ARTE SHO Sachiyo Kaneko 2002-2014, JAPAN, ART

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SHO SACHIYO KANEKO 2002~2014 金子祥代の書


7 歳より書を始める。 12 歳より王義之「蘭亭序」の臨書開始。 以後、古典臨書で各書体を学ぶ。 好きな古典は木簡、顔真卿、鄭道昭など。 最近では三色紙、特に継ぎ色紙を好んで臨書している。

2000 年に初めての個展を開催して以降、日本にとどまらず世界各地で作品を発 表。ミクストメディア、パフォーマンス、フィルムダンスなど素材を限定せず 表現者として様々な試みを続けている。

今回号の ARTE ではその中から書の作品にしぼって紹介する。

書家金子祥代の幅広い表現力と書の可能性を感じとっていただければ幸いであ る。

Photo: Shigeaki Hashimoto

Sachiyo’s English Biography is in the end of this magazine

瑠璃 流転 ルビー ルージュ ループ

ル ru (55cmx 70cm, 2005)

L O V ・・・とは

E 愛 ai (70cmx 140cm, 2005)

MYO 妙なるもの きはめてよい うつくしい

たとえられない・・・ よいこと 不思議なこと


妙 myo x2 (57cmx 178cm, 90cmx 90cm, 2005)

戯 gi, tawamure (117cmx 87cm, 2006)

戯れせん と や 生まれ けん

хог sen (117cmx 87cm, 2007)

為 tame (117cmx 87cm, 2004)

(57cmx 238cm, 2009)

カラマーゾフの兄弟 The Brothers Karamazov 神と悪魔が闘っている


God and the devil are fighting and the battlefield is the heart of man (57cmx 178cm, 2002)


俺は ZERO だ

そういたいと願う(TAKURO) Chain the trick of a dream. I’m ZERO. I want to be so. (73cmx 152cm, 2004)

壺に活けし木槿二輪や白と赤 Tsuboni ikeshi

Mukuge nirin ya

(57cmx 178cm, 2009)

久弥 Shiro to aka

白露に争ひかねて咲ける萩 散らば惜しけむ雨な降りそね See these miserable Hagi flowers in the white dew Please don’t rain

今さらに雪降らめやも かぎろひの燃ゆる春へと なりにしものを It is impossible to snow now Hot flames are burning The spring has already come

万葉集 (57cmx 178cm, 2010)

ちぎれぐも ちぎれているのに広がって どこまでもどこまでも

断雲 dan-un (57cmx 178cm, 2007 創玄現代書展白鴎賞)

天が与えてくれたもの そんなものが私にあるならば

天与 ten-yo (57cmx 178cm, 2011)

雲 龍 に 従 う

雲従龍 clouds follow the dragon (73cmx 152cm, 2013)

寺田寅彦の句 Haiku (25cmx 18cm, 2010

紙との出会いもまた一期一会 二度と戻らぬ一瞬


今日の墨は 今日だけの色

水原秋櫻子の句 Haiku (25cmx 18cm, 2014 日展)


She started to learn SHO, so called Japanese/Chinese calligraphy, at 7 years old. She started to learn from the copy of ‘Lantingji Xu’ (by Wang Xizhi, Chinese classic master) when she was only 12 years old. It was gifted education. She is one of few SHOKAs, so called calligraphers, who acquire the skills of whole techniques throughout SHO history from oracle bone script to Japanese Kana and seal curving. She has won the numerous prizes in national contests since she started to apply when she was 13 years old.

She joined study tours to China 6 times. She visited important places related to Chinese classic masterpieces. Yumen pass in Gobi desert, Dunhuan, Xian, Hanzhong, Qingdao, Qufu etc. in addition to Beijin, Shanhai. She even climbed Taishan and Yunfengshan.

She met curved characters on Rocks in the mountains,

important stone monuments, ancient letters on wooden/bamboo sticks, oracle bone scripts and so on.

This experience helped her to understand this traditional art


In her life, she has visited more than 20 countries. Digging oriental traditional art for a long time and watching around the world widely. These two aspects in different vectors give her art an original taste, view, perspective of the world. The trip to San Miguel de Allende(Mexico) in 2002-2003 especially changed her life. This new world turned over her points of view completely. She had already started exhibitions with her abstract SHO works in 2000. her own art as ‘expression’ without categorizing like SHO.

But she started to seek

While studying world art by visiting museums energetically, she got attracted by Amedeo C. Modigliani (Italy, 1884-1920) and Rufino Tamayo(Mexico, 1899-1991) in particular. They are very different. Different arts, different countries, different ways of life. But these two artists have roots in very primitive things and emit strong energy from there. It was very natural for Sachiyo to sympathize with them, because she had been with old scripts all her life since she was a child. Their works encouraged and inspired her a lot.

She could re-recognize that there is

stronger power than its visible shape very much.

What is making her keep creating? She says creation is like meditation.

The answer is ‘to encounter herself’. When she completes a work innocently, there

she finds her unconsciousness which she did not known. We cannot control unconsciousness. But there is a feeling that the more we study, the more the unknown world increases. In the same way, the space of unconsciousness spreads wider more and more. When she meets this space, her mind is released and starts to play spontaneously.

And then she starts the next work to face the new Sachiyo


Graduated in Department of International and Cultural studies from Tsuda University, Tokyo, Japan. Official selection: Nitten-Japan Fine Arts Exhibition(Japan) Le Salon D’Automne(France) Book:

‘Magical Ink’ ISBN-10: 4779003474 ISBN-13: 978-4779003479

Reference 【performance】JAPANESE CALLIGRAPHY☆LIVE☆WAVE☆Sachiyo Kaneko (Barcelona, 2016) 【Official Website】 【Book】‘Magical Ink’ ISBN-10: 4779003474

ISBN-13: 978-4779003479

ARTE ‘SHO’ © copyright 2018 by ARTEKINKO, all rights are reserved

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