Cycle Sound Environments (English Version)

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PRESENTATION Cycle Sound Environments, Is a project that aims to expand our sensory field, connecting with our immediate surroundings, and transform environmental data into a sound polyphony that surrounds us in an adrift in the city. This mobile project involves the bicycle as the dynamic subject, it's the main source of energy that allows us to monitor in real time the behavior and small variations in the environment. For its realization, there are two versions: In the center there is an Arduino board that collects information from different environmental sensors into numerical data that are processed by the brain of the RaspberryPi integrated chip. This, together with the PureData software translates the sensor data in audio frequency signals, returning it to the same environment through the integrated speaker system on the bike. Each mobile station is in a bike and connected by sending, receiving and storing information in real time through a communication protocol M2M to a server on the network using GSM / GPRS technology. The second version send data using a Shield Bluetooth to a mobile phone application (App) designed to receive and send data to the network server, the same Application transforms sensor data in audio frequency signals. The live connection to the server is in this case 3G-4G. Each bike registers a unique route within the mapping an area in which the sounds are modified dependinent on the surrounding variables. The data on the server allows us to manage different musical structures through MIDI automation protocol and format this information in Live-Cinema to be able to create presentations for socialization and dissemination of the project. All material recorded by each of the sensors from the different mobile stations at the server is orchestrated by a computer. This enables us to provide a real-time audiovisual concert in a particular place from simultaneous stations received from different points and moving from one city, forming a participatory installation. Cycle Sound Environments, is a project currently under development, the beta version is now in use. In December 2013 Laboratorio Un(A)Counting, organized by Migrating Arts Academies in Lithuania, Vilnius, took part and is now in the working on the adaptation to the moving structure, which in January 2014 will be launched during the event Bicicultura "Massa critica "in Barcelona Spain. In February 2014 the first tests of communication will be executed, then it will enter a phase of analysis, evaluation and development of the first pre-version.

Idea y Conceptualizaci贸n: ARTErias Urbanas Oscar Octavio Soza Figueroa Kike Medina Gal谩n

FORMALIZATION Phase one is to connect different environmental sensors within an Arduino board and transform the numerical data of each sensor into soundsThis wll be achieved through a Pure-Data communication RaspberryPi-shield Arduino, projecting the sound within the same environment with a pair of integrated speakers on a bicycle, which is the main source of energy supply for the project. With this process we can extend our field and listen to perceptible changes and environmental variables in real time from different areas of a city or any type of environment.

Phase two will connect the mobile station (bike with the prototype) to shield GSM / GPRS to send the number to an Internet server data from the bicycle. A computer collects environmental and geolocation data, allowing us to visualize the path through a city and at the same time, use the sensor data to generate sound and image in a fixed station (computer) from which a concert is performed in audiovisual real-time.

Phase three involves the ability to connect various mobile platforms (bicycles with prototypes) through an open server from different computers which get the data and being able to make collaborations with others to control and manipulate data from different locations.

CV (.zZ.) Oscar Octavio Soza Figueroa (1985), Agua de Castilla, Bolivia (0034) 600 81 67 56 Studies (2003-2008) UAGRM, University: “Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno”, Bachelor in Arts Specialty in Sculpture and Audiovisual (2003-2005) UTEPSA University, Electronics and Systems Engineering, (Technical Studies) (2013-2014) UB, University of Barcelona Master in Research and Artistic Production Residences/Workshops (2013) Laboratory – Un(a)Counting, Numerical representations of the reality, Migrating Arts Academies. Vilnius-Lithuania (2013) Laboratory – MIRA Festival, New Interfaces: Human-Computer, Lab Nou. Barcelona, Spain (2013) Residence – Voices, Migrating Arts Academies. Villefagnan, France (2013) Workshop – Playing The Stage, New environments. Hangar. Barcelona, Spain (2011) Electronic Audiovisual Workshop – INDI Digital Interactive Festival, La Paz, Bolivia (2011) Sound Art Workshop - Kiosco, Fundación Simón I. Patiño. Santa Cruz, Bolivia Main Exhibitions (2013) SIART Biennial, Quirquincho Tambo Museum, “0/0 is where everything started and 0/0 is where you are now." an open curatorial system, of migrant typology with Zwischenfunk Collective from Germany La Paz - Bolivia. (2012) Transmission. World Event Young Artist, “seed" Interactive tactil-sound-visual Sculpture Selected Work with ARTErias Urbanas Collective. Nottingham-United Kingdom. (2011) BAU: Urban Art Biennale “Ω + Delirium Urbanical” Urban Intervention on the street, mARTadero, ARTErias Urbanas and Ciudad Satelite: Interactive live cinema concert Cochabamba-Bolivia.

