Ministero dell 'Istruzione, dell 'Università e della Ricerca Dipartimento per l'Università, l'Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica e per la Ricerca Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento e lo Sviluppo della ricerca Programma "SIR" Decreto del 23 gennaio 2014 prot. n. 197 Protocollo: RBSI14UTZ8
1 - Proposal number RBSI14UTZ8
2 - Proposal acronym MakeSmartCities
3 - Proposal title
Development and deploy of low cost sensor-mobile technologies as digital layer on cities for optimization and event-prediction using open source big data and collaborative computing
4 - Duration of the project 36 months
1 - Principal Investigator Family name
First name
Arturo Rodolfo
Fiscal code
Date of birth
City of birth
Country of birth
City of residence
Country of residence
Via San Biagio dei Librai, 78
Postal code
Phone number
Mobile number
E-mail address
2 - Date of first PhD PhD awarded on the 29 of April
3 - Publication list and brief track-record List of Publications_Arturo_Sanchez_March2014.pdf - file with the LIST of your publications (only publications in peer-reviewed journals, conferences, symposia and workshops, etc) Arturo_Track.pdf - file with a brief track-record (1 page maximum)
4 - Tutor of PhD Family name Alviggi First name Mariagrazia
5 - Publication produced without the participation of tutor specified in the previous paragraph 1. E. Vilucchi, A. De Salvo, C. Di Donato, R. Di Nardo, A. Doria, G. Ganis, A.Manafov, G. Mancini, S. Mazza, F. Preltz, D. Rebatto, A. Salvucci, A. R. Sanchez Pineda. “PROOF-based analysis on the ATLAS Grid facilities: first experience with the PoD/PanDa plugin”. 20th CHEP. October 14-18, 2013, Amsterdam. 2. ATLAS Collaboration, “Study of the cannel H->Z*Z->l+l-qq in the mass range 120-180 GeV with the ATLAS Detector at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV”. HCP 2012, Tokyo, Japan. 3. G. Spavieri, J. Erazo, A. Sánchez, J. Ayazo, and G. T. Gillies, “Locality and Electromagnetic Momentum in Critical Tests of Special Relativity”. Ether Space-Time & Cosmology Vol 3. 2009. 4. G. Spavieri, J. Erazo, A. Sánchez, F. Aguirre, G. T. Gillies and M. Rodriguez, “Electromagnetic Momentum in Frontiers of Modern Physics”. Front. Phys. China, 2008, 3(3): 239-249. DOI 10.1007/s11467-008-0036-9. April 22, 2008. 5. G. Spavieri, J. Erazo, A. Sánchez, J. Ayazo, and M. Rodríguez, “Crucial Test of Relati...
6 - Statement on extension of eligibility period Paternity: 60 days Yes, I declare that i want to avail of these periods of extension of eligibility
7 - Statement on the employment status
No, I declare not to be permanent employee of the host institution
8 - Primary ERC sector
PE6 - Computer Science and Informatics: Informatics and information systems, computer science, scientific computing, intelligent systems
9 - Secondary ERC sector 10 - Primary ERC sub-sector
PE6_2 - Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems,sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber physical system
11 - Secondary ERC sub-sector
PE6_11 - Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video)
12 - Keywords n°
13 - Summary
As active members of one of the most important groups that developed the Higgs boson discovery's analyses into the ATLAS Experiment at LHC, we really know how to deal with large amount of data. Taking into account the huge all always-increasing data samples, the incredible computer power and its complexities, together with the many different components that the High Energy Physics (HEP) needs in order to create reliable results in pragmatical timescales, we can consider this kind of experiments the fathers of what is called today "Big Data". The proposal is to take all that experience, our Open Source tools and machine learning techniques into the very urgent and still to explore field of the city's sustainable organization and development: with the integration, development and deploy of low-cost new computer-sensors and mobile technologies as a Digital Layer for cities, communities or infrastructures, with the final goal of have a real -an not commercial- understanding of the patters, enabling the prediction of events and/or behaviours of very complex and interconnected organizations like the human-cities. All of this using well known -in the international scientific community- and cutting edge software and hardware coming directly from large scientific collaborations, always relative to the Big Data and the Collaborative and Distribute Computing. Basically, we are taking the high performance analysis and computing out of the laboratory. During the last years, several projects from the academic but primarily from the business sector have been started with the idea to obtain and analyse the data that the people and the "things" (what is called as “internet of everything”) generate every day in the big cities. Unfortunately several of them don't have the tools to analyse perfectly such a amount of data in all their possible formats into timescales that allows to react in an useful way, or they were sold as a “generic close product” that can be implement to any metropolis few or without modifications. Where the reality is that even with the impressive amount of investment that has been done in sensors