Hi mofw commandery newsletter june 2013 vol 2 issue 4

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THE Military Order of Foreign Wars Hawaii Commandery

newsletter Vol. II, Issue 4, June 9, 2013

Commander’s Comments. Aloha Companions and Commandery Supporters! The months of April and May comprised a period of great activity for the Commandery, and this newsletter will attest to the enthusiasm and volunteer spirit of our Companions and Supporters who are fulfilling the purposes of our Order here in our local communities in Hawaii and Japan. Mahalo to those Companions and Supporters who volunteered to personally make the medal presentations to our deserving CAP/ROTC/JROTC cadets. The Commandery executed all the planned Memorial Day observances in a professional manner, honoring veterans and those who died in War. Our membership continues to grow, with our newest Companion, LTG (Ret) Wiercinski being appointed by the Order at the biennial convention as an Honorary Companion and assigned to the Hawaii Commandery. I ask each of you to bring in one new companion to the Order. Arthur N. Tulak, COL, U.S. Army, HI MOFW

Chaplain’s Corner One week from today is Father’s Day. It is a day that many people either think about their children or we think about our fathers or people who are like fathers to us. As I write this column, I am TDY/TAD to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. My wife, Vicki, and I were assigned here eight years ago while I taught at the AF Chaplain Service Institute. During that time, I was also the de-facto interim pastor for a small church in Wetumpka, Alabama, where we were embraced as family.

If anyone told us that we Chicago-types would fall in love with Montgomery/Wetumpka, Alabama, we would have thought that person had lost control of their senses – but we did. In fact, some of the folks, at that time, told me (insert your best southern drawl here), “Dave, you’re the first northerner in the pulpit of our church in our 170 year history.” Sure enough, their pulpit Bible is from 1857, several years before the beginning of the Civil War. But what is family, really? For all of us affiliated with the Military Order of Foreign Wars, at some point in our lives, our family is who we were deployed with during a foreign war. Many of us serving in the military have adopted our comrade-in-arms as our family while we are away from home. I think a woman at the church in Wetumpka defined family today when we visited the church for the first time in years. She asked if we were coming to the church picnic this afternoon. Vicki told her that we had a prior commitment with some friends and she responded, “well, that’s fine, but you have family here.” It’s another illustration that one does not have to be related by blood to be family. The family of faith and the family of service can be as strong as the family of blood. My hope for all of you reading this column is that you will create, or allow to be accepted, into a “family” wherever you may be. Enjoy each moment because every moment is fleeting. Make good memories while you can. Memories are one of God’s gifts to help sustain us when times are tough and to give us strength when we need some empowerment.

God Bless and Peace. David M. Terrinoni, Ch, Lt Col, USAF

Annual Hawaii JROTC Governor’s Review For those who attended the Governor’s Review and Awards Ceremony on April 11th at Palm Circle, Fort Shafter, Governor Abercrombie’s speech inspired the audience to strive harder to support


JROTC. Governor Abercrombie spoke to the assembled guests after the presentation of awards to the top cadets from each Cadet Battalion. The guests ranged from members of various Veterans and Civic organizations, Active and Reserve Military Officers and NCOs, and Community leaders.

Commandery Activities: The Commandery held informal lunch meetings on 27 April at the Hickam Officers’ Club and 17 May at the Hale Ikena club on Fort Shafter. At the conclusion of the April lunch meeting, the Commander presented Hawaii State Commandery diplomas to Companions.

The Cadet Commander of Troops and Color Guard present the Colors and the Command to Governor Neil Abercrombie.

Governor Abercrombie challenged them to recommit their support to the Cadets in JROTC who had their selves committed to participate in officer training and explained the importance of the awards that were being presented to the Cadets: “The award recognizes and symbolizes the contributions they have made to their schools and to their [JROTC] programs…. We have an opportunity to do more than recognize their contributions to their programs and their schools. We have an opportunity to reflect ourselves as to what our values are, what our commitments are. It is more than just necessary, that we commit ourselves to what these young people have already indicated they will be pursuing in terms of career... It is incumbent on us to do more than merely observe that…It is incumbent on us to indicate to them that we will support them, that we recognize what their commitments are, and what in turn, we must regard as a commitment on our part.”

COL Tulak presents a Hawaii Commandery diploma to Companion Jim Burkholder at the 27 April lunch meeting - Hickam Officers Club.

