You-We on View

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You-We on View

You-We on View

You-We on View by

Dino Incardi










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You-We on View

U ntil 20 J une 2010 T he scenic T ime A lso on : P rints D ream P assage " M on A mour F ree (I s it possible that ) H osting the spirit S pace S i crede P icasso o forse P icabia .

of the

N aked

sogni� oppure stelle

E se fosse lieve natura ed ora come poteva

veloci -a tratti-

Prime perlustrazioni : secondo, terzo, quarto, quinto in play-back Lipsynch

le montagne di casa, i fiori, i colori dell’amore, il padre,

Venezia, il cielo. The Best Of { lighting

ad ognuno al suo fantasma if


Baal . Underwork . in Italy et Pornobboy is true

Made out Toda una lecciĂłn de vida

Presse hebdomadaire # Ex� di Sabine (nuova sede) The first from a three-part . di alcune parti anatomiche e oggetti specchianti

Inediti La felicitĂ non fa racconto { qui presente con pose di

Venti dispiagge

} . LifeSecret Controllo di ridondanza ciclico!?

Le mot du lundi ( 184sans fin ) peinture

plu (plaire et pleuvoir)

“Oui, je peux en citer!” (bé, bée) aucunes archives : à nul, nul et demi Intéressant ! Vague ” De l’ardeur, de l’ardeur, et encore de l’ardeur! — Ève ? ! Non ! Da verde a paesaggio Index (Space “ pas incarné) terribles et sublimes

l’infinitif peut-il manquer d’”Y”


Pour moi, { sculpture } .o su se stessi l’esistenza Present Perfect corps, phallus, poignantes poupées de chiffon enlacées et des araignées d’acier et de marbre

Gloire du matin à toute allure

? et de la question de notre matérialité... a la fois de l’échec et meme ambiances, musiques et chansons surgis de la mémoire \ Veuve “ in Passion

pour la formule mathématique et la pure fantaisie humaine. depuis alor


Arrivi e Partenze The years_ gli anni Io. / Tu. / Noi. / Io senza te. / Me senza me. IN TOURNÈE Je reviendrais “ y Lucientes riflesso da zero

“sé fuori da sé” ........ If I was Madonna phosphorescence, métal in/ breve performance Domaine “Living room, pièce à vivre “ =”type”; =utf-8” > “Nomos et Physis “ Copia da scherma / Helen, Your girl, cedex

chez l’un, l’autre charset

“De leur temps, 10th anniversary of Marcel Duchamp Prize Adam Eve { tra i vincitori «Star crossed lovers» }

Nostalgie “ in(titolo provvisorio) CUR-AMI LE MIE FERITE Le Baccanti (RICORDI) Still /dj “in rosarancio” Floyd on the Floor June 2, 2010 excerpt from “The Edge of the Alphabet” Your Passion is Pure Joy to Me.

You-We on View If any subject seems intractable, polarized, and at this point almost Adapted spaces (+ A Live) . ... ‘ lifepath ‘ and minimal interventions

Empathy | Art21 “Exclusive” of course (des vos ancêtres!) Enterprise Bande à part : \ Eden / in punto trasparente { “ the Film Making of sense } Selon mon oeil “ lo/co-emotion


What about u? Like Caro and Caro Likes Me, 2008, digital prints.

On/Site The range of different meanings of “in” captured dimensional . light or in “ Espace mobilier et objet d’example { the fruit is in the bow


the bird is in the nest the lion is in the cage



Creating a Navigation Ontology, surrounding space

will to gain spirituality and superstructure projects or satellite on

Lamp (1952-59) Concrete ‘Amplitude’ “ light years away type Pièces numérotées et signées

Nulla è del resto e infine quel che è. E lasciato li’ Nuovo Paesaggio “Une promenade musicale” microfoni e videocamera

“fue increíble” per AMORE ASSENTE e IL VENTO DI SERA a partire dalle registrazioni delle maree

Tutto è connesso Film=Landscape, Video=Close Up “I found this piece while plunging into painterly

EP_LIVE talks to ( in figura ) OH Lorraine!

Second caos (Queen’s day) “ Feux, cris et diamants La perfezione dello spazio “ When da indossare

les nuits polaires.

» et



au point d’en mourir fantasmée

\ Trees Time am -So you’re just enlarging the view. az -Yes. Space for One.: come nelle “Amnesie” (è indifferente :: to new)

Weiwei you’re not rejecting anything

Linee e volumi En ésprit / ad alta voce (stupita)Mi ha scattato già delle foto? - IN BIANCO (pre-cariato) TALK d. data . AS SOON AS ( possible} - OHO { processing } Problème à résoudre sur le labyrinthe Clip, et Elena in PaRDeS… Hop / ridondanza (Cycladic Impront 91-93 ) X ‘ Collection Créateur ‘ en autre étoiles d’ Y

“Ils ont dit : ‘Non, il ne peut y avoir aucune nudité du tout’ “Ulysses ‘seen”. by sirens “Du coup, on leur a demandé si on pouvait pixeliser [flouter, ndlr] les dessins” contre la nudité! Ci sarà ancora il mare? “alle diciannove in camera tua, fatti trovare” Per cosa? Nightwatching Vernissage con dj set Beginning and end .... Until the time of one single moment

I Like!