and data taking systems, we are now in a situation that the particle physicist know very well: tons of data, large computing systems and not so much time to generate useful results. At the same time, in several occasions the proposal is to use the data that people generate using mobile phones, but unfortunately the applications and platforms that collect such data is related or even attached to a company, something that even in the most open scenario, is not as open as science needs. But please, don't take this wrong, it's true that all that information is there outside for who wants to take it and it has a huge value. Value that will translate in practical and open results just in the same amount as the increasing of the effective analysis tools and effective analyzers. We would like to bring a set of online and user friendly tools that allow to analyse and understand that information, together with the development of a generic a low cost sensor that can be produced in large numbers but with the capacity not just to take data, but to communicate it in a smart way by users having a particular application. The final result? An extra layer on the city or infrastructure that can be use has a source and as test-field for new technologies that can be optimized in cost and use allowing its exportation, not as a final miracle solution, but as a tool of friendly implementation and collaboration to understand particular systems in very different regions of the planet, taking advantage of other well known technology in large and global physics collaborations: the volunteer or collaborative computing through universities, that even with less resources, but with a lot a very well prepare students and researches, can be included into large collaborations solving real life problems in their localities but into global learning procedure.
Università degli Studi di NAPOLI "Federico II"
Address Umberto I, 40
Department/Faculty/Lab/Institute Department/Faculty/Lab/Institute
Department of Physics
Via Cintia, Monte Sant'Angelo
Postal code
Phone number
E-mail address
Internet Home page
1 - Brief analysis of the adequacy of the host institution to the goals of the proposal
The Physics Department of the University "Federico II" in Naples is a very well known institution into the High Energy Physics (HEP) community not just in Italy but into the global collaboration as developer of hardware for the ATLAS experiment at CERN. At the same time a young but expert team is involve in analysis and software development for precise physics research like the determination of physics beyond the Standard Model of Particles and the measurement of the spin quantum number of the discovered Higgs boson. A critical mass of students and researchers create constant studies and real hardware solutions for different updates of the machines at CERN in Geneva. That constant interaction with the LHC collaboration generates an auto-critical view as they have to deal with colleges from all the world, something that force the learning of the English language and the transculturation, essential skills for large and complex research programs. The department hosts one of the Tier2's or big computer facilities part of the World Wide GRID that supports the data sharing-storage-analysis of several experiments. The protocols used in all the activities are in harmony with the necessities of Nobel prize awarded researches.
Note: All the previous descriptions have been done from the corner of the HEP point of view, where I perform my research activities, but I think that is clear this is just a small portion of all the huge collection of past, present and future research activities that the Physics Department host.
A.3 - BUDGET Budget O = Borne by other legal entities
H = Borne by the host institution
M= Borne by MIUR
A.1 - Staff of the host institution (professors, researchers, technicians, permanently employed; no to the fellows or graduate students, and so on, already under contract) A.2.1 - New contract for PI
A.2.2 - New contracts for researchers
60.000 Not applicable
A.2.3 - Fellows or similar already under contract
Not applicable
Not applicable 97.200
B - Overheads (60% A.1+A.2.1+A.2.2)
C - Equipment D - Consulting services and similar
E - Other operating costs
24.000 0
F - costs borne by other legal entities
G - Incentive for host institution 0
Partial costs
TOTAL COSTS: 0 €+ 30.000 €+ 567.520 €= 597.520 € TOTAL FUNDING: 567.520 €
1 - Motivations of the expected costs
The motivations of the expected cost are basically into the development of the hardware components of the project and possible replication in a relative large number for tests and experimentations. Possible materials and computer components that we will need during the program presented here. The idea is to have a complete set of hardware and software that allows creating useful results. The other cost are relative to the research expenses into very conservative numbers. In particular, the development of a new sensor needs the use of material like computers, actual sensor, GPS and mobile technology apart of normal necessities in paper, travels, photocopies, cables and other electronic components. Some mobile and Internet contracts will need for field activities.
