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CONTENTS Introduction Pre-training & Agistment Breaking-in & Quarantine Station Horse Facilities International Education Program

Opening ceremony P2

P3 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9

中方投资 九龙马会一站式服务 选马/专业马匹买手 寄养 热身训练 新马骑乘训练 出口马匹检疫站 运输 专业骑术表演 马场专业设施 九龙会所

P13 P14/P15



WELCOME TO NINE DRAGONS 2013 “Striving for Excellence” and “Heaven for Horses” are probably the words best describing the arrival of the Nine Dragons property in Victoria. With the world famous Melbourne Cup and a reputation for some of the best horse racing in the world, the choice of location for Nine Dragons was carefully considered before the establishment of this world class facility. There is a fantastic synergy between the established horse industry in Australia, and the emergence of China on the global equine market. Being owned by successful Chinese people, and managed by an internationally respected team, Nine Dragons is offering a unique opportunity in a market that has the potential to grow very quickly. Nothing has been spared in the design and construction of Nine Dragons, with the priority being the care of the celebrity thoroughbred horses that regularly enjoy the facilities. From the peaceful serenity of the resting paddocks, to the state of the art facilities for training these equine champions, Nine Dragons has it all. Over seventy resting fields, and 120 training stables, complemented with walking machines, digital scales and the latest in horse medical technology ensures all horses enjoy 5 star comforts. A 2200 metre grass racetrack and a 2000 metre sand training track are automatically watered to ensure that the training surfaces are always kept in perfect condition. There are also facilities to train the people needed for the industry in the future. In fact, Nine Dragons is already in discussions with national education providers to provide educational courses for students from all over the world. We hope that many of our students will become the leaders of the future in the Chinese horse industry. Completing the services offered by Nine Dragons, is a complete management service that can assist in the buying and selection of horses for the Chinese market. We can arrange horses to suit any budget, and can ensure our clients can entrust full control of their horses to the team at Nine Dragons. Our quarantine facilities are approved for shipments to China, as well as most Asian countries. Visitors to Nine Dragons can enjoy all of the facilities, including accommodation in the 5-Star clubhouse, complete with karaoke and full size international billiard table. Recreational facilities include fishing in our lakes, bird watching, electric buggies, and easy access to the beautiful nearby beaches. Nine Dragons hope that we can assist everybody in an exciting industry, and offer our full assistance to everybody.

Lyle Plumb

General Manager




Agistment Pre-training

Getting horses back from their holidays refreshed and ready for the rigours of a tough campaign is the aim of every trainer when sending horses to the spelling paddock. Nine Dragons relaxing surrounds and large safe paddocks give horses the type of holiday we would all like. A relaxing one.

Our pre-training programs are individually designed to meet each client’s needs. We work together with the trainers to ensure the horses reach the racetracks in perfect condition. With a choice of training tracks to work on, as well as walking machines and swimming facilities, horses never become bored at Nine Dragons.


Quarantine Station

Breaking – in The early education of a horse can influence it’s entire racing career. We are proud of the care and patience our staff exhibit with all horses during this period. Each horse is broken-in at it’s own pace, with special attention to suit individual differences. Utilising safe facilities, and a peaceful environment, we aim to send all horses to the trainer with a sound education and all the necessary skills.


Our property includes a pre- export quarantine facility, which is approved by AQIS. We can assemble all horses at Nine Dragons, and ensure that everything goes smoothly before departure. We have easy access to the airport via the Eastlink freeway, and our staff are experienced in safe transporting of horses overseas.


Horse Facilities Nothing has been spared in the design and construction of Nine Dragons, with the priority being the health and welfare of the thoroughbred horses that regularly enjoy the facilities. From the peaceful serenity of the resting paddocks, to the state of the art facilities for training these equine champions, Nine Dragons has it all.

Over seventy spelling, and 120 training stables, complemented with walking machines, digital scales and the latest in horse medical technology ensures all horses enjoy 5 star comforts.

A 2200 metre grass racetrack, and a 2000 metre sand training track are automatically watered to ensure that the training surfaces are always kept in perfect condition. There are also facilities to train the people needed for the industry in the future. In fact, Nine Dragons is already in discussions with national education providers to provide educational courses for students from all over the world. We hope that many of our people will become the leaders of the future in the horse industry.



International Education Program Nine Dragons works closely with industry groups from Australia, China, Korea and other countries. Recently, representatives from the Korean Horseman’s High School signed an agreement to join together with Nine Dragons in providing training to Korea’s future horsemen and women. Already students from Korea are participating in internships at Nine Dragons. Future plans include training students from


China, Vietnam, Turkey and other racing countries. Nine Dragons plans to become a leader in providing the necessary skills needed to be successful in the horse industry. Already we have had international interns at Nine Dragons, following our individually tailored programs. We have designed these programs to not only learn about the horse industry, but to maximise the chances of being successful in what they choose to do.

