Art Business Today, June 2012

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BUSINESS ÂŁ6.50 June 2012

Art and framing award winners Business tips for artists

Sports framing The future of retail

uld o m e nlin i a m

p hp . y r e gall / m .co s g n i

Kick-start your creativity! Introducing the Mainline Gallery – our exciting new website facility! You can use this effective new tool to get some great new framing ideas. We know choosing the right frame is an art in itself, and trying to find the right combinations to enhance or complement subject matter can be tricky and time-consuming. t: 01949 861000 e:

So we’ve put together a stylish gallery of classic and contemporary art, framed exclusively with Mainline’s mouldings, slips and mountboard. With so many fantastic products to choose from, we’ve created some striking combinations. We hope our creativity stimulates yours! Be inspired – check it out now!

4 June 2012



CONTENTS Art Business Today June 2012, Issue 3

First published June 1905 as the Fine Art Trade Journal



26 Celebrating success A focus on the winners of this year’s art and framing awards 32 Saving our high streets A look at Mary Portas’ vision for the future of retail

48 The best product launches of 2012 The highlights of this year’s most exciting new products for framers 52 A sporting finish Christy Gallagher explains how she frames sporting memborabilia 56 Fantastic frames A look at the elaborate frames on Paul Raymond Gregory’s artwork

ART 38 I’d rather be in the studio An extract from Alyson B Stanfield’s inspiring manual for artists 42 The art of selling Two artists explain how they take their work to market 44 Being objective Is it better for artists to sell licences or to make their own products?


REGULARS 8 Trade news 22 Face to face: John Walsom 23 Product news 59 Trade Secrets 60 Pete Bingham’s Agony 62 Branch news 63 Letters 64 B2B: classifieds 66 Last word: Trevor and Nicola Royall, Royall Fine Art

COVER The new Colour Cubes range from Mainline Mouldings, See their advertisement on page 3

26 19



June 2012 5



Art Business Today Published by the Fine Art Trade Guild 16-18 Empress Place, London SW6 1TT, UK T: +44 (0)20 7381 6616 F: +44 (0)20 7381 2596 Publisher Louise Hay

Experience, service and specialism ast Monday (these things always happen on Monday morning) my washing machine broke down. At 7.30am I Googled ‘washing machine repairs west London’, at 7.35am I called Pimlico Plumbers and at 8am their engineer arrived. Their man was cheerful, even though it was a bedraggled Monday morning, and competent, and mended the appliance within the hour. I paid £95 for the visit. I could possibly have got the job done for £75, but was happy to pay an extra £20 to get the job done quickly and with minimal inconvenience. What does that have to do with art and framing? Well, it’s an example of people being prepared to pay extra for excellent service. As Mary Portas observes in her advice to Britain’s shopkeepers (page 32), most retail pundits agree that great service is the critical differentiator between the survivors of the recession and those who fall by the wayside. In a highly competitive marketplace you will win if you are a step ahead of your competitors, and small businesses are ideally positioned to take this step. They don’t need to fill in 20 forms, attend a strategy meeting and write a proposal if they want to start offering a picture hanging service, for example. If their canny retailer’s instinct tells them that this customer is worth a 20 per cent discount, they can give it on the spot without reference to anyone else. Mary Portas says that Britain’s shopkeepers need to focus their efforts in three core areas: experience, service and specialism. Surely it must be easier to make visiting a gallery or frameshop an enjoyable experience, than it would be if we were in, say, the hardware or dry-cleaning industries? Buying luxury goods should be fun and looking at beautiful objects or watching skilled craftspeople at work should be engaging. As for specialism, all the framers and gallery owners I know are tremendously knowledgeable. Every time I ask for tips for the Trade Secrets page I am amazed at the ingenuity of framers’ answers. So, the good news is, framers and gallery owners seem to be in pole position to be Mary Portas’ independent shopkeepers of the future.


Managing editor Annabelle Ruston Advertising Debra Doherty Subscriptions Moira Sanders Contributors Pete Bingham GCF Christy Gallagher Paul Raymond Gregory Liz Honey Mary Portas Sally Scaffardi Michael Setek Alyson B Stanfield Publication dates Art Business Today is published five times per year: January, April, June, August and October Subscriptions 2012 UK Europe World One year £29 £35 £43 Two years £52 £61 £73 To subscribe, call 020 7381 6616 or visit our website,, and click on the ‘go to Art Business Today magazine’ button Liability ©All rights reserved. ABT is intended to inform but no liability can be accepted for action taken, or not taken, in reliance on it

Annabelle Ruston

Guild CEO Louise Hay Master of the Guild Maxwell Roberts Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

20 6 June 2012




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Brilliant programme and top exhibitors at 2nd MLC event ALL ATTENDEES agreed that the Fine Art Trade Guild’s second Meet Learn Celebrate table-top trade show and educational event was information packed, and that the range of exhibitors was spot on. However, both organisers and exhibitors were disappointed by the visitor numbers. The first day of the two-day event included hands-on interactive masterclasses. Jim Anderson gave delegates insight into how they can make their businesses more profitable; Toby Herlinger focused on colour managment and preparing files for digital printing; paper conservator Louise Vaille showed how to mount paperborne artwork to museum standards; and David Wilkie GCF helped guests create advanced mountcutting designs that work. Training sessions on the second day were seminar format and included tips on textile framing from Mal Reynolds GCF Adv, a discussion on copyright led by Master of the Guild Maxwell Roberts and technical support on social media matters from Gordon Fong of e-mango. Visitors to the event also had the chance to chat with exhibitors in relaxed informal surroundings. Framing suppliers at the event included Arqadia, Ashworth & Thompson, D&J Simons, Everest Paints, Hot Press, KC Glass, LION Picture Framing Supplies and Slater Harrison, the makers of Colourmount. Computerised mountcutters were on show from Gunnar, Valiani and Wizard, while pricing software was available from Framiac and business advice from Printing hardware and consumables were shown by Designline Systems, Fotospeed, Innova Art and Mandev, and there were paintings and prints from Clinton Banbury and Anne Corless. PhotoWonder showed how retailers can diversify into offering photo restoration and image enhancement. John Turner, Angmering Framing & Stitches, attended the event primarily to see Louise Vaille in action, ‘I already do Museum Level hinging but there’s always more than one way of doing things. I also want to talk to suppliers and look at the latest innovations.’ Artists Jayne Leighton Herd and 8 June 2012

Karen Wallis attended Toby Herlinger’s training session in order to increase their understanding of colour management with the aim of achieving optimal colour accuracy when having their work printed. Edward Hookway, Edward’s Framing, has just started framing professionally so was looking for suppliers and wanted to buy a mountcutter. ‘I went to David Wilkie’s masterclass and I had a good look at the framing competition entries too. I need to understand what can be achieved in framing and set myself clear goals.’ Katie Herriman GCF, Towngate Framing, was attending a range of training sessions and looking at computerised mountcutters. ‘I also want to look at new mouldings and mountboard; nothing beats actually seeing and touching new products. New accessories are always interesting too and I’ve heard that Framiac pricing software is really good so I’d like to see a demonstration.’ John Partridge and Kate Marshall of Gallery Stamford wanted to see the framing competition entries and ‘seek new ideas and inspiration generally’. Photographer Keith Beckles visited with the aim to talking to KC Glass about specialist glazing, since more and more customers are asking for this, and to visit LION. The last word goes to Keith Beckles, who sums up the value of trade events such as MLC, ‘It’s been so helpful to have proper conversations with suppliers. I had a good talk with Mal Reynolds GCF about conservation mounting and he introduced me to a range of suppliers. If I’d learnt just ten per cent of what I learnt today my visit would have been worthwhile.’ This page, from top: Demonstrating Mandev’s new stretcher bars; Fotospeed’s Toby Herlinger presents Guild continuous development certificates to two delegates who attended his masterclass in digital printing; Jim Anderson with a visitor; Anne Corless at work with Derwent’s water-soluble charcoal pencils Opposite page, top row, from left: David Wilkie GCF leading his masterclass in advanced mount design; Pete Bingham GCF demonstrating his Everest paints Second row: Designline’s Tony Hayton talks business and Innova’s James Cannone shows how JetMaster stretcher bars work Third row: D&J Simons Joe Davis (left) with Master of the Guild Maxwell Roberts; Anne Hayton of Designline Systems show how the new Canon printer works; The Valiani team, from left, Mal Reynolds GCF Adv, Nico Valiani and John Cooper GCF Bottom row: framing competition winner Katie Herriman GCF with her winning frame; LION’s Nicola Harrold demonstrating her strutback machine; Dennis Page of KC Glass with his glass storage unit




June 2012 9


ARTIST’S SKETCH ‘People without an interest in art buy greeting cards. Deals on multiple purchases work well too’

Sally Scaffardi

lthough I sell most of my limited edition art through my website, I still find that it’s really beneficial to get out of the studio and exhibit at a variety of different events. There are many reasons for this other than the fact that a lot of people just won’t buy art online as they need to see what they are buying. Getting out and about and exhibiting takes a fair bit of organisation and planning, and costs money, but it can be a real bonus in terms of making contacts, developing future sales and gathering valuable feedback from the art buying public. Several years ago, a close friend of mine who lives in Buckinghamshire told me about a local art fair which she thought would be good for me to exhibit at. It was held over a weekend at a school in Beaconsfield and sales helped raise funds for the school. It sounded like a good excuse for a weekend away with my friend. The cost for exhibiting included a nominal hanging fee plus a donation of 30 per cent of sales proceeds, which were donated to the school. A smaller commission was paid on unframed prints and greeting cards. I was delighted to sell four framed prints, plus numerous unframed prints and cards. The exhibitions are held twice a year and I still take part whenever it’s convenient. It wasn’t just the exhibition itself which was


good for business but, as I often find, it is who you meet and the knock on effects that really count. A local framing shop and gallery were giving out discount vouchers for framing prints purchased at the fair. A couple of people who had bought unframed prints from me used the vouchers, which led to the framing shop contacting me and asking if I would be interested in selling my prints through them. I am still happily supplying the shop with my prints several years on. Another knock on effect has been that people have seen my work in this shop and gone on to buy different artwork direct from my website. One thing I have learnt about exhibiting at art fairs, school fêtes, Christmas fairs, or whenever you are selling direct to the public, is to be sure to have something to suit all pockets. Most people attending these events aren’t expecting to spend a large amount of their hard earned cash, but most people are happy to treat themselves or buy a gift for £15 to £50. I always take a range of prints, mounted and unmounted, as well as small canvases. People always like to buy something, and even people without an interest in art buy greeting cards. Offering deals for multiple purchases always goes down well too. It constantly surprises me, when I add up at the end of the day, how significant the sales of small items can be. ● Sally Scaffardi is a photographer and digital artist,

You’ve been framed by Arqadia FRAMING SUPPLIER Arqadia has announced a nationwide hunt for original artwork that will perfectly complement its 2013 product launches. The competition, which is open to professional and amateur artists, requires artists to submit a variety of small compositions, which will later be professionally framed and used by Arqadia’s sales team for in-store promotions. Entries will be judged by a team of industry experts including Fine Art Trade Guild CEO Louise Hay and Aquarelle Publishing MD Paul Taylor. The winners will be presented with a limited edition run of 15 6x4” prints, 10 June 2012

and a further 15 will be kept by Arqadia for framing. One lucky overall winner will also take away £150 worth of Arqadia products. All finalists will see their work displayed at the Guild’s Meet Learn Celebrate event in 2013. Pauline Hutchinson from Arqadia, said, ‘There is no better way for us to showcase our products than by proving first-hand how they can enhance a beautifully crafted piece of artwork. At Arqadia, we continuously strive to support the art community by developing products to best suit their needs, and we wanted to show our admiration for the artistic talent in the UK right now by giving those who

deserve it access to a much wider audience than they may have previously found possible. We are very excited to see the many different styles, themes and interpretations we receive.’ Artwork must be no bigger than A4, though all media and subject matter, including photographs, are permissible. Only one entry is allowed per household. Submissions should reach Pauline Hutchinson at Arqadia by 31 October 2012, and the winners will be contacted the following month. Visit ‘4 Walls by Arqadia’ on Facebook, or follow @4wallsbyarqadia on Twitter for competition updates. ART BUSINESS TODAY


America’s most popular painter dies

Inbrief Art Fair Europe exhibition cancelled ART FAIR Europe, the German trade fair for pictures and framing which was scheduled to take place in Nuremberg this autumn, has been cancelled. Show organisers NürnbergMesse say that the event has been cancelled for economic reasons, which meant they could not guarantee a quality event for exhibitors and visitors. ‘We set ourselves the goal of organising a larger exhibition this year with more than 100 exhibitors. It is already apparent that we will not achieve this goal,’ says the statement released by the exhibition management team. ‘NürnbergMesse very much regrets having to withdraw this attractive event from its exhibition portfolio.’

