Canllaw Guide
John Akomfrah NeĂŻl Beloufa Amy Franceschini / Futurefarmers Lamia Joreige NĂĄstio Mosquito Bedwyr Williams Gwobr ac Arddangosfa Gelf Ryngwladol International Art Exhibition and Prize
Cyflwyniad Croeso i Artes Mundi 7, arddangosfa celfyddyd weledol gyfoes fwyaf a mwyaf cyffrous Cymru a’r wobr gelfyddyd fwyaf yn y DU. Mae Artes Mundi 7 yn cynnwys gwaith chwe artist arloesol o hyd a lled Ewrop, Gogledd America, Affrica a’r Dwyrain Canol. Mae pob un o’r artistiaid ar y rhestr fer yn edrych ar faterion cymdeithasol sy’n ymwneud â’r thema ‘Y Cyflwr Dynol’. Detholwyd y rhestr fer gan banel o dri churadur rhyngwladol, Élise Atangana, Alistair Hudson a Marie Muracciole a fu’n craffu’n ofalus ar 800 o enwebiadau cyn llunio rhestr fer o chwe enw. Mae Artes Mundi 7 yn agored yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd a Chapter tan 26 Chwefror. Gwnewch y gorau o’ch ymweliad drwy lawrlwytho ap Artes Mundi am ddim.
Introduction Welcome to Artes Mundi 7, Wales’ biggest and most exciting contemporary visual art exhibition and the largest art prize in the UK. Artes Mundi 7 features the work of six ground-breaking artists from across Europe, North America, Africa and the Middle East. Each of the shortlisted artists explore social issues which relate to the theme of ‘The Human Condition’. The shortlist was selected by a panel of three international curators, Élise Atangana, Alistair Hudson and Marie Muracciole who carefully scrutinised over 800 nominations before narrowing the list down to six names. Artes Mundi 7 is open at National Museum Cardiff and Chapter until the 26th of February. Make the most of your visit by downloading the free Artes Mundi app.
John Akomfrah Auto da FĂŠ, 2016 Two channel HD colour video installation, 5.1 sound 40 minutes 30 seconds Courtesy the artist, Smoking Dogs Films and Lisson Gallery, London.
John Akomfrah Artist Prydeinig yw John Akomfrah sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yn Llundain; mae ei waith yn edrych ar y diaspora byd-eang, hanes, y cof, gwladychiaeth a’i chynhysgaeth drwy gyfryngau seiliedig ar y lens. Yn Auto da Fé (2016), tafluniad fideo dwy sianel, mae Akomfrah yn defnyddio estheteg drama gyfnod yn benodol i ystyried achosion ymfudo byd-eang hanesyddol a chyfoes. Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, Oriel 24
John Akomfrah is a British artist living and working in London, his work explores the global diaspora, history, memory, colonialism and its legacy through lens based media. In Auto da Fé (2016), a two channel video projection, Akomfrah specifically uses the aesthetics of a period drama to consider the historical and contemporary causes of global migration. National Museum Cardiff, Gallery 24
NeĂŻl Beloufa World Domination, 2015 Media installation (epoxy resin wall, motor on rails, video World Domination, 2012) Dimensions variable Courtesy the artist and Gallery Zero
Neïl Beloufa Mae Neïl Beloufa yn byw ac yn gweithio ym Mharis. Mae ei waith yn cynnwys gosodwaith, ffilm ac elfennau cerfluniol. Mae ei waith yn edrych ar strwythurau grym yn oes technoleg. Yn World Domination (2015) mae Beloufa’n gwahodd cyfranogwyr i chwarae gêm sy’n dychanu gwleidyddiaeth a gwrthdaro byd-eang. Mae’n arddangos dau waith ychwanegol, Monopoly (2016), a Counting Contest (ar y gweill). Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, Oriel 22a
Neïl Beloufa lives and works in Paris. His work includes installation, film and sculptural elements. Through his work he examines power structures in the age of technology. In World Domination (2015) Beloufa invites participants to play a game which satirises world politics and global conflict. Beloufa is also showing two further works, Monopoly (2016), which premiers here and Counting Contest (Ongoing). National Museum Cardiff, Gallery 22a
Amy Franceschini/FutureFarmers Seed Journey Route Watecolor, 2015
