Mr N C Bowater Director of Sixth Form Studies Assistant Headteacher
The Arthur Terry School Kittoe Road, Four Oaks Sutton Coldfield B74 4RZ Tel: 0121 323 2221 Fax: 0121 308 8033 Designed and Printed by leachprint, Abingdon, Oxon.
WHERE EVERYONE ACHIEVES At Arthur Terry School we firmly believe in ensuring that you have everything you need to reach your full potential. We want you to leave the Sixth Form prepared for the challenges that our changing world will present you with. Therefore, we offer a personalised, high quality education that will develop your academic ability and personal skills in equal measure. We enable all students to achieve by providing
• outstanding learning and teaching; • detailed information, advice and guidance; • opportunity to enrich your experience and life skills.
With currently over 450 students, The Arthur Terry Sixth Form is one of the West Midlands’ largest school based sixth forms. It is the normal progression route for over two thirds of our Year 11 students each year. We have applications for places from “joining” students also, from across Birmingham and South Staffordshire. Our sixth form has been recognised by Birmingham Local Authority as a “Centre of Excellence; we are particularly proud of our recent Ofsted report which stated “The overall effectiveness of the sixth form is outstanding” and “students make outstanding progress because of the excellent education they receive”
About Us The Sixth Form Team currently consists of : Mr N Bowater - Director of the Sixth Form / Assistant Headteacher Mrs L Hurn - Progress Leader Mr J R Townsend - Post-16 Admissions Coordinator Mrs P Davies - Sixth Form Secretary Mrs V Aspinall - Post-16 Study Support Assistant
The Sixth Form now offers over 30 A Level and/ or Applied subjects. This increased provision will enable students to choose subjects that complement
Mrs A Gambles – Post 16 Study Support Assistant
a range of progression routes; opening up more opportunities when selecting
All staff have considerable expertise
higher education courses and at the same time preparing students for the world
in providing support, information,
of work. Curriculum Provision is reviewed each year with our most recent new subjects being Economics, Law, Food Technology, Textiles and Environmental Studies. The possibility of offering AS Spanish next year is currently being investigated and we are piloting the Extended Project qualification.
advice and guidance and they are permanently available for students in the Sixth Form Centre.
The Arthur Terry School has recently undergone a complete rebuild which has replaced the majority of the old school with state of the art facilities. The Sixth Form benefits directly from: • Classrooms installed with digital projectors and audio-visual facilities • A well equipped Library / Learning Resource Centre • Music Technology Suites, Recording Studio and Practice Rooms
The overall effectiveness of the sixth form is outstanding
• Spacious and expertly designed Art Rooms, Science Labs and Technology Workshops • Sports Hall, Gymnasium, Fitness Centre, Dance Studio, All-weather pitch, Drama Studios • Sixth Form Centre, Quiet Study Room, Mezzanine refreshment area.
• Air Conditioned ICT Rooms
Financial Support Bursary Fund
The Bursary Fund will be used to provide assistance to students whose access to, or completion of,
Information, Advice and Guidance Over 90% of our sixth formers apply to higher education and they are very well served by a comprehensive Information, Advice and Guidance programme which begins in Year 12. All students attend an Enrichment Day in June to begin the process of identifying an appropriate University Course or Career Path. The
education is inhibited by financial constraints or barriers. The limited fund is available via application for students who meet the bursary fund criteria and are aged 16-18.
Post-16 Admissions Co-ordinator interviews students individually about university and career choices and leads tutors in the completion of UCAS applications
More details regarding the bursary
and academic references. All students are encouraged to attend university
fund are available from the Sixth
Open Days and all Year 12 students attend a higher education fair at one of the
Form Centre or on the school
universities in Birmingham. A number of our most able students are encouraged
to apply for Oxford and Cambridge, Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry and Law. Students who do not want to go to university or wish to take an alternative career route are supported through the Connexions service and a programme of outside speakers to provide students with careers information.