CALIFORNIAN ARTIST Thomas Kinkade, who called himself ‘the painter of light’, has died aged 54. Kinkade’s idyllic country scenes enjoyed astonishing commercial popularity, making him the most collected artist in the USA. It is said that one in every 20 American homes contains a work by the artist. Kinkade’s success is largely due to this canny approach to marketing, though he attributed it to divine intervention: ‘When I got saved, God became my art agent’. Anyone phoning his Media Art company would be greeted by an operator with the words, ‘Thank you for sharing the light’. ‘My paintings provide hope to people in despair, provide a reminder of the beauty of God’s creation despite the darkness surrounding our lives,’ he told the New York Times in 1999. His extensive network of galleries sold a range of types of artwork, from simple reproductions to those touched up by ‘master highlighters’, while his original paintings sold for tens of thousands of dollars. He expanded his enterprise to include countless other products, from mugs and watches to calendars, greeting cards, puzzles, commemorative plates, fabrics, furniture, wallpaper, themed housing ART BUSINESS TODAY

developments and even an autobiographical feature film, with Peter O’Toole playing his art teacher. A millionaire many times over, he was the only artist to have a company traded on the New York Stock Exchange. There was, however, a darker side to the painter of light. He was recently sued by two gallery owners who claimed he exaggerated the money to be made selling his work. Prone to binge drinking, he is said to have groped a gallery employee then remarked, ‘I’m an idol to these women. They sell my work every day. They’re enamoured with any attention I give them.’ Kinkade made several attempts to promote his work in the UK and opened several shops here. However, despite his efforts, his style never struck a chord with British buyers as it did with Americans. Kinkade, who reportedly died following a drinking session, is survived by his estranged wife and their four daughters.

Five star review for Fotospeed FOTOSPEED’S TUBELESS InkFlow System for the Epson R3000 has just been given a maximum fivestar review by Amateur Photographer magazine. ‘Not only is the system significantly more cost-effective than using proprietary inks, but it is also simple to use. With the ink cartridges being inside the printer, regular physical checks of the ink supplies are important to ensure the ink does not run out.’ reported the magazine. However, some trade suppliers do not recommend third party inks, believing that using the manufacturer’s own inks is best for customers’ machines in the longterm.

June 2012 11


Inbrief New GCF examiner in NZ MICHAEL MASTERS GCF Adv has been appointed as a new GCF examiner in New Zealand. Michael is joint owner of Old Masters Picture Framing in Otorohanga and also runs a Guild accredited framing training school.

The Apprentice focuses on art HIT TV show The Apprentice looked at the art world in episode 8, and asked contestants to represent two urban artists and sell their work from a London gallery to customers, collectors and clients. The teams first visited the artists to choose who they'd like to represent. Both wanted Pure Evil, but he chose the more enthusiastic Team Stirling to sell his work. Team Stirling - led by Jade Nash, 29 brought in a final commission of £4,579.65, narrowly beating Team Phoenix, whose end figure was £4,442. Upon sacking 28-year-old bridal shop

owner Laura Hogg (pictured), Lord Sugar commented, ‘You think you're a good salesperson. I’m not totally convinced, so, Laura, you’re fired.’

Art Vinyl look for galleries around Europe Emap Connect is rebranded i2i Events Group EMAP CONNECT, organiser of the Spring and Autumn Fairs, is rebranded as i2i Events Group and has been restructured as a standalone operating company. The changes come as part of a major reorganisation of Emap, in which three new independent operating companies will be established and the group holding company (Emap) becomes Top Right Group. i2i Events Group is led by Mark Shashoua. His immediate focus is to build an international sales team and seek expansion opportunities in fast-growing overseas markets, particularly China, Latin America and Singapore. Mark Shashoua comments, ‘This is a great opportunity to grow our brands globally and it has given us the freedom to make our own investment choices. We will be investing in great content at all our events and will give further focus to delivering operational excellence for visitors and exhibitors.’ 12 June 2012

FRAME MANUFACTURER Art Vinyl is looking for galleries for their 2012 Best Art Vinyl competition. Each November, Art Vinyl looks for the most exciting record sleeves of the year, then a panel of music industry design experts selects a shortlist of 50 sleeve designs. These are celebrated in exhibitions around the UK and Europe during the following year. Previous winners include Muse’s psychedelic cover for The Resistance in 2009, Klaxons’ Surfing the Void in 2010 and Bright Eyes’ The People’s Key in 2011. Exhibitions of the shortlisted designs have been held in London, Edinburgh, Folkestone, Brussels, Paris, Stuttgart, Berlin Gothenburg and Sydney. All the designs will be displayed in the unique Play & Display Flip Frame. Play & Display Flip Frames allow music lovers to change the contents instantly without taking the frame from the wall. It is the first framing solution designed to hold vinyl records, and accommodate the differences in album and 12” sizes. Available in neutral black or stunning white, Play & Display Flip Frames retail at £39 for one or £99 for a triple pack. Vinyl records are making a major comeback. In the past year, vinyl sales in the UK have increased by more than 40 per cent. ART BUSINESS TODAY


Mainline website goes 3D MAINLINE MOULDINGS’ website has been updated to make life easier for the framer and provide even more valuable information. The stock notification feature tells customers when a product is running low in stock, gives the due delivery date and informs them when it arrives back in stock. The user can even choose which days to receive the information on. ‘Speedshop’ is a quick way to place your order. If you know what you want, just enter codes and quantities onto the shopping list and checkout. You can also speedshop by uploading your list as a CSV file. A favourite time saving feature is the ability to assign your own reference code to any product. Once logged in the user can search for a product using their own code, which will show on the order confirmation email, the despatch note and the invoice. The latest feature is the gallery, which showcases different styles of artwork in

Moab wins accolade at the Oscars FOR THE first time the US Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences has commissioned Douglas Kirkland to photograph the nominees for this year’s Oscars. The resulting 30x40” limited edition portraits have been printed on Moab’s Entrada Rag Natural 300 paper and are included in an exhibition entitled Out of Character. Moab, a Legion Paper brand, is available in the UK from

Mainline frames. Moulding and mountboard information is displayed together with details and links to the artist and publisher. Mouldings are displayed on the website in 3D spin view, which shows how light and shadow alter the appearance of a moulding, and means that framers can view the side edges and the back.

A portrait of George Clooney, nominated for The Descendants, printed on Moab paper

Exciting New software from Valiani Out Now Providing powerful tools that help you create more with your Valiani cmc.

The Family of Mat Board Cutting Machines


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June 2012 13


SHOP TALK ‘I got my precious pin-it button, for each item on our website, and my world is a calmer place’

Liz Honey

n January Nancy Durrant of The Times wrote an article titled ‘The year of British artists’ regarding major exhibitions planned for 2012 of work by artists including Hockney, Freud and Hirst. One line in particular struck a chord, ‘It’s not going to be archery or synchronised swimming that hauls us out of the doldrums. It will be the artists’. Well said Nancy, I thought, with an element of confidence. Local communities everywhere are responding to the Cultural Olympiad and planning sports and culture related events, bringing with them some much needed cheerfulness. Battle is no different and is incorporating it all under the Battle’s Big Event umbrella, a summer-long series of community events. But despite being built on the site of one of the most significant events in English history, the Battle of Hastings in 1066, Battle was overlooked for inclusion on the route of the Olympic torch. We get ‘a moment’ though - a photo opportunity which brings the torch to Battle Abbey for milliseconds on 18 July. However, Battle has sculptor Louise Giblin ARBS to bring a touch of Cultural Olympiad excitement. Louise has spent the past year creating her ‘Bodycasting Olympians’ project, working closely with Dame Kelly Holmes, Beth Tweddle MBE, Kriss Akabussi MBE, Sally Gunnell OBE and Paralympian swimmer Darren Leach. For the duration of the


Olympics the resulting sculptures will be exhibited at Saffron Art Gallery, along with accompanying drawings, photographs and narrative - but it’s the sculptures that will get all the attention. Each life-sized sculpture will symbolize the athlete’s chosen medal, with intricate carvings to represent the city in which it was won (Athens, London, Los Angeles, Barcelona and Sydney respectively), all unified by the union flag and a stylised musculature. You can catch a glimpse of the sculptures on our website or if you’re in the area do pop in and say hello - the dates are 27 July to 11 August. Now, if you read my last article, you’ll know we’re trying hard to keep abreast of developments in social networking. However within a week of submitting the article it was already old hat: I discovered, reputed to be the fastest growing social sharing website in the history of the universe. Ever! It’s all about beautiful people sharing beautiful things with lots of other beautiful people worldwide who leave beautiful comments. Cue panic phone calls to our weary Web Man with strict and urgent instructions to get me a pin-it button. ‘I have a website full of beautiful things and I need them shared on Pinterest!’ I pleaded. I very quickly got my precious pin-it button, for each item on our website, and my world is a calmer place. But where will it all end? And how am I ever going to keep up?● Liz Honey co-owns Saffron Art Gallery and Sussex Framing Centre,

Stock up for Christmas at Autumn Fair International 1600 EXHIBITORS are set to show 500,000 products at this year’s Autumn Fair International, and that includes 60,000 never-seen-before product launches. The fair is the ideal place to stock up on Christmas gifts and to assess the trends for 2013. The event is divided into nine zones, including: home interiors and furniture; kitchen and housewares; and greeting and stationery. The hobby, arts and crafts sectors was added last year, in response to the massive ‘make do and mend’ trend that is sweeping the UK. The show takes place from 2 to 5 September at the Birmingham NEC. 14 June 2012

Business being done at Autumn Fair International last year



Jack Sayers acquires Selwyn’s JACK SAYERS Products, a specialist in retail display units, has acquired Selwyn’s, which designs and manufactures display systems for galleries and frame shops. John Selwyn Smith, who founded Selwyn’s in 1992, says, ‘I am very pleased that Jack Sayers Products decided to take over the Selwyn’s range upon my retirement. I feel confident that they are best suited in the industry to service the home market as well as worldwide export sales. I wish them all the success for the future in taking the business forward.’ Jack Sayers Products is a Norwichbased family business that has been serving the industry for over 30 years. Jack Sayers, his wife, son and daughter all work for the business. John SelwynSmith and his wife Irena were well known in the trade and were familiar faces at trade shows around the world.

Art and Copyright updated A SECOND edition of Simon Stokes’ well respected Art and Copyright manual is now available. The first edition, published in 2001, quickly established itself as the leading text on the issue of the intellectual property rights protecting artistic works. The new up-dated edition includes wider coverage of the Artist’s Resale Right, the relationship between new media and art and digital developments generally. The 306-page paperback, published by legal specialists Hart Publishing, retails for £35.

Jack Sayers (left) with John Selwyn-Smith at Spring Fair Birmingham

professional inkjet media

AWARD WINNING 5 STAR FINE-ART MEDIA Natural Textured A smooth, rounded, full textured inkjet paper which adds a classic dimension to digital imaging. This 100% acid free matt paper with a natural white base is particularly suited to artistic and original watercolour reproductions. Achieved maximum 5 stars in all categories in group tests, Digital Photo, March 2010. Image: Margaret Salisbury - FRPS, EFIAP, APAGB

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Best for Fine-Art Printing, Digital Photo, December 2010”

New from the Guild bookshop £20 to non-members, £19 to Guild members, plus £3.10 p&p. Call Moira on 020 7381 6616 or visit to order June 2012 15


IN BUSINESS ‘@MLCevent2012 attracted hundreds of followers on Twitter’

Louise Hay

o that’s that then – the Art and Framing Industry Awards season is over for another year. And what a weekend was had by all. We kicked off early doors on Sunday while the trade fair was setting up, when masterclass students enjoyed words of wisdom from framingmentor’s Jim Anderson, and two lucky artists got the personal attention of Fotospeed’s Toby Herlinger who helped them understand how to manage their digital image files. Louise Vaille gathered a crowd for her class on museum mounting art on paper, and David Wilkie GCF’s advanced mountcutting masterclass was very well attended, with students attempting an ambitious sample design. The trade event was once again very well supported by suppliers and several new exhibitors joined us for the first time. The level of visitors during the open days was disappointing as many more pre-registered than attended; however we were pleased to welcome artists, gallery owners and framers who turned up having received flyers and mailouts. We’ve applied lessons learnt from our Spring Fair seminar speakers and promoted the event heavily via Facebook and Twitter with our @MLCevent2012 feed attracting hundreds of followers. And many fantastic tweets afterwards. The framing awards entries were superlative. We had some very fine artist nominations and all the entries for the business awards were deserving of a trophy, but there can be only one.


