Final logbook

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Logbook Yan Zhang (Arthur) 657337 Tute 20

Week 1 - Week 2 and Week 3 - Week 10

Before we actually started designing the tower’s structure, I took a quick glimpse at several wellknown precedents.

I then drew some sketches showing the basic structure of mentioned towers, and after analysis we found that it seems like modern towers pretty much fa-vour lattice frame work and the basic geometric shape composing the tower is usually triangle. Maybe that’s because a triangle is the most stable geometric shape as we

Due to the relatively light weight of the material, as early as we were trying to build it, the air flow, which can be regarded as a live load, made it quite hard to attach two glued beam to a third one, so that one of us had to hold and stabilise the joint with hand.

Balsa wood’s provided for us as material. It’s not very rigid, a lit bit fragile, , can easily buckle, due to low stiffness and strength. So the best option is this case is to start off using the strongest figure, which is triangle. Conceptual model (not realised in the tute and its load paths)

Picture by Stella Mardani

When we began to build the second level of it, the dead load of the upper timber material immediately imposed upon the lower structure. To counter the deflection we use quick setting glue to strengthen the joints and some deflec-tion occurred when we were doing that. Then we repeated the attempts sev-eral times before the whole structure reached

To further distribute the dead loads of structure and possible live loads, we used coplanar and horizontal braces to consolidate the structure at the floor of the second level, which is half way of the height.

Another problem we encountered was that the dead load beame unaffordable for the base as the tower got higher and it actually fell apart. I suggested we might as well use interlock to reinforce the joints again and it did work.

An ancient bracket in East Asia showing how wooden components interlock. Temple_5.JPG

The way we stabilise it was to whittle one stick and in the meanwhile dig a hollow in the other. Glue is applied around the edge of the hollow.

Notes WEEK1 -->

Notes WEEK2 -->


Week 3 Yan Zhang (Arthur) 657337 Tute 20

‘The main purpose of a building is to do nothing, we want buildings to stay still, we don’t want it to overturn, we don’t want it to sink, we don’t want them to slip. And the way buildings transfer loads into the ground is really crucial for this....we are looking at how buildings don’t move.’

‘Foundation systems are the substructure of a building that can be partly or wholly below the ground. Loads of a superstructure need to be transferred into a footing system. Which doesn’t exceed the bearing capacity of the soil. If the loads are too grave, the footing will sink and it won’t be a static system. The loads of the foundation consists of dead and live loads. Dead loads refer to fixtures, equipment’s attached to the building. Moving loads, furniture, wind, people, are called live loads. The design of this footing system must respond to the shape, the materials of the superstructure. ’

Ching Building Construction Illustrated p3.02

Ching Building Construction Illustrated p3.03 a footing system is quite like a pair of snowshoes, distributing the weight into a larger area, so that the pressure on the snow is reduced. P = F / A.

Ching Building Construction Illustrated p3.05

‘most houses are using shallow footing stystem. but when houses are built upon an old quarry, where the quarry’s probably refilled but the soil hasn’t consolidated so it does not have a very high bearing capacity.’

Monolithic structures

Mass construction can be:

some very iconic structures have been constructed in stone. bricks are clay products fired in high temperatus, very stable. first applied in china conctrete: nowadays we use more of its reinforced form. These materials are all weak in tension but strong in compression.



Concrete -blocks -commons


65mm commons wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ concrete-commons-546x392. jpg


concrete blocks Slabs https://encrypted-tbn2.

Rubble Stone

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic. com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3k1nlMasnTMTuL6vofCinHO4xjoawxldgIBzrELgW02mewLVoCg

http://hedberglandscape. com/graphics/products/masonry/manstone/eldorado/ CR_Cog.jpg

Clay Mud Brick. labour-intensive,cheap. fs71/i/2013/179/9/3/mudbrick_wall_ by_lemondjinn-d6b0flo.jpg

Ashlar Block

Brick, dried in a very high temperatures, very hard. commons/thumb/8/8e/Solna_Brick_ wall_Stretcher_bond_variation1. jpg/800px-Solna_Brick_wall_Stretcher_bond_variation1.jpg

Masonry Construction 1. Vertical Elements Walls and Colmns / Piers 2. Horizontal & Curved Spanning Elements Beams, Lintels Arches 3.Spanning and eclosing elements vaults and domes

In Australia, stones are very commonly used in construction. There may be some variations of different sizes in different countries. The Australian standard brick dimension is illustrated to the left. photo/Brick.jpeg

‘Depending on the iron type the brick colour can vary from pale cream to pink, once added with manganese dioxide, green and brown colours can be produced’

The normal way bricks array

The end of the brick can be seen here. it’s called header course because the end’s exposed.