Amy Franceschini Artist Americanaidd yw Amy Franceschini a sefydlydd y gydweithfa FutureFarmers. Yn Seed Journey, mae FutureFarmers yn dychwelyd hadau hynafol i’w tarddle. Mae eu mordaith yn mynd â nhw o Oslo i Istanbwl. Mae eu harddangosfa i Artes Mundi 7 yn edrych ar ‘eiddo ar y cyd’, rhannu gwybodaeth a ffyrdd newydd o fyw. Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, Oriel 22(b)
Amy Franceschini is an American artist and founder of the collective FutureFarmers. In Seed Journey FutureFarmers return ancient seeds to where they originated. Their boat journey takes them from Oslo to Istanbul. Their exhibition for Artes Mundi 7 explores “The Commons”, knowledge sharing and new ways of living. National Museum Cardiff, Gallery 22(b)
Lamia Joreige Views of Museum Square Pinhole camera, 6 unique prints, 2013 Copy Right Lamia Joreige
Lamia Joreige Artist gweledol a gwneuthurydd ffilm yw Lamia Joreige sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yn Beirut. Mae ei gwaith yn edrych ar y modd y cynrychiolir rhyfeloedd Libanus a sut mae gorffennol a phresennol Beirut yn dal i effeithio ar y ddinas a’i phobl. Ar gyfer Artes Mundi 7, mae’n arddangos dau waith o’r gyfres Under-Writing Beirut. Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, oriel 19 a 20 a Stiwdio Seligman, Chapter
Lamia Joreige is a visual artist and filmmaker who lives and works in Beirut. Her work examines the representation of the Lebanese wars, and how Beirut’s past and present continues to affect the city and its people. For Artes Mundi 7 she shows two works from the series Under-Writing Beirut. National Museum Cardiff, gallery 19&20 and at Stiwdio Seligman, Chapter
Nástio Mosquito Transitory Suppository: Act # I Another Leader, 2016 Video Courtesy Nástio Mosquito ©
Nástio Mosquito Mae Nástio Mosquito yn byw ac yn gweithio yng Ngwlad Belg. Mae ei waith yn cynnwys perfformio, fideo, cerddoriaeth, barddoniaeth a chelfyddyd ddigidol. Yn heriol ac yn anrhagweladwy, mae ei waith yn ymdrin yn uniongyrchol â materion perthnasol megis rhyfel, gwleidyddiaeth rywiol a globaleiddio. Bydd Mosquito’n arddangos am y tro cyntaf The Transitory Suppository, pennod gyntaf prosiect mwy o faint sy’n troi o gwmpas unben a gwlad ffuglennol. Oriel Chapter, Chapter
Nástio Mosquito lives and works in Belgium, his practice includes performance, video, music, poetry and digital art. Challenging and unpredictable: his work deals head on with pertinent subjects such as war, sexual politics and globalisation. Mosquito will premiere The Transitory Suppository; the first chapter of a larger project, which revolves around a fictional dictator and country. Chapter Gallery, Chapter
Bedwyr Williams Tyrrau Mawr, 2016 4K Video Installation 20 minute video loop Courtesy the artist and Limoncello Gallery
Bedwyr Williams Artist sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yng Nghymru yw Bedwyr Williams. Yn aml bydd yn tynnu ar bryderon a phethau dibwys ei fodolaeth ei hun i ddatblygu ei waith. Ar gyfer Artes Mundi 7, bydd Bedwyr yn arddangos gwaith newydd Tyrrau Mawr (2016) am y tro cyntaf. Yn y gwaith hwn, mae’n creu dinas ffuglennol o gwmpas Cadair Idris. Mae’r ddinas yn tynnu’i hysbrydoliaeth o fega-ddinasoedd a adeiledir ar draws y byd ar adegau o ffyniant economaidd. Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, Oriel 21
Bedwyr Williams is an artist who lives and works in Wales, he often draws upon the anxieties and banalities of his own existence to develop his work. For Artes Mundi 7 Williams will premiere a new work Tyrrau Mawr (Big Towers) (2016). In this he creates a fictional city around Cadair Idris (Idris’ Chair). The city draws its inspiration from mega cities built all over the world in times of economic boom. National Museum Cardiff, Gallery 21
Cynhadledd Artes Mundi 7 25 Ionawr 2017 Theatr Reardon Smith Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd £25 Consesiynau ar gael Mae’r gyfres hon o sgyrsiau a thrafodaethau’n cynnig cyfle prin i glywed yr artistiaid ar restr fer Artes Mundi 7 yn siarad am themâu ac ystyriaethau craidd sy’n ganolog i’w gwaith. Mae Artes Mundi’n cyflwyno gwaith gan artistiaid rhyngwladol sy’n ymateb i’r cyflwr dynol. Er mai cyd-destun enfawr yw hwn, mae’n ein gwahodd i ystyried sut mae’r artistiaid hyn yn ymgysylltu ag ystyriaethau cymdeithasol ehangach o bersbectifau sy’n ymwneud â chymdeithas, systemau gwleidyddol a gwahanol gymunedau lleol a byd-eang. Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu tocynnau, ewch at