Well done everyone who dragged themselves out of bed after a night of celebrating to attend the Guild’s AGM. It was fantastic to see so many members and we welcome to the Court: Toby Herlinger, Steven McKee GCF Adv, Jim Anderson, Joe Davis and Steve Burke. Monday’s seminars and discussion groups were busy. David Wilkie GCF’s talk on choosing colour in framing was described as ‘an inspiration’ by one happy student. Neil Duguid’s talk on starting up a gallery and diversification certainly gave attendees something to think about, and close attention was paid to Peter Hayton GCF’s talk on adding digital printing to your business. Questions from attendees meant that Mal Reynold GCF Adv’s textile framing class continued long after closing time. Maxwell chaired a lively, and very focused, group discussion on the copyright issues affecting artists and publishers. Huge thanks are due to Bernie Nyman of B M Nyman & Co Publishing Lawyers for lending his expertise. Martin Harrold led a select group discussion on the Guild’s new mountboard logos. It was our intention, in Martin’s words, ‘to add texture to the event’ and we certainly did. Thank you sponsors, whose support is invaluable, trade fair exhibitors, speakers and tutors, and Jenny Isaacson GCF who helped in myriad ways, and my team for their extraordinary commitment in the run up to the event.● Louise Hay is the Chief Executive of the Fine Art Trade Guild

Art in Action offers more classes and more artists AROUND 400 artists and makers will once again be showing their work and demonstrating their skills at Art in Action, which takes at Waterperry House, Oxfordshire, from 19 to 22 July. Last year around 25,000 visitors attended the event to learn, attend classes and buy artworks and artifacts. New this year will be a marquee of work from artists in Commonwealth countries, in celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee; tent makers from Cairo showing how they make their elaborate appliqué pieces; and the culmination of the One Oak Project in the woodwork marquee. 16 June 2012

Landscape artist Richard Tratt creating a picture at Art in Action 2011



£2million of artwork for sale at blutulip

Graham Finch, MD and founder of blutulip

IT’S BEEN a busy few months for Graham Finch and his team at Since the business was launched at Spring Fair International, art valued at £2million retail has been offered for sale through the site and 162 independent galleries and artists have signed up. The business has also just scooped the much-coveted Art & Framing Industry Innovation Award (see page 26). blutulip is a B2B site that enables retailers and artists to buy and sell quality limited editions, originals and sculptures among themselves at trade prices (sites like eBay sell at retail prices). A print which is sold out from the publisher may be languishing in one gallery’s stock room, while another gallery desperately wants it for a customer. blutulip puts the two parties together and a sale is made. ‘We are creating a more equal marketplace and protecting the independent gallery,’ explains MD Graham Finch. ‘We have invested a quarter of a million pounds in the business because we believe in it 100 per cent. The fact that so much artwork is already being offered for sale through blutulip shows that there is a residual stock issue in the trade, and I am proud ART BUSINESS TODAY

to be helping gallery owners with their cashflow.’ blutulip allows gallery owners to show customers around 1000 images, not just the 40 or 50 they have hanging in their gallery. Members can opt to ‘hide the trade price’, so customers can browse available artwork online and the gallery doesn’t lose a sale because they don’t stock a particular artist’s work. A ‘secret code’ means the gallery owner can see the price, so deals with customers can be struck on the spot. This is another example of blutulip being cashflow driven: a deposit is taken there and then, as the item is being ordered in specially. blutulip also aims to develop the careers of new and established artists by exposing their work to galleries across the country. Once again, help with cashflow is key, as blutulip enables artists to take money upfront rather than to loan their work on an SOR basis. ‘We have just invested a further £10,000 in our new ‘Buy, Try & Return’ service which launched this May,’ explains Graham Finch. ‘We listened to our gallery owners who were nervous about buying originals from new artists without seeing them first, so they now have two days to view the artwork, after which they can send it back for a charge of just £7.50 + vat. It costs us £25 to despatch and collect artwork, but we will absorb the extra cost. We don’t charge artists to send or collect artwork ether; we view these costs as business overheads and a sign of our commitment to the market.’ Growing the market for fine art is another key objective for blutulip. Also launched this May is their corporate art service, which an employee, Nick Skellon, is working on full time. Artwork is marketed to companies at prices mid-way between trade and retail and an impressive direct marketing campaign is underway to attract companies to the scheme. Features include an option for employees to buy discounted artwork, which introduces them to the ‘collecting habit’. Importantly, blutulip has a validation process so if members try to upload unsuitable artwork it is declined. Gallery owners can upload 100 images at a time and artists 35.

Inbrief Germany’s biggest second season trade fair TENDENCE, the German gift and interiors trade event, takes place in Frankfurt from 24 until 28 August. Tendence is Ambiente’s sister show and is the biggest trade event in the German consumer goods calendar during the second half of the year. Last year’s show attracted more than 52,000 trade visitors. The latest products and trends for the coming seasons were presented by over 2000 leading international exhibitors. www./tendence.messe and Framers Corner join forces JIM ANDERSON of training consultancy is now sponsored by Framers Corner and Wizard. ‘I’m their pet expert, if you like,’ he explains. ‘I will be helping at training days, supporting their sales team and offering their products for sale on my website. It is a mutally beneficial arrangement.’

Framers Corner’s Sam Cook (left) with Jim Anderson

June 2012 17


IN PRINT ‘If you send the same electronic file to a dozen printers each will produce different results’

Michael Setek

his year’s Quality Printing Award presented an interesting and on the face of it, an unusual and difficult challenge. We were given an image file (matrix) on disk, with no reference to the original painting or any other specific guidance from the artist. As a printer I am however often faced with this predicament and so took to the challenge. But what interpretation do I make? Should I alter the colour balance or leave the tone intact? For reproduction prints, I don’t always have the benefit of seeing the original; it may have been sold, locked in a museum or perhaps the artist is long dead. A more hopeless situation is where there is no original, as with photography or electronically produced artwork, such as ‘paintings’ produced using the brushes app on the iPad, which is now a popular trend. This is where things really become subjective and open to interpretation. So how does one judge the printer’s work? Whose print is the best, the winner of the award? I can guarantee that if you send the same matrix (electronic file) to a dozen different printers, each will yield differing results. Those differences are not just down to the bewildering choice of digital fine art papers, let alone the different inks to squirt with. Even in this increasingly ‘colour managed’ world, there are just so many variables involved in reprographics that there is no absolute, no right answer. So in this case, every one of


the interpretations could be valid so long as basic standards are met. This doesn’t help a supplier looking for the best printer for their work. How should they choose between them? This is where perseverance comes into play. An artist often has something in mind in terms of the desired hues and tones for a particular piece. Not so long ago I was sent files from Australia and was asked to send proofs to the artist in London. Changes were required, so I took note of the feedback and sent another set. The client was happy and production proceeded in an orderly fashion. I would always advise customers to give the printer the benefit of the doubt if they haven’t seen the original or if there is none. If you find a printer who listens and doesn’t just give you a disclaimer about colours not matching then you’re off to a good start. Printing is a process that involves many choices and decisions. I like to involve my clients in that journey and mutual co-operation often yields results that are all the more successful. Working together with clients also makes my job all the more interesting. Through collaboration I’ve designed artists’ books, produced artworks, reproduced many well executed paintings and created layouts for elaborate exhibitions in large public galleries. If you recognise this evolutionary aspect of printing then you’re onto a winner. ● Michael Setek runs fine art reprographics and giclée printing specialist Art4site,

Changing places on the Framers Committee MARY EVANS GCF Adv, Applegarth Framing, has stepped down as chair of the Fine Art Trade Guild’s Framers Committee and Mal Reynolds GCF Adv, Harlequin Frames, has been unanimously elected to take her place. Mary, who is passionate about raising standards within the framing industry, played an invaluable role in launching the advanced GCF qualifications, establishing the Five Levels of Framing and publishing guidelines for the tapes and adhesives used in framing. Mal is well-known in the trade for his expertise on framing fabric art. He regularly delivers lectures and training sessions on the subject, as well as on 18 June 2012

conservation framing and hinging. Mal is a founder member of the Valiani support group. ‘The framing industry owes a huge debt of gratitude to Mary for all her hard work and for selflessly giving her time to the development of the trade,’ says Master of the Guild Maxwell Roberts. ‘Mary’s time as chairman has been amazingly productive, but I am sure that Mal is more than equal to the task of continuing her work.’ Master of the Guild Maxwell Roberts (right) presenting Mary Evans GCF Adv with a floral tribute



New player in contemporary fine art

Inbrief A passion for fashion LIS AND Dave Price GCF, Pricelis Art, have produced giclée prints for Maxwell, an artist specialising in fashion, which were displayed during Bath Fashion Week. The show celebrated the beauty of clothes and the women who wear them.

Sara Rafique (far left), MD and founder of Sahar Fine Art and two of her artworks

THE CONTEMPORARY art industry will include a significant new player when Sahar Fine Art launches in June. The company, whose strapline is ‘a fresh perspective into contemporary fine art’, launches with a champagne reception at the Radisson Edwardian, Manchester, on 14 June and the website went live on 30 May. In the words of MD Sara Rafique, ‘Sahar brings customers an eclectic portfolio of individually selected originals and signed limited edition prints, sourced from the finest contemporary artists around the world. At Sahar we offer a unique and private art consultation, individually tailored to meet customers’ personal tastes and requirements. Our experienced art consultants are on hand to offer friendly

and professional advice on all aspects of acquiring, hanging and caring for artwork.’ Sara Rafique trained as a lawyer, then changed course and joined the art world, working at various times for both DeMontfort Fine Art and Washington Green. ‘I soon realised that I wanted to form a fine art company of my own, one which recognises global contemporary fine art and delivers with excellence in service. Art is very personal and what Sahar delivers is a very unique and personalised fine art experience,’ she explains. Sara has since travelled all over the world sourcing contemporary artwork for a discerning audience of art lovers.

Pip McGarry exhibition this summer AN EXHIBITION of African wildlife by Pip McGarry opens at The Frame, Odiham, on 30 June and runs until 14 July. Pip McGarry is known for his paintings of big cats and African game animals, which he studies on camping safaris to game reserves in Botswana, Tanzania and Kenya. His painting Flight of the Zebra fetched £29,300 at auction in 2008. Pip is also founder of the Marwell International Art Society, Europe’s largest wildlife art society, and is a judge for the BBC Wildlife Artist of the Year competition. ART BUSINESS TODAY

Dave and Lis Price GCF with Maxwell (centre) at his private view

Double whammy for Graham Clarke GRAHAM CLARKE (below) enjoyed a successful exhibition in the National Theatre’s Olivier Foyer, which included over 100 etchings, 60 watercolours and numerous sketchbooks, photos, notebooks and memorabilia from Graham’s travels. The exhibition generated a great deal of media attention and the venue brought Graham’s work to new audiences. The NT bookshop sold many of the artist’s books and posters. Graham’s etching It’s a Doge’s Life on the Grand Canal will be on show at this year’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. This rare image is part of the Grand Tour series, published in 1988.

