Appassionato #7 - Bikes and Bells.
Appassionato #7 - Bike and Bells.
Appassionato is an Italian term used in music which is defined as telling the musician to perform with a great amount of emotion. A love duet in an opera in an example of music that is sung appassionato. [uh-pah-see-uh-nah-toh] Word Origin - Italy; Adjective, Music; impassioned; with passion or strong feeling. But, for me I think it fits the way I feel about Photography. Paul Griffiths 2017
There's something about Amsterdam, I can't quite put my finger on! But Bikes, Handlebars, Baskets and Bells seem to come to mind! Paul Griffiths 2017
This ezine is published by Paul Griffiths (By_Griffo). No reproduction or display of these images may be done without the express consent of the Owner. Copyright ŠPaul Griffiths 2017