2 - Task carried out by other legal entities (item F) 3 - Permanent employees Family name First name Institution Department/Faculty/Lab/Institute City Country Title (professor/researcher)
4 - Under contract personnel Family name First name Department/Faculty/Lab/Institute City Country
Type of contract only on free funds of the host institution
5 - Personnel from other legal entity Family name First name Institution City Country Title (professor/researcher)
6 - Overall efforts in person-months 2
The objectives of this proposal can be resume as bellow: - As was mention before we would like to take all that current experience in data-analysis and data-management that is now in use for a very large and complex collaboration, the LHC. - All the knowledge and the techniques developed into those physics collaborations is public and accessible for the countries members of that collaborations and to the entire world, ones they have been made public. This is what we called Open Source tools and technologies. - Go with a very clear idea into this open field of the city's sustainable organization and development; with the integration, development and deploy of low-cost new computer-sensors and mobile technologies as a Digital Layer for cities, communities and infrastructures. That extra "layer" of information is what will make the different between to be really in control for the developing of the habitats and to be preparing for massive and non-localized (or very complex correlated) problems. -In the context of the scientific research, with the final goal of have a real understanding of the patters that the people and the infrastructures generate as a complex machine that in the actuality can just be really understood using the latest machine learning techniques that will allow the prediction of events and/or behaviours. - One of the primary objectives is the development of a sensor using low cost technologies and open source projects like: And even: The main goal of the sensor is to take basic GPS, weather and seismic information, carrying inside a SMS or other mobile source of communication (very common nowadays) with a receptor that will collect the information. This collection and sharing of information can be done using Wi-Fi of Bluetooth technologies by the user of the a mobile application that have to be developed into this project too (for the main OS in the market as Android, iOS, BlackBerry,...). The particularities of such an implementation is of course part of the research program itself! We would like to bring a set of online and user friendly tools that allows to analyse and understand the information coming from publics scientific sources like European Space Agency (ESA), NASA, weather, seismic, satellite source, between others, together wit the data coming from the apps and research receptor that we would like to deploy, with the capacity not just to take data, but to communicate it in a smart way to the computers where the analysis will be perform. As it was mention in the summary, this digital replication of the city can be use has a source and as test-field for new technologies that can be optimized in cost and use allowing its exportation as a tool of friendly implementation and collaboration to understand particular systems in very different region of the planet, taking advantage the volunteer or collaborative computing through institutes. Since the main idea is to use the actual tools, please, follow the different multimedia that was and is under production for this call:
Please, go to the online information that was prepared (and/or investigated) specially tfor this proposal application: - A very clear Ides of the Data Processing at CERN: - How to create Smart Cities proposal:
2 - State of the art
(From IBM) The State of the art in this kind of research are, again, mainly in the private sector, but every years with more inclusion into the academic and European Government sectors. The different projects on going focus on the understanding of possible solutions using data in order to improve the energy consumption, the transportation, prevention of disasters, etc. Some of the most relevant links of online documentation that I would like to present are bellow: European Calls and Projects: A more Local review: Annual Congress: Some of the Private and Academic external proporsals:
3 - Methods
The main method is the scientific method: The Large Hadron Collider at CERN was designed to prove or disprove the existence of the Higgs boson, an important but elusive piece of knowledge that had been sought by particle physicists for over 40 years. A very powerful particle accelerator was needed, because Higgs bosons might not be seen in lower energy experiments, and because vast numbers of collisions would need to be studied. Such a collider would also produce unprecedented quantities of collision data requiring analysis. Therefore advanced computing facilities were needed to process the data. Just to give you an idea, the data stream from the detectors provides approximately 300 GByte/s of data, which after filtering for "interesting events", results in a "raw data" stream of about 300 MByte/s. The CERN computer center, considered "Tier 0" of