Hawaii Commandery THE Military Order of Foreign Wars
March 26, 2015 Vol. IV, Issue 2
Table of Contents:
Chaplains Corner
Commander’s Comments……….…………………………………….. p. 1 Chaplain’s Corner……………………...……………………… …………. p. 1 Corporate Supporter Veterans United Foundation………...p. 2 Non-Profit Determination/Private Organization Status....p. 2 Poppy Appeal …………………….……………..…………………………..p. 2 Memorial Day Observances 25 May.…………………………..…p. 2 50th Vietnam War Commemoration………………..…………...p. 3 Annual Cadet Essay Contest…………………………………………. p. 3 Cadet Awards Program………………………………………. ………. p. 4 Cadet Awards Program ……………………………………………….. p. 4 Oahu Veterans Center News………………………………………...p. 3 Companion News………………………………………………………….p. 4 Days of Patriotic Observance……………………….……………….p. 4 Commandery Future Operations…………………………………. p. 4 Correspondence to the Commandery ………………………...pp. 6-9
Do you ever find yourself taking life too seriously? As a retired chaplain living in HI, I continue to find myself working as intensely today, if not more, than when I was serving on active duty. For 15 months in the last year and a half I worked for a non-profit serving the homeless veteran population on the Islands (mostly on the streets), and now for the last three weeks I am working as a chaplain for large non-profit hospice organization who serves over 300 patients on a daily basis. Because I enjoy my work, one may think that I am working myself to death, but I prefer to think that I am amusing myself to life!
Front Cover: The view at sunset from Navy Housing Iroquois Point
I like the statement a friend made on his latest book, I'm Limping Very Well, Thank You. Mind. Mood. Motivation. "Amusement is undoubtedly one of the great forms of escape from the seriousness of reality. To admit that we are all a bit insane is a pretty healthy admission." His advice is that we all need to take life a little much less seriously than we do. Check out how you do on The Bathtub Test. See how you score...but do not forget to at least smile at the end.
Commander’s Comments.
"During a visit to the mental health facility, a visitor asked the director what the criterion was which defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized. 'Well," said the director, 'we fill up a bathtub. Then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup, and bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub.' 'Oh, I understand,' said the visitor, 'A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup.' 'No,' said the director, 'a normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?'"
Aloha! As we start the second quarter of 2015, we are entering our busiest period of service to the local community. Our Cadet programs provide us the best opportunity to carry out our Order’s purposes in a meaningful way that will have lasting effects through the lives of the young cadets we touch through our Awards and Essay contest programs. Please check your schedule to see where you can lend a hand for the twenty-two events we have with ROTC, JROTC and Civil Air Patrol Cadets this Spring and Summer.
As a priest/pastor/chaplain/human services professional, I would not change my vocation for anything else. I do not have a love nor the aptitude for accounting, mathematics, a management position, engineering and other fields where numbers and "exactness" are expected and required, and as my friend the psychotherapist says, "Anything that would keep me grounded in more easily measurable outcomes. But no, I had to be given a love for the mystery of human behavior, the workings of the ever-changing to never-changing mind."
The National Commandery’s Biennial Convention will convene 30 April to 3 May in Galveston Texas. I hope you will consider joining me in attending this important event. The registration form and convention information are included at the end of the Newsletter. The deadline for your RSVP is 31 March.
Arthur N. Tulak, COL, U.S. Army, Retired.
Continued on page 2 1
Chaplains Corner (Continued)
the employees of VU Home Loans on its programs in Hawaii and the Pacific. We are very thankful to Veterans United for their continued support of our signature program.
I believe it is important to find ways to not lose sight, nor fail to add a dose of it to our days and the result will likely be a "safer environment" for ourselves and all whom we encounter. When I don't feel that I have to take full responsibility for the well being and health of others (I am not the one with all the answers nor the magic wand!). By asking more relevant and appropriate questions "The pieces have a better chance of fitting together for the individual, and I find I had very little to do with it, other than providing a safe environment where he or she could accept life as uniquely valuable, even the darkest moments. When I allow a more amusing mood to infect me, I like the ridiculousness of my work and the fact that mystery invades from every corner."
Non-Profit Determination/Private Organization Status Our application to the IRS for a determination of our official non-profit status has been APPROVED! Likewise, our application to the Navy Legal Office at Pearl Harbor for approval as Private Volunteer Organization authorized to operate on JBPHH has also been APPROVED!
Poppy Appeal
Here is a parting word: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22
With the approval of our PVO status by the Navy Legal office, our next Poppy Appeal will be held on 22 May at the Navy Exchange Pearl Harbor,
John C. Molina, Chaplain (LTC), U.S. Army, Retired
Unfortunately, our request to conduct Poppy Appeals at Schofield Barracks and Fort Shafter were denied by the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii was denied.
Corporate Supporter Veterans United Foundation donates to Commandery
The U.S. Army Hawaii Garrison is no longer allowing Veterans Organizations to conduct poppy fundraisers on its bases in Hawaii, unless they meet all PVO requirements in Army Regulation 210 -4. Previously, exceptions were made for Veterans Organizations for poppy fundraisers during the Memorial Day and Veterans Day observance periods. Please check your schedule to see if you can support the Poppy Appeal on 22 May.
Photo 1: Veterans United Home Loans Hawaii President Mr. Tony Diaz, and Director of Business Development and Foundation and Military Liaison, Mr. Paul L’Ecuyer, present Companion Tulak with a check for $2,500 on FEB 26, 2015, at the Veterans United offices in Waipio
Memorial Day Observances 25 May
Mahalo to the Veterans United Foundation which has once again provided a generous donation to fund our Cadet medals program. President of Veterans United Home Loans of Hawaii presented the check and provided an opportunity for the Commander to speak to all the 2
See the invitation to the Commandery for the 66th Mayor’s Memorial Day ceremony at the Punchbowl. We will also receive an invitation to once again support the Governor’s Memorial Day ceremony at the Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery.
