsundar-Beharry

It is quite rare to find a female who is a consummate professional in the field of Agriculture! WENDY SAMSUNDAR-BEHARRY represents this description!

Wendy currently holds the position of Corporate Manager, Business Development at the Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADB), with responsibility for Market Research, New Business Generation and Technical Support. According to Wendy “I am passionate about food nutrition and security – not just having food, but also what is consumed by adults and children.”

Wendy grew up in humble settings in a rural community, but through her determination and fortitude, was able to traverse the corporate ladder throughout her life’s journey of excellence. One of her biggest aspirations, is to continuously contribute to the well-being of human capital at all levels. “I consider all aspects of food to be extremely important, and I was privileged to grow up in a family where agriculture and the use of organic food were a major focus. I started selling in the market from the age of 9 years” said Wendy.


Yvette M. Louison

Being an advocate comes naturally to YVETTE LOUISON, a successful business owner and professional graphic designer, whose innate inclination is to support projects and initiatives that engender the advancement of women and young children. “Most people can get involved in advocacy in some way, offering support to those issues close to their heart, or in activities they find important and productive. It’s about identifying what that interest is and then doing something about it that will matter at the end of the day.” One of Yvette’s passion, for which she is a strong advocate, is adult and child literacy; she believes that “Every adult and child should possess more-than-adequate reading skills to be able to maximize and expand their potential.” Being an avid reader herself, Yvette’s literary interests span a wide range of topics, from Animal Psychology to the role of Biogeometry in architecture which is about creating buildings and spaces that incorporate the energy systems of the surrounding environment.

As well as managing her design studio The ArtBank Limited, she is also a Director on the Board of the International Women’s Resource Network (IWRN), a reflection of her keen interest in contributing towards the betterment of women both regionally and internationally. Her many years of experience in

business and administration play a critical supportive role in IWRN’s activities – from consulting to design work, the latter being one of her passions. “Design work is a meaningful way to communicate to the world via imagery and words; it motivates and affects people on many levels, subliminally and otherwise – it’s quite an interesting and challenging profession to be in.”


Yvette is the third daughter of renowned Trinidad and Tobago artist Dermot Louison and Eugenia Louison (née John), an indigenous and ambitious agriculturist from the Kalinago Territory, Commonwealth of Dominica.

“I’ve learnt (and I’m still learning!) to fully appreciate diversity in all aspects of life. For example, some of us are not inclined to academics; I was one of those in my earlier years in school. My teachers frequently complained about my “dreaming” away the school hours. In fact, I was really trying to find my own individual space and meaning for my life, and at that time I felt that I should conform to what people expected of me. I tried but things did not improve.” This partly explains Yvette’s passion for assisting the vulnerable and disenfranchised. “People are vastly unique in their approach to life; what is your reality is not someone else’s, and therein lies the challenge – to accept that, despite our own beliefs and opinions, people will always have the choice to live their lives in their own way... as we all do… and that it is all valid.”

Despite life’s challenges, Yvette explained that she’s learnt to honor all her experiences, that they have shaped who she is today. Inspiration from family members and mentors remain a crucial support mechanism for her. She can also say that she’s achieved true success in her personal and professional life through perseverence and the “love of doing.” Yvette holds a Diploma in Public Relations and is currently pursuing training in the health and wellness field.

Yvette reflects, “I’m a “background” person; I support – it is what I do well – and it’s a strength that has proven to have great value in my life. We’re all part of this magnificent puzzle of life – we all fit into it, and that matters significantly in the broader scheme of things.”



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