June 2012 19


Inbrief The Fitzwilliam chooses Conservation by Design CAMBRIDGE’S FITZWILLIAM Museum has acquired a bespoke Planorama® drawer storage system from Conservation By Design, to store its growing collection of precious medals. The medals had previously been stored in wooden cabinets that were no longer large enough and did not offer a suitable environment. Dr Adrian Popescu explains, ‘Many of our medals are made of copper alloy or lead, which if not cared for correctly, will deteriorate over time. The inert aluminium system has drawers lined with plastazote foam, which is not chemically reactive with lead and copper alloy. We can store over 2000 artifacts in the Planorama® yet it is compact.’ The unit supplied to The Fitzwilliam Museum consists of 70 individual 20mm deep drawers. Equine art in Terminal 5 12 PAINTINGS of horses by Faye Nasser-Joley are on show at Heathrow Terminal 5 as part of the Olympic and Paralympic celebrations. The exhibition is entitled Faster, Higher, Stronger.

20 June 2012

Second FrameArt Expo held in Rome

THE SECOND FrameArt Expo trade show, held in Rome this spring, showcased ‘made in Europe’ frames, artwork, machinery and framing materials. 6500 buyers travelled from 60 countries to visit the event and see the latest trends, innovations and new products that were being shown by over 100 exhibitors. The vast majority of exhibitors were Spanish and Italian moulding manufacturers, so the emphasis of the event was on framing rather than print publishing. The event ran alongside Photoshow, a major photo and digital imaging show, which once again helped to maximise the number of visitors. ‘In difficult economical climates trade fairs are the most direct and effective way of ensuring that your production activities are at the cutting edge and that you are abreast of market developments,’ says Fabio Ustignani, organiser of the exhibition. Brian Bogie, of UK mountboard brand Colourmount, observed that overseas buyers were plentiful, and visitors to his stand came from Canada, Kazakhstan, Serbia and South Africa. David Roe, of UK publisher Rosenstiel’s, adds that they saw buyers from over 40 countries. Steve Goodall, Hot Press, who exhibited last year as well, reports that visitor numbers were significantly higher this year. Jim Anderson,

A gilding demonstration being prepared on an exhibitor’s stand, comments, ‘I was very pleasantly surprised by the visitor numbers. Many exhibitors agreed that there were twice as many visitors as last year, and there was an amazing variety of nationalities present. The show was an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and see everyone in the trade.’ John Peterson from US manufacturer Fletcher-Terry was pleased with the show, ‘It is almost back to full strength, as good as the SACA fair in its heyday, with most of the Spanish and Italian moulding manufacturers present making it the world’s leading trade fair. The tiein with the photo exhibition was very good for us and bought in the right type of visitor.’ Many more people attended educational events than last year. The programme included seminars on marketing, business diversification, selling online and trend forecasting. US framer John Ranes GCF CPF presented seminars on each of the three days and reports that delegates attended from India, Brazil, Egypt and Spain. ‘The eduction area was very professional and my sessions were pretty much packed to capacity,’ says John. Next year’s FrameArt Expo show will be held in Milan from 22 to 24 March. ART BUSINESS TODAY


Record attendance at Focus on Imaging

THE 23RD annual Focus on Imaging show attracted a record 37,684 visitors, 70 per cent of whom were trade visitors or professional photographers. Martin Harrold, MD of exhibitor LION Picture Framing Supplies, who have already re-booked for next year,

comments, ‘There were lots of new people at the show, which was incredibly busy. We gave away a record number of catalogues. There was a lot of interest in our canvases, laminating equipment and printing solutions. We created a whole framing workshop at

the show, with framers using the equipment, which attracted a lot of attention.’ Next year’s show will once again be held at the Brimingham NEC and takes place from 3 to 6 March.

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June 2012 21


JOHN WALSOM explains how he made the transition from architect to professional artist, with oil paintings selling for thousands of pounds in a Mayfair gallery

Building a reputation So you are a qualified architect? Yes, in my 20’s I was designing theatres, but the time taken to complete projects became frustrating. Qualification as an architect is a big investment but, at 29, I sold the house, travelled for a year then turned professional as a painter. The contacts I’d made helped me to secure commissions for architectural illustrations - I still do these, but now I can choose the work that interests me. It helped that I’d spent a year as a scenic artist for theatres, painting 22’ high canvases to tight deadlines, which taught me to work fast, and to paint from the shoulder, not the fingertips. While I was at university I exhibited on the railings of the Bayswater Road, which showed me that people like my paintings. I always sold any paintings I did on the spot - people like to feel an attachment to a work, and seeing it in progress gives them a story to tell. Do you have an agent? For illustrations I’m represented by Illustration Ltd, they found me online and invited me to join them, which was flattering as they accept less than four applicants per thousand. I’m sure it

22 June 2012

helped that I'm easy to find online. As a painter I’m represented in London by Burlington Paintings, who sell my oil paintings of London, but not watercolours or other subjects. I supply other galleries with prints and originals, but not if I feel that doing so would impact negatively on my relationship with my main gallery. Tell us about recent commissions I’m often asked to paint interior views of private yachts, planes and large houses. I’ve recently completed a series of watercolours of the refurbishments to Kensington Palace, which were commissioned by Historic Royal Palaces. I've supplied paintings, and limited editions, to west end theatres for presentation to producers. My client is the publicity agent for the productions. How do you market your work? These days, most people find me Burlington Paintings found me online. I’ve taken stands at art fairs, advertised in magazines and held open studio shows, but never reached the right audience. I have spent time knocking on gallery doors, but I’m not sure it’s the

best approach any more. Emailing good images to galleries can work, and if it doesn’t, the rejection isn’t as bad as walking out of a gallery. Occasionally I sell images to greeting card companies, which doesn’t make a lot of money, but it’s good publicity. One of my galleries contacted me having seen a card on a friend’s mantelpiece. I turn down quite a few commissions now, either through lack of time or because of the fee. Editorial illustrations pay especially badly. How much time do you spend painting? At the studio, about 80 per cent. The rest of the time is admin, and scanning and printing artwork. If I notice my website slipping down the search engines, I upload images and text. I update the site every couple of weeks. I regularly update my Facebook page, which I enjoy doing, as the life of an artist is very solitary. I have to work in a studio away from home - going out to work helps focus my mind. I spent many years working in Soho and Covent Garden, and the buzz and vibrancy of city life is what I try to capture in my paintings. Are prints important to you? Not at the moment, most of my work is commissions. I print limited editions myself on an A2 Epson printer. I also have an A3 Epson scanner - larger work can be scanned in sections and merged in Photoshop. I sell prints through galleries and my website, with payments via PayPal. Any advice for artists starting out? The key thing is to make it easy for people to find you. That’s likely to involve a strong online presence, but you need to get your work out there in as many ways as you can. It also helps to have a niche, so people looking for specific subject matter can find you. It’s taken me 20 years to get where I am, both commercially and technically, but I've had a good time getting here. It takes years to refine and develop your painting style, as well as to build up a network of contacts and understand how the art market works, so expect to work hard, but make sure you're always having fun, or it will show in your work.● See John’s work on page 24 ART BUSINESS TODAY

To advertise here, contact Debra Doherty on 020 7381 6616 or email: Entries are £80 for Guild members, £150 for non-members (+ VAT)


Selective Prints

Paul Tavernor, Leaping Fox Marketing

Selective Prints are pleased to release three new striking London images by Franklyn J Scott. The images, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London and Umbrellas (Regent Street in the rain) are all editions of only 55 and are designed to particularly appeal to overseas visitors. The full set of Franklyn J Scott’s work can be seen on the website.

‘A fleeting glimpse to a secret world, welcome to Paul Tavernor’s wildlife collection.’ Distinctive images depicting fast action and characteristic behaviour. Paul’s recognisable oil paintings are highly sought after, with an excellent track record of print sales. Presenting Lunar Nights, one of many popular images of hares, and other British mammals. Title: Lunar Nights Edition size: 250 Image size: 28x20cm (larger prints and box canvases available) Trade price: £20 For a comprehensive trade tariff and a wide selection of images, contact Sam.

01948 81 81 81

Alex Borissov

Mainline Mouldings

Ravioli painting by Alex Borissov brings abstract expressionism to the next level of emotional intensity. ‘Take one freshly boiled ravioli, dip it in household emulsion and ferociously launch with a catapult on a thickly primed canvas’, says Alex, ‘and you will get a painting derived from the unique combination of intention and chance.’

The Luxor range is available in 25 and 38mm with deep rebates of 15 and 27mm, which is ideal for squeezing in double thick mounts. The range is finished in six variations of matt black, gold, silver and pewter and is competitively priced from only £1.86 per metre. Email for more information,

00 41 79 843 7881

01949 861000

Anne Corless

Art Vinyl

A range of work from fine artist, designer, illustrator and medical artist Anne Corless can be seen on her website. Anne is also an art demonstrator, tutor and writer.

Create an original display with vinyl records. The Flip Frame features a simple quick release system, allowing you to change your record display at any time. Available at all good framing shops, including John Lewis.

01253 780734

0207 241 4129


June 2012 23



John Walsom

Dresden mouldings have a mottled, waxy texture which combines with subtle rich brown tones and matt silver detailing. This classic Arqadia profile has been updated with subtle detailing and curvatures. The satin black umber finish offers a distinctly antique feel and the design is available in six sizes. The 25mm profile has a generous 8mm rebate depth, while the 36mm classic panel shape adds dimension and drama. The 40mm design includes a graceful raised curved slope, while the 50mm shape features a more subtle raised curve. The profile is also available in 60mm and 77mm widths. Prices start at £2.13 per metre, or through the chop service at £2.98.

Artist: John Walsom Title: 2am, Bar Italia Format: limited edition print of 250 Retail price: £105 + VAT

01234 852777

020 3258 5078

Lynda Kettle

Graham Clarke Ltd

Artist: Lynda Kettle Title: African Dawn Format: archival giclée printed on Hahnemühle 308gms cotton Size: 27x20" Edition: signed limited edition of 95

Trade price: £80 (no minimum order) View a full range of signed limited edition prints from self publishing artist Lynda Kettle on the website.

07970 729530

Sky Blue Publishing

Title: All The World in London Format: signed fine art poster Image size: 410x342mm Poster size: 500x700 mm Trade price: £12.50; discounts available for purchases of five or more copies. In celebration of All the World in London

01622 743938

Marialuisa Marino Beyond Fantasy: Marialuisa Marino Paintings & Poetry is published by Leppi Publications

Artist: Stephen Hanson Titles: After a Walk and Second Breakfast Image size: 430x430mm Edition: 195 Format: limited edition giclée prints

0117 9733995 24 June 2012


To advertise here, contact Debra Doherty on 020 7381 6616 or email: Entries are £80 for Guild members, £150 for non-members (+ VAT)

Bookroom Art Press These Olympic sporting images are numbered limited edition giclée prints by best-selling artist Cyril Power: Title: The Runners (below) Price: trade £63 (RRP £148) Title: The Eight (left) Price: trade £89 (RRP £215)


Clinton Banbury Illustration Title: Power Shower Format: signed limited edition giclée print Edition: 195 Image size: 30x30cm Price: £16 (umounted), £18 (mounted) RRP: £39/£45 Gifts for christenings to retirements. For more elephants and many other humorous prints that are suitable as lasting gifts for all ages, please see the website.

01273 682159

01789 773526 07971 106628

Geoff Beckett Publishing

Selective Prints

The Over The Hill series of textured acrylic paintings on board includes original works only. Sizes vary (the image shown measures 16x12”) and trade prices range between £195 and £295 framed. Geoff’s paintings can be ordered via the website. A range of limited edition prints of his watercolour work is also available.

Selective Prints are pleased to release three new striking London images by Franklyn J Scott. The images, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London and Umbrellas (Regent Street in the rain) are all editions of only 55 and are designed to particularly appeal to overseas visitors. The full set of Franklyn J Scott’s work can be seen on the website.

