2013 ARTFILMS Streaming History & Culture

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Total of 107 films Documentaries from around the world, includes series about the revolutions that have shaken the world, political assassinations that have changed the course of history, the rise of China and more..

CATALOGUE history & culture Political assassionations politics Revolutions xx century archive / sports China screen documentary classroom / junior

Artfilms-digital is a unique collection of contemporary art films ideally suited for coursework, research and reference. Subscription to Artfilms-digital allows students, faculty, and public library members to watch high quality streaming videos anywhere, anytime. Choose from hundreds of art documentaries, interviews with artists, production recordings and instructional films across all art subject areas. This catalogue is updated monthly. Do you have a question? Contact Customer Service at info@artfilms.com.au



Politics POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS Murder in Stockholm: Who killed Olof Palme?

The End of an American Dream: The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Fratricide in Burkina: Thomas Sankara and French Africa

Death in Rome: The Case of Aldo Moro

Coup D’Etat in Santiago: The Last Days of Salvador Allende

52 mins | IC-Palme | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Kennedy | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Sankara | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Moro | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Allende | A$240 / 1 yr

On February 28 1986, in the heart of Stockholm, Palme was shot dead as he walked home alone without bodyguards, as was his habit.

Robert F. Kennedy embodied the hopes of immigrants, the blacks in the suburban ghettos and the impoverished white communities in America’s forgotten regions.

October 15, 1987. Automatic gunfire kills President Thomas Sankara, who remains fondly remembered as one of the great African leaders.

On May 9th 1978 Police discover president Aldo Moro’s body. He had been shot in the heart eleven times after being kidnapped by terrorists of the Extreme Left.

This remarkable and moving film exposes most impressive footage about the events, some of which has never been exposed before.

Death of a Pharaoh: Anwar al Sadat and the Holy Warriors

POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS: The Murder of God’s Banker: Roberto Calvi and the Vatican

Death of a Populist: Pim Fortuyn and the Dutch Consensus

The End of a Colombian Dream: Denying The Assassination Of Jorge Gaitana

A Death for Peace: Mahatma Gandhi and the Impossible Quest

52 mins | IC-Sadat | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Calvi | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Fortuyn | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Gaitan | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Gandhi | A$240 / 1 yr

Anwar al Sadat, successor of Nasser and President of Egypt, was the 1st Arab leader to try and break the wall of enmity between two peoples who laid claim to the same land.

For many years Roberto Calvi had been in a secret Vatican operation to transfer money to Poland, supporting the Solidarity trade union in its anticommunist uprising.

May 6th 2002. Populist Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn seems set to win the upcoming elections when he was shot dead as he leaves a radio studio after a live interview.

Jorge Gaitàn, the popular opposition leader and fierce opponent to the Colombian oligarchy, is shot dead. This film is the first investigation into the killing and the events in the days and years that followed.

On January 20, 1948, Gopal Godse, the man who promised himself to eliminate Gandhi ridicules himself in a failed attempt to kill the mahatma.



Politics POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS Night Flight to Death: The Violent End of Dag Hammarskjold

Assassination Colonial Style: Patrice Lumumba, an African Tragedy

Death in Memphis: The Mysterious Assassination of Martin Luther King

Death in Geneva: The Poisoning of Felix Moumié

Bloody Monday : The Assassination of Lord Louis Mountbatten

52 mins | IC-Hammars | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Lumumba | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-MLKing | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Moumie | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Mount | A$240 / 1 yr

In Sep. 1961, the power blocs of the East and West vied to control the vast mineral resources of the former Belgian colony The Congo.

In early Dec. 1960, Patrice Lumumba was killed by members of the Belgian Secret Service. None of the murderers has ever been indicted.

In April 1968, Martin Luther King was at the height of his popularity. He had mobilised the black masses of America against apartheid and won Civil Rights concessions.

The film looks critically at France’s dirty war in Cameroon and investigates in minute detail the evidence of the murder and the reactions of both French and Swiss authorities.

Mountbatten was a naval war hero and the last Viceroy of India. He had supported Mahatma Ghandi’s bid for independence.