Students make outstanding progress because of the excellent education they receive
Links with Parents The part that parents play in encouraging and motivating students cannot be understated, and there are a number of methods used for keeping parents informed of their son/daughter’s progress and attendance throughout the year. There will be two interim reports and one full report that provide information on student progress and targets for improvement in each subject area. There will be a Parent’s Evening where parents will have the opportunity to discuss progress with each subject teacher. In addition to these formal links, subject teachers and tutors are always available by prior arrangement to discuss the progress of individual students.
The Vertical Tutoring System Each student is allocated a Personal Tutor who will support their academic and personal development. The Personal Tutor is the first point of contact regarding each student’s progress. Students will meet with the Tutor every morning as part of a Vertical Tutor Group which will include approximately 22 students from across Year groups 7-13. Every Personal Tutor is supported by a Progress Leader and a Head of School who all work together to ensure that all students reach their full potential. The Director of Sixth Form works closely with the Heads of School, Progress Leaders and Tutors to ensure the programmes of study
Admissions There is a rigorous application process for all students who wish to join Arthur Terry Sixth Form. The process begins with an initial Sixth Form Open Evening in November where students will have the opportunity to collect the Sixth Form Prospectus and find out more information about the subjects they would like to study at Advanced level. All applicants will then need to submit an application form by the published deadline. Our existing Year 11 students are interviewed during the autumn and spring term about their preferred options, when advice is given by the Director of Sixth Form and Progress Leaders about careers and university courses. Potential joining students are, upon receipt of suitable references, interviewed by the Director of Sixth Form and other members of the Leadership Group during the spring term. Successful applicants will then receive a conditional offer (see entry requirements) by letter. Applicants who haven’t been successful will also be notified by letter.
for Years 12 and 13 are appropriate
Two Induction Days are held during the first week of July for all students who
and provides an overall Post 16
have received a conditional offer. This is an opportunity to experience a taster
perspective that is so vital for the
lesson in your four chosen AS subjects and to begin to adjust to a new way of
thinking and learning.
On receipt of GCSE examination results in August, students who meet the conditions of their offer will automatically
Choosing the Right Subjects
start their courses in September. Students who do not meet
In choosing your A-level subjects the best general advice is
the conditions of their offer will not be able to join the Sixth
to pick those that you like and are good at, so that you will
Form in September and this will be confirmed in writing.
play to your subject strengths. However, do note that some degree courses and occupations require you to have taken
*Please be aware that any application, and subsequent
certain subjects at A-Level. If you know what degree you
offer, of a place at Arthur Terry Sixth Form does not
want to take or occupation you want to go in to, then you
guarantee any younger siblings, (brothers or sisters) a
should check that you are taking the right combination of
place at our school.
subjects before you make your final choices.
Arthur Terry School is full to its admission number in all
Look carefully at the subject descriptions and at the Goes
year groups and to admit pupils above the admission
well with . . . section. It is possible to take a combination
number would prejudice the provision of efficient use
of subjects that are interconnected and your choice could
of resources and the efficient education for the existing
start a useful vocational specialisation, leading to degrees
pupils on roll.
in technology and engineering, creative design, business
If you wish to pursue a place for any younger children
administration and so on.
you have the right to appeal and advise that this
No university will require more than three A-Levels, but
correspondence will be brought to the attention of the
some universities are particularly keen that students have a
independent Appeals Panel.
fourth AS-Level. Some universities like students to choose a fourth subject that is significantly different to the other three,
For admissions enquiries please contact the Sixth Form Centre : Telephone (Sixth Form Centre) : 0121 323 1167 Email : Fax (School) : 0121 308 8033
for example, Maths, Physics, Chemistry - plus Art or Music or English Literature, to encourage breadth, while others like you to choose subjects that form a natural and related group. On the other hand, you should not choose subjects where there is too much overlap, as this could affect your UCAS points total. Therefore, you may have to do some checking before settling on your choices.