Artes Mundi 7 Conference January 25th 2017 Reardon Smith Theatre National Museum Cardiff ÂŁ25 Concessions available This series of talks and conversations offers a rare opportunity to hear the Artes Mundi 7 shortlisted artists speak about core themes and concerns that are central to their practice. Artes Mundi presents work by international artists who respond to the human condition. While this is a vast context, it invites us to consider how these artists connect to broader social concerns from perspectives that are engaged with society, political systems and diverse local and global communities. For more information and to book tickets visit
Ffilmiau nodwedd Artes Mundi 7 @Chapter Cyfle prin i weld amrywiaeth o ffilmiau clodwiw gan yr artistiaid sydd ar restr fer Artes Mundi 7. 2.30yp 5 Tachwedd Lamia Joreige a 19 Tachwedd Neïl Beloufa 3 Rhagfyr – John Akomfrah 17 Rhagfyr 7 a 21 Ionawr 4 a 18 Chwefror Mae’r dangosiadau am ddim ond mae angen rhagarchebu 029 2030 4400 Sgyrsiau am 4yp Yn dilyn y dangosiadau ffilm, mae’r sgyrsiau di-dâl hyn dan arweiniad Cynorthwywyr Oriel Chapter ac yn agored i bawb. Dim angen rhagarchebu. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch at
Artes Mundi 7 feature films @Chapter A rare opportunity to see acclaimed films by the Artes Mundi 7 shortlisted artists. 2.30pm November 5th Lamia Joreige & Nov 19th Neïl Beloufa December 3rd – John Akomfrah December 17th January 7th & 21st February 4th & 18th Screenings are free but booking is required 029 2030 4400 Talks at 4pm Following on from the film screenings these free talks are led by Chapter Gallery Assistants and are open to all. No booking required. For more information visit
Sgyrsiau a Theithiau Sgyrsiau a Theithiau Amser Cinio Ar ddydd Iau drwy gydol yr arddangosfa ar draws Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd a Chapter 1.05yp - 1.40yp Rhaglen o sgyrsiau a theithiau unigol sy’n edrych ar wahanol agweddau ar y sioe gydag artistiaid a churaduron gwadd a gwesteion eraill. Am fwy o wybodaeth am y gyfres o sgyrsiau amser cinio, ewch at
Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd Teithiau Tywysedig Dyddiol 2yp Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd Cofrestru wrth y Ddesg Wybodaeth. Teithiau a Sesiynau Creadigol i oedolion 2.30yp- 4yp Bob dydd Iau ac eithrio gwyliau ysgol Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd Angen rhagarchebu 029 2055 5300
Talks and Tours Lunchtime Talks & Tours Thursdays throughout the exhibition across National Museum Cardiff and Chapter 1.05pm- 1.40pm A programme of one off talks and tours exploring different aspects of the show with invited artists, curators and other guests. For more information on the series of lunchtime talks visit
National Museum Cardiff Daily Guided Tours 2pm National Museum Cardiff Register at the Information Desk. Tours and Creative sessions for adults 2.30pm- 4pm Every Thursday excluding school holidays National Museum Cardiff Booking required 029 2055 5300
Gweithdai i’r Teulu Gweithdai Hanner Tymor mis Hydref – ‘The Big Draw’ 11am, 1pm a 3pm 22 – 30 Hydref Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd Nifer penodol o leoedd. Mae angen archebu lle wrth y ddesg wybodaeth. Gweithgareddau Celf dros Wyliau’r Nadolig Am ddim 10am tan 4pm 17 – 31 Rhagfyr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd Sesiynau galw heibio yn ardal ddehongli’r arddangosfa. Gweithdai Hanner Tymor mis Chwefror Am ddim 11am, 1pm a 3pm 18 – 26 Chwefror Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd Nifer penodol o leoedd. Mae angen archebu lle wrth y ddesg wybodaeth. Rhestrir gweithgareddau eraill yn Chapter ar wefannau Artes Mundi a Chapter.