the LHC Computing Grid, has a dedicated 10 Gbit/s connection to the counting room. - Taking a generic picture of the problem and the proposal, diving them into pieces where we can identify the correct procedure, the correct people and the correct resources to be use in order to archive the goal. - The many activities already done or under development in our research group will permit to include this new project in an immediate and very organic way, since our day to day deal is the big data and the sensor-signal interpretations. - The high performance computing and collaborative computing is another filed where we have a lot of experience and this project will allows to tests all that tools in more that one rage of datasets, something that will be very good luck for the general scientific community and the general public too. - Simulations of the system and its deploy of the future sensor and applications is another important point where the inclusion of algorithms and visualization features of the online resources, studying the feasibility and the best possible use of the economic and technical resources that we will have. - Many of the methods that we would like to use are already very successful in different fields, again, making citation to the HEP and other physics collaborations, but not only, because as it is trying to be show in this document and all the complementary information online, many projects take advantage the open source, making their own input to projects like this proposal.
The main approach is to use our experience to put all together plus new ideas, generate a system that can really interprets the signal of the systems to explore. (Please, one more time, many information was prepare since months ago and with constant updates for this call, all into a larger idea that have been in mind since years back) - A vision of the methods of processing information: Review of ATLAS Trigger and Computing: a simple Class
- A current and already working proposal of: Online Web Pre-Analysis: This post contains a lot of useful imagines and ideas that have been exposed in this application:
A resume of the actual tools:
-7- (Note: that last website presented is an external team, just a reference) - The use of Open source 3D printer for some components can be a very interesting exploration:
4 - Potential applications, scientific and/or socio-economic impact, technology advancements, brief remarks on ethical issues or security
The potential applications are obvious in this case: The understanding of complex human systems is one of the main goals of the actual academic and commercial research. The fact that we are in a moment in the history where everything is recorded and saved, the analysis of all that information for the public benefices will require an enormous amount of manpower and tools. This field is far to obtain a single solution, and multiple actors have to take part. The Scientific community have a lot of experience in that challenging environment; so, the translation of all the power to worldwide efforts is very natural and of course useful: This will be generate solutions in many aspects: - The main goal is the understanding, prediction and solution of problems into actual and future cities. - The inclusion into world class research programs to a huge amount of students and professional of other part of the world that can use this as training and practical applications while at the same time their peers of the already strong countries can get more information and collaboration in common subjects. - The development of a ground for possible start-up incursions from the academy to the industry, where the open view will be the key for a constant and free feedback. - Add use to the actual resources in computing and others, around the different facilities here in Italy and Europe. Opening even more the already large range of interdisciplinary researches taking place into the European community. - The idea of having software development activities for computers and mobile gadgets apart of the high performance computer and web services, represent a new -and not so exploit yet- field for training of the young students where the “market� of that skills is full of opportunities but with a huge lack of active programmers and software creators. The estimations coming from different specialized firms point that the software development and computer management professional-requests are growing as fast as the implementation and penetration of the online and mobiles services. - The infrastructure of this proposal is a generic model for analysis of data in any other field, scientific, financial-markets, optimization processes.
5 - financial aspects: expenditure estimates for each semester O = Borne by other legal entities
H = Borne by the host institution
M = Borne by MIUR
1 st semester
2 nd semester
3 rd semester
4 th semester
5 th semester
6 th semester
Arturo_Sanchez_Status.pdf - Statement of the Host Institution concerning the conditions of autonomy of the PI Statements.pdf - Statement concerning the lack of impediments of an ethical nature Statements.pdf - Statement concerning the lack of impediments of a security nature
DATA 13/03/2014 13:47