07944 893305

01948 81 81 81


Studio of James Wheeler Image size: 30x30cm Title: Silent Nature Trade price: £28

Art for all – the best price guaranteed! No matter your favourite technique, whether you are a professional artist, an intermediate artist or a beginner, the management of your budget is important to you. I LOVE ART offers an innovative and clear answer to your wishes and an unbeatable price match guarantee. The online daily price update guarantees to be, without any conditions, the lowest price in the UK throughout the year. Find out more at ART BUSINESS TODAY

01484 714636 June 2012 25


From left: Derek Tanous, Tanous Fine Art Frames; Anna-Marie Bartlett, The Framing Lady; Peter Cleevely GCF, Picture Corner; Katie Herriman GCF, Towngate Framing; Suzanne Parker GCF, Appleshaw Frames; Ann Carroll, Picture This Art & Framing; David Wilkie GCF, Eagle Gallery

Celebrating success Annabelle Ruston reports on the art and framing industry’s 20th awards event, where guests celebrated the industry’s achievements and networked with friends and business contacts old and new

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26 June 2012

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Buckingham Fine Art’s Timmy Mallett accepting the Bestselling Up & Coming Artist Award from sponsor Tom Hopper of Daler-Rowney

Dennis and Michael Page, KC Glass, with Master of the Guild Maxwell Roberts (centre) Ian Stalworthy of

James Laing (left) and Mikie Teige of Tiger Fine Art

➺ June 2012 27


THE WINNERS Art Business Website Sponsor: Slater Harrison and Colourmount Art Retailer of the Year Chalfont Art & Framing Sponsor: Besso Limited Best Mount Design Stuart Hibberdine GCF, Angles of Art Sponsor: Framers Corner and Wizard Best-selling Published Artist Kerry Darlington Sponsor: Arqadia

Innova Art’s James Cannona (right) presenting the Quality Printing Award to Designline System’s Tony Hayton

Best-selling Up & Coming Artist Timmy Mallett Sponsor: Daler-Rowney Customer Service LION Picture Framing Supplies Sponsor: Fine Art Trade Guild Guild Challenge Framing Award Katie Herriman GCF, Towngate Framing Sponsor: Valiani Innovation Sponsor: i2i Events Quality Printing Designline Systems Sponsor: Innova Art Sales Promotion The Framing Workshop Sponsor: Art Business Today Thanks to Birds Birds Birds for providing images for both framing awards and the Quality Printing Award, and Fotospeed for creating prints for the framing awards

The LION Picture Framing Supplies team. From left: Martin, Margaret and Nicola Harrold, and Tony Walker

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28 June 2012

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Buckingham Fine Art’s Kerry Darlingon accepting the Best-selling Published Artist Award from Arqadia’s Steve Burke

The team from Zeigeist Fine Art. From left: Martin Colley, Claire Westmoreland, Alister Colley From left, the Fine Art Trade Guild’s Moira Sanders, with Yolande Purdew and Susan Key, Key Creation

Brian Bogie of Slater Harrison

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BUSINESS ➺ Graham Finch of (left) accepts the Innovation Award from Ramin Rouhani of i2i Events

Ray Loud and Pam Payne from Buckingham Fine Art

30 June 2012

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Winning this award is fantastic on a personal level as it tells my customers that I understand the aesthetic side of fine art printing, not just the technical and IT aspects

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Innova Art’s Kimberley Bullock

Artist Anne Corless (right) with the Fine Art Trade Guild’s Debra Doherty Joe and Helen Davis from D&J Simons

Framers Corner’s Sam Cook (right) presents the award for Best Mount Design to Stuart Hibberdine GCF, Angles of Art Paul Cumberland of Birds Birds Birds (left) with Arqadia’s Graham Miller

Nico Valiani of Valiani (left) with Art4Site’s Michael Setek

Keith and Jenny Isaacson GCF from Topmount Framing Gunnar’s Sarah Osborne GCF Adv (left) with Pauline Hutchinson of Arqadia

Artist Jorge Aguilar-Agon

Guild CEO Louise Hay presenting the Art Retailer of the Year Award to Ian Morris GCF, Chalfont Art & Framing

Mark Wilson (left), Framiac, with Jim Anderson of Framing Mentor Artist Gordon King


June 2012 31


Saving our high streets The Portas Review, commissioned by the government from retail guru MARY PORTAS, outlines what has led to the decline of our high streets, her vision for the future and how that vision can be delivered. The highlights of the review, which has tremendous relevance for art and framing retailers, are summarised here

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32 June 2012

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3 ' *! '$) # - - . $) # ) , . $' -#*+ '*- - !**.! '' $) .# . , , / - 1#$ # $) ./,) 1 & )- .# + ,!*,( ) *! ) , 3 -#*+- # 1#*' -/,,*/) $)" , $- 1 & ) 1#$ # $) , - - .# '$& '$#** *! !/,.# , -#*+ '*-/, 2. Internet shopping *( -/"" -. .# . *(( , */). !*, ) ,'3 # '! *! , . $' - ' ",*1.# $) .# .1 ) ) *(( , 4 -#*++$)" 0$ (* $' +#*) 4 # - ",*1) 3 + , ). $) .# ' -. .1* 3 ,*+' , ' -, '$ ). *) -#*+- -* ' -- -#*+- , ) 3. Out-of-town malls ) 1 , *! -#*++$)" ( '' 1#$ # $) '/ - $) ( - , -. /, ).- *1'$)" '' 3- ) '/2/,3 , ) - # - , $+ *+' 5- 2+ . .$*)- *! .# -#*++$)" 2+ ,$ ) /,$)" .# ' -. */. *! .*1) , . $' -+ # - $) , 3 + , ). 1#$' $) .*1) -+ # - ! '' ) 3 + , ). 4. Supermarkets -/+ ,( ,& . */.' .*/). !*, + , ). *! */, ",* ,3 - ' - ) .# ( " , . $' ,- *)5. %/-. - '' !**

With town centre vacancy rates doubling over the last two years and total consumer spend away from our high streets now over 50 per cent, the need to take action is clear

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The cost of trading in many areas outweighs the benefits of being in town. The government must consider how business rates can better support small independent businesses

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View from the shopfloor Independent retailer Martin Tracy GCF, The Framing Workshop, explains why The Portas Review matters

Hands up who has read The Portas Review? Be honest. I mean read it from cover to cover; not just the parts that whichever newspaper you read chose to highlight. It’s not heavy reading and is just 46 pages in length. Mary Portas believes that our high streets have reached crisis point and that unless urgent action is taken, much of Britain will lose forever social and cultural amenities that have been valued by local communities for generations. Places that give people a valuable sense of belonging will disappear. How we shop as a nation has changed beyond recognition. The phenomenal growth of online retailing (and I defy anyone to say they don’t), the rise of shopping by mobile, the sophistication of the major national and international retailers, the experiences offered by today’s new shopping malls, along with the subversive creep of supermarkets, combined with a recession, have all conspired to change our retail landscape. What is happening on our high streets is 34 June 2012

not a new phenomenon. Neither are the fatal blows inflicted on small businesses by out-of-town mega retailers, or the supermarkets that are occupying our edgeof-town countryside and their takeover of smaller in-town corner shops. We now have seven ‘baby’ supermarkets in Bath. The recent closure of many national high street names – Past Times, Habitat, Jaegar, Jane Norman, National Trust Shop – to name a few, leaves gaping holes that will only discourage high street shoppers. Closures such as these elicit a flurry of letters in both national and local newspapers – most people really do seem to care. My experience over the last 12 to 18 months is that shoppers are beginning to gravitate back to the independent high street retailer. As long as those ‘indies’ provide a high level of personal service and knowledge along with perceived value (you really don’t need to be the cheapest – just the best), shoppers will come and search you out. Our best-selling products are our service, knowledge and passion for what we do. In the ‘shopping favourites’ feature of a national Sunday colour supplement Peter Pilotto described the artisan quarter of Bath as ‘A nice little gathering of independent shops, centred on Walcot Street and London Street. Outside it’s all hustle but inside each there’s a feeling of tranquillity and creativity’. Not a bad endorsement from a leading national fashion retailer.

Crucially, Mary’s review sets out to inspire people to seize the initiative. Over the past three months I have asked suppliers, their representatives, fellow Bath retailers, local government officials, a landlord or two, any number of friends and professional managers within our industry if they had read Mary’s report. Just one, an independent Bath bookseller, had done so. Not only that but, like me, he intends to get his staff to read it too. Everyone who is remotely involved with retail, from the shopping public to local government and landlords who, by definition, should all care about the survival of our high streets, should read it. Now! Download it and start thinking about how you could make a difference, before it’s too late. You might even find you are already doing some (or most) of what Mary recommends. If so share your vision with others. Here’s the Local Government Association response to The Portas Review: ‘The most vibrant town centres offer a wide range of locally responsive services that create a comprehensive retail, cultural and community hub. This is crucial for the future of the high street as it is an offer that its competitors struggle to match. Future government policy must acknowledge this, not treating retail in isolation, but empowering councils to integrate the shopping offer effectively alongside other cultural and community services.’ ART BUSINESS TODAY


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taking a fresh look at colour

❞ Too many charity shops, betting shops or fried chicken joints puts off potential retailers and investors. But we need to encourage people to take on empty properties

❞ "


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taking a fresh look at colour see for colourmount stockists ➺ June 2012 35


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36 June 2012



A few words of advice to Britain’s shopkeepers from MARY PORTAS Surviving in today’s value-minded, aggressively discounted, conveniencefocused market means reappraising how to complete and doing things differently. Retailers need to bring something to our high streets that the internet never could. And they need to do it with such a creative flourish that people come back time and time again. You’ll never be able to compete sustainably on price. You’ll never beat the sheer efficiency of the web. You’ll never compete with the range and diversity of the major multiples and supermarkets. Where you need to focus your efforts is in three core areas: experience, service and specialism. Experience Create a retail environment that makes shoppers feel at ease, a place they are so happy to be in that it’s a given they’ll buy something. Too many retailers start with


the product and build outwards. Too few start with the customer experience and design the product to fit into it. Service Most of the retail pundits proclaimed that great service would be a critical differentiator between the survivors of the recession and those who fall by the wayside. I’d go one step further. I believe that good service is our basic right. Far too many businesses don’t prioritise good service. This is where the smaller operator can step in and break the mould. It’s amazing how the smallest service gestures really make a difference: from connecting with and really knowing and caring for your customers, to having an in-depth knowledge that guides and advises them; serving is quite simply the new selling. Specialism Finally, I believe that in a climate where the generalists rule the roost, smaller

shopkeepers should reassert their specialism. One thing most of us understand is the value of a real expert. Most of the better examples of new British retailing are guided by the hand of a specialist in one form or another. Specialist bread shops, retro fashion shops, wine merchants, new kinds of beauty boutiques, optical specialists or farm shops. Specialist retailers know how to express and manifest their expertise across everything they do. And I don’t just mean their products. Shopkeepers of Britain, whilst many of you are living through some of the most shockingly tough trading periods in recent history, I believe if you put the customer first, compete on a higher playing field and bring something genuinely different to our high streets, then the customer will come and find you. Good luck!