Dark in colour, dense, hard. Impervious to water..

Rusficated finish

Honed finish

Blue Stone

Appications: Flooring Cladding Bench top prone to be damaged by wind. can be easily carved and shaped. soft. e.g. Melbounrne University’s sand stone architecture.

Gabin Wall inevitable shortcoming: doesn’t prevent transmission of water. serves as retaining walls to hold the building back in the cases where one side of earth is higher than the other side.

Ashlar refers to stone carved into smaller modular units. tend to be flat in the face. e.g. The Great wall of China

Rubble Part of natural landscape. Weathered, not evenly smooth Require skilled labour to place.

Uses block_calculator.asp?AUD=homeGarden_Home

Concrete Blocks

The holes/ hollowness is useful because it reduces the weight, increses the insulation ability of the block and also allows reinforcement (e.g. steel

Header bond Consists entirely of courses of headers Stretcher bond Consists entirely of courses of stretchers, with the bricks in each successive course staggered by half a stretcher.

Union house (North)

Week 4

Spacing spacing is ithe repeating distance between a series of like or similar elements.


Circular columns may have spiraling reinforcement going down, interconnected to the footing system.

Every column need to be strong enough to support live loads and dead loads above.

Steel frame members

universal column circular hollow section

rectangular hollow section


noggins might be put here to support the studs and \prevent them from buckling.

the smaller sections indicate that these members are repeated at small intervals.

bracing (diagonal) In construction, cross bracing is a system utilized to reinforce building structures in which diagonal supports intersect. Cross bracing can increase a building’s capability to withstand seismic activity from an earthquake. these supports compression and tension forces. The common uses for cross bracing includes bridge (side) supports, along with structural foundations. This method of construction maximizes the weight of the load a structure is able to support. (wikipedia)


and its structural properties are not as clear as back sawn or quarter sawn

not particularly a problem when used as structural timbers used in timber framed buildings.

Not all sizes are available

knots are weak points. which causes slope of grain. timber in a load bearing situation will tend to bend under its load.

timber is typically sealed before assembly.

the top of a beam takes compression and the bottom takes tension so knots should not be present at the top of the beam.

timber is detailed for longevity


COLUMNS are vertical structural members designed to transfer axial compressive loads. ALL columns are considered SLENDER MEMBERS and for axial loads, they can be classified as either the SHORT or LONG. SHORT COLUMNS are shorter (length) and thicker (cross-section). LONG COLUMNS are taller (length) and slimmer (cross-section).

GLT is relatively a new product in the world, currently not manufacturing in australia.

The roof is the primary sheltering element for the interior space of the building, the also collect rain water, carried away through gutters, in to a storm water system, eaves gutters, box gutters. Roof can be in many different forms, influencing the overall appearance of the building.

Week 6

useless in contemporary context because of the popularity of light-weight

a range of possible connections

could be circular/rectangular holllow /square tubing/T sections EVEN I beams much more expensive than timber and steel structure.but can for large span. be useful when traffic board roofs are required, for example, roof gardens or car parks or fire rating is required. Concrete is a major structural element that tends to be supported on concrete/masonary. membrane can be artificial rubber Tapering is not so common in cheap industrial buildings. Though it uses materials efficiently, it takes much more time and steel

Introduction to metals

Thermal Bridge When the outside is much colder than the inside, heat could be lost throuhg a metal windows frame very quickly. And metals are poor thermal insulators, so that buildings taht require high fire resistance/insulation would use concrete or masonry materials.

Ferrous Metals

commercial kitchens , operating rooms in hopitalst

Non Ferrous Metalst

quite expensive in terms of embodied energy and cost.

can be roofing material, but changes over time.

Week 7 Design and construction experts need to understand how to make sure the water doesn’t penetrate into building and that heat is controlled according to climate.

