www.artbay.co.nz | 03 442 9090 Level 1 Eichardts Building, Marine Parade Queenstown UPSTAIRS EXHIBITION Opening Thursday 6th July 2023 ’A WORLD APART ’ ISAAC PETERSEN
“‘A World Apart’, expresses the beauty I see in New Zealand. My aim was to paint the landscape in a more contemporary way. I’d like to take people into my painting and have them come out with a thought, feeling or action, something good and positive I hope.”
– Isaac Petersen

Isaac Petersen A World Apart, Lake Tekapo
244 x 170cm

In The Meantime - Milford
Isaac Petersen
Sounds 220 x 147cm $28,000

Isaac Petersen Be My Escape 60 x 80cm $4,900

Isaac Petersen Be The Day 60 x 60cm $3,800

Isaac Petersen Morning Weather Report 60 x 60cm $3,800

info@artbay.co.nz | www.artbay.co.nz | 03 442 9090 Eichardts Building, 9 - 11 Lvl 1 Marine Parade, Queenstown