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Commander’s Comments
Commander’s Comments………………………………….…….……….. p. 1 Chaplain’s Corner…………………………………...………..………………. p. 2 Welcome New Companions …………………...……...……………….. p. 2 50th Vietnam War Commemoration .……………………… pp. 3—8 National Vietnam Veteran Day at Punchbowl.…………..…….. p. 3 GEN David Bramlett's Address to Vietnam Veterans.……….. p. 4 Vietnam Veterans Ceremony & Parade Waikiki ………………… p. 6 Ninth Annual 50th Vietnam War Cadet Essay Contest……. p. 6 Vietnam Veterans Luncheon at the Oahu Vet Center ……… p. 7 Vietnam Veteran Recognition …………………………………………. p. 7 50th Vietnam Veteran Volunteer Recognition. …………….….. p. 8 50th Vietnam War Commemoration Cadet Essay Contest p. 9 1st Place Essay by Cadet Kennedy Ushiroda……………...…… p. 11 Commandery celebrates ANZAC Day in Hawaii, 2022 …… p. 13 ROTC, JROTC Cadet Awards Ceremonies…. …………….……... p. 14 Eagle Scout Recognition ………………………………………………… p. 16 Univ. of Hawaii Army ROTC Commissioning — 2022 .…… p. 17 Companion News ……………………………………………..…………… p. 17 Upcoming Events ……..……………….……………………..…....……. p. 18
Cover Photo: The cover is a snippet of a painting by Herb Kawainui Kāne, depicting the Battle of Nuuanu in May 1795 which saw King Kamehameha defeat the King of Maui for the rule over all the Hawaiian Isles. 231 years ago.
Aloha Companions and Friends,
It has been two years since I took the reigns of command of the Commandery on June 19th, 2020. It has been an honor to serve in this capacity, and I am very appreciative of the efforts of our Companions who enable our organization to carry out the purposes of the Order in our local community. These last two years presented new challenges to our mission of service, not least of which was the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this last quarter, we experienced a demanding transition to the level of community engagement that we have done for many years, and pulled it off. From memorials and commemorations to cadet awards ceremonies, our Companions accomplished the mission.
Looking forward, I will be serving another tour as Commander, and ask for our continued support, as I pledge to lead by example. We will say farewell to two loyal companions this month, LTC Dan Curtis and Col Jim Atchley, as they move to the mainland and new positions in their careers.
We are also hailing a new Companion, Lt Col CAP, and Maj USMC, Ret. Ed Green, who is no stranger to volunteering. Over the next two years, I charge you to continue to tell our story to those who share our mission of service.
“Deus et Libertas”
Curtis “Manny” Manchester III LTC, USA Ret. Commander
From the Secretary
As we approach our June meeting, we are completing the end of the two year term of office for Commandery Officers. There are many leadership opportunities in the Commandery, and many hands make light work. Double, and triple-hatting of duty positions is a risk to mission success and does not help to train Companions for leadership positions. If you have not considered volunteering to lead a standing committee or fill an office, now is the time to do so for the Good of the Order.
The Hawaii Commandery has completed its tax filings with the IRS and the State of Hawaii for 2021, which are required for us to maintain our 501 (c) 3 status as a non-profit organization. We were not able to conduct a fundraiser in the days leading up to Memorial Day, but will do so in November, as our poppies have arrived.
The Commandery continues to excel as a 50th Vietnam War Commemoration Partner, as the pages of this issue of the Commandery News demonstrate. Not reported in this issue are the events surrounding Memorial Day, supported by Loyal Companions. Those stories will be captured in the September issue.