Hi mofw commandery newsletter apr 2013 vol 2 issue 7

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THE Military Order of Foreign Wars Hawaii Commandery

newsletter Vol. II, Issue 3, April 7, 2013 Commander’s Comments. Aloha Companions and Commandery Supporters! Companions of our Commandery wee very busy over the last few months, and we have accomplished a great deal, as this newsletter will prove. Our 2013 slate of officers was confirmed by the Executive Committee on 21 March, and we have a great team to guide our Commandery into the future. Our fundraisers are generating the monies needed to sustain our medals program for the 2013-2014 academic year, and we are now supporting Cadet awards ceremonies of ROTC, JROTC and Civil Air Patrol units in Hawaii, Guam, and Japan. Mahalo to those faithful Companions and Commandery Supporters who volunteered for both fundraisers and awards presentations – you epitomize the values of our Order by your dedication to duty.

Those of the Christian faith also look at this time of year as we remember Easter Sunday - a day set aside for the new life, love, and hope found in the resurrected Christ. Those of the Jewish faith remember this time of year with the Passover - at how God delivered the people out of slavery in Egypt by having the Angel of Death pass over the houses of the people of Israel. Again, a season of new life, hope and future by a loving and protecting God. The point is, whatever happens (or doesn't happen) in life, you and I are given the gift of life, and opportunity, to practice our faith and an obligation to strengthen our spiritual "muscles" in our own faith traditions. My hope and prayer for all our members is to reflect the optimism of our faiths of the season to the ROTC cadets we will meet this spring, to our loved ones, and to our communities because, by default, we are leaders and if it doesn't start with us, then who? God Bless and Peace. David M. Terrinoni, Ch, Lt Col, USAF

Arthur N. Tulak, COL, U.S. Army, HI MOFW Oahu Veterans Council News Chaplain’s Corner Spring is in the air! Of course, for those of us who live in Hawaii, the changes are subtle, but we still notice them. Daylight stays longer, the tides change and the children anticipate the coming of summer break. I am originally from Chicago and I always enjoyed the spring as new life emerged from the ground, baby birds and animals would start poking their heads out and, for many, love was in the air. It was an optimistic time of year and new life abounded.

As previously reported, the Oahu Veterans Council is working to secure funding to complete the Oahu Veterans Center (OVC) as it was originally planned. The Council approached Hawaii State Senator Michelle Kidani, who represents Hawai`i's 17th Senatorial District and currently serves as vicechair of the committees on Ways and Means, Education, and Public Safety, Military and Intergovernmental Affairs. Senator Michelle Kidani pledged support for the grant for the final phase to complete building plans


for the OVC. The ultimate goal is to add a third large hall to the OVC for meetings of larger size. The next meeting of the Oahu Veterans Council is on April 27th at the Oahu Veterans Center. The OVC is across the street from Radford High School at 1298 Kukila Street.

with this newsletter – if you have not yet volunteered to participate in this program, please consider supporting an event this year – it is a rewarding experience to meet these energetic and disciplined young Americans.

Recruiting and Fund-raising. The Hawaii Commandery conducted four successful fund-raisers / recruiting drives on:  22 FEB at Camp Smith MCX,  15 MAR at the Pearl Harbor NEX  29 MAR at the Hickam AFB Bx, and;  30 MAR at Barbers Point. The combined total raised $1,302.30. These funds will pay for next year’s ROTC and JROTC medals and essay prizes. Future Recruiting/Fund-raiser drives are scheduled for:  19 APR at the Pearl Harbor NEX  24 MAY at the Schofield Barracks PX. The Schofield event will consist of poppy sales to commemorate Memorial Day, which is on 27 May. If you are interested in representing the Commandery at the National Cemetery of the Pacific to present a wreath, or the State Veterans Cemetery at Kaneohe, to present a floral lei on behalf of the Commandery, contact the Commander.

SITREP: Hawaii MOFW Support to CAP, ROTC, & JROTC. Awards Ceremonies. Awards Presentations – the schedule is completed and all schools in Hawaii are covered by Companions from our Commandery to personally present a Medal to the top performing Cadets and Cadet Midshipmen. The schedule being sent along

Photo 1: Hawaii Civil Air Patrol Cadets receiving the MOFW Bronze Leadership Medal on 6 April at the Annual CAP Wing Banquet at the Pearl Country Club.

