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Originally, when I was picking closing dates and saw May 5 come up, I did not want anything to do with Cinco de Mayo. And we did a big Star Wars issue last May. So, in my head I was going to plan for Mother’s Day. It would be a big photo story to explore what life is like for different moms in a gritty but beautiful sort of way. But then everything shut down and into the garbage that idea went. I decided I would crank out the 2017 conventions issue. But then my computer didn’t want to work. And I realized we went to three conventions in 2017. And we had a lot of pictures. It would be physically impossible to produce the issue on time. So, pivot...
Friday was the first time Betty ever wore her Jyn Erso or Rey costumes (her brothers have worn the gloves, vest, etc. a lot), so they’re not her favorite costumes—these are everyone else’s favorite Star Wars costumes. —MV
Mattel promised the Princess Leia, R2-D2, and Darth Vader Barbies it released last Star Wars Day would be the first in a series. For 2020, they debuted Rey, C-3PO, a Stormtrooper, and Chewbacca Barbies. You can pre-order each for $99.99. Check out ComicBook.com for the lovely descriptions and fashion illustrations.