50th Vietnam Commemoration
Cadet Awards Program
The State Executive Committee has met several times to lay out the plans for Hawaii’s participation in the 50th Commemoration. Companion Lt. Col. Ret. Jim Burkholder attended the 10 February meeting, and Companion COL Ret. Arthur Tulak attended the 10 March meeting. The Hawaii 50th Vietnam Commemoration Executive Committee is focused on preparing for State-level events May 23-28, 2017.
We are still short volunteers for several schools. Out of the 24 events on Oahu, we have coverage for only seven. Review the latest schedule sent along with this Newsletter and please check your schedules to see if you can make one of these presentations in person.
The current list of core events is as follows: Day 1: Aloha Reception Hawaii Convention Center Day 2: Hawaii Night, Governor’s Reception Day 3: POW/MIA Event, Biggest Little Air Show at the Pacific Aviation Museum, Ford Island Day 4: Concert Day 5: Parade in Waikiki Day 6: Memorial Day Observance at Punchbowl Cemetery.
Oahu Veterans Center News
Construction of the OVC annex is coming along swiftly, even while the OVC continues to operate.
The Hawaii Commandery will be invited, along with other member organizations of the Oahu Veterans Council, to march in the parade and to participate in these events.
Companion John Molina attended the last meeting on Feb 28th and provided the following report: • OVC Building extension: Roof to be installed by 17 April. Completion by July 26. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on August 1st. • $5,000. check presented by Veterans United Foundation for the OVC. • New OVC Executive Director to start April 1st • VA topic: Announcement of Single Regional Framework under MyVA Initiative - Internal Organizations to Realign Their Existing Structures.
State funding for these events is requested in State Bill 669 (A Bill for an Act relating to Vietnam War Commemoration), which is working its way through the legislative process.
Annual Cadet Essay Contest The 2015 essays are in and the Judges are reviewing the entries. Our panel of volunteer judges includes Col. Dave Terrinoni, Col. Ret. John Molina, COL Ret. Arthur Tulak, LTC John Gobrick, LTC Daphany Prewitt, Lt. Col. Ret. Jim Burkholder, and Commandery Supporter Paul L’Ecuyer.
The next OVC meeting is Saturday, March 28th at 9am. If you are able, please consider volunteering to represent the Commandery at future OVC meetings on 23 May, 27 June, 25 July 26 Sep, or 28 November.
Several Cadet programs asked for an extension on the submission deadline, and all essays are due not later than 2 April for judging, and we will select the winners before the start of the Cadet awards ceremonies on 16 April. The winning essays from 2015 will be shared with the Hawaii Executive Committee of the 50th Vietnam War Commemoration (specifically the publicity committee) to highlight as evidence of community involvement and action.
Days of Patriotic Observance:
Companion News Companion LTC Daphany Prewitt, Finance Corps Officer and Hawaii Commandery Recruiting Committee Chairman from 2011 to 2012, assumed command of 12th Battalion, Army Reserve Careers Division in Grand Prairie, TX on 25 July 2014.
April 6 Grand Army of the Republic Day. The GAR, a Veterans Organization founded by Union Veterans of the War between the States, was organized on this day in 1866, on the principles of "Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty," in Decatur, Illinois, by Benjamin F. Stephenson.
July 25th is a significant day for LTC Prewitt as this was her 24th anniversary of her initial entry into the United States Army on 25 July 1990.
April 13 Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. Title 36 of USC § 141 establishes this holiday and calls on the President to issue each year a proclamation: inviting the people of the United States to observe April 13 in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday.
The Army Reserve Careers Division 12th Battalion is missioned to grow and sustain the strength of the Army Reserve by providing skill-rich operational forces to commanders throughout the state of Texas.
25 April Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, originally commemorated by both countries on every year to honor the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who served and died in military operations for their countries.[
There are currently over 150 Army Reserve Career Counselors assigned to the battalion, strategically dispersed across the Lone Star State. They continuously provide Army Reserve Warriors - both prior service and Individual Ready Reserve transfers - to Army Reserve Units. In addition to improving the strength of the Army Reserves with IRR transfers, they also conduct reenlistments, career progression opportunities and manage various accession programs.
26 April Confederate Memorial Day. This is a state holiday in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. 10 May Confederate Memorial Day is a state holiday in South Carolina and North Carolina.
To facilitate career advancement Army Reserve Career Counselors (ARCC) provide direction and assist Army Reserve Soldiers on becoming ARCCs, Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) recruiters, Warrant Officers (WO) and Officers thought the Officer Direct Commission (ODC) programs and Officer Reappointments. Career Management Officers (CMO) provides comprehensive career management to Troop Program Unit (TPU) Officers and Warrant Officers in order to facilitate career awareness, education requirements, assignment opportunities and career path progression.
Commandery Future Operations The next Commandery meeting will be held on 16 April 1130-1300at the Green Tree Café Restaurant, 1845 Wasp Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96818, located on Ford Island in the Daniel K. Inouye Regional Center. http://www.greentreecafehawaii.com/
Companion LTC Robyn Pietron of the Signal Corps, is now the
acting Professor of Military Science at Kansas State University and provides support to 117 JROTC programs in the ROTC BDE footprint. A staunch supporter of the Hawaii Commandery Cadet awards program, LTC Pietron sends her best wishes to our 2015 volunteer presenters.