Carbombing in Beirut: Who Killed Rafic Hariri?

Duel in Pakistan: Benazir Bhutto between the Mosque and the Military

Murder in New York: Malcolm X and the birth of Afro-Americanism

Black Tuesday in Baghdad: Who killed Sergio Vieira de Mello?

The Cradock Murders

52 mins | IC-Hariri | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Bhutto | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Malcolm | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Mello | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Cradock | A$240 / 1 yr

This assassination marks the beginning of the Cedar Revolution. This film recounts Rafic Hariri’s political career till his tragic death.

This film tells the story about the turbulent history of Benazir’s country and its ever-present struggle for power.

On the Feb. 21 1965, whilst he delivers a speech in NYC to mark the opening of the “National Week of Fraternity”, he is shot in the pre-sence of his wife and his children.

This compelling film looks at the events as they unfold, and attempts to shed light on the context of this surprise attack on one of the more difficult UN missions.

This documentaries takes an indepth look at 20 of the most monstrous killings. Viewers will dive into the heart of inquiries often exceeding the scope of a murderer.


Politics POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS Murder in Kinshasa

52 mins | IC-Kinshasa | A$240 / 1 yr January 16th 2001, Laurent Desire Kabila is murdered by a soldier-kid who had become his bodyguard. We are in the Congo, where four years earlier Kabila had seized power, putting an end to Mobutu’s dictatorial reign of several decades.

HISTORY & CULTURE Politics Palestine Post 9/11

Shtetl - Mayer Kirshenblatt


Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Voices in Exile

73 mins | CG-Pal | A$240 / 1 yr

23 mins | CG-Shtetl | A$240 / 1 yr

30 mins | AB-Baba | A$240 / 1 yr

91 mins | MAD-Ai | A$380 / 1 yr

65 mins | NM-Voice | A$215 / 1 yr

In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon, the world witnessed a number of Palestinians celebrating on the streets of Jerusalem. The film is an examination of the tragic events of 9/11 from a Palestinian perspective.

World renowned folk artist Mayer Kirshenblatt recounts the story behind his paintings, which evoke his childhood in a Polish shtetl. His words and images recreate the sights, sounds and smells of these small Jewish communities.

This satirical examination of black-white relations in Australia to widespread acclaim with both critics and audiences alike. Now finally, this is the story of the fictitious land of Babakiueria, where white people are the minority and must obey black laws. Available in AU only.

Ai Weiwei is China’s most famous international artist, and its most outspoken domestic critic. Against a backdrop of strict censorship and an unresponsive legal system, Ai expresses himself and organises people through art and social media.

Most film and photography on Tibet is from the West looking in. Voices in Exile by Tibetan first time director Tenzin Wangden Andrugtsang, presents the Tibetan Exile Community from the rarely seen Tibetan point of view.

The battle of Algiers (La bataille d’Alger)

The Road to Guantánamo

Tovarisch, I Am Not Dead

Living with Glasnost and Perestroika

Communication is Power: Mass Media & Mass Persuasion

121 mins | MAD-Battle | A$500 / 1 yr

95 mins | MAD-Road | A$350 / 1 yr

85 mins | NM-Tov | A$235 / 1 yr

60 mins | GA-Gla | A$170 / 1 yr

60 mins | GA-Com | A$170 / 1 yr

The Revolt that Stirred the World! One of the most influential films in the history of political cinema, Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers focuses on the harrowing events of 1957, a key year in Algeria’s struggle for independence from France.

Three young friends travelling from the UK to Pakistan. Unaware of the US invasion they crossed the border into Afghanistan. Swept up in a terrifying ordeal they were captured and through a series of events beyond their control held for two years in the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay.

Garri Urban, survivor of Holocaust and Gulag revisits the sites of his horrors and triumphs, 50 years later. The film details the Urban’s tireless quest to procure evidence that his family was imprisoned by the Soviet Secret Police before discovering what grim fate they ultimately met during Holocaust.

What effect do glasnost and perestroika have on the everyday life of Russians? A Russian professor offers intriguing perspective into the economic and domestic history of Russia.