We offer a number of Applied A-Levels - Business Studies,
students to be “leaders of learning” within the whole
Health & Social Care, ICT and Leisure. These have exactly
school community and we will determine through
the same worth as the GCE A-Levels: universities accept
references and interview if you have demonstrated the
them on exactly the same basis and they have the same
necessary skills and abilities throughout KS4 to fulfil
UCAS grade and points weighting. Applied A-Levels have
this role.
more coursework components and fewer end of unit exams. Depending on your preferred learning style, you may opt for this approach to advanced level work.
Entry Requirements The minimum entry requirement to get on to a full advanced level programme at The Arthur Terry Sixth Form is 5 GCSE grades at A* - C including English and Maths. We would also normally expect you to have at least a grade C at GCSE, where taken, in the subject or course you wish to take at advanced level. Where the GCSE has not been taken the Core and/or a related GCSE will be used to determine suitability. In addition, due to the academic demands of some subjects, special entry requirements will apply. Further detail regarding any special requirements will be provided at the Sixth Form Open Evening and during interview. Be careful about opting for more than one subject that is completely new, as this can put you under a lot of pressure to adjust to too much that is unfamiliar.
Enrichment The Enrichment Programme, together with the many extracurricular options available in the school, provides all Year 12 and 13 students with opportunities to complement their main programme of study and for personal development. Drama and music have a high a particularly high profile in the school and Sixth Form students regularly take leading roles. Students can pursue sporting interests and complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme up to Gold. Students are encouraged to take responsibility in the school; they supervise at lunchtimes and work alongside tutors and subject teachers offering in-class and other support. Students willingly volunteer their services to help out with a range of school events: parents’ evenings, open evenings, induction days for younger pupils and prospective Sixth Form Students. Support of pupils in the lower school is central to the role of Sixth Form students at Arthur Terry with the introduction of vertical tutoring. Younger students
As well as 5 GCSE grades A* - C (including English and
do look up to Sixth Form students so it is important they
Maths), there is a further entrance test for our Sixth
present the highest standards of dress, behaviour and
Form which you will be sitting throughout Key Stage
respect and are Leaders of Learning within the school.
4; it’s a test of good social behaviour and commitment
Sixth Form students will contribute to the Vertical Tutor
to academic study. Make sure you pass this test by
group sessions each morning by leading activities,
showing a consistent effort in both areas throughout
coaching students and providing support for their personal
your studies in Key Stage 4. We expect our sixth form
The Enrichment Programme includes: • Arts Award • Arthur Terry Radio • Duke of Edinburgh Award
• Open University Young Applicants in Schools Scheme • Orchestra, School Show, Senior Choir • Sports Leadership Award
• The Extended Project, In-Class Support
• Sports Teams
• Life Coaching
• Volunteer Work
Business Studies AQA & BTEC Business Exam Board: OCR We offer two alternative Business Studies Courses. Both deal with all aspects of business described, but you need to decide which type of learning and assessment best suits you. Both courses are fully recognised by universities and are awarded equivalent UCAS Tariff Points.
The choice is either a 2 year BTEC Business Course, in which 100% of the course is internally assessed through a portfolio of coursework (marked by teachers and moderated by the exam board); or Business Studies AS (1st year) and A2 (2nd year) which is assessed through examinations with no coursework.
Core Unit 1 The Business Environment
Course outline
(Coursework 1/6 of award) This unit considers the importance of the day-to-day requirements to the business of suitable staff working well in appropriate teams and departments as well as physical and technological resources.
Business deals with the internal and external influences on the behaviour and structure of an organisation. In addition it considers things like responsibilities to the community, the consumer, the government and its employees. It equips you with the necessary skills knowledge and techniques to make effective business decisions. The subject stays relevant by investigating major topical issues that can generate change for business organisations and the ways in which businesses respond to these issues. A broad range of topics is covered, including aspects of accounts, economics, management studies, human resources, marketing, industrial relations and business law.