Apron flashing

Rain screen system

Choice of eaves or no eaves. Water is not likely to creek back towards the wall when there’s a wall. Windows joints are a high risk area for water-penetrating When a surface is broken, in the above case, a chimney will require flashing.

At the basement there are strategies depending on whether it’s a wet site or dry site. In dry ground it’s possible to put agricultural drainage.


Detailing for moisture

Remove any of the below conditions the water will no t enter:

1 an opening solution: remove it 2 water present at the opening solution: keep water away 3 a force to move water through the opening solution:

neutralise the forces that move water through openings

One is efficient but if two or more strategies are pursued then there is added security in case one fails.

Silicone is rather flexible (put between windows frame and adjacent wall) However silicone do not last as long as the building, therefore needs to be updated/ maintained. A Gasket wraps around the entire module, and as it get

To prevent the exterior wall from being stained, they use box gutter rather than a eavegutter.

Flashing catches the water and drains it outside. (can be either external or internal)

Add an air barrier at the inside

Pressure wants to equalise. So to avoid that, we can put the air barrier inside. The pressure is equalised. Particularly common in high-rise buildings. PEC = pressure equalisation chamber Capillary break creates a tendency for water to drop down again.

Thermal mass can be interpreted as the overall heat capacity of the building.

Shading should be put up outside. However to control thermal loss, blinds and curtains are rather useful.

Particularly practical for tropical areas



Pvc’s not very environmentally friendly

Very flexible when heated.

Recyclability is limited.

Poor conductors of heat and electricity. Good insulators. EPDM is a kind of artificial rubber Neoprene and silicone are useful in waterproofing and can serve well as gaskets. Plastics can be durable and cost effective. Not a renewable resource. Considerations

Week7 knowledge map and glossary


Terminology for door

Openings not only influence how we use a building but also impacts how buildings look like and its composition Some windows, being set further back, are given more depth. There’s also ventilation inserted in to the façade. Some of the windows pop up above the top surface to form highlight windows. Openings allow light and ventilation, but also allow access in and out.

Timber doors might be internally hinged. Sliding on a track..etc.

Week 8

steel frames can be used in combination with all kinds of doors.

Silica: SiO2 Glass is reasonably an inert material. Ideal for windows. Sometimes used for electricity insulation. view_3_1.html

when it’s broken, the plastic interlayer holds two panes in place, so that it’s quite safe. Laminated glass can be made out of tempered glass or clear float glass. Glass channels are not very common in Australia. But very widely used in Europe.

Construction detailing When designers develop a scheme for bridge or for a building, that idea needs to be transformed into a built form and requires a range of decisions about the structures, materials in the construction. (What we’ve been introduced to in this semester) Working drawings for buildings will normally include many details to clarify how that building should be constructed, now even when a building is extensively detailed there will always be question rise during construction. It’s about how materials are put together in any constructed object. The decisions could be made by constructors or fabricators or they might be made by the builder. They might be based on tradition, they may be innovative and using new materials. The best decisions are often the result of interdisciplinary expertise of the designer, the builder, and even the manufacturer. It might be the tradesperson coming together into a conversation. (A tradesman or tradesperson is a skilled manual worker in a particular trade or craft not in the liberal arts, "learned professions" or agriculture. Economically and socially, a tradesman's status is considered between a laborer and a professional, with a high degree of both practical and theoretical knowledge of his or her trade. In cultures where professional careers are highly prized, there can be a shortage of skilled manual workers, leading to lucrative niche markets in the trades. Wikipedia)

(a foam strip to allow the bricks to move over time) movement joints. Here you see a backing one Only small amounts of its movement could have a very large impact.(expanding , contracting, soil constructing, potential cracking). To accommodate movements, we can use contract joint, expansion joints,


Lateral loads are often the result of wind or earthquake. How vertical loads are transferred through foundations. The dead loads of structures and the live loads of people, furniture… how they are transferred into floor slabs and wall systems. ‘Resistance to lateral loads is a major design concern for buildings in many geographical locations. Lateral loads are mostly due to wind and earthquakes. Although wind and earthquake forces are dynamic loads, in order to predict their effect and magnitudes on structures and simplify the analysis’ procedure, they can generally be treated as static loads for the purpose of preliminary design. Wind and earthquake forces have different effects on buildings. For example, wind forces are a function of the exposed surface area to wind, while earthquake forces are a function of the amount of building mass above the foundation. Wind forces act on the surface of a structure and have a minimum value at the base and a maximum value at the highest elevation. Earthquake forces act at the base of building structure can abruptly reverse direction. These differences are critical in the engineering calculation that determine the magnitude and are articulated by vari-

Conclusion: Earthquake forces are a function of building mass, particularly when the building mass is narrow and tall. Maximum at base. Wind forces are a function of total area of exposed surface. Maximum at highest elevation.