The Commandery Executive Committee convened a meeting of the Commandery on 23 May at the Oahu Veterans Center. At the conclusion of the agenda, Companions LTC Robyn Pietron and COL (Ret) William R. Hollingsworth were inducted into the Order and presented diplomas from the Hawaii Commandery.

Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie.

COL Tulak presenting Hawaii Commandery diplomas to Companions Robyn Pietron and William Hollingsworth at the 23 May EXCOM mtg.


SITREP: Hawaii MOFW Support to CAP, ROTC, & JROTC.

awards and essay programs. The Commandery will repeat this event at Fort Shafter on 8 November in observance of Veterans Day on 11 November.

Awards Ceremonies. The Commandery once again presented awards to deserving cadets in Hawaii, Japan, and Guam sending Companions to make the presentations on behalf of the Order whenever possible, and relying on the JROTC instructors at those schools where no Companion or Supporter could attend. See the last page for photos from some of those presentations.

Companion MAJ Perry presenting , the Bronze Leadership Medal to C/SGT Sooga, 10 May, at Nanakuli High School awards ceremonies. Companion Pietron explaining the meaning of Memorial Day and Poppies to a young patriotic girl who donated her own money.

MOFW 2013 Poppy Appeal The Commandery conducted a Poppy Appeal at Schofield Barracks, Friday, 24 May as part of Memorial Day observances. Passersby were asked to make a suggested donation of $2 or greater for each poppy, and to wear it on their clothing over the Memorial Day weekend to honor those American and Allied service members who gave their lives fighting in a foreign war for the United States. The Poppy Appeal featured the best poppies in Hawaii obtained with the assistance of Companion Rory Cain in Australia. The one-day event raised $759 for the Commandery’s CAP/ROTC/JROTC

Companions Terrinoni and Tulak man the tables for the Commandery’s Poppy Appeal at Schofield Barracks, 24 April 2013.


Memorial Day Commemorations

those professional military, veterans and patriotic orders and organizations who came to pay tribute.

The Hawaii Commandery supported several commemorations over Memorial Day weekend at the Oahu Veterans Center, the National Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl) and the State Veterans Cemetery at Kaneohe. On Saturday 25 May, Companion Tulak attended the DoD 60th Korean War Commemoration Committee recognition ceremonies to recognize Korean War Veterans. The event was hosted by the Oahu Veterans Center, and organized by American Legion Post #17, with other member organizations of the Oahu Veterans Council in support. Thanks to Commandery efforts, 3 veterans were signed up to receive recognition at this event. On Sunday 26 May, Companion Tulak was the guest speaker for the Aloha Boy Scouts Council annual Good Turn Day, where approximately 2,000 Scouts, Webelos, and Cub Scouts decorated the 3,400 graves for the official Memorial Day Observances that would take place the next day.

Companions Terrinoni and Pietron presenting the ceremonial floral lei during the parade of flags, State Veterans’ Cemetery, Memorial Day, 2013.

LTG (Ret) Wiercinski installed as Honorary Companion

The Hawaii Commandery made its first appearance at the Memorial Day observance ceremonies at the State Veterans Cemetery, 27 May.

On Monday, 27 May, Companions Pietron and Terrinoni participated in the Governor’s Parade of Flags and laying of wreaths and floral leis at the State Veterans’ Cemetery in Kaneohe. The flags of various veterans’ organizations were carried by the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe cadets, in procession behind the official representatives from

At the 52d Biennial Convention of the Order in Providence Rhode Island, the assembled delegates confirmed LTG Francis “Frank” J. Wiercinski as an Honorary Companion in the Order and assigned him to the Hawaii Commandery. LTG Wiercinski was officially inducted into the Hawaii Commandery on the occasion of his retirement. GEN (Ret) Bramlett, who officiated the ceremony, presented the MOFW Veterans insignia on the field at Palm Circle. LTG Wiercinski reported afterwards that he was deeply honored to be inducted as an Honorary Companion.


SFC Kevin Bell, the narrator for the ceremony, read aloud the standard induction remarks, explaining the Order, and LTG Wiercinski’s induction.

LTG Wiercinski is staying in Hawaii on Oahu in retirement. LTG Wiercinski remarked that the next chapter of his life will include continuing service to others.

Oahu Veterans Council Report A Veterans Career Fair will be held on 18 August at the Hale Koa Hotel. Job Fairs will also be run on neighbor islands. The 18th annual Na Koa Canoe Race will be held on the 19th at Fort De Russey. Competition is open to veterans, wounded warriors, active-duty. Anyone can compete. The OVC will hold a Vendor Event on 2 June, from which 100% of the profits will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. All member organizations of the OVC are invited to set up a table to put out information.