June 2012 37


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In this extract from Alyson B Stanfield’s inspirational book I’d Rather be in the Studio, the author argues that teaching and public speaking are an important part of an artist’s professional development

38 June 2012

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➺ June 2012 39

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BUY IT NOW! 9= @( %8,)6 &) -2 8,) 89(-3 &= 0=732 8%2*-)0( 4%4)6&%'/ 44 *631 8,) 9-0( 33/7,34 &= '%00-2+ 3-6% 32 36 :-7-8 ;;; *-2)%68 '3 9/ > 83 232 1)1&)67 > 83 9-0( 1)1&)67 4097 > 4 4

June 2012 41


The art of selling Nicki MacRae and J P McLaughlin, two commercially successful artists, provide more hints and tips from the studio and share the ideas that help them promote and sell their work

NICKI MACRAE % $ " & ## ! ! % $ ! " $! & ! # (& ! & ( !" "# ( " " % ! #(# $ #( " ! ( #+" ! ( $ # ! "# ! # # ( $! $ " # # # " #! # ! ! !# "#" # % ( "" ( & !" ## # & ! ## $ " ! #



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This page: Nicki MacRae and her painting, Stenness Stones and Full Moon Opposite page: JP McLaughlin in his studio and Finishing Touch

42 June 2012



J P MCLAUGHLIN " # -" - +-#,-, ,& * && 2 +#(% && (#!"- ( ,* ( '),- ) -" #+ -#' &).(!#(! ).- #, '2-" . ,, .& +-#,-, + " + 0)+%#(! #, #*&#( ( *+) ,,#)( & " + #, *+)* + 0 2 -) **+) " ! && +2 ( !#/ 2).+, & -" ,- " ( ) #(! - % ( )( #+,- " % -" - 2).+ 0)+% 0).& **+)*+# - )+ -" ! && +2 ( #( ).- 0") )0(, #- "#, #, ()- +) % - , # ( $.,- ., -" #(- +( &%#(! #(-) ! && +2 0#-" 2).+ ART BUSINESS TODAY

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

For the last few years most of my commissions and sales have come directly through publicity on Facebook. I find Twitter, Flickr and Facebook invaluable marketing resources

❞ *)+- )&#) .( + 2).+ +' #, ()! ( + &&2 !)) # ++#/#(! .( (().( ( *+) &2 .(0 (-" ( #(- ++.*-#(! & 0#-" &# (- ( " &*#(! &), , & #, 0 2 -) ,- +)0 / + # 2). + *)&#- ( + 2 -) & / ( )' % & - + #- ( 0)+% (-+) . 2).+, & ( ,% )+ -" #+ -)+ 2 ( ' )(4- & .( " #(-) 2).+ *#- " ( )* ( 2).+ *)+- )&#) ,% # #-4, !)) -#' *+ * + -) )' %& - + " + + +- #( -"#(!, ()-) ) #( ! && +2 ,+ - &%#(! -) &# (- ) ()- #(- ++.*- )+ " (! ).0 #-#(! )+ + % 2). + #( -" 0 2 ,) & / ( )' % ) ()- *+ - ( -) &# (- )(4- &% )+ ( ").+ ( -" ( &.+- ).- -" 2). + ( +-#,- - + !#/#(! -" #'*+ ,,#)( -" - 2). '#!"- .2 0)+% (().( +#!"- 0 2 -" - 2). + ( +-#,- ( 0"2 2). + -" + + * + *)+- )&#) 2). ( & / -" ! && +2 )( -" - 2). ( )+ -) &), "#, '.,- #( &. .,#( ,, + 0#-" 2).+ )(- - - #&, )( #- -"#, #, '.,- 2 - ,) ' (2 +-#,-, )(4- ) #) #' ! , #, !)) # &)(! 0#-"

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Being objective Diversification is a buzzword for growth at the moment, and many artists are diversifying into 3D merchandise. Some are producing their own products, while others prefer to sell licences in their imagery. Annabelle Ruston talks to artists about the pros and cons of both strategies

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


44 June 2012

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This page: Bone china mugs made by Mary Ann Rogers Opposite page, clockwise from left: Kitchen textiles featuring Ann Edwards’ work made under licence by Ulster Weavers; Simon Drew illustrations on a range of products; a bag, a mug and a card from Sarah Bayliss

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Taking control #* #$ $ ($ !!# $ # $ $ ( )! # (% &$ ! # # , % & %% %% $ ! *( & !# & "& %* # $ ( ( & !! % * % # % &$% # &% % $ !# & %$ ( # % &! % % ( $ ' #* #&$%# % &$ $ # % % $# % * * %% ! * # * ! %$ ( # -% !# ! # % ( % # ( % % $ # $ % % ' # ( & %$ $ % %# * # % !!# * $ $ &% ( ' $% % &#% # % # !# & %$ # '% * % "& %* ( % % $$ % (% #* & %&# $ $ $ #' $ %&# # $ $ $( $ & $ & $ !# $ $ !! $ # $ #$ , -' ' $% % % * % $ !# %$ % % * % $ #% % $% # *% $ -


Not everyone wants or can afford to buy a picture, and mugs and scarves are more popular as gifts. Merchandise at under £20 sells well at fairs. You need something for everyone

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June 2012 45

ART ➺ This page, clockwise from top: a silk scarf from Mary Ann Rogers; a gardening mug from Simon Drew; a Mary Ann Rogers duffle bag; mugs and cards from Sarah Bayliss Opposite page: Tins bearing Simon Drew’s designs

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❞ Sarah Bayliss has booked stands at 41 shows this year, mainly agricultural events, but also craft, gardening and trade shows, which costs an arm and a leg and is hard work

46 June 2012



Focus on what you do best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

, , # + %1 +'& & +!0 '-*+ "-+, ,' + , -( '-* +, & & * , '-* % *), + '/+ ,3+ !%('*, &, ,' (* + &, 1'-* % * & !+ / $$ & '* 1'-* +, & ,' $''# (*' ++!'& $ + , !+ !. + ( '($ , '& ! & ,' -1 *'% 1'- 3 * ' +&3, . & ,!. +,'*! + ,' , $$ '-, (*' - ,!'& -, + + 1+ , , !+ -+ + ' +&3, "-+, ' '* , ( +, +-(($! * 2 ( '($ / ' -1 *'% % , + '/+ * -(% *# , ,1( + / ' 0( , )- $!,1 & -* !$!,1 , !+ ++ &,! $ ,' * + * / ,3+ . !$ $ . *1 , '*'- $1 '* ''+!& 1'-* % &- ,-* * '&3, "-+, ' '* , ( +, 3 * + '&$1 & (*' ++!'& $ *,!+, '* / 1 *+ & +&3, 1 , & ((*' 1 $! &+ 2 ! * !. + *!'-+ $! &+!& ' * , !*+, , !& 3 ' /'-$ +'% 0, &+!. * + * 3 , $# ,' %'* 0( *! & ( '($ & +# , !* '(!&!'& '/ . * +!& 3. ', & +, $!+ & ,/'*# ' + '/+ , *'- / ! ,' + $$ %1 % * & !+ /'-$ , !&# ,/! '-, & !& '&,*'$ '. * ,' +'% '& $+ & + , , !, %! , ! * &, ! / + +,*- $!& ,' !& '%% * ! $ '-,$ ,+ '* %1 (*' - ,+ * "-+, * $ -& !& , / +!, /!, + -* + '((!& '(,!'& / ! + '-$ /'*# / $$ !& , & % /!, , + '/+ + !+,*! -,!'& '(,!'& 3

I stopped manufacturing because we were turning into a giftware company, not a design studio. Our goods were selling, but were taking us down a route I didn’t want to travel

❞ , '- / ! % # + !, +1 '* $! &+ + ,' !& % !& $- !& * & ! &+!& & (*!& !* &, *& ,!'& $ $+' .', )-!, !, ' & * 1 ,' % *# ,!& & +' ! $ & ,/'*#!& 3 && +,* ++ + , , $! &+!& !% *1 !+ "-+, '& ,' * -+!& ++ + ', * !& '% +,* %+ !& $- !& * /!& *,''& +,*!(+ & + $$!& '*! !& $ /'*# 2 1 .! ,' *,!+,+ / &,!& ,' , !&,' $! &+!& !+ ,' * % % * , , !, & , # ,/' 1 *+ '* 1'- + &1 *'1 $,! + +! & /!, $ !& ( , ++'*! + '%( &1 '. * 1 * ' '* 0 %($ & / * +,!$$ , , +, ' $''#!& , + %($ + & * " ,!& , % 3 & , ( +, && + (*' *

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● /// && / * + *, ' -# /// % *' *+ '% /// + * 1$!++ !& *, ' -# /// +!%'& * / ' -# June 2012 47


The best product ‘What have you got that’s new?’ is the question on the lips of pretty much everyone visiting a stand at one the spring trade fairs. Art Business Today makes it easy for you to see the best new products of the year at a glance

Hot Press Non-stick TeflonTM coated scissors %"0" 0-" & ))6 !"0&$+"! 7 0 &00,/0 /" &!" ) #,/ 211&+$ 1 -" +! !%"0&3" #&)*0 %" "#),+ , 1"! ) !" 02/# " 3&/12 ))6 ")&*&+ 1"0 !%"0&3" 2&)! 2- $&3&+$ )" + 21 "3"/6 1&*" ML25 manual laminator %,2$% 1%" "1 ,2+1"/ &0 1%" *,01 -,-2) / * %&+" &+ 1%" ) *&+ 1,/ / +$" &1 * 6 " )&11)" ,3"/ 0-" &#&"! #,/ 1%" 01 /1

Framiac FramR software for framers &+ " &10 /")" 0" 1 1%" -/&+$ &/ *,/" +! *,/" #/ *"/0 /" /" -&+$ 1%" "+"#&10 ,# / *& / * 3"/ 6" /08 ,+02)1 1&,+ 4&1% )" !&+$ #/ *"/0 *" +0 1% 1 / * &0 -/& &+$ +! * + $"*"+1 0601"* 1% 1 4,/(0 1%" 4 6 #/ *"/0 1%&+( 1 &0 .2& ( +! " 06 1, 0"1 2- +! 20" "3"+ 1%,0" 4%, /" +,1 ,+#&!"+1 4&1% ,*-21"/0 ),3" &1 /& " )&010 #/,* *,01 * ',/ 02--)&"/0 /" -/" &+01 ))"! 0, 6,2 + " 2- +! /2++&+$ &+ *&+21"0 / * 0 3"0 6,2 1&*" &+ /" 0"0 -/,#&10 +! %")-0 6,2 * + $" +! $/,4 6,2/ 20&+"00 +!"/01 +!&+$ 1%" 1/2" ) ,2/ +! * 1"/& ) ,010 ,# * (&+$ "0-,("

48 June 2012

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launches of 2012 Mainline Mouldings The Paramount Range ! (%% ,"(' / + . %() ,( ( * &(-% "' /",! -"%, "' +%") +( ,! * & * ('%1 ! + ,( -, ' )"' (' &(-% "' * &(-', )*( "% + * . "% % "' ,!* +"2 + ' && ' + . ' (%(-* (& "' ,"('+ %- ' * . *+"(' "+ . "% % /!" ! "+ "& , ", &+ "' * & (* ,! %1&)" + ! (0 )*" "+ 3 ) * & ,* (* 3 ) * & ,* 1 ,! % ' ,!

Wessex Pictures Specialist glass POS and starter pack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Valiani V-Studio software #$. $)/0$/$1 .*!/2 - .0$/ $. ++'$ ' -*.. '$ )$8. - )" *! . 1 ) . ) *(+-$. . /#- $) $1$ 0 ''4 - / .4 *3 ) .$") ++. ( " 0 / # .*!/2 - ) ' . 0. -. /* - / .$"). ) +-*% /. 2$/# . .$(+'$ $/4 ) 1 -. /$'$/4 ) 3/ ).$1 - )" *! ) 2 *+/$*). # . ) !*''*2$)" 3/ ).$1 - . - # $)/* 0. -.8 - ,0$- ( )/. # 7. //$)".8 !0) /$*) ( ). 0. -. *)!$"0/0 $* /* /# $- *2) - ,0$- ( )/. - /# - /# ) 1$ 1 -. - / $. /# ( $) .$") - $) 2#$ # (*0)/. ) - / 0.$)" ) 3/ ).$1 '$ - -4 *! / (+' / . # .$(+'$ $/4 *! - / ) /# - )" *! ) 2 !0) /$*). ) *0- " . - /$1 !- *( ( - / 0 / /# 0//$)" $)/ -! $. *(+' / '4 $) + ) )/ *! /# .$") ++'$ /$*) ) $. +-*1$ 2$/# ,0$ & /**' /* - / .$ (*0)/. $) . *) . / $)/ ''$" )/'4 /- ).! -. .$"). !-*( - / /* /# *- /#*. 2$/# *3 0//$)" .*!/2 . 4 * 3 ++ $. .$") /* /# $) - . +-* 0 /$1$/4 /# )&. /* ) 2

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Arqadia The Dresden Collection and swept frames # ) 2 - . ) *'' /$*) '$1 -. ./4'$.# (*0' $)". 2$/# - ' '**& *! #$./*-4 /# / + -! /'4 *(+' ( )/. /# (*- /- $/$*) ' $)/ -$*' ..$ -, $ +-*!$' /# / # . ) 0+ / 2$/# .0 /' / $'$)" ) 0-1 /0- . - . )8. /- $/$*) ' . /$) ' & 0( !$)$.# *!! -. $./$) /'4 )/$,0 ! ' /# / 2$'' .0$/ )4 /4+ *! -/2*-& 2$/#*0/ *1 -+*2 -$)" $/ 1 $' ' $) .$3 .$5 . ) 1 -$ /4 *! 2$ /#. +/#. ) .# + . /# - . )

