STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDER developed by Respawn Entertainment, published by Electronic Arts
Kal and Luis downloaded and completed this actionadventure game. Set five years after Star Wars: Episode III, Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis is hunted throughout the galaxy by two Inquisitors while attempting to complete his training, escape his troubled past, and rebuild the fallen Jedi Order. Enemy types range from droids and Purge Troopers to wild beasts and skilled Zabrak warriors native to each planet.
First Edition Force Friday 2019 Black Series Cal Kestis and Second Sister Inquisitor
“That’s the same girl?” RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER developed by Crystal Dynamics, published by Square Enix
Kal doubted the PS2 and PS1 versions had anything to do with the game Luis had downloaded. Lara Croft utitilizes pick axes, ziplines, and bows and arrows to complete objectives and side content. She needs a lot of stealth—not Kal’s default mode. He likes to run around and shoot things. Before Luis got involved in Horizon Zero Dawn, Kal liked to run out and confront enemies. Kal completed both games.
VIDEO GAMES IN CASA VEGA: A DETAILED HISTORY My journey with video games started very early. I was completely entranced by the tiny ColecoVision box my mom brought home. We plugged it into the adapter that connected to the TV and it allowed us to turn the dials and move the little Pong sliders up and down to bounce the ball back and forth. It was a crude version of tennis, and I simply could not turn away. We all fought for turns on this new device. We truly loved this new gaming machine. This was quickly followed up by my oldest brother buying a new Atari. If Coleco was a bike with training wheels, Atari was a Ferrari. Games were in color (not the tones of green of Coleco), you held a buttoned joystick (very similar to the arcade experience) and there was a large library of games to choose from. It instantly became the most popular device in the family. I remember spending hours on end playing my favorite of the games, Defender. Defeating enemy ships who constantly try to swoop down and steal citizens while you blast them out of the sky and catch the citizens was everything. As my brothers got older and showed less interest in games—and realizing how important they were to me—my mother bought me a Nintendo. Video games for me had become a way of life. As the fourth kid out of five, I was significantly younger than my older siblings, and my younger sibling didn’t really play video games at all. Continued Page 43
October 27, 2020 • Art
Department Weekly