Understanding the techniques of advertising can give insight into many other forms of mass persuasion. For the methods used to sell us products are also used to sell us candidates, ideas, even life styles.

HISTORY & CULTURE Revolutions Revolution Argentina: The Pots’n Pans Revolution

Revolution Haiti: An Endless Revolution

Revolution Madagascar: Seven Months of Chaos

Revolution Georgia: as a Model for “Soft” Revolutions ?

Burkina Faso: A Revolution Rectified

52 mins | IC-Thepots | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Haiti | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Madag | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Georgia | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Burkina| A$240 / 1 yr

The film shows images of the revolt until the present, it also includes archived clips dating back to 1912. It explores the historical roots and events before and after that Christmas and what the future holds for this young democracy in danger?

An interview with the deposed president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Pretoria, South Africa, is juxtaposed with the views of a wide range of supporters and critics, including US Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega.

Dec. 16, 2001: Madagascar. One of the world’s poorest countries falls into chaos. For seven months Madagascar is asphyxiated by this turmoil: barricades are set up, tortures take place, and the crisis escalates into a true civil war.

The film shows an inside glance at a successful revolution, one that remained non-violent and served as an inspiration for events which led other former soviet republics, like Ukraine towards democracy.

After Burkina-Faso`s failed revolution, the film reveals the price for the country’s stability: no democratic change - Compaoré is still in power since 1989-, no access to the wealth of the country -the ruling class owns it all-, and no real independence from the former colonial power of France.

Paraguay: The Revolution was in a Ballot Box

Vietnam: A Contagious Revolution

52 mins | IC-Paraguay | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Vietnam | A$240 / 1 yr

By listening the newly elected president, specialists of the Paraguayan history , and the people itself, this film helps us to understand why the Paraguayans, after so many years of dictatorship and unopposed governing, have entrusted their destiny to a religious figure who believes in democracy.

Using powerful, often new archives, the surprising itinerary of the Father of the Vietnamese nation will unfold in front of us. A series of on-site testimonies of Vietnamese veterans and highly respected historians. A clear overview of the recent History of Vietnam.

HISTORY & CULTURE XX Century Archive | Sports Fencing: The art, science, and the passion

Soul of the Samurai

30 mins | PE-Fenc | A$180 / 1 yr

46 mins | CG-Soul | A$240 / 1 yr

Through exiting close-ups, the fast moving action of duelling weapons are captured with a clarity rarely seen on TV or in movies. Slow motion segments let you see that magic moment of a “hit” or a “near miss”.

The time of the Samurai in ancient Japan was unique and violent; a life filled with tradition, honor, and legend. Throughout many centuries of war, the Samurai developed one of the most revered weapons of all time –the Samurai sword. A$220 / 1 yr each CAT-Bor Borobudur explored CAT-Ken Kendo: The Path of the Sword CAT-Sim The Rescue of Abu Simbel

Language / Literature CAT-Ana Anais Nin reads from her diary CAT-Ann Anna Akhmatova, Recitations & Reminiscences, with Irene Moore, Irene Kirk CAT-Asp Aspects of George Bernard Shaw CAT-Ric Richard Burton reads Dylan Thomas’ ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales’

Philosophy / Religion CAT-Ritu Ritual Athletics of Iran CAT-Zen Zen and I: The Life of Zen Priest Tachibana Taiki

HISTORY & CULTURE World China - China Screen Chronicles from a changing empire... For a few years now China has been undergoing considerable changes. The implosion of the Soviet Empire, the reforms and opening- up polic y, t he advent of consumerism and the emergence of modernity: important challenges to meet, both socially and economically. Although the country has gained co n s i d e r a b l e i n t e r n at i o n a l influence, it’s inner mechanisms actually remain largely unknown. Between the < yellow peril > and an economic miracle, one often forgets to considerthe 1.3 billion Chinese citizens attempting to findtheir place in a completely new context. That’s why it is important to t a lk a bout “ t he New China” differently: through an exceptional portfolio of humaninterest stories, filmed from the inside by young independent Chinese filmmakers. By observing its diversity, in the cities and in the countryside, with the young and families, with rich and poor, but always with ordinary people. The curious viewer will find here a compelling mosaic revealing a mysterious, complex and authentic China.

