Ashleigh Bartlett, Blair Brennan, Mark Dicey, Dan Hudson, Mona Kamal, Kristopher Karklin, Kris Lindskoog, Walter May, brendan mcgillicuddy, Robyn Moody and Wil Murray 1 1 7 - 8 A V E N U E S . W. C A L G A R Y, A L B E R T A , C A N A D A T 2 P 1 B 4 MAIN:403.770.1350 FAX:403.264.8077 W W W. A R T G A L L E R Y C A L G A R Y. O R G
D a n H u d so n, Reac hing for Heaven, 2012 M u l t i m e di a , 37” x 49” 12”
In celebration of Calgary 2012, as Canada’s Cultural Capital, The Art gallery of Calgary presents part IV of a series of related exhibitions as a centenary snapshot of 2012. The project Made in Alberta gathers over 40 of the most prominent visual artists at work in Alberta. It comprises a yearbook of highlights from the 2012 season of art exhibitions in collaboration with Jeffrey Spalding, Artistic Director at MOCA Calgary and paul kuhn, Director of paul kuhn gallery, The Art gallery of Calgary concludes this exhibition series with the talents of 11 significant emerging and senior artists.
Wa l t er May, X O , 2012 B en t wo o d cha i rs, burnt be ntwood, oak plint hs, 38”x41”x16”
K r i s t o p h er Ka rk l in, Ping Pong R oo m, 2011, Digit al Print , 36” x 54”
Made in Alberta: Part IV features artists who push boundaries in their formal practice, chosen media and subject matter. Featuring emerging talent and established artists, M.I.A.: Part IV showcases artists from across Alberta: Ashleigh Bartlett, Blair Brennan, Mark Dicey, Dan Hudson, Mona Kamal, Kristopher Karklin, Kris Lindskoog, Walter May, Brendan McGillicuddy, Robyn Moody and Wil Murray.This multimedia exhibition feature painting, collage, photography, installation, sculpture, video and drawing. The artwork addresses a variety of themes and topics including the environment, everyday life, immigration and social problems among disenfranchised populations.
Bl ai r B ren n a n a n d Kri s Li ndsko o g , I t’s O n l y a L i e i f N o O ne Believes You, 2010 In s tal l a t i o n , B r a n ding ma chine wi th i nk and bran d i n g o n p ap er
Wil Murray, Other Guys N amed Like M e Wo n’ t K now What To Do Whe n The K ni fe fi ght Go e s to The Gro und, 2011, Ac r y lic , Ph ot o c ollage and found images on board, 4 0 ” x 68” x 7”
As h l ei g h B a r t l ett, Mag ic Sunberr ies , 2 013 Ac r yl i c o n c a nva s, 62” x 68”
B rendan McGillic uddy, Anthro po ce ne , 2012, Fibreglass and st eel, 12’ x 4 ’ x 5 ’
The artwork in Made in Alberta: Part IV also captures in artistic practice, new methods in collage, mixed media installations, collaboration, and staged photography. The exhibition encompasses a new, experimental chapter of art produced in Alberta, highlighting emerging artists who use technology to render works while applauding established Alberta artists for their lifetime contribution and influence. Whether based in Alberta full-time or travelling to and from Europe and the United States, the artists in part IV of this study, consistently produce quality and innovative work that Alberta can be proud of.
R o by n M o o dy, Pow er 1: Hop e Lake as S een Thro ugh the Eyes o f M a n l e y Nat land, 2009, M ixe d media, approx. 138” x 98”
The Art Gallery of Calgary gratefully acknowledges the funding support of Calgary 2012 and thanks MOCA Calgary and Paul Kuhn Gallery for their partnership and participation.
PROGRAMMING Forms of Abstraction, Panel Discussion April 25, 2013, 8-10PM, The AGC, Main Gallery In conjunction with the Made in Alberta series, Ashleigh Bartlett, Mark Dicey, Wil Murray, and Randy Niessen discuss varying approaches to non-representational painting, touching on material exploration, intuitive painting, the significance of the exhibition space, and the potential for paint itself to become the subject of a work. Moderated by Calgary based painter, and Alberta College of Art & Design instructor Mark Mullin. The Manmade & the Natural, Panel Discussion May 2, 2013, 8-10PM , The AGC, Main Gallery Join us as Dan Hudson, Walter May, Brendan McGillicuddy, and Robyn Moody discuss their practices and the works they’ve included in Made in Alberta: Part IV. Working in sculpture, installation, and mixed media, these artists explore the relationships found between the manmade and the natural – from mass-produced products and large-scale fabrications to animal skulls and oil spills, these works reveal the precarious relationship mankind shares with the natural world. Ping Pong Tournament April 13, 2013, 6PM , The AGC, Enmax Gallery School Our Ping Pong Parlor will be open for the duration of Made in Alberta: Part IV, but this special tournament is one night only, so bring your lucky paddles and join The AGC’s Ping Pong Tournament to compete for great prizes from local businesses and The AGC. Space is limited, email publicprograms@artgallery to reserve your spot. $5 per entry.
M a r k D i c ey, Untit led, 2012, A cr yl ic and c ont e and paper, 44” x 91.5”
PROGRAMMING Hockey Cards, Photo Booth ONGOING at The AGC, Mezzanine Visit The AGC’s Mezzanine to have your photo taken in our Hockey Card photo booth – a selection of hockey jerseys, helmets, pads, and sticks will be available. Photos will be uploaded to The AGC Facebook page – be sure to check back and tag yourself in your Hockey Card! Ping Pong Parlor ONGOING at The AGC, Enmax Gallery School In homage to Kristopher Karklin’s digital print Ping Pong Room, featured in Made in Alberta Part IV, we offer our own Ping Pong Parlor in the Enmax Gallery School. Be sure to come out to our Ping Pong Tournament on April 13th!
M o n a K a m a l , Fam ily Por t rait, c . 198 0s, C olour copy, 4” x 6”
thank you to our SPONSORS