Hi mofw commandery newsletter dec 2013 vol 2 issue 6

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THE Military Order of Foreign Wars Hawaii Commandery

newsletter Vol. II, Issue 6, December 20, 2013 Commander’s Comments. Aloha Companions and Commandery Supporters! As the year draws to a close, I offer my sincere thanks to those devoted Companions who have sustained our Commandery and have given of their time and energy unselfishly in support of our objectives. We have forged new paths of service in the community and 2014 looks to be a successful year in pursuit of the purposes of our Order. Arthur N. Tulak, COL, U.S. Army, HI MOFW

Chaplain’s Corner 'Tis the season for all sorts of holidays, so "Happy" and "Merry" (fill in the holiday) to all my Companions and colleagues. I'm writing you from New Zealand and being in this great land reminds me of how much area our Commandery covers. I think of our Companions in Japan and Australia (and I'll be in Sydney in 12 days). We all may not be physically near each other, but know that our Hawaiian admiration and support are with you in your part of the world. Even though our Order is small in number, our coverage area is large and our impact is great. For those of the Christian faith, I like to remind myself that Jesus changed the world and started with 12 disciples. While you and I may not be out to change the world, we definitely want to impact lives, honor the past, and prepare the future.

In this season of gift-giving, remember the gifts that God has given us and use them in service to others. Perhaps the most important gift we can share with others is the gift of time. So, enjoy your holidays and appreciate those around you for God has placed us where we are at for such a time as this. God Bless and Peace. David M. Terrinoni, Ch, Lt Col, USAF

National POW/MIA Recognition Day Companion Tulak set up the Commandery information table at the Navy Exchange on 20 September to inform passersby about POW/MIA Recognition Day. This was the first time that the Commandery has conducted an activity for POW/MIA Recognition Day, which is an important day of remembrance for our Vietnam Veterans. The days efforts netted $353.35 in donations and several interested candidates for membership in the Order.

MOFW 2013 Poppy Appeal The Commandery held its second Poppy Appeal of 2013 on 8 November at the Fort Shafter AAFES Px. Companion Wayne Swan single-handedly took on this effort with enthusiasm. The event drew in over $300 in donations to our Commandery programs. In addition, Companion Swan was able to tell our story to Army personnel on Fort Shafter and developed several contacts to follow up for membership in the Order.

It is in the spirit of impacting, honoring, and preparing that I challenge you take a break from commercialism this holiday season, and make quality time with your family or/and a person(s) who could use a friend. If you let God use you, you will make a difference in someone's life. Also, make time to honor and practice your faith tradition as the health of your spiritual self will also help you prepare for your future. Photo 1: Companion Wayne Swan mans the table for the 8 November Poppy Appeal at Fort Shafter Post Exchange.


Veterans Day 2013 Companions Jim Burkholder and Dave Terrinoni represented the Commandery and the Order at the Governor’s observances held at the Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery at Kaneohe. Once again the Commandery carried out its purposes through action in the community. The Commandery’s Photo 2: LtCol Terrinoni and LtCol (Ret) colors were carried by Youth ChalleNGe Burkholder prepare to advance the colors in the procession. cadets who braved the heavy rains alongside our Companions.

Center in Kapolei. Cadet LTC Maleko Alexander, Class Commander, received the Bronze Medal for Leadership, and Cadt Daniel Waters received the Silver Medal for Academic performance. The mission of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program is to intervene in and reclaim the lives of 16-18 year old high school dropouts, producing program graduates with the values, life skills, education, and selfdiscipline necessary to succeed as productive citizens. TheHawaii Youth ChalleNGe Academy enrolls youth who show potential and who are able, in a timely and satisfactory manner, to meet all academic, mental, and physical activities requirements which together comprise the fundamental nature of a Youth CHalleNGe Graduate. The Academy admits Youth on the premise that they have the intent and the ability to undergo and complete training successfully. The State Adjutant General, Major General, Darryll Wong, Air National Guard, was the presiding officer and was supported on the stage by Brigadier General Stanley Osserman. This was the first year that Cadets have received any medals from any veterans organization. The presentation was well received and several parents, family members, and community leaders expressed their thanks to the Commander for supporting the program. The Class message was delivered by Cadet Patrick Toyama, who expressed the sentiments of many of the Cadets when he said that were it not for Youth ChalleNGe, he had no idea where he might be. Many of these youth have made a comeback from difficult circumstances and now have a bright future ahead.

