Appassionato #10 - London in a New Light.
Appassionato #10 - London in a New Light.
Appassionato is an Italian term used in music which is defined as telling the musician to perform with a great amount of emotion. A love duet in an opera in an example of music that is sung appassionato. [uh-pah-see-uh-nah-toh] Word Origin - Italy; Adjective, Music; impassioned; with passion or strong feeling. But, for me I think it fits the way I feel about Photography. Paul Griffiths 2017
Digital Infrared photography, is so much easier than before when photographers used infrared film. Not only was it difficult to process but also to load the film into the camera - this having to be done in total darkness. Today having an old camera digitally converted for IR, this process is now so much easier. Infrared colour photography is a process created from the initial RAW file by changing the channels in Photoshop for each individual image. Although I have a preference for ‘mono’ IR images using extensive grain and reduced clarity to get close to the orginal analogue atmospheric images created by Sir Simon Marsden, this selection of colured photographs shows London in a New Light.
Paul Griffiths 2017
For all Infrared photographers. May you see the light that others miss!
This ezine is published by Paul Griffiths (By_Griffo). No reproduction or display of these images may be done without the express consent of the Owner. Copyright ŠPaul Griffiths 2017