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Methodological Note
This document represents the fourth Sustainability Report of Artemide (Artemide Group S.p.A. and its subsidiaries – hereinafter “Artemide” or “Group”) and reports on the issues deemed material, to the extent necessary to ensure the understanding of the business, its performance, its results and of the social and environmental impact it generates. In particular, the identification of the material aspects was performed through a materiality analysis, which is described in the “Sustainability management and economic responsibility” chapter of this document. The Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the Core option of the “GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards”, published in 2016 by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). With regards to the specific GRI 306 indicator (Waste), the most recent version of 2020 was adopted.
The data in the document refers to the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Where available, the data for the previous year has been included for comparative purposes to facilitate the assessment of the performance of the Group’s activities. The scope of economic and financial data and information reported is the same as that used in the Consolidated Financial Statement of Artemide Group as of December 31, 2021. The scope of the social data and information reported includes all the companies consolidated on a line-by-line basis in the Consolidated Financial Statement of Artemide Group S.p.A.19. The scope of the environmental data and information reported includes the Group’s headquarters in Pregnana Milanese, the plants in Italy, France and Hungary and the consumption of Italian showrooms under the control of Artemide Italia s.r.l. Moreover, vehicle fuel consumption is reported for Italian companies only. Any scope limitation is indicated in the text. The use of estimates has been limited as much as possible and, if used, it is based on the best available methodologies and appropriately reported. The periodicity of the Sustainability Report reporting is set on an annual basis. This document is subject to a limited review (“limited assurance engagement” in accordance with the criteria indicated by the ISAE 3000 Revised principle) by Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.
19 For the consolidated list of companies on a line-by-line basis, please refer to the Group Directors’ Report and Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group as of 31.12.2021.