Photo 3: A job well-done, Youth Challenge Cadet poses with Companions Burkholder and Terrinoni following the ceremonies.

Maj. Gen. Wong expressed his great pride in the success of the program, and in particular this graduating class, which had 100% high-school graduates. Those who meet all academic standards for a High School diploma receive a State diploma administered by the Dept of Adult Education. This was the first class to have all Cadets achieve this distinction.

Hawaii MOFW Supports Hawaii National Guard Youth ChalleNGE! The Commandery has forged new paths of service to the Community by supporting the Hawaii National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Cadet Program. Commander, COL Tulak presented medals to the top Cadets of Class 39 at the 12 December graduation ceremonies at the Kroc

Gulf War Memorial Task Force The Hawaii State Gulf War Memorial Task Force has completed its on-line survey to gain public inputs on the


best location for the Gulf War and GWOT memorial, and inputs on the design concept. The leading candidate in terms of location, based on survey results, is the Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery at Kaneohe. On 19 December, TF members visited the HSVC to assess the grounds for acceptable sites for the memorial.

Commandery Future Operations The next Executive Committee meeting will take place on Thursday 23 January at the Oahu Veterans Center at 1700 hrs.

The next step for the TF is to solicit designs for memorial. Companions Hon. Rep. Mark Takai, HI State House, and COL Tulak are members of the Task Force.

Upcoming Patriotic Holidays and Historic Observances: 36 USC § 124 - National Freedom Day. February 1 as National Freedom Day to commemorate the signing by Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865, of the joint resolution adopted by the Senate and the House of Representatives that proposed the 13th amendment to the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is 12 February. President’s Day is 17 February. Washington’s Birthday is 22 February.

Oahu Veterans Council Report The last OVC meeting was on Nov 23 and next meeting will be Jan 25th. One of the important items discussed is that Punchbowl now has coffin burial plots available; those interested merely need to request for it. The OVC discussed upcoming events of interest to include: The Dec 23rd Vietnam Veteran's candle vigil from 2300-0001 at the State Capitol Vietnam War Memorial. In the legislature, a State legislative bill is in the works that would affix Veteran's identification to driver’s licenses and State ID cards is being sponsored by Representative Mark Takai and Senator Will Espero for second submission. The VA announced that 1.5% cost-of-living increase would be effective January 1, 2014 and that amount won't be rounded down so you should receive the exact cent total every month.

Civil War Sesquicentennial. One hundred fifty years ago, 7 December, 1862, was the Battle of Prairie Grove. Confederate Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman, hoping to destroy Brig. Gen. Francis Herron’s and Brig. Gen. James Blunt’s divisions before they joined forces, placed his large force between the two Union divisions. The Confederates established their line of battle on a wooded high ridge northeast of Prairie Grove Church. After the failure of two Federal assaults, a spirited artillery duel kept the opposing forces from gaining any advantage. The battle ended as a stalemate, Federal forces suffered 1,251 casualties and Confederate forces suffered 1,317 casualties. Under cover of darkness, Maj. Gen. Hindman withdrew his forces. Though the battle was a tactical draw, it was a strategic victory for the Federal army as they remained in possession of the battlefield .

Veterans United Foundation Supports the Hawaii Commandery: The Commandery received a very substantial donation from the Veterans United Foundation in the amount of $2,500 and is already preparing a nomination to continue this level of support in 2014.

The foundation is dedicated to enhancing the lives of veterans, military families, and local families nationwide. Through its commitment and collaboration with other organizations, the foundation strives to make a true and lasting difference in the lives of those who have served and sacrificed, as well as those in the local communities. The foundation gives 36% of its operations funds to military organizations like MOFW. To learn more about our generous sponsor, visit http://www.enhancelives.com/ and say thank you for their generous support.


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