A Better Life

Hard Old Rock

The Yangtze River`s Green Sailors

Flavour and Affinity

52 mins | IC-CSBetter | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSHard | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSSailor| A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSFlavour | A$240 / 1 yr

My Last Secret

The Secret of the Roast Pigeon

The Graduates

The Final Migration

52 mins | IC-CSSecret | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSPigeon | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSGraduate | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSFinal | A$240 / 1 yr

From one Patient to the Next

The Travelling Court

An Ordinary Season

A Village Life

52 mins | IC-CSFrom | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSTravel | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSOrdinary | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSLife | A$240 / 1 yr

HISTORY & CULTURE World China - China Screen The Christians of Caichong

Lost Sentence?

The Last House Standing

The Big Family

Nu Shu

52 mins | IC-CSChristian | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSLost | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Newlast | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Newbig | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Newnu | A$240 / 1 yr

Piano Dream

Nobody’s Child

Three Strings for Two Storytellers

The New Shelter

Of Mothers and Daughters

52 mins | IC-Newpia | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Newno | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Strings | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Shelter | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Mothers | A$240 / 1 yr


World China - Global Citizen Dioxin’s Children

If Cities Could Fly

Heavy Metal

Documentaries on the issue of the Future of our Planet

52 mins | IC-GlobDiox | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-GlobCities | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSHeavy | A$240 / 1 yr

Organic, against all odds

Murky Waters


52 mins | IC-CSOrganic | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSMurky | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-CSDust | A$240 / 1 yr

Hell in Paradise

The Last Village

52 mins | IC-CSHell | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-GlobThelast | A$240 / 1 yr

Environment, energy, the diversity of species and peoples, food security, world governance... given today’s complexities, the list is long. While refusing to draw alarmist conclusions, to provide a platform for pessimistic speeches or obtrusive slogans, those films are a space for Citizens who chose to objectively open their eyes on the world around them. They fight in one way or other for an acceptable Tomorrow. There is a good chance they have in mind the Indian saying “the earth is a gift of our parents and a lending of our children”.

HISTORY & CULTURE World China The Summer Palace Vol 1

The Summer Palace Vol 2

China: The Ancient Tea Route

52 mins | IC-Summer1 | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Summer2 | A$240 / 1 yr

52 mins | IC-Chtea | A$410 / 1 yr

Qianlong and the Splendors of the Middle Empire. Discover the secrets of the extraordinary imperial garden, recognized as a World Heritage treasure. Recognize why it is called the Versailles of the Orient.

Cixi and the decline of the Qing Dynasty. This part is built around the legendary figure of Empress Cixi, which accompanies the decline of the Qing dynasty and with it, China as an Empire.

A 3 part series about China’s legendary Tea Road. It crosses the roof of the world, winding more than 4,000 tortuous kilometers across 20 mountain chains and two desert plateaux. It spans four great rivers, and cuts through the territory of 26 different ethnic groups. This is the ancient Tea Route, which opens Southwest China onto Tibet ­and thereby Nepal, India, Persia, Mongolia and Russia, and then Europe. The legendary Tea Route, crossed by Marco Polo during his travels, but used by innumerable horse trains for countless centuries before him. Their tracks are beaten deep into the rocks. This series of High Definition films follows in the hoofprints of those caravans which hauled their baggage of tea across the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas to be sold in the markets of South West Asia and dispersed to the entire world.



North Korea - Crossing the Line Series

Crossing the Line - a rare portfolio of investigative documentaries, where engaged filmmakers look at what a certain number of North Korean defectors have experienced to escape their country. At the risk of their lives and those left behind.

VOL 1. Accross Land, Across Sea 55 mins | IC-Crossing1 | A$240 / 1 yr 2012 INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL EMMY® AWARDS NOMINEE - BEST DOCUMENTARY. Songgook and Sueryun are a newly wed North Korean couple now living in the south. As is the case for an estimated 20 000 defectors who have built or are trying to build a new life in South Korea, they are attempting to secure their entire family’s freedom by arranging their defection along with them to the South. Songgook puts his life at risk, making a dangerous trek to the Tumen River, a border zone between China and North Korea. He makes plans to lead a daring escape: to smuggle his family into the South by boat. Because of the extreme danger associated with this journey, this kind of attempt is very rare. And this is the first ever to be filmed.