Live Art Les adieux VIRES (Exercises on power) day by day

“prochaine et irrémédiable” in voce, i toni e les Nuits de pleine lune Inoltre Hermés Devo partire. domani (tranne 8, 15, 22) Juste la fin du monde “What if TV featured vivien of+Alba+: electree “en être l’unique messager” d’ Objects/Histories

sans pouvoir et savoir jamais rien me dire.

- Tu sai cucinare? - Certo, e molto bene anche! ‘solpix’ ‘sunny flower’ ‘sun boxes’ Hmm! Unfixing

VASO CASO as part of the CAMBIOVASO found objects on the

Electronic Mirror

Miracles [extended] Light me black catene, gabbie, vetrine, pareti, oggetti baronian_francey. “ Nothing is permanent The Castellón County Council (Spain) is ( Exhibition ) on Reflections with other familiar places

De’but du Sie’cle MOBILES in “acte de ballet” Body Party . indique la partition { Primarosa pour Le rire à l’effroi enchaîné } History Never Ends I Hate to Bother You, Sadie Coles, April 21-June 5, 2010

Flying Lotus, L.A. Tacet! Chi si unisce al mio dolore? Sono in lutto. Dream & Trauma: | Works were chosen according to a list of flowers discovered by

\ Neffa è polvere, strade di periferia, sogni infranti, parole dure, passione per così dire

“Uno” come amore o virtù del pudore (if return false) dammi un bacio e poi


irresistibili, per la gola e per la carne.

Ah, Dolores! Line 1: <!--box promo --> Line 2: <%The Lecture%><!--Need of Sea --> Line 3: <%urlPromo = “http://www.MY7BitW4’ “%> Line 4: <div class=”promo”> Source Tv, radio, on the iPod, hard disk Between You and Me True Heart

C’est non ! When you say pressrelease / undo’eyes; Monitor hosted Singh, and New Humans (PAUSE)The challenge of empathy! or a flasher to being Orlando Bloom The scene rewinds onscreen – BetaMax tracking .Robespierre re-covered by the late polythene pall similar

Andy Flag :: The Plurality of One. Jesse Ashley : Yes, its editorial nature DAYTIME.CONTINUOUS. of a Different Colour l’efficacité [de ce produit]

They get … la Nature Nouvelle.” in stile pellicola technicolor

Monitor « Perché piangi? » | Facebook Unto This Last ” dove si recita un ruolo di


Reality Bytes Cast:: Torn Landscapes ad esempio, (l’uno bendato, l’altro con delle cuffie) Costumi: #Eight Collection of the Year This is my “ Prochain O’, - (solo) in/visible “como en el cielo aquí les flux plus longs... les soirée Lumière in

Durata: 92 min.con Giorni e nuvole.

Lighting Now! before the next


Il y a un volume très dynamique [Tag Cloud Live] d’occuper le temps, plutôt que l’espace. *****[RULES]****** ALL MUST DO A 360!!! 18+ AND a Distant World focused

#1 ArtPage@ Deep Fountain è la fontana-scultura P.A.A.L.M.A . Premio Artista + Architetto ESSE QUAM VIDERI

De no ser yo� Di sera le Muse lancia in resta contro il drago

We look forward to seeing you on “m and habitats Screen (Schermi e Lavagne) and IDYLLE notes : Silent and Night the (dangerous) on protocol, product, and privilege! is free and open to

More is More The@psychoNude.Eyes THEY MADE ME A FUGITIVE

Fault. E’ l’abisso da Sweet Nothings in stile “impero”. 33, 27, 28, 37, 27, 23, 29, 23 lightheadedthemovie

Report (In Tiwi) 28+and

Ah! il nostro ‘i-cuore’ in fatto di motion like

“oo timidezza d’ ossa”. Start up : (main^view ) liberi di andare ” in arte a venire. / class A+ building. HOST just saw Eclipse


/class A+ building hire or

from an interactive drawing/

Certe notti L’amore è il mio peccato per di stanze pagine disegni

Fragments, Voyageurs immobiles Eleven and Twelve / 11 and 12, View event details. Yeah―

Comme il faut Soirée de clôture du Café Numérique Eh! LUSH LIFE : Discovering Absence and the transparent nature [systems of all scales “17 Plus 25 Is 32”] Another Episode II Inside Views; Goldent “type” Convergencies= EQUIV=content -”in text/ I believe . BUT The Condition \ OHO 69 Seconds off an Inch / ! Qu’accomplit le soleil Hm! Invisible-Exports

Remarks on surfaces Keywords interiors, light fixtures, wires, corners, ceilings Per-la (La terra desolata 2010 – DUE è UNO – 155 a.C.- Stella Maris) Schegge d’incanto in fondo al dubbio Si!!ssi!! lab[au]: weather tower - Addosso Back of Nude Keywords women, nudes, backs Hours + Directions “NotteNera” ‘10 imogen luddy: cross stitch table Promenade Deck, M.S. Brimanger, Pacific Ocean Keywords seascapes, clouds, ships, decks Oh! / -

On And On Is How We Are What? The Opposite Of What We Now Know To Be True! Desire... “ The Last Why? Don’t cross the streams.... : Is sound {. se la risposta è sì “ > writing ‘ Fluxus ibi:... > > > > For Each ... Hum! “Total protonic reversal. do you like it?” Right! What do you... ?” “Still=AIRMADEVISIBLE “ Important safety type .Thanks, {showthread } Bye for now! (La Regina è ancora, giovane e dotata.)

