EVERYBODY LOVES THE iPAD In 2012 we bought an iPad. I used it to read in the dark. It was Mommy’s iPad. The Brooklyn Public Library has a huge online catalog, and I checked out new books all the time. Infant Boom heard everything from Too Big to Fail and Crime and Punishment to Emily’s Reasons Why Not and The Hunger Games. Then Kal switched from watching train reviews on YouTube on a laptop browser to playing free games on the iPad. I needed him to be quiet so I could put Boom down for a nap more than I needed an e-book. That’s when it became Kal’s iPad. He played Subway Surfers, Angry Birds, Plants vs. Zombies, and pretty much anything else he could convince someone to download for him. Eventually the lime green case fell apart and we replaced it with a gray case. It feels like Boom only recently stopped asking what happened to the green iPad. We have inherited more old iPads since then, but they’re too outdated to use. Betty plays with the 2012 iPad every day. It earned its spot on the 2013 Christmas card.
Boom had to wait for Kal to start school before he could have the iPad to himself.
Art Department Weekly • October 27, 2020