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National Vietnam Veteran Day at Punchbowl
Photos: Above: Companion Fred Staedel at the lectern. Bottom Left: Companion Tulak presenting the MOFW wreath. Bottom Right: CPT Rona Adams, GEN Mark Milley and GEN David Bramlett.
By Companion Arthur Tulak, 50th Vietnam Commemoration Chair
The Hawaii Commandery took part in the 5th anniversary of this holiday, established by President Donald J. Trump in 2017, with his signature on The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017. The 29th of March is a date of significance for Vietnam War Veterans, as on that date in 1973, the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam, the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (USMACV) was disestablished and the Communist government in Hanoi released the last of its acknowledged prisoners of war on that day. In Hawaii, the day was recognized in a special way, as the National Commemoration of this holiday took place in Hawaii, with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, GEN Mark Milley, flying out to be the keynote speaker from the Dept. of Defense. Representing all those who served in Vietnam was GEN, Ret. David A. Bramlett, a leader in the Veteran Community in Hawaii who finished his illustrious Army career as Deputy Commander United States Pacific Command at Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii, and interim commander of Pacific Command before Admiral Joseph W. Prueher took command in 1996. GEN Bramlett spoke directly to the Vietnam Veterans assembled about their experiences, fifty years hence. His inspiring remarks are published on the following two pages.
Companions present included our Commander LTC “Manny” Manny Manchester, Chaplain Fred Staedel, and Secretary Arthur Tulak. Fred served as the announcer of the event. One of the key planners for this event was CPT Rona Adams, President of Chapter 858 of the Vietnam Veterans of America. Allen Hoe, master of ceremonies, introduced the Gold Star Families who attended in person.
I had the honor of presenting a wreath for the Commandery during the ceremony. The remarks from the Master of Ceremonies, Allen Hoe, GEN Milley, and GEN Bramlett, were inspiring. The Cadets from Punahou High School Army JROTC did a wonderful job supporting this event with the presentation of State and Territorial flags.
You can watch a short video at https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/ video/2022/03/30/punchbowl-ceremony-honors-service-members-national-vietnamwar-veterans-day/
and a full-length video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJWM8DNUgtQ