Family Workshops October Half Term workshops – The Big Draw 11am, 1pm and 3pm October 22nd - 30th National Museum Cardiff Subject to availability. Booking required at the information desk. Christmas Holiday Art Activities Free 10am to 4pm December 17th - 31st National Museum Cardiff Drop in sessions at the exhibition’s interpretation area. February Half Term workshops Free 11am, 1pm and 3pm February 18th to 26th National Museum Cardiff Subject to availability. Booking required at the information desk. Further activities at Chapter will be listed on the Artes Mundi and Chapter websites.
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Gwybodaeth i Ymwelwyr Mae Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd 20 munud o waith cerdded o Orsaf Fysiau a Threnau Caerdydd Canolog. Yr orsaf drenau agosaf yw Gorsaf Cathays, tua 5 munud o waith cerdded o’r Amgueddfa. Mae sawl lle i barcio ceir yn agos i’r amgueddfa. Saif Chapter yn Nhreganna, y tu ôl i Heol Ddwyreiniol y Bontfaen, rhwng Ffordd Llandaf a Heol y Farchnad ac mae’n hawdd iawn ei chyrraedd o ganol y ddinas. Mae maes
parcio gan Chapter y tu ôl i’r adeilad. Mae’n cymryd tua 30 munud i gerdded rhwng ein canolfannau. Mae bysiau rhifau 17 a 18 yn rhedeg bob 5 munud o Gaerdydd Canolog i Chapter. Am wybodaeth am deithio ar y trenau ewch at Am wybodaeth am deithio ar y bysiau ewch at
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Visitor Information National Museum Cardiff is 20 minutes’ walk from Cardiff Central Bus and Train Station. The nearest train station is Cathays Station, approximately 5 minutes’ walk from the Museum. Car parking is available in several locations close to the museum. Chapter is situated in Canton, behind Cowbridge Road East, between Llandaff Road and Market Road and is easily accessible from the city centre. Chapter has a car park at the rear of the building.
To walk between our venues takes approximately 30 minutes. Bus numbers 17 + 18 run every 5 minutes from Cardiff Central to Chapter. For train travel information please visit For bus travel information please visit
Canolfannau Artes Mundi 7 Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd Parc Cathays, Caerdydd CF10 3NP Ffôn: 0300 111 2 333
Chapter Heol y Farchnad, Treganna CF5 1QE Swyddfa Docynnau: 029 2030 4400
Gofodau arddangos yn agored ar ddydd Mawrth tan ddydd Sul, 10yb–4:45yp. Mynediad am ddim.
Gofodau arddangos yn agored ar ddydd Mawrth, Mercher, Sadwrn, Sul: 12yp -6yh. Iau, Gwener: 12yp-8yh. Mynediad am ddim.
Siop yr Amgueddfa Yn y siop, mae catalog arddangosfa Artes Mundi 7 ar werth am £7.50 Caffi a Bwyty Mae Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd yn darparu bwyd o ansawdd da a baratoir ar y safle gan ddefnyddio cynnyrch Cymreig lleol pryd bynnag y bo modd. Mynediad Nod Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd yw croesawu ei holl ymwelwyr. Ewch at ei gwefan ar gyfer Canllawiau Mynediad cyflawn.
Caffi-bar Mae naws fywiog a chroesawgar yng nghaffi-bar arobryn Chapter ar bob adeg o’r dydd, saith diwrnod yr wythnos. Mynediad Mae Chapter yn hollol hygyrch. Ewch at eu gwefan am fanylion pellach.
Artes Mundi 7 Venues National Museum Cardiff Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP Phone: 0300 111 2 333
Chapter Market Road, Canton CF5 1QE Box Office: 029 2030 4400
Exhibition spaces open Tue - Sun, 10am–4:45pm. Admission is free.
Exhibition spaces open Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun: 12 -6pm. Thu, Fri: 12-8pm. Admission is free.
Museum Shop In the shop you can find the Artes Mundi 7 exhibition catalogue for sale for £7.50 Café and Restaurant The National Museum Cardiff provides good quality food that is cooked on site using local, Welsh products whenever possible. Access The National Museum Cardiff aims to make all visitors welcome. Please visit their website for full Access Guide.
Caffi-bar Chapter’s award-winning caffi-bar has a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere at all times of day, seven days a week. Access Chapter is fully accessible. Please visit their website for further details.
Partneriaid Craidd Core Partners
Partneriaid Cyllid Funding Partners
Gwendoline and Margaret Davies Charity
The Myristica Trust
Partneriaid yn y Celfyddydau a’r Cyfryngau Arts & Media Partners
Cyfieithwyd gan: Afiaith Dyluniwyd gan: Polar 10 Argraffwyd gan: Cambrian printers Welsh Translation by: Afiaith Designed by: Polar 10 Printed by: Cambrian printers