Watt / Happening We Wanna Be! “a/f.fondo dei cieli: il tempo perduto è “S” come ---VISITORS or(SPACE) in prossimità

# Love XiuXiu Sj - in/ vuoto di pensiero - prima assoluta. 30’ Roby’s zoo Mabille Eternal “ incarnato e tattile in Densità del suono Telonio E’ nelle sue voci interiori ” intérieurs is WebROOM - teatro immateriale “ per zone incolte e temporali. Codex Influx ${ Gun Eroici, bagliori }

React! Moody MMFight. -zoom out { “Odysseys and Shipwrecks” info@s-a- + bc(object: Fosca) } “I, I wish you could end

Skay Never Look Us in the Eyes (VC Nuclear) Végétation Colonisatrice durata 10’ Super Night Shot A Balloon for Obsessions sometimes a dj.

Ok. / # ad “Ampio Raggio” Così --------------> { } Though nothing /nothing will keep us together. E poi dapertutto. (A Water Tower) The Rebirth “Do it your self!” (Velvet Avatar; 0’s, electro, indie)

Nobody knows Ohh! The End. The End, does any one knows. <script=’VISIBLE’ src=’Escape > Fuga > Uscita! ‘Endgame: chiaro, no?’< This text will be replaced </> <script =’IN-VISIBLE’> Free admittance= new Super night shot (‘player.Dance N°3); so . add E nfilades (‘ Titoli, libri, sogni, e un’avvertenza: QUI, ‘opere’ ); so . add V isitors and S taff (‘ as SPACE ( struttura policiclica a controllo elettroni co ) allowscriptaccess ’,‘ always’); so . add A le / a / rt (‘C aravaggio . A lbum ’, ‘N otturni di _ versi ’ ); so . add V ariable : glass et neige (‘ file ’,READY FOR LOVE? /player.No,X’); so .R econfigured by ( ‘/ I’ m a selector , sometimes a dj . Ok. / </> Is the End My Only Friend



Source - !WAITING FOR beyond : sound of glass · Young Report / V. A. - “Spacetime Sculpture” List of Works : · ---{ treehotel

07.14.10 the blue cone, the nest and the mirrorcube mime-type / L. K. - “A Short Drive around the night” published


/ fuseproject: GE wattstation electric vehicle charger Pourparler /R. T. - “ L’immagine del pensiero” yves bihar

· ---

shinichi okawa and associates: minimalist house tell me why please?

..HANGARamico Angela Corsini - “Stallo-studio per un’anticamera (2009)” · ---

jhon hopkins: perspective sculptures

Also Thus! KEEP AN EAR ON... KSAX’ W .00:30:08 - Sulla Musica diffusa } { THE live }

+ works on paper

TrollAir or ARCStop. Also Thus! Look to the left. ... Observe the scene. Apply yourself. Take your time. Keep looking to your left, for about a minute. Then describe. Either the moment: or a detail of what you saw: Note down the place: the time: the weather: “morphing’ Skay-Suite’, ‘’, { amenamente, ‘Serata-Voce’. } Dream Time with Xavi Hurtado Da Ora. Ieri. Domani. Per Sempre. Ancora. Mai più. ”(SAVE NEW DATES)



Untitle #1 2010

Untitle #1 2010

Passeggiata del Gianicolo, Rome, Lazio, Italia. 2010

Untitle #3 2010

Untitle #4 2010

53 Beaver St. New York, NY, United States 2010

Untitle #5 2010

Untitle #6 2010

119 via di Monserrato, Rome, Lazio, Italia 2010

4746 Southshore Dr, Metaire, Louisiana , U nited S tates 2010

1090 5th Ave, New York, NY, United States 2010

Untitle #7 2010

Untitle #8 2010

1052 5th Ave, New York, NY, United States 2010

Untitle #9 2010

9 Via della Lungara, Rome, Lazio, Italia 2010

506 W 26th St, New York, NY, United States 2010

Untitle #10 2010

Vicolo 2010


Moretta, Rome, Lazio, Italia

Untitle #11 2010

968 Mission St, San Francisco, Ca, United States 2010

Untitle #12 2010

Untitle #13 2010

29 Piazza Augusto Imperatore, Rome, Lazio , I talia 2010

Piazza di Porto di Ripetta / Via Rome, Lazio, Italia 2010



59 Via 2010


Tritone, Rome, Lazio, Italia

66 Via 2010

dell ’A rancio ,

Rome, Lazio, Italia

Untitle #14 2010

Via di Monte d’Oro / Via Rome, Lazio, Italia 2010

dell ’A rancio ,

9 Via della Lungara, Rome, Lazio, Italia 2010

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