Edexcel Level 3 BTEC National Award in Business This course will be delivered over a 2 year programme and the full qualification will be accredited at the end of the 2 years. If students choose not to continue beyond Year 12 they are able to claim a qualification that is equivalent to an AS level. The BTEC National Award in Business consists of four core units plus two specialist units. Each of the 6 units carries equal weighting towards the final Level 3 qualification. Students receive a Distinction (Grade A equivalent), Merit (Grade C equivalent), Pass (Grade E equivalent) for the portfolio work that they submit over the course of the award.
(Coursework 1/6 of award) This unit is designed to introduce learners to a wide range of business activities.
Core Unit 2 Business Resources
Core Unit 3 Introduction to Marketing
(Coursework 1/6 of award) This unit will introduce learners to the tools and techniques used in the modern marketing industry to achieve business objectives by meeting the customer’s needs and expectations.
Core Unit 4 Business Communication
(Coursework 1/6 of award) This unit learners explore how this process starts by organisations selecting, recruiting and employing the most qualified, skilled and experienced people. Staff must possess good verbal and written skills in order to communicate and share information. The ability to decide on the correct method for communicating different forms of information is necessary for the maximum effect.
Students will study 2 further units
(worth 1/3 of the award) that will be selected by the Business Studies Department during the next academic year.
A-Level Business Studies Course Outline AS Unit 1: Planning and Financing a Business
in the strategic management of businesses, for example, leadership and corporate culture.
(1 hour 15 min exam: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) This unit provides an introduction to the scope of Business Studies within the context of starting a new business. You will be expected to have an understanding of the range of activities involved in setting up a small business. You will also gain an understanding of key financial concepts essential for the planning of small businesses and be expected to carry out calculations and interpret their results.
Goes well with…
AS Unit 2: Managing a Business
• r ecognising the nature of problems, solving problems and making decisions using appropriate business tools and methods
(1 hour 30 min exam: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) This unit covers four key areas of marketing, finance, human resources and operations. You will gain an understanding on the ways to make each area of a business more effective and learn the strategies used to ensure and integrated approach to business.
A2 Unit 3: Strategies for Success
(1 hour 45 min exam: 25% of A-Level) In this unit you will study the mechanisms for setting objectives, measuring performance and devising strategies.
A2 Unit 4: The Business Environment and Managing Change
(1 hour 45 min exam: 25% of A-Level) This unit considers the relationship between businesses and external factors. It examines how external factors can impact upon businesses, and the responses they may take. It also examines a number of themes which are important
Careers and Higher Education
Business encourages you to develop a range of important and transferable skills such as: • d ata skills – you will be expected to manipulate data in a variety of forms and to interpret their results • presenting arguments and making judgments and justified recommendations on the basis of the available evidence
• p lanning work, taking into account the demands of the task and the time available to complete it • c onducting research into a specific theme in preparation for one or more tasks • c hallenging your own assumptions using evidence that has become available. With these points in mind, it can be argued that Business will go well with almost all other A-Level subjects, as at least some aspect of the course will be relevant.
For advice
Contact Mr M Birch
Traditionally, a very high proportion of students studying a Business A-Level go on to study some form of Business degree at university. Either of these courses will offer a fantastic foundation for that. The broad skills base required by Business also supports a wide range of other subjects when progressing to degree level. Business is widely recognised by industry, and a number of students each year will use their A-Levels to get a job. Both courses provide practical knowledge and application of skills for the work place. In recent years a number of students have used their knowledge to begin their own business ventures and while this is not common place it is clearly a route of progression. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
Throughout the course of study you are encouraged to develop a critical understanding of economic concepts and the theories through awareness of current economic issues, institutions and problems that affect everyday life. You will develop and apply your understanding of different aspects of economics that are of relevance in today’s complex global economy. This course also has significance for fostering a better appreciation of contemporary economic issues in the UK economy. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Markets and Market Failure
(1 hour 15 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) You will explore the basic economic problem, how resources are allocated, how markets can become efficient, the causes of market failure and how and why the Government intervenes.
