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Asian community in America. “He was mugged, he experienced it, and it was picked up by all the various TV stations,” says Saffati. “And me being Jewish and Hispanic, I’ve experienced racial hate, so that's one of the reasons I picked him up, because I felt for him, and he had a very good message in his heart.” He added that Deng is also a part of the LGBTQ community, and the gallery featured his work along with other queer artists and allies in a Pride Month exhibit titled “Queer Art 1950s-2021.”
Saffati is very involved with Bikur Holim, a charity that serves people with illnesses, the poor and the elderly. He’s also active in his synagogue’s Sephardic Center, which is similar to a JCH or YMCA, with locations in both New York and New Jersey. The gallery has also held exhibitions for the Make-AWish Foundation and similar organizations. carltonfa.com