Governor’s Parade. The Governor’s Parade is being held on April 11th at Palm Circle, Fort Shafter. Any MOFW Companion wishing to attend should complete the E-invitation at the following web link and list Military Order of the Foreign Wars as the organization represented. https://einvitations.afit.edu/inv/anim.cfm?i=14701 6&k=036545097A51

50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration On 25 March 2013, the Hawaii Commandery was confirmed by the Secretary of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a Commemorative Partner with the United States of America Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration Committee. The Hawaii Commandery was the first member of the Oahu Veterans Council to be admitted as a 50th Commemorative Partner. The Commandery was presented with the DoD 50th Anniversary Commemoration flag, certificate of Commemorative Partner designation, a


Commemoration objectives poster, and Presidential Proclamation. Honoring Veterans – Clark AFB Cemetery Established in 1948, Clark Cemetery is the final resting place of 8,600 U.S. Veterans and their dependents. The cemetery was abandoned when the USAF departed in 1991 after the Mount Pinatubo eruption, leaving the cemetery covered in ash and overgrown by weeds.

The Hawaii Commandery is listed on the DoD Commemorative Partners webpage at http://www.vietnamwar50th.com/commemorative _partners/commemorative_partners_listing/ The Commandery’s application for membership to the Department of Defense included our plan for commemorating the Vietnam War, approved at the 21 March EXCOM meeting. The Hawaii Commandery also participated in the “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans” activities at Kalaeloa (the former Barber’s Point Naval Air Station) in Kapolei. The event was sponsored by the Hawaii Chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, who invited all members of the Oahu Veterans Council to support. Mahalo to Companion Jim Burkholder and Commandery Supporter LTC Robyn Pietron for manning our information booth and showing support to our Vietnam Veterans. The Hawaii Commandery will be working with other members of the Oahu Veterans Council, to include the Vietnam Veterans Association, Oahu Chapter 858, to find ways to honor individual Vietnam Veterans by presenting them the 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration Medal in a fitting ceremony at the Oahu Veterans Center.

The Senate passed a bill (S.2320) in December, Remembering America's Forgotten Veterans Cemetery Act of 2012, which transfers responsibility of Clark Veterans Cemetery in the Philippines to the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC). This bipartisan legislation introduced by US Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) to restore the Clark Veterans Cemetery was signed into law by US President Barack Obama on 11 January 2013, and provides $5 million to the ABMC for restoration and operation of the cemetery. Stolen Valor Act Rep Joe Heck (R-NV), along with 82 co-sponsors, introduced House Resolution 258 on January 15, 2013 at the first session of the 113th Congress. HR 258 was referred to the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations. The resolution, The Stolen Valor Act of 2013, would amend Title 18 of US Code with respect to fraudulent representations about having received military decorations or medals. HR 258 was reported by the Committee on March 14th, and now has 115 co-sponsors. A Senate version of the resolution, S 210, introduced on February 4th by Sen. Heller, Dean (RNV) with 22 co-sponsors, has been referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.


MOFW National Convention The 51st National Convention is next month in Providence Rhode Island, 2-4 May 2013. Unfortunately, we won’t have a national delegate this year, but our Commandery reports will be submitted, along with our proposals for the assembled Commandery delegates and national leadership. The first of our proposals calls for the National Commandery to work on changes to Cadet Command Regulations Cadet Command Regulation 672-5-1 Reserve Officer Training Corps, Awards, Decorations, and Honors, and Cadet Command Regulation 145, Organization, Administration, Operation, Training and Support, dated 1 September 2010, which covers awards and decorations for JROTC. The Hawaii Commandery proposal addresses efforts to ensure these regulations accurately describe the MOFW awards program. The second asks the Convention to appoint a working committee to improve “how to” documents to help Organizing Secretaries to startup new Commanderies.

Companion Birthdays: Hau`oli Lā Hānau! to Several

companions who will soon, or recently have celebrated a birthday. We value your membership and wish you another prosperous year. March Birthdays: Thomas Dye 3/4; Dave Terrinoni 3/17

proclamation: 1) calling on officials of the United States Government to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on April 13, and; 2) inviting the people of the United States to observe April 13 in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. 25 April, Anzac Day - is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, originally commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honor the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who served and died in military operations for their countries. Australian military personnel are serving in Hawaii at the various Service HQs and U.S. Pacific Command. The Senior Australian officer in Hawaii is MajGen Richard Burr, Deputy Commanding General for Operations at U.S. Army Pacific.

Days to display the American Flag April & May : April Army Day – April 6th Jefferson’s Birthday – April 13th Patriot's Day – April 19th May National Day Of Prayer – May 2d WWII Victory in Europe (VE) Day – May 8th Mother's Day – May 12th Armed Forces Day – May 18th Peace Officers Memorial Day – May 15th Memorial Day May 27th

Commandery Future Operations Calendar  April 13 is Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. Section 141, of Title 36 U.S. Code (36 USC § 141) states “The President shall issue each year a

Our next Commandery luncheon is 1200 hrs 26 April at the Hickam Officer’s Club. Our next Commandery meeting is 1700 hrs Thursday, 23 May at the OVC.


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