AS Unit 2: The National Economy
(1 hour 15 min exam: 50% of AS, 25 % of A-Level) You will learn about macro economics and how the economy works as a whole, and the economic performance of the UK, including investigating things such as inflation, economic growth and unemployment.
History and any of the Social Sciences. Economics combined with Mathematics could lead to Accountancy or a finance related degree course. Please note that there is a small degree of overlap between the content of this A-Level and that of Applied Business. Generally speaking, universities do not like subjects to overlap. You should take this into consideration if you are looking at both of these subjects.
For advice
Contact Mr M Birch
A2 Unit 3: Business Economics and the Distribution of Income (2 hour exam: 25% of A-Level) You will investigate a wide range of markets and applying economic thinking to them.
A2 Unit 4: The National and International Economy
(2 hour exam: 25% of A-Level) You will look at ways to manage the economy and investigate international economies and make appropriate comparisons.
Goes well with‌
Subjects which would go well with Economics are Geography,
Careers and Higher Education
The course provides a suitable foundation for the study of economics or related courses in higher education. Equally there are suitable for candidates intending to pursue business careers or further study in business studies or social sciences or as part of a course of general education. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: OCR
The course offers you a fantastic opportunity to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of ICT and develop the knowledge and skills that will allow you to participate in an evolving information and communications based society. You will also be able to develop your inter-personal, technical, academic and communication skills which will help you to meet career challenges in the future. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Information, Systems and Applications (2 hour exam: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) This unit covers the fundamental knowledge required to support all subsequent units of study. It is intended to provide candidates with a deeper understanding and knowledge of basic concepts of ICT. This unit is assessed by an external examination and covers the use of information, hardware, software, information systems and the impact of ICT.
solve a client driven problem. It will cover the system lifecycle consisting of the following: analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation and evaluation.
Goes well with . . .
ICT compliments just about all other subjects but goes especially well with Business Studies and Leisure.
For advice
Contact Mr D Tracey
AS Unit 2: Structured ICT Tasks (Coursework: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) This unit is designed to develop practical aspects of the subject. A set of structured tasks give you the opportunity to develop your design, software development, testing and documentation skills. Tasks may involve the design of part of a system, the production of a testing strategy or the use of software for development.
A2 Unit 3: ICT Systems, Applications and Implications
(2 hour exam: 30% of A-Level) This module covers communication between computers and interaction between humans and computers. A range of other information and communications technologies are also covered. You will be introduced to the design and selection of ICT solutions for a range of problems.
A2 Unit 4: ICT Project
(Coursework: 20% of A-Level) In this unit you will complete an ICT based project in order to
Careers and Higher Education
A good grade in ICT is sufficient for entry into higher education or a wide range of careers. These include ICT Product Developer, Multimedia/Website Designer, Software Developer/Programmer. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Leisure Studies
Exam Board: AQA
Over the past few decades recreation and leisure have become increasingly important in our lives: the working week may have shortened, giving extra leisure time, whilst pressure of work may have become more intense, thus requiring us to seek leisure activities where and when we can find the time and in many diverse ways. A huge leisure industry has developed to meet our needs. Through this course you will: • gain a broad understanding of what Leisure and Recreation and be able to study selected areas in more depth • develop skills, that are particularly relevant to work in the Leisure Industry • have an opportunity to apply learning in a practical and relevant way Course outline AS Unit 1: The Leisure Industry Today
(Coursework: 331/3% of AS) In this unit you will investigate the range and scale of the Leisure Industry in the UK and Europe and study the key factors that influence access, participation and the barriers in leisure. There is a focus on the current developments within the leisure industry which includes a study of the role of the media in influencing the dynamics of leisure.
A2 Unit 10: Current Issues
(Coursework: 162/3% of A-Level) This unit is a research based project that allows you to examine one topic in depth either at local or national level. You can study an area of leisure you are particularly interested in although the module is synoptic and will demonstrate understanding from a broad range of key topics within Leisure.