Strategies to resist lateral building

Structures that respond properly to lateral forces must have resistive elements in both the horizontal and vertical planes. Systems and techniques can be used solely or in combination.

A shear wall acts to stiffen a building against lateral loads. A tall shear wall works like a cantilever beam out of the ground and is loaded mainly in flexure. A short shear wall resists overturing. In the building shown above, the lateral loads try to pivot the wall at the foundation, which would tend to lift it off the ground for most of its length. However the mass of the wall resists the overturning moment by rotating it in the opposite direction.

2 diaphragms Diaphragms are structural elements that resist and collect lateral forces in the horizontal planes of a structure and transfer them to the vertical bearing elements. Roofs and floor slabs that are constructed from rigid materials such as reinforced concrete or steel frames with sufficient bracing are considered to be diaphragms.


Overhanging awning roofs or cantilevers are vulnerable to wind since they tend to act like wings and flap in strong winds.

Re-entrant corners Re-entrant corners occur in irregular geometries such as L, T, H, U or ‘+’ shapes. The most critical problem with these plans is the differential stiffness throughout the structure that leads to various degrees of resistance to lateral forces. When lateral forces are applied, the various parts of the building move at different rates, thus creating intense stresses at the re-entrant corners. Since lateral forces are not always applied in the same direction, the centre of mass and the centre of rigidity (what’s that?) may not coincide, resulting in torsion and failure of the building structure.

Inserting bracings to one end to let it move as one entity will help resist lateral loads.

Discontinuous Structural members If the upper storey structure need to move discontinuously down to the foundation, there can be areas of stress and areas of weakness.

Solution: add them back.

STATUE OF LIBERTY Famous icon. What’s less well known is the history concerning repair and the materials and structure, design to keep the structure safe and preserved for the future.

Over time, the shellac- impregnated cloth became porous and actually held moisture of the joint between the two different metals. This provided good conditions for galvanic corrosion and the iron began to corrode. Than the connection system started to fail as the build-up of corrosion products (rust) expanded and pulled the rivets away from the copper skin.

Initially condensation will just run off and drop down. Once the wrapping layer of iron amature starts to hold moisture, causing galvanic reaction between the copper and the iron. As iron rusts, it produces ferrous oxide, which is larger than the original iron. This size increase pulls away the saddle. Eventually, the rivets start to pop off and possibly hurt people.

in detail

List of the elements used in the skylight AL-01 ................................... Aluminium fascia AL-06 ................................... Flashing BLD-01 ................................... Skylight blinds INS-08 ................................... Acoustic insulation (roof) INS-03/06 ................................... Thermal Insulation TIM-04 ................................... Timber wall lining TIM-05 ................................... External timber lining TRM-09 ................................... Ceiling Trim (brass) Sealant steel angel fixed to structural frame

Aluminium fascia

Fascia is an architectural term for a frieze or band running horizontally and situated vertically under a roof edge, or which forms the outer surface of a cornice, visible to an observer. Typically consisting of a wooden board or sheet metal.

Flashing (weatherproofing) Flashing refers to thin pieces of impervious material installed to prevent the passage of water into a structure from a joint or as part of a weather resistant barrier (WRB) system. (and protect the structure from effects of the sun, wind, rain, etc.)

Skylight blinds Skylight blinds or shutters are also available, the skylight blind is operated via a blind cord and can be adjusted according to the light level needed.

Acoustic insulation

How sound is transmitted Insulation works as a barrier to heat transfer, helping to keep out unwanted heat in summer and preserving precious warmth inside your home in winter. It can also help soundproof your home from unwanted airborne noise transfer.

