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Appointments for Dr. Hayag’s services has never been stronger “The last several months I have had a constant demand for my cosmetic treatments. I see this trend across all age demographics, from my younger patient that wants preventative treatments to address fine lines before they occur to patients who desire a thread lift dubbed the “ non-surgical facelift.” Dr. Hayag still schedules time in her week to consult with new patients largely referred to Fifth Avenue Aesthetics from existing clients.
Dr Hayag recently announced the grand opening of her Palm Beach, Florida satellite office to service the needs of her patient base. Appointments are booking for January 2022. mariehayagmd.com
Avenue Aesthetics 185 Banyan Boulevard
875 Fifth Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 mariehayagmd.com 212.722.2055
It’s a Triple Tie for Kat Fuqua’s Grand Remo, DreamGirl & Consent, all earn Grand Champion of major championships this year. “She’s an outlier,” says Tom O’Mara, President of US Equestrian. And outside the norm, Kat Fuqua is all that. Our Art Bodega Spring/Summer thirteen year old Cover Girl Kat reportedly continued her champion equestrian quest to major Grand Championships for three of her top sport horses, and more. She is an eight time USEF Horse of the Year recipient in her eight year career with too long to note all her champion stats. A full time eighth grader at Holy Innocents Episcopal School of Atlanta, Kat is a quiet humble girl outside the ring. But fierce and determined inside. Her first double AA hunter circuit pony trainer & Big “R” judge Mindy Darst in 2014 gave her a t-shirt boldly stating Refuse to Lose, just weeks before her battle with cancer. In 2018 Jimmy Torano the South Floridian bred Big “R” Judge, Trainer and Grand Prix International Jumper took over Kat’s training with six horses and ponies at the time. “Right off the bat with her, she took off like gangbusters. Things just keep going along. The kid’s a super talent!” he says.
She ended the 2021 Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) season at Palm Beach Equestrian Center with two circuit championships in April, besting the twelve week circuit in their respective 3’6” divisions. Grand Remo, a ten year old Dutch warmblood, claimed large Junior Hunter younger circuit title; as Consent, a nine year old Westphalian claimed his division title in the small Junior Hunter youngers. Not to be left behind, her stunning thirteen year old Dutch warmblood dressage DreamGirl won FEI Prix St. Georges for USDF Silver Medal most adults only aspire for.

After a nice return and rest on Fuqua’s beautiful acclaimed Collecting Gaits Farm outside Atlanta, she returned to compete with the very best at the USEF Junior Hunter finals in Devon, PA in July. Consent took Reserve Champion, while Grand Remo finished Cham-