AS Unit 2: A People Business
(External Assignment 6 hours: 331/3% of AS) This unit studies the importance of customer service in the leisure industry and the key factors that influence the quality of the service received. Customer needs and expectations are explored as are the ways in which technology is used to support the leisure industry.
AS Unit 3: Getting It Right in the Leisure Industry
(Coursework: 331/3% of AS) You will investigate ways to ensure sufficient quality control and management systems are in place and have an understanding of the safe working practices required in the leisure industry.
A2 Unit 8: Leisure in Action
(Coursework: 162/3% of A-Level) This is a very practical unit of work which requires you to plan, prepare and run a leisure based event. You will become familiar with all aspects of event management and will carry out feasibility studies, produce a business plan and ensure the smooth running of the event itself.
A2 Unit 9: Working in the People Business
(2 hour exam: 162/3% of A-Level) In this unit you will learn about the range of employment opportunities in the leisure industry, the types of motivational techniques used as well as the recruitment and selection process commonly found in the leisure industry.
Goes well with . . .
The course will go well with Business because it is in some respects a business course applied to the Leisure industry. Leisure also goes well with PE and Geography. The skills required for successful completion of the course are also likely to help with all A-Level courses. Presentation, research, analysis, data management, and report writing are all skills found in Applied Leisure which could be used in other subjects.
For advice
Contact Mr M Birch
Careers and Higher Education
The course can lead to a university degree in Business, Sports Science, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Recreational Management, Armed Forces, Environmental Studies, Hospitality and Events Management, or it can lead directly into a job in one of these employment sectors. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Food Technology
Exam Board: AQA
At AS you will have the opportunity to study nutrition and design and making in the human context. Knowledge of food science and of a wide range of materials and components used in the making of food products will be developed. You will be given the opportunity to develop and solve a problem relating to food design and making. You will gain an understanding of industrial and commercial practices within the area of Food Technology. At A2, the specification offers you the opportunity to further develop the knowledge and practical skills from the AS. You will continue to develop design work alongside an understanding of food science, processes and commercial food manufacture. The AS and A2 course are taught through 3 main sections : Materials, Components and Application, Design and Market Influences and Processes and Manufacture. Course outline AS Unit 1: Topics
(2 hour exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) • M acro and micro nutrients, measurement of energy and the importance of adequate water intake • Dietary planning, BMI and health and health promotion • The relationships between diet and health • S ocial factors: the family, family patterns, family lifecycle, changes in family composition, culture economics and work • D ietary needs of individuals at different life stages, special diets and lifestyles • Food additives • E nvironmental factors influencing food choices; organic food and sources of energy • M ass media; advertising, television, magazines and the press
AS Unit 2: Coursework
(50% of AS; 25% of A-Level)
A2 Unit 3: Topics
(2 hour exam: 25% of A-Level) • T he physical and chemical structures of the macro nutrients • W orking characteristics in relation to the physical and sensory attributes of the food • The nutritional composition of food • M anipulating and combining food materials and components and the application of this in food processing and product development • T he beneficial and detrimental effect of micro organisms and enzymes • Issues affecting the design of new products • Design in practice
• Issues affecting the design of new food products
• P reservation methods and extending shell-life; quality assurance and quality control
• F ood safety and hygiene, food labelling and nutritional information
• Systems and control
• Health and Safety
• Legislation
A2 Unit 4: Coursework (25% of A-Level)
Goes well with . . .