CV Kike Medina Galán (1986), Málaga, Spain. (0034) 679 20 59 41 Studies (2004-2011) Bachelord in Fine Arts, University of Barcelona, 2011. Main Exhibitions (2013) Llucifest, El Masnou, Barcelona. De La Torre: FAST BOILING, EASY CLEANING, Private flat, Barcelona. Editing 10a VisualSound Festival Barcelona, videocreation. (2012) Injuve Awards for Young Creation: Displays visual arts (award project) project I'm Fine, traveling exhibition Spain and Latin America. (2011) Room Art Fair ‘11, Untitled BCN, Madrid. Festival Jump!, Corretger5, Barcelona. Artists for Japan, Orizuru gallery, with the colaboration of Diario de Noticias and Red Cross, Pamplona. (2010) Sense Titol’10, 2006-10 promotion, project Visca Barcelobra!, UB, Barcelona. (2012) I'm Fine. (2011) Program Stapler radio, Radio Evolució, with the collaboration of art sonor laboratori UB., Collaborations with sonor Paisatge and, with the support of UB and the Landscape Observatory. HOTEL, Monegros. (2010) Vica Barcelobra!, Barcelona. Awards (2012) Injuve Awards for Young Creation: Sample Visual Arts Award project.

Selected Works Kike Medina Galán (2011-2012) I’m fine, Through the play of words I'm fine (from the amiable "I am fine " to the possible "I am a fine"), the project proposes the reflecting on sanctions and on being sanctioned, specifically by the traffic police, through being given a fine. Issues such as property, the Other and authorship are approached through the figure of the speed camera as a device for action. A performance event developed through stepping on the accelerator at the precise moment. The documentary nature of the action (causing a radar-triggered photographic discharge) emphasises issues such as depersonalisation in civic attention, care of the Other or bio-political control. Taking as the leitmotif of the photographic series an old red 1987 Ford Escort car (in 2013 it will become a vintage vehicle), we propose to evoke images (in the form of a "road-picture") of the 1980s and ‘90s, When narratives of freedom and utopias of debauchery were presupposed. As in the lack of control over the making of the photographs (colour, plot, black and white) or as in the performance event of driving fast in a vehicle that in principle is not allowed to go through a spot where everyone brakes. In the I'm fine project, the artist proposes to return the capital to the State through an infringement and then paying it, setting out the double moral of the "offender", Raising doubts about everyday conduct and obedience as well as taking up the issue over the action’s physicality. This is a vitalist project in which the body’s importance is superimposed on that of the machine, or where the machine is humanised, acquiring the importance of an ironic personage. As a backdrop, the issue of a vintage car’s speed reveals in a nostalgic and ironic way the competitiveness and desire to succeed in reaching an undetermined destination. Artes Visuales 12.pdf

Selected Works Oscar Octavio Soza Figueroa Everything is in motion and involves us in a universe of frequencies that travel through us like waves of the sea; they spread, expand, merge and create forms in a space imperceptible to our senses; frequencies constantly in relation, creating an aura, the spirit of all things that vibrate in mutual consonance. Currently I work with the matter in a ritual way. I experiment with the energy through new technologies, to expand the boundaries and create possibilities. I consider important to work with technologies of free access, open-source and of development in community, which have also low environmental impact. "I am interested in the relations, the ability to generate nexus not only between art and society or object and subject; I am interested in the relations between the forces and wills of the matter and the being; in the environment. I believe in a Social Sculpture able to transform and produce consciousness. " Ω +DELIRIUM URBANICAL, uses the energy of earth to create a relationship between

itself and the art work, through the people, who plays the role of being the means through which the charge of the earth is carried to the sculpture by touch: the only fact of touching it, produces a sound that is modified, amplified and modulated through a laptop that sends an audio signal, which is decoded by another laptop sending a video signal projected onto any surface in the space. LLANKHAY means “to touch lightly with the fingertips” in Quechua language. It is an intimate encounter with nature, the matter and the being merge, everybody has a resonance, It is susceptible to feel when another surface gets in contact,

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