50 June 2012

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D&J Simons

Photo restoration and transformation +.! + ".,/ -8 '.3. .-#$1 ' 5$ + 4-"'$# 3'$(1 2$15("$2 3 1$3 (+$12 -# .%%$1 %4++ , 1*$3(-& 24//.13 (- 3'$ %.1, .% /.23$12 " 3 +.&4$2 -# 2 ,/+$2 '$(1 2$15("$2 .%%$1 3'$ /$1%$"3 6 8 %.1 1$3 (+$12 3. #(5$12(%8 -# ## 5 +4$ 3. $ "' "423.,$1 31 -2 "3(.- '.3. .-#$1=2 /'.3. 1$23.1 3(.- 31 -2%.1,2 .+# /'.3.&1 /'2 -# (,/.13 -3+8 ,$ -2 "423.,$12 -$$# 3. &$3 3'$(1 -$6+8 1$%41!(2'$# (, &$2 %1 ,$# '$ ".,/ -8 +2. 341-2 "423.,$12= .1#(- 18 /'.3.2 .% 3'$(1 -$ 1$23 -# #$ 1$23 (-3. (, &(- 3(5$ /.131 (32 3' 3 , *$ 6.-#$1%4+ &(%32 $3 (+$12 )423 4/+. # "423.,$12= 2 3. 3'$ '.3. .-#$1 6$!2(3$ 3'$#.6-+. # 3'$ 31 -2%.1,$# 136.1* , 7(,4, .% %.41 # 82 + 3$1 '(2 $-241$2 3' 3 1$3 (+$12 &$3 3'$ ,.23 42$ /.22(!+$ %1., 3'$(1 6(#$ %.1, 3 /1(-3$12 .1 +3$1- 3(5$+8 '.3. .-#$1 ' 5$ /1(-3 / 13-$1 6'. " - /1.#4"$ '(&' 04 +(38 &("+:$ /1(-32

The Photoblock Range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


June 2012 51


A sporting finish With framers across the country planning their Olympic window displays, Christy Gallagher discusses the inspiration and techniques behind some of her sporting memorabilia projects





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â?ž I cut the lettering and apertures with one of our Trucut machines. I used a triple mount, made from Arqadia boards, and the frame is from Frinton Mouldings

52 June 2012




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

Coach House

Pacific Lifestyle

Au Maison


I arranged the boots at an angle, partly because I like asymmetry, and to break up the composition a little. Touches like that personalise a frame and make it unique

❞ Rugby memorabilia ! +. 2 ,!"+- ' ((-, ,!(0' ! + , (/ +% 0 + 0(+' 2 +",! +. 2 )% 2 + (' ' 5 + ' -! 2 %(' -( ,)(+-, %. ! .,-(& + / ., -! ((-, ' ,!"+- ' 0 " -! - ,(& "& , 0(.% & $ -! (&)(,"-"(' &(+ )% ,"' !(, -( ! / -! , )+"'- (' & - % .,"' -! ,. %"& -"(' - !'"*. , -!

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Minster Giftware

Commercial art, stylish lighting and thousands of inspirational decorative accessories. With 1,600 UK and international suppliers launching over 60,000 new products across 9 unique show sectors, Autumn Fair is the ideal place to catch up on the hottest trends, discover the latest designers and preview all that spring 2013 has to offer. Visit Home Interiors & Furniture in Hall 3.

Register now at Priority Code EAARTBT


June 2012 53



Manchester City memorabilia

54 June 2012



❞ I cut the lettering using our Trucut. I decided to include the three gold stars in the mount as this links the mount to the shirt and introduces another colour into the frame

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' # June 2012 55


Fantastic frames

Art Business Today finds out more about the breathtakingly imaginative and elaborate frames that surround Paul Raymond Gregory‘s collection of Tolkien inspired paintings

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P This page: Home of Tom Bombadil; 102x127cm; frame 170x170x12cm; painted 2004. The painted frieze around the painting was later used to create the frame around Khazad-Dum Opposite page, clockwise from top: Khazad-Dum; 152.5x244cm; frame 198x289.5x10.7cm; painted 2003. The Secret Entrance; 127x102cm; frame 307x171x15.3cm; painted 2005. The Death of ThĂŠoden; 102x127cm; frame 129x154x8cm; painted 1990

56 June 2012

Back story ( # ) ( * ( )+"* % %"" %( * %$ *- $ * (* )*1) & *(%$ $ " ( * ( +# $ # )* ( ( # ( % $ , ) * ( +# ( $%-$ .& (* %$ *%( $ & $* $ $ +* %( % # $/ %%!) %$ * )+ * %-$) )* ( "" ( ) $ %$ %$ - " % $ , ) ( # $ ) $ $ (, $ $ # ! $ $

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The creative process # ! % &# ! # ! " #! (" ! # # " & "& (# ! " ! " ! # ( # " " ! " " # $ ! " &# $ $ # # " "$ "# $ (# " $" # ! # ! #" % ! "" "&# # ! " " ! "$ "# " " # # ! " % "# # ! !( "# ! ! " " " #& ! " ( "" # ! # " # $ # # "$!! $ ( ! !( ! !# ! # # " " %# ( # ! " #" # # " # " ! ( % " #" *" # !( ! # " # " & " " ! # ! !( & ! # # !&# # ! ! ) % &# ! $ *" & ! ! # ! ! # !" # % " * ' " # ! ) !"# ( & # # # # " " ' " # "( !# "$! # # # ! " ! ( # &# # # ! # # & ! " ' # #!( # "$! # # " $ " % " # !" $ " # # $ *" $ $ & !


June 2012 57

FRAMING ➺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he workshop &' % '& ! ' " % ! ' &' & + "!' & '" " ' % & "% ( /& # '(% & '" ! ! %" ! ''

58 June 2012

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Top: Dragon’s Lair; 61x61cm; frame 83.5x83x11cm; painted 2002. This frame is inlaid with real snake skin Below: The Great Goblin; 102x127cm; frame 160x190.5x25.5cm; painted 2004. Image courtesy of The Southampton City Art Gallery

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+ June 2012 59


Pete Bingham’s

Agony Send your framing problems to:


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Congratulations to

KERRY DARLINGTON Best-selling Published Artist 2012 from the sponsor Arqadia

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June 2012 61


Membership Assistant Nii Tackie looks at a couple of the highlights of this spring’s branch events

Wide ranging sessions in the south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What’s on in 2012?

Details of upcoming branch events, reports on past events and details of officers and regions can be seen in full at







Cath Friend GCF, Emerald Frames 07507 774017 28 Jun, 11 Sep, 23 Nov

Keith Stewart GCF CPF +64 6 358 9014 TBA

Martyn Holehouse, Seventh Wave Gallery, 01288 356935 12 Jun, 18 Oct







Andy Rossiter GCF, Artisand Framing and Art 01778 394664 18 Jul, 10 Oct

John McDermott, Still Photography 02893 368682 25 Oct

Louise Hill, Permajet, 01789 739200 9 Oct





Paul Webb GCF, Artwork Creations 020 8390 0205 11 Jul, 19 Sep, 21 Nov

Maxwell Roberts, Headrow Gallery, 0113 269 4244 19 Jun, 16 Oct


Top: Johanna Cruickshank (left) and Suzanne Parker, joint regional organisers of the Wessex Branch, at their recent event Below: Mal Reynolds GCF Adv showing guests in the Cotswolds how to make museum quality hinges Left: An example of 3D framing from Martin Tracy GCF


62 June 2012


Johanna Cruickshank, Framing Star, 01962 850430 and Suzanne Parker GCF, Appleshaw Frames, 01264 772251 18 Sep, 27 Nov ART BUSINESS TODAY


Letters and emails

Write to: The Editor, Art Business Today, 16-18 Empress Place, London SW6 1TT, UK

The Olympics: handle with care 2%*# &1/0 ,( **! #.! 0 (5),% +* +* 3%* +3 %/,( 5 * +), *5%*# ,.+)+0%+*/ $ 2! !!* 3 .*! 5 "!((+3 /) (( 1/%*!// +3*!. 0$ 0 )5 % ! / )%#$0 *+0 ! (!# ( + !#%* 3%0$ % *80 !(%!2! $%) 10 -1% ' (( 0+ 0$! 1%( 8/ (!# ( 2% ! (%*! +*"%.)/ 0$ 0 $!8/ .%#$0 ,, .!*0(5 0$! +* +* +.# *%/!./ .! 2!.5 ,.+ 0%2! +10 ,.+0! 0%*# 0$!%. +,5.%#$0 0++ * 0$! 0$! +))!. % ( 1/! +" *5 +" 0$! )!/ .'/ +. *5 +0$!. ) .'/ +. (+#+/ 0$ 0 .! +*"1/%*#(5 /%)%( . 0+ +. (%'!(5 0+ ! )%/0 '!* "+. 0$!) %/ +*(5 ,!.)%00! 3%0$ 0$! 10$+.%/ 0%+* +" 3$% $ %/ #!*!. ((5 +*(5 .!/!.2! "+. +""% % ( /,+*/+./ * (% !*/!!/ 0 %/ 1*( 3"1( "+. 1/%*!//!/ 0+ 1/! 0$! (5),% /5) +( 0$! +* +* (+#+ +. 0$! 3+. / 7 +* +* 8 %* 0$! +1./! +" 0. ! 3%0$+10 8/ 3.%00!* +*/!*0 $%/ )! */ 0$!/! ) .'/ **+0 "+. !4 ),(! ! 1/! +* #++ / %* 1/%*!// * )!/ +* 1/%*!// , ,!./ +. %* 2!.0%/%*# ! !./ /$+1( ! . 0$!/! .!/0.% 0%+*/ %* )%* 3$!* +.# *%/%*# *5 !(! . 0+.5 ) .'!0%*# !2!*0/ 3%* +3 %/,( 5 3%0$ 0$! (5),% (+#+ 10 +10 +" )+1*0 + . "+. !4 ),(! 3+1( ! .! $ +" +,5.%#$0 * %0 %/ !40.!)!(5 (%'!(5 0$ 0 5+1 3+1( ! /'! 0+ .!)+2! %0 . !(( 0 ,(!0+* $! .% #!3 0!. ((!.5


Heat sealing Ordnance Survey maps 3+1( (%'! 0+ ) '! 5+1. .! !./ 3 .! +" ,.+ (!)/ 3! .! !*0(5 !* +1*0!.! 3$!* .5 )+1*0%*# *!3 1/0+) !6 . * * ! 1.2!5 ) , 3$% $ %/ !*0.! +* 1/0+)!.8/ ,+/0 + ! )1/0 ,+%*0 +10 0$ 0 ) !*0%.!(5 $ ,,5 3%0$ 0$! .!/,+*/! .! !%2! ".+) . * * ! 1.2!5 3$+ .!%) 1./! 0$! +/0 +" .!,( %*# 0$! 1/0+)!.8/ ) , / 0$! ) , 3 / .+((! 3! 2%/! +1. 1/0+)!. 0$ 0 0$! !/0 ,.!/!*0 0%+* 3+1( ! $%!2! %" %0 3!.! .5 )+1*0! ! 1/! +0 .!// 2 11) ) $%*! %* 3$% $ $! 0 0%2 0!/ .5 )+1*0 0%//1! ! $ 2! 1/! 0$%/ )!0$+ +* $1* .! / +" %0!)/ +2!. 0$! 5! ./ %* (1 %*# +0$!. !/,+'! ) ,/ ! 3!.! 2!.5 +* !.*! 3$!* 0$! +(+1./ (! * .'!*! * 0$! 0!40 ! )! ()+/0 %((!#% (! $! ,$+0+#. ,$ ,.%*0! $!.! /$+3/ $+3 %""!.!*0 0$! .5 )+1*0! ) , (++'! 0+ 0$! 1*)+1*0! 2!./%+* +*0 0! / 5%*# 0$ 0 0 0$! 2!.5 (! /0 /+)! /+.0 +" (! "(!0 3 .*%*# # %*/0 .5 )+1*0%*# 3%0$ $! 0 /$+1( ! %//1! 3%0$ 0$!/! ) ,/ 3 / 0+( 0$ 0 1/0+) !6 . * * ! 1.2!5 ) ,/ .!