Upcoming Patriotic Holidays and Historic Observances:

GEN Bramlett and Mrs. Wiercinski applaud LTG Frank Wiercinski on his installation as an Honorary Companion in the Military Order of Foreign Wars, Palm Circle, Fort Shafter, 4 June 2013.

9-15 June – National Flag Week. Title 36 USC § 122 – requests the President to issue each year a proclamation— 1) designating the week in which June 14 falls as National Flag Week; and 2) calling on citizens to display the flag of the United States during National Flag Week. 14 June to 4 36 USC § 112 – declares this period as Honor America Days. The 21 days from Flag Day through Independence Day is a period to honor America. Congressional Declaration.— Congress declares that there be public gatherings and activities during that period at which the people of the United States can celebrate and honor their country in an appropriate way.

Companions Tulak and Pietron congratulating LTG and Mrs. Wiercinski on his retirement, installation as an Honorary Companion of the Order, and welcoming him to the Hawaii Commandery.

27 July – Title USC Title 36 § 127 – establishes this day as National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. The President is requested to issue each year a proclamation calling on— 1) the people of the United States to observe National Korean War


Veterans Armistice Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities; and 2) all departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government, and interested organizations, groups, and individuals, to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff on July 27 of each year in honor of the individuals who died as a result of their service in Korea.

 Days to display the American Flag June and July : June June 14th Flag Day / Army Birthday – Birthday of the Infantry

letter must be drafted and sent to all SAIs and the CAP Wing not later than 5 August. Past Commander General COL (Ret.) Arthur J. Nattans, will visit the Commandery during the week of 5-10 August. The Commandery is planning either a lunch or dinner event on the occasion of his visit. This will be discussed at the next Commandery meeting. Commandery lunch social on 27 June, 1200, at Sam Choy's on Hickam AFB. The Commandery must file for Hawaii General Excise Taxes (GET ) not later than July 20, 2013 covering income from the period January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013, on HI Form G-45.

July July 4th – Independence Day July 27th - Korean War Veteran's Day

Companion Birthdays: Hau`oli Lā Hānau! to our companions who will soon, or recently have celebrated a birthday. We value your membership and wish you another prosperous year. June birthdays: July birthdays: Jim Burkholder – 23 June LTC Prewitt – 23 July MAJ Ahmad Perry – 26 June

Commandery Future Operations 

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Army 238th Birthday Commemoration Ball 2013. There are still many tickets that can be purchased to attend the 14 June 2013 Army Ball at the Hale Koa Hotel. The USARPAC protocol office is handling payment for the Ball and no invitations are being issued. The event is open to the retired and veteran community. The USARPAC staff POC is Kole Miller at 4389761, or contact the Commander, COL Arthur Tulak, at arthur-tulak@us.army.mil to reserve your place and make payment. The event is formal (civilian tuxedoes or a suit for gentlemen, ball gown or long evening dress for ladies) Service Dress Mess uniform, or Army Blues with bow-tie. See the menu options on the following page.

The final JROTC awards ceremony of the year is Kennick High School NJROTC, on 15 June at Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan. Our Junior Vice Commander, Companion Brown will make the presentations. Our next Commandery meeting is 1700 hrs Thursday, 25 July at the OVC. We need a volunteer for the JROTC/CAP essay contest committee. The program



2013 Hawaii Commandery MOFW CAP/ROTC/JROTC Ceremonies

COL Tulak, Civil Air Patrol, 6 April 2013

LTC (Ret) Swan, Roosevelt HS JROTC, 27 April 2013

MAJ Perry, St. Louis HS JROTC, 25 April 2013

LTC Pietron, Moanalua HS AFJROTC, 26 April 2013

LTC Pietron, Kaiser HS AFJROTC, 27 April 2013 COL Hollingsworth McKinley HS JROTC, 1 May.

COL Tulak, Waipahu HS JROTC, 2 May 2013

COL Tulak, Leilehua HS JROTC, 2 May 2013

LTC (Ret) Glennister, Kapolei HS MCJROTC, 2 May 2013


Lt Col Terrinoni, Punahou HS JROTC, 8 May 2013 COL Tulak, Kailua HS AFJROTC 11 May 2013 Lt Col Terrinoni Waianae HS JROTC, 9 May 2013

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