VOL 2. Itinerary of A Rebel

VOL 3. Crossing Three Borders

VOL 4. Seeking Haven

VOL 5. Phantoms of the Border

50 mins | IC-Crossing2 | A$240 / 1 yr

30 mins | IC-Crossing3 | A$240 / 1 yr

57 mins | IC-Crossing4 | A$240 / 1 yr

101 mins | IC-Crossing5 | A$500 / 1 yr

Tracing a North Korean`s citizen`s quest for dignity.

The story of nine defectors in an attempt to cross from China into Vietnam.

Youngsoon is a North Korean girl has been determined to arrange her sister’s escape.

On the border of China, North Korean women are offered to Chinese brokers to be sold on the human market.


Everyday Art Cuban Folklore

Gandy Dancers

Fire Within

American Splendor

50 mins | CG-Everyd | A$240 / 1 yr

30 mins | CG-Gandy | A$240 / 1 yr

57 mins | CG-Fire | A$240 / 1 yr

101 mins | RIA-American | A$500 / 1 yr

This video portrays tradotopma; folklore in Cuba, focusing on the everyday life of musicians and dancers. Shot in homes as well as on the streets and stages, the video captures the connections between African and Latino culture, religion, daily life and art.

Features the musical traditions and verbal recollections of eight retired African-American railroad track laborers, whose occupational folk songs were once heard along the railroad lines that crisscross the South.

Fire Within documents an incredible journey, and reveals how ordinary teenagers confront their fears and prejudices, forge long-lasting friendships, and tackle issues such as religion, equal rights, racial profiling, identity, politics, etc.

The documentary directing team of Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer Berman makes their narrative feature debut with this biographical comedy drama.

Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson

Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work

My Winnipeg

Falling Up

Skid Row

120 mins | MAD-Gonzo | A$380 / 1 yr

84 mins | MAD-Joan | A$380 / 1 yr

80 mins | MAD-Winni | A$500 / 1 yr

56 mins | NM-Fall | A$206 / 1 yr

80 mins | NM-Skid | A$230 / 1 yr

The film is distinguished by its unprecedented cooperation of Thompson’s friends, family and estate. The filmmakers had access to hundreds of photographs and over 200 hours of audiotapes, home movies and documentary footage of the man.

The film takes us on a year long ride with the irreverent comedian and pop icon Joan Rivers, peeling away the mask of the legendary performer, laying bare both the struggle and thrill of living life as a groundbreaking female performer.

Guy Maddin does for his Winnipeg what Terence Davies does for his Liverpool in Of Time and the City; he uses cinematic arts and crafts to convey his feelings about his home town, and it’s the images that are the overlay.

Documents the transformation of Johnny Popp, a Vietnam Veteran who is a crack addict on the streets of “Skid Row”. While rehabilitating, he meets a formerly homeless woman, who suffered years of domestic violence. The two meet in an unexpected place for romance, deciding not to return to the streets.

An investigation of the US homelessness crisis on constant display in Los Angeles’ 5-block radius dubbed “Skid Row”. International music sensation Pras Michel (The Fugees) chose to explore this topic as few would do - he lived on the streets of Skid Row for nine days as a homeless person.

HISTORY & CULTURE Documentary The Fourth World

The American Who Electrified Russia

Jesus, You Know

Animal Love

Detroit: Ruin of a City

55 mins | NM-Fourth | A$205 / 1 yr

105 mins | MCH-Russia | A$290 / 1 yr

87 mins | CPO-Jesus | A$500 / 1 yr

114 mins | CPO-Animal | A$500 / 1 yr

92 mins | MCH-Detroit | A$290 / 1 yr

One out of every six human beings lives in a very hidden world - the world of slums. Filmed on five continents, ‘The Fourth World’ takes viewers deep inside this hidden world, a world the United Nations says could triple in the next 30 years.

