Mofw hawaii commandery news january 2015

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Hawaii Commandery THE Military Order of Foreign Wars

January 28, 2015 Vol. IV, Issue 1

Table of Contents:

Chaplains Corner

Commander’s Comments……….…………………………………….. p. 1 Chaplain’s Corner……………………...……………………… …………. p. 1 Youth Challenge Academy Graduation………………...………...p. 2 Poppy Appeal …………………….……………..…………………………..p. 2 Upcoming Patriotic Observances…………………………………….p. 2 Non-profit status of the Commandery.………………………..…p. 2 Commandery Survey Results…………………………………………..p. 2 Poppy Appeal………………………………………………………………… p. 2 50th Vietnam War Commemoration………………..…………...p. 3 Annual Cadet Essay Contest…………………………………………. p. 3 Cadet Awards Program………………………………………. ………. p. 4 Oahu Veterans Center News………………………………………...p. 3 Companion News………………………………………………………….p. 4 Days of Patriotic Observance……………………….……………….p. 4 Commandery Future Operations…………………………………. p. 4

To say that "I have a dream" is a much more interesting statement than if I were to tell you that "I had a dream" last night. The latter could turn out to be an interesting story, but the former, should it have some level of intrinsic value, will command a response from us and from those who would listen. Lofty "dreams" is a language wounded and broken hearts understand and which hungry minds devour. "Dreams" infused words reverberate long after they are spoken and go on cutting through and penetrating the recesses of dormant minds and the walls of unsympathetic souls.

Front Cover: The waters along Waikiki Nov 7, 2014

When we have dreams, the implication is clear that we may be holding on to something of immense magnitude. What starts out small as a beckoning thought, an idea, a belief, or a vision for a better quality of life for our love ones and for others in our communities, can take on a life of its own...a life big enough to alter the course of human history for the better and good of all!

Commander’s Comments.

Recently we observed Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A few years ago I started the tradition of reading Reverend King's famous speech “I Have A Dream.”


He had a dream in days when racial tensions were high in our country; when apathy ruled for the most part while despair went unabated for many. He had a strong premonition that life in our country should not go on as business as usual. Martin Luther King mustered the courage to speak up and cry out until his voice was heard and the conscience of a nation was awakened! You may be familiar with "the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey used to say in his The Rest of the Story segments.

As we are now firmly in the New Year, we turn our attention once again to our most rewarding and enjoyable activities, which is support to the Cadet programs here in Hawaii, Guam, and Japan.

The Commandery continues to offer the highest level of awards support in the form of our prestigious and highly sought-after Bronze Leadership and Silver Academics medals for Cadets in Senior and Junior ROTC, Civil Air Patrol, and the Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge Academy. We will once again carry out our successful Cadet essay contest linked to the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War.

I say all this to remind us that in the coming month of February there are four days of patriotic observance which can and will inspire us to dream again. Presidents Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and any other US President of your choice should provide each of us a fresh platform from which to launch our freshly charged up dreams!

Take up the challenge to volunteer, in whatever capacity you can render, either as a medal presenter or cadet essay judge, to ensure the success of these important programs.

Are we poised to dream?

Arthur N. Tulak, COL, U.S. Army, Retired.

John C. Molina, Chaplain (LTC), U.S. Army, Retired 1

Youth Challenge Academy Graduation The Commandery was once again present at the semiannual graduation ceremonies of the Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge Academy on 19 December. Class 41 held its final formation on stage at the Salvation Army KROC Center. The quality of these ceremonies continues to improve under the new Director Cmd Sgt. Maj. J.D. Williams, with this year’s ceremonies showing the implementation of a cadet awards program, streamers for guidons, and the Presidential Fitness Program. Representing the Commandery was Companion Arthur Tulak, who presented the only medals of the ceremony to the top cadets. The Silver Academics Medal was awarded to Cadet Chance Kaleopa’a, and the Bronze Leadership medal to Cadet Isiah Piengkham.

Upcoming Patriotic Observances

The Battleship Missouri Education Department is hosting a Living History Day aboard the USS Missouri on 31 January 2015. The event will celebrate the 71st anniversary of the launch of America’s last and most famous battleship. The schedule runs from 0900-1600 and is open to the public with free admission for military and dependents. The living history exhibits will include: 

Displays of historical artifacts

Live bands playing patriotic music

Oral history presentations

Static displays from active-duty military units

Vintage aircraft fly-over.

For more information, call Dan Parsons at 808-4551600 ext. 250.

Photo 1: COL Ret Tulak and Cadet Chance Kaleopa'a, recipient of the Silver Academics Medal, following the ceremonies.