Nine Dragons is currently working with recognised training providers to expand our offerings, with a goal of providing internationally recognised certifications for our graduates. Australian participants will have opportunities to learn international methods, as well as using our extensive network to travel and work in different places.

Opening ceremony On February 18th, 2013 Nine Dragons roared to life with a spectacular opening ceremony. Government officials from China and Australia joined horse industry leaders to support Nine Dragons. The ribbon cutting ceremony was performed by Sisly Tian, Jackie Wang and Lyle Plumb.





九龙马会欢迎您 执行董事:Jackie Wang

执行董事:Sisly Tian

九龙马会重新盛大开业,中澳两国政府官员与马业领袖齐聚九龙马会。 Sisly Tian, Jackie Wang 和 Lyle Plumb 为这次活动剪彩。


九龙马会 一站式服务 . . . . . .


选马/专业马匹买手 寄养 训练(热身训练) 新马的骑乘训练 出口马匹检疫站 运输


选马/专业 马匹买手

为了满足每一位顾客的需求,九 龙马会的热身训练是根据马匹的 不同情况来设计的。我们与您的 驯马师合作,保证训练的针对 性,确保马匹在赛前达到最完美 的状态。九龙马会拥有多种赛 道, 马跑步机,马游泳区,您的 马匹在这里绝对不会感觉无聊, 乏味。

专业的选马师,多年的养马,驯 马经验,为我们的客户精心挑选 最合适的马匹。选马师也能陪同 客户参加澳洲各大马匹拍卖会, 协助挑选马匹。

寄养 让马匹渡过假期后, 精力充沛地 回归, 为艰苦的比赛备战,是驯 马师们把马匹送入休息围场时的 共同目标。九龙马会提供环境舒 适, 宽阔安全的围场。 马匹将 在这里开始放松的旅程,充分享 受愉快的假期。




一匹赛马的早期教育足以影响它 的整个职业生涯。值得骄傲的 是,我们的工作人员在此阶段对 于马匹细心照料,耐心调教。每 匹马都按照自己的情况受训,我 们特别关注马匹的个体差异。在 安全设施和良好环境配合下,受 过良好教育,具有专业技巧的驯 马师将全程跟踪马匹的训练进 度。

九龙马会提供专业马匹运输(空 运)。客户选好马匹后,我们会 安排短途运输到指定马场准备做 出口检疫。检疫过关后,我们负 责安排马匹登机,运往世界各 地。出口到中国的马匹,我们可 以运输达:北京,上海,广州, 武汉,成都,青岛,昆明,内蒙 古,等城市。

出口马匹 检疫站


我们的设施还包括一座出口前检 疫站,已经通过了AQIS认证。 我们可以在九龙马会集合所有马 匹,并确保出发前一切顺利。我 们可以通过Eastlink高速路进入 机场,在马匹海外运输方面,我 们的工作人员经验非常丰富。

专业骑术表演 维库斯•朱尼尔•郝茨森(Wikus "Junior" Holtzhausen)很早就在南非开始了他的策骑生涯, 之后他来到澳洲并跟澳洲著名的奥运骑手学习。所以 朱尼尔学习到了所有马术规则,包括盛装舞步、跳栏 表演,以及最近才兴起的骑术表演。 朱尼尔在马术方面迅速成功,现在他加入了九龙马 会,经验更加丰富。朱尼尔与他的合伙人克里斯提在 附近经营着一家小型驯马场,名叫丽港马场,训练和 养殖符合马术标准的顶级赛马。朱尼尔还有许多忠实 的客户,他会继续给他们讲课并培训他们。 在九龙马会,朱尼尔重点关注马匹的调教和教育。良 驹好马需要最好的调教,产品需要满足最高标准。这 就是九龙马会脱颖而出的原因。


马场 专业设施 . 800亩占地 . 120个马厩 . 70余块休息围场 . 2000米沙地跑道 . 2200米草地赛道 . 马用跑步机 . 数码体重仪


九龙会所 . 靠山面湖的别墅会所 . 全球限量的冠名斯诺克台 . 天鹅湖钓鱼岛 . Golf练习场 . KTV . 休闲养生按摩 . 骑马体验



Nine Dragons 128 Riverend Road, Bangholme, VIC 3175


www.ninedragons.net.au Lyle Plumb: +61 406 303 807 | Sisly Tian: +61 430 079 211

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