Explores the relationship between history and family memory through the biography of an individual, Solomon Abramovich Trone unrecorded in the history books whose life was nonetheless intertwined with history, but in a paradoxical fashion.

This award winning film follows six Catholics in different churches as they pray to Jesus. He is father and friend, saviour and rescuer, guide and confidant. Each of these people provides us with their view of God through the intimacy of their lives.

By Ulrich Seidl. People in big cities, people in Vienna: human closeness has become a rarity, but dogs, cats, rats and other pets fulfill their purpose as conversation partners, lifetime companions, cuddly toys.

With the participation of Detroit artists and a variety of local residents, the film looks back over the history of the city in the twentieth century: over the rise and fall of the social system identified by social theorists as ‘Fordism’.

Big Dreamers

Flowering of the Pacific

Stamp of Australia

Unveiled Views

55 mins | AB-Bigdream | A$175 / 1 yr

55 mins | AB-Flower | A$178 / 1 yr

120 mins | AB-Stamp | A$330 / 1 yr

52 mins | AB-Unveiled | A$172 / 1 yr

Once upon a time there was a tiny sugar-producing township called Tully in Far North Queensland, Australia. Tully is renowned for its endless sugar fields and...rain. One day the townsfolk were shocked by the devastating news that Brazil had dumped its sugar on the world market... Available in AU only.

Robert Hughes presents an insight into the work of Joseph Banks, the botanist who accompanied Captain James Cook on his first voyage of circumnavigation. Available in AU only.

a snapshot of 200 years of Australia’s history viewed through the prism of the Post Office and the remarkable letters it delivered. Available in AU only.

What’s life really like for women in the Islamic world? To what extent is our opinion of them based on Western prejudice? We profile five remarkable women who challenge conventional stereotypes. Available in AU only.

HISTORY & CULTURE Classroom / Junior Holocaust

The Elizabethan Age


In Search of Ancient Mysteries

The Harlem Renaissance and Beyond

33 mins | GA-Hol | A$170 / 1 yr

29 mins | GA-Eli | A$170 / 1 yr

30 mins | GA-Tasa | A$170 / 1 yr

52 mins | GA-Mys | A$170 / 1 yr

31 mins | GA-Har | A$170 / 1 yr

Traces a complex historical path of European anti-Semitism and examines increasingly determined persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany, including the violent turning point of Kristallnacht, and the formulation of the Final Solution.

This colorful program relates Elizabeth I’s personality, economic and cultural growth. It explores period art, music and writings by authors such as Shakespeare, John Davies and by Elizabeth herself.

This program uses actual on-location photographs of the Tasaday and tape recordings of their talking and singing to help students understand and examine their Stone Age way of life.

Additional evidence to support the theory that man on earth had his genesis somewhere in outer space is offered in this thought-provoking film. The viewer is left to decide whether or not outer space beings may have settled here and colonized the Earth.

Gives students a deeper appreciation of the African American literary tradition.

Man and Woman: Myths and Stereotypes

Man as Symbol Maker: Creating New Meanings

Mythology: Gods and Goddesses

Myths and Legends: Mirrors of Mankind

36 mins | GA-Man | A$170 / 1 yr

31 mins | GA-Symb | A$170 / 1 yr

41 mins | GA-Myth | A$170 / 1 yr

48 mins | GA-Mytleg | A$170 / 1 yr

This timely program examines how literature, art, movies, media and music perpetuate artificial male and female roles. The history of sexual stereotypes is traced through the writings of Sylvia Plath and Simone de Beauvoir.

A penetrating analysis of how humans since earliest times, used symbols to express basic ideas about themselves and the world in which they live; the impact of symbols and images used in art and literature to describe people’s most profound thoughts and feelings.

For students who are not already familiar with the classical myths, this program provides an informative and memorable introduction, lavishly illustrated with photographs, reproductions and original art.

Students will be facinated with this colorful program that focuses upon the myths and legends that were created to explain the nature of the universe and people’s place in it. They’ll learn that myths and legends often reflect a connection between the life cycles of man and nature.

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