Sound travels easily through the air. When sound waves reach a solid surface they are partially absorbed, but they also cause vibration wave can transmit sound to the other side.

Diagram of how insulation prevents sound travelling through walls.

Measuring sound

Sound pressure is measured in decibels (dB), which is a logarithmic scale. A 10dB increase in sound level is heard as roughly double the loudness of the original sound by the ear. Sound levels between 35dB – 45dB are generally considered comfortable.

Thermal Insulation au/Benefits/Comfort/Insulation.aspx

How insulation stops heat transfer

I. Ceramic Fiber Blanket Insulation Ceramic fiber blanket insulation products are manufactured from alumina-silica materials and offer such characteristics as high temperature stability, low thermal conductivity, low heat storage, excellent thermal shock resistance, light weight, and superior corrosion resistance. ceramic fiber products exhibit thermal stability at temperatures up to1260째C(2300째F). Ceramic fiber blanket and mat product family consists of a group of lightweight, thermally efficient ceramic fiber insulating materials that combine the advantages of both low heat storage and complete resistance to thermal shock. Offering a broad range of thermal capabilities and physical characteristics, this product family provides proven and effective solutions to a variety of heat processing applications II. Fiberglass Insulation Blankets Fiberglass insulation blanket is used to insulate either hot or cold surfaces of pipes, tanks, storage vessels, ducts and similar round or irregular shaped surfaces. Provides good compressive strength while providing flexibility during installation. Fiberglass Pipe and tank wrap is suitable for operating temperatures up to850째F(454째C). # Flexible product that is easily wrapped around pipes, tanks, ducts, or vessels, while providing good rigidity and abuse resistance. # Cost effective substitute of pre-formed pipe insulation. # Quick, easy installation. # Low thermal conductivity III Mineral Wool Blanket Insulations Mineral wool blanket insulations are made from basalt rock and slag. Excellent fire resistance properties. Mineral wool is a water repellent yet vapor permeable material. Mineral wool blanket insulation is flexible, lightweight, water repellent, fire resistant and sound absorbent. The product is non-combustible and can be specified with confidence where fire performance is of concern. Properties: Flexibility Low moisture sorption Fire Resistant Made from natural and recycled materials

Reference Ching, ‘Building Construction Illustrated’ chapter 1-10 Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, Structural Elements, video recording, retrieved March 22nd. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, INTRODUCTION TO MASS CONSTRUCTION, video recording, retrieved March 22nd. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, INTRODUCTION TO MASONRY, video recording, retrieved March 22nd. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS, video recording, retrieved March 22nd. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, BRICKS, video recording, retrieved March 22nd. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, Concrete Blocks, video recording, retrieved March 22nd. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, FLORO AND FRAMING SYSTEMS, video recording, retrieved March 29th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, CONCRETE, video recording, retrieved March 29th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, BEAMS AND CANTILEVERS, video recording, retrieved March 29th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, PRECAST CONCRETE, video recording, retrieved March 29th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, Walls Grids Columns, video recording, retrieved April 15th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, Walls Grids Columns, video recording, retrieved April 15th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, FROM TIMBER TO WOOD, video recording, retrieved April 15th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, TIMBER PROPERTIES AND CONSIDERATIONS , video recording, retrieved April 15th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, ENGINEERED TIMBER, video recording, retrieved April 15th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, ROOFING STRATEGIES AND SYSTEMS, video recording, retrieved April 16th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, INDRODUCTION TO METALS, video recording, retrieved April 16th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, FERROUS METALS, video recording, retrieved April 16th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, NON-FERROUS METALS, video recording, retrieved April 16th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, DETAILING FOR HEAT AND MOISTURE, video recording, retrieved April 25th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, RUBBER, video recording, retrieved April 25th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, PLASTICS, video recording, retrieved April 25th. Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, STRATEGY FOR OPENINGS, video recording, retrieved MAY 6TH Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, GLASS, video recording, retrieved MAY 6TH Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, CONSTRUCTION DETAILING, video recording, retrieved MAY 14TH Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, COMPOSITE MATERIALS, video recording, retrieved MAY 14TH Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, LATERAL SUPPORTS, video recording, retrieved MAY 16TH Newton, Clare 2014, Constructing Environments, A TALE OF CORROSION, video recording, retrieved MAY 16TH

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