The righthand side of the image shows the Custom Made™ Ordnance Survey map before it was dry-mounted, while on the left is the map after it has been mounted. It is easy to see that the colours have bled and darkened to a drastic extent

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June 2012 63


SERVICES REPLYING TO A BOX AD? Email your contact details to or fax 020 7381 2596. We will forward your details to the advertiser

AGENTS AND JOBS An exciting opportunity has arisen within Frinton Mouldings for a tenacious sales professional to join our team within Scotland and Northern England. This position would suit an individual who has worked closely with artists, galleries or framers in the past and who is happy to work 100% field based as our head office is in Hampshire. The successful individual will be required for a period of nine months starting August 2012. We will provide company car, basic salary of circa £20K, plus a commission structure reflective of experience within the sector and the ability to develop new business. Box Ju1 BUSINESSES FOR SALE 27 years established town centre gallery. Street level gallery, first floor workshop. Owner emigrating/retiring. Building also for sale, £399,995.00. 3 bedroom duplex apartment with current tenants – providing £660 PCM. Sale of business and machinery £75K, stock at valuation approx £30K. Discount possible for full purchase. For premises, contact estate agents +44 (0)1204 381281 For the business, contact Mr Cliff +44 (0)1204 397707 For sale in SW London. Well established, exceptional small picture framing business based in Battersea for sale due to owner retiring. Turnover £58K (y/ended 30.9.11) has been growing steadily throughout the recession with huge potential for further expansion. Good mixture of domestic and corporate clients with complete database of all customers. Excellent return due to low overheads, no staff and premises on monthly licence. £49,950 ono, including stock and equipment. Please call 020-7223 9334 Framing business for sale. Complete package of all machinery, equipment, hand tools, materials and paperwork required for a commercial framing business. Please contact for details. (Hertfordshire) 01763 848685 or 64 June 2012

Affordable giclée printing for galleries, framers and artists. Easy upload, trade discounts and great prices. Specialists in affordable canvas prints. Visit for more information and full price lists or call +44 (0)20 7241 1113 Bespoke and commercial picture framing. Mouldings too large? Frames too big? No workshops or framing staff? Exhibition pending? Picture Perfect offer everything from their 'rim only' frames for you to fit your own mounts and glass etc, to a complete framing service to artists, photographers and art galleries. Guild Commended Framers. 6 Harborough Road, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, NN2 7AZ, 01604 715989,, Digital artwork suppliers. High volume photographic restoration and enhancement services. Range of photo-to-art products available includes caricatures, Pop Art, and fantasy templates. Free to register. 0208 144 2472 or Large format flat bed Cruse scanning service, also printing. Over 30 years fine art experience. Sally Mitchell Fine Arts Ltd. Tel +44 (0)1777 838234 or for details Mac-Royall / PC-Royall - Frame pricing software available for both Macs and PCs. and in imperial or metric measurements. Powerful yet simple to use and easily adapted to suit all businesses. An indispensable tool for the modern framing business. Visit or call Mike Royall GCF on +44 (0) 1454 617022 National Acrylic Painters’ Association (1985) promotes through exhibitions the excellence and innovation of acrylic paint. Contact NAPA for membership details: 134 Rake Lane, Wallasey CH45 1JW, 0151 639 2980,, PFP, winner of the 2009 Innovation Award at the Art & Framing Industry Awards. Picture framers and galleries’ number one pricing tool. 90 days free full version, including 30 minutes free training. Download now: o/ADIT_PFP_DEMO.exe Richard C O Lovesey Fine Art & Desktop Publishing. Personalised stationery, business cards, all in full colour. Products for artists: greeting cards, keyrings, notelets. Giclée printing. Mountcutting service. +44 (0)1507 600836

Scanning service: Cruse synchron system which captures up to 500Mb from originals up to 225x150cm with incredible detail and clarity. Tel: +44 (0)116 2843657 MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT Daler Rowney – inspiring creativity since 1783. For all mountboard requirements, please contact: Tom Hopper – Key Account Manager - Framing.

Hardwood wedges for stretched canvases. Over 50% of 19th and 20th century stretched canavases have broken or missing wedges. We manufacture eight different size/thickness combinations of replacement hardwood wedges, £5.50 per set of ten plus £3.50 p & p per order. Try the Studio Selection:10 each, 4 useful sizes, £23.50 post paid and save £2. Tel 01603 743374 with credit/debit card details. Leveton Studio, Orman House, 17a Grove Avenue, New Costessey, Norwich, NR5 0JD Kleencut Arrow 76 mount/mat cutter plus blades. In excellent condition surplus to requirements. Price in the region of £200. Collection from Alton Hampshire. Contact 01420 22834 Mounts4You. Online web based mount cutting service. Retirement sale. C & H Advantage Pro 48" mountcutter. Logan 3-step oval & circle mountcutter. Stretch-n-square needlework stretcher. Print browser. 36" Bench-End guillotine. Excellent condition. Great value. 0117 9698735 (Bristol).


NEW To advertise here, contact Debra Doherty at B2B

Stretcher bars and canvases made to measure in the UK. Fast turnaround. Softwood and hardwood bars. Any size from 200mm to 3000mm. Print stretching service. Made by the UK’s leading manufacturer. For a catalogue call us now on +44 (0)121 2480030. TRAINING Applegarth Framing, Derbyshire. Individual framing training, beginners to advanced, courses tailored to suit students’ requirements. Contact Mary Evans GCF Adv on 01283 703403 or Art of Framing Training School. or call Lyn Hall GCF Adv to request prospectus. Flexible training to suit your needs. Accommodation available. Based outside Guildford/Farnham. Call (01483) 810555 Down School of Picture Framing. ALL courses accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. Call Steven McKee GCF Adv 028 9269 3807 / 07834 787487 Harlequin Frames. Framing tuition tailored to individual needs. Courses fully accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. Contact Mal Reynolds GCF Adv. on 01673 860 249 or Hedgehog Art & Framing is a Fine Art Trade Guild accredited trainer. Basics to advanced, worldwide training on your premises. Over 500 students to date. Roy Rowlands GCF 01527 876293, In a Frame - Individual framing training by a qualified GCF (Hertfordshire/Essex borders). Courses fully accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. Call Richard Williams GCF on 01279 260069, Northern Framing School, Sheffield. Run by trainer and author Pete Bingham GCF. All aspects of framing, including GCF refresher courses and 4-day beginner course. 0114 245 1547 or Royall Framing (Bristol) – Individual or joint tuition is offered by Mike Royall who’s been a GCF since 1994 and is the only framing trainer in the UK who’s also a qualified adult education teacher. All courses are fully accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild. For more information visit or call Mike on +44 (0) 1454 617022 Sophie Brown Conservation Framing. Registered GCF tester in Australia. Individual tuition from basic to advanced framing. The emphasis is on conservation. +61 2 9518 0624 ART BUSINESS TODAY

GILDING COURSES A practical introduction to water and oil gilding in an intensive 3-day course with an optional 4th day covering antique frame restoration. Courses held in London, Oxford, Salisbury, Newark, Hastings and Scotland. www.gildingcourses or call Jan Pike on 01424 754104 or 07973 732184

Sports Framing offer training from basics up to GCF standard. I day engineering courses on the Morsø. Oldham, Lancs. Textile framing workshops available from Mal Reynolds GCF Adv, Harlequin Frames, Lincolnshire. Individually tailored. Call 01673 860249 or email to discuss details UK School of Framing. A range of courses available at a pace to suit each level to allow students to enjoy and absorb what is taught. Courses take place at venues all over the UK and are accredited by the Fine Art Trade Guild., 01494 459545 Wessex Pictures Framing School (est 1987) offers training to novices and experienced framers. It is recognised by the Fine Art Trade Guild. The 5-day course in Leatherhead is £395 + VAT. Phone Garry White GCF, 0845 456 9970

B2B AD BOOKING AUGUST 2012 DEADLINE Please send coupon and payment by 12 July to: Debra Doherty, Art Business Today, 16-18 Empress Place, London SW6 1TT, UK ■ CLASSIFIED (TEXT ONLY) 30 words: £35 + VAT (FREE to Guild members). 50p per word thereafter. Box number £10 + VAT, Guild members £5 + VAT ■ BOXED CLASSIFIED Box: £55 + VAT per 60mm (£40 + VAT to Guild members) + £5 for picture or box no YOUR LISTING ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ NAME


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PAYMENT Guild Commended Framer Study Guide

Published by the Fine Art Trade Guild Researched, edited and compiled by Annabelle Ruston and Fiona Ryan GCF

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June 2012 65


TREVOR AND NICOLA ROYALL opened Royall Fine Art in Tunbridge Wells in 1983 with the aim of selling original work by some of Britain’s best painters, sculptors and artisans, a formula that still works for them today

How did you start? $ *' $. /- $) -/$./ ) - 1*- 2 . ) )"$) - 2#* *'' / /# )/0-4 -/ # ) 2 ( / 2 ,0$ &'4 $ /* *+ ) " '' -4 ) #*. 0) -$ " ''. 0. /# )/$' . # . #$./*-$ .+ /*2) ! ' /# / . ( -$"#/ !*" '' -4 # - 2 . '$//' -0) *2) & /# ) ) /# - 2 . *)'4 *) */# " '' -4 2# - . )*2 /# - - .$3 2$/#$) .+$//$)" $./ ) 2#$ # $. !$)$/ '4 "** 1 '*+( )/ 0- !$-./ +- ($. . 2 . $) .'$"#/'4 ' .. "** '* /$*) 0/ 2 71 # /#$. .,0 - !**/ " '' -4 !*4 -. What type of work do you sell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une 2012

The Royall family What’s your division of labour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o you sell online? *0 )7/ 04 $- /'4 !-*( *0- 2 .$/ 0/ '*/ *! + *+' " / $) /*0 # /#-*0"# /# .$/ ) 04 2*-& */# 3$./$)" '$ )/. ) ) 2 *) . / ( 4 ) 3$./$)" '$ )/ 2#*7. (*1 *1 -. . *.*( *) $) 2 ' ) 2#* 2 )/. .+ $!$ .0 % / ) !*0) *0- 2 .$/ *)/- -4 /* 2# / 4*0 ($"#/ /#$)& + *+' * 04 #$"# 1 '0 $/ (. 2$/#*0/ . $)" /# ( !$-./ $ *' .+ ) . '*/ *! /$( 0+ /$)" /# 2 .$/ ) $ / /#- (*)/#. /* .$")$)" $/ .*( 4 -. "* # '.* +#*/*"- +#. '' /# 2*-&

How do you market the business? / & *0/ # '! ) !0'' + " 1 -/$. ( )/. $) /# )/ ) 0.. 3 "'*..$ . . 2 '' . *0)/-4 $! ( " 5$) 0. . /* +-*(*/ .+ $!$ 3#$ $/$*). #*' 0+ /* !*0- 3#$ $/$*). 4 - 2$/# ($3 .#*2. $) .+-$)" ) !*- #-$./( . ) *) *- /2* .*'* .#*2. . 2 '' +-$)/ "'*..4 / '*"0 !*# .#*2 ) ( $' $/ /* -*0) + *+' *)7/ * .* $ ' ) /2*-&$)" /# - $.)7/ /$( ) 2 ,0 ./$*) $/. 0. !0') .. *0 # 1 /* +-$*-$/$. $ *' ( $'. . ' / '$ )/. *0/ ) 2 2*-& ) '.* . ) . )$ '4 +- . )/ +#*/*"- +#. $) /# ( $' *+' ++- $ / /# !!*-/ /#$. $)1*'1 . ) !*' - *)/ $)$)" +#*/*"- +#. $. ' .. .$'4 '*./ *- $")*- /# ) ) ( $' ' )& / ( $'. ) ) 2.' // -. '$& '4 /* ))*4 + *+' ) - ( $) 0)How do you find new artists? - '2 4. *) /# '**&*0/ !*- ) 2 -/$./. 2#*. 2*-& *(+' ( )/. /# / $) *0- 3$/$)" +*-/!*'$* !$) -/$./. $) '*/. *! 2 4. 0/ ) /2*-&$)" ) + -.*) ' - *(( ) /$*) .*'0/ '4 & 4 / $. )*2 (0 # .$ - !*- -/$./. /* '**& !*- " '' -$ . /# )&. /* /# $)/ -) / 0/ " '' -4 *2) -. ./$'' # 1 /* +-* /$1 $! /# 4 2 )/ /* !$) /# ./ -/$./. ● 222 -*4 ''!$) -/ * 0& ART BUSINESS TODAY



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