From 2015?
VIDEO GAMES For as long as I can remember music has been an integral part of video games. I bet almost anyone that has played a game in the past 20 years can remember or hum a video game tune, like the Super Mario Bros theme song or the Tetris song. The music in video games goes hand in hand with the pace and structure for the game, and sometimes essential to the story line for the game. The music creates an atmosphere like music in a film would. However the music in a video game does much more than create an atmosphere or a tone. It also communicates information to the players such as winning a level or when the game is over. Whenever the background music changes from a moderate pace to faster pace, we all know to expect that the boss is coming or that unsettling music that comes on after you wasted your last life. Over the years, music in video games developed as fast as its technology. From the 8-bit synths once heard in earlier games like R.B.I Baseball in 1987 to the video games of today that have amazing orchestral accompaniments such as Final Fantasy VII and on, to Elder Scroll V: Skyrim. Creating an immersive fiction in which to set the narrative is an important duty for any developer but music is a huge part of successfully
achieving this immersion. Whether it is experienced directly by the character such as the radio stations in Grand Theft Auto, or having a symphonic backing score. Great and appropriate music can speak volumes about the world of the protagonist. We also have rhythm games that take the direct use of music one step further by making the player perform their favorite songs using controllers inspired by musical instruments. Or rhythm games that let us dance like Britney Spears. This allowed people to live out their fantasies of being a rock star or a pop star. It also brought people together to jam out on a Friday night. I still remember long Friday and Saturday nights with my friends playing Rockband, trying to get the perfect score for every song. Almost every gamer remembers the music of their favorite moment in a video game. Mine would have to be the battle with Sephiroth and his song “OneWinged Angel” came on in Final Fantasy VII. The song was haunting and epic, which intensified the moment. It felt like I was battling a god. The music in video games invoke many emotions as we play through and they will always resonate with us for years to come. –Sterling
To listen to Sterling’s curated Top 20 Video Games songs click the link below:
The Batgirl of Burnside One of the most refreshing comics of 2015 has been the reinvented Batgirl. Batgirl had been a steady and consistent performer in the new 52 while she was handled by Gail Simone. DC then completely spun the character on its heels and gave the book to indie darlings Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr with a helping hand from comics veteran Cameron Stewart. The premise was simple. Barbara was a down on her luck millenial trying to make it out on her own after moving away from Gotham. When all of her crime-fighting gear is destroyed, she basically creates a cosplay friendly version of her costume (deftly designed by Stewart and Tarr) and uses her big brain and quick wit to continue fighting crime. She basically has a chance to reinvent herself and become the Batgirl she wants to be. What Barbara didn’t expect was that being in Burnside (Gothams trendiest neighborhood–think Williamsburg) she would become a social media darling and viral sensation. Instead of avoiding the spotlight (ala Bruce) Barbara completely embraces her new status quo. She truly is a viral vigilante who is done living in the shadows. Besides the new outfit, she has a whole new supporting cast (could Frankie be the new Oracle), college classes, and an intersting new dating life. On top of that, there is the her relationship with the new Batman (her dad James Gordon) which should provide fertile ground for fresh new stories. Swipe left on this title and hook up with this new take on Batgirl —Luis