Annual Dues It is time once again to submit your annual dues. Please remit $35, not later than FEB 27 2015. Your dues pay for one ribbon and medal for a deserving cadet. Mail your payment to the Commandery, c/o the Oahu Veterans Center, 1298 Kukila St, Honolulu HI, 96818

Non-Profit Determination/Private Organization Status Our application to the IRS for a determination of our official non-profit status has been received, and we have to make a few revisions to our Constitution and by-laws to comply with Section 1.501 (c)(3). Likewise, our annual packet to the Navy Legal Office has undergone its initial review and we have a few corrections to make to the Commandery By-Laws and Constitution. We’ll approve and sign the revised constitution at the next Commandery Executive Committee meeting.

50th Vietnam Commemoration

Commandery Survey Results Thanks to all who answered the MOFW Commandery Companion survey that was hosted on

The State Executive Committee has stood up under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Darryll Wong. The Commandery is a part of this Executive Steering Committee and will be invited to all meetings. If you would like to represent the Commandery, please contact the Commander.

From the survey, we now have a clear picture of Companion preferences for Commandery activities and best practices. For Commandery meetings, the responses were evenly split between mid-day lunch meetings during the week, and Saturday morning. Follow-on feedback has indicated a preference for mid-day lunch meetings for the Executive Committee, and so the longer annual general meeting may best fit on a Saturday.

The next meeting is 10 FEB 2015 at the Oahu Veterans Center 1300-1500 hrs.

Cadet Essay Contest

In terms of popularity of Commandery programs, the clear winner was our participation with the Commandery colors at the Veterans Day and Memorial observances at the National Cemetery of the Pacific, and the Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery. Cadet award presentations came in second, and essay judging third.

The Commandery will recognize the topperforming essayists for the annual 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War essay contest. Winners will receive cash awards: $100 for 1st place; $75 for 2nd place, and $50 for 3rd place. Winning essays will be endorsed and forwarded by the Commandery to compete in other contests at the national level, such as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund essay contest. Essays are due not later than 13 March for judging.

All survey respondents indicated a ready willingness to contribute to the Commandery Newsletter, and so we hope to see those contributions and personal stories in the next edition!! For elections and terms of office, the vast majority supported two year terms. Accordingly, we will have to modify our Constitution and By-Laws.

Please contact the Commander if you are willing to be an essay judge. We will use the same judging rubrics as last year, and all judges can complete their review and assign points according to the score card. The top three highest average scores will be our first, second, and third place winners. We also need to look for those essays, which deserve special mention for their unique contributions.

Poppy Appeal Once again the Commandery has requested to the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii to conduct the Poppy Appeal on 22 May and 09 NOV at Fort Shafter and Schofield Barracks.

Best-in-category certificates for the four categories will also be awarded. All the prize checks and certificates will be awarded at the annual cadet awards ceremonies, which start on April 16th this year. Accordingly, we have only about 3 weeks to render our final judgments and get the prizes and certificates to the winning cadets.

Once re-approved as a Private Volunteer Organization by the Navy Legal Office, we may apply to conduct the same operations on Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam


Cadet Awards Program

Companion News

The 2015 ceremonies commence with Waipahu JROTC on 16 April and end with the Civil Air Patrol on 27 June. It is so important for the community to show its support for these outstanding cadets. Companions, this is where we can make a difference in the life of a young cadet, by affirming their hard work as a Cadet. Consult the schedule accompanying this Newsletter and contact the Commander If you wish to volunteer.

Companion COL, Ret., William “Bill” Hollingsworth joined G5 Plans, 3rd Army, USARCENT, at Shaw AFB on 27 October 2014.

Companion, LTC Mark Takai was sworn-in Jan 16th as Hawaii’s newest Congressman at the Honolulu Federal Court House by the Honorable Susan Oki Mollway, Chief United States District Judge. Companion Tulak and Commandery Supporter Paul L’Ecuyer attended.

We are grateful to Office Max for volunteering to donate all the picture frames for the 2015 Cadet certificates. Mahalo to our corporate Commandery Supporters Office Max.

Oahu Veterans Center News Construction of the OVC annex began on 20 January 2015 and is expected to be completed by 26 June, and will be available for use not later than 1 August. This annex will provide office cubicle space for member organizations, and will provide our Commandery with a true base of operations. We are already storing the Commandery Colors and other supplies there.

Photo 2: Chief Judge Susan Oki Mollway administered the Oath of Office to Congressman Mark Takai of Hawaii on January 16, 2015 while his family and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi look on.

Days of Patriotic Observance:

In other news, Ed Cruikshank, Oahu Veterans Council President, has been selected to serve as the military aide to Congressman Mark Takai here in Hawaii.

FEB 6th Birthday of President Ronald Reagan FEB 12th Birthday of President Lincoln FEB 16th Presidents’ Day FEB 22nd Birthday of President Washington

The next OVC meeting is Saturday, FEB 28 at 0900. The OVC meetings are usually convened on the 4th Saturday of each month. For the Oahu-based Companions, please consider volunteering to cover a meeting or two each year. Contact the Commander to volunteer.

Commandery Future Operations The next Commandery meeting will be held on 12 February at Schooner’s Restaurant 1130-1300.


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