Food Technology A-Level will complement other A-Levels such as Biology, Chemistry, PE and Health & Social Care
For advice
Contact Mrs S Hemmings
Careers and Higher Education
There are obviously a wide selection of degree and vocational courses on offer that will extend the learning in this area. Career options in the food industry include roles within:• Enforcement Agencies such as Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Food Safety • Product Development and Manufacture incorporating Quality Control and New Product Training • Food Science and Microbiology • Hospitality, Catering and Retail Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Product Design
Exam Board: EDEXCEL
At AS you will be developing your knowledge, understanding, skills and application for designing products. Product design covers a wide range of design disciplines but is firmly rooted in the skills required to design and make high quality products. Products that are fit for purpose, satisfy wants and needs, enhance our day-to-day lives and, most importantly, give you the opportunity to demonstrate your design and technology capability. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Portfolio of Creative Skills
(Portfolio of work: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) In this unit students are given the opportunity to develop their creative, technical and practical skills through a series of product investigation, design and manufacturing activities.
AS Unit 2: Design and Technology in Practice
(1 hour 30 min exam: 40% of AS, 20 % of A-level) In this unit students will develop a knowledge and understanding of a wide range of materials and processes used in the field of design and technology. It is important for students, as designers, to learn about materials and processes so that they can develop a greater understanding of how products can be designed and manufactured. Students will also learn about industrial and commercial practices, and the importance of quality checks and the health and safety issues that have to be considered at all times.
A2 Unit 3: Designing for the Future
(2 hour exam: 20% of A-level) In this unit students will develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of modern design and manufacturing practices and contemporary design issues. The modern designer must have a good working knowledge of the use of ICT and systems and control technology in the design and manufacture of products. They must also be aware of the important contributions of designers from the
past which may provide inspiration for future design. It is increasingly important that students develop an awareness of the impact of design and technological activities on the environment. Sustainable product design is a key feature of modern design practices.
A2 Unit 4: Commercial Design
(Product and Design Folder : 30% of A-level ) In this unit students are given the opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired and developed throughout this course of study, to design and make a product of their choice that comply with the requirements of either a resistant materials technology product or a graphic products, depending on the route they are studying.
Goes well with . . .
Maths, Science, Art and Textiles and will compliment other A-levels such as Food Technology, Business studies and Retail.
For advice
Contact Mr S Canty
Careers and Higher Education
There are a wealth of product design related degrees. You can choose to take a design/manufacturing route, or a managerial / marketing route. You could work in engineering, manufacturing, design, research and development. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
At AS you will be developing your creative skills through the design and make process, using a wide variety of Textile based applications. You will complete a portfolio over the year, demonstrating your ability to carry out research into specific topics. You will then be expected to produce two practical outcomes of high quality to support your design / written work. Alongside the practical component you will study fabrics and their properties, linking their uses to contemporary issues and industrial practices. At A2 your practical work will consist of one final project, demonstrating your ability to draw together, knowledge and experience gained from AS. Course outline AS Unit 1: Materials, Components and Application (2 hour exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level)
A2 Unit 4: Coursework
(25% of A-level ) A portfolio of design work with one final high quality practical outcome, completed over 60 hours
• Source and classification of fibre groups • Yarn types – blending and mixing fibres • Fabric manufacture – specific properties • Fabric finished – including surface decoration • Product components- function and use • Industrial and commercial practice • ICT application • Design and development communication
AS Unit 2: Coursework
(50% of AS, 25 % of A-level) A portfolio of design work with two practical outcomes completed over 50 hours
A2 Unit 3: Synoptic written exam
(2 hour exam: 25% of A-level) You are required to answer three questions from a choice of six You are tested on your ability to bring together all elements of the subject and to show your understanding in a holistic way
Careers and Higher Education
Goes well with . . .
Product Design Textiles will compliment other A-levels such as Art, Product Design, Business studies and Retail
For advice
Contact Mrs M Suthons-Hart
There are a wealth of design and fashion related degrees. You can choose to take a creative and design route, or a managerial / marketing route. You could work in Interiors, Media, Retail or Technology. You may also choose to focus on one area alone, eg. Embroidery, Footwear, Millinery or Photography. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
English Combined (Literature and Language) Exam Board: AQA The study of English Language and Literature as a combined course encourages you to develop your interest in both language and literature as interconnecting and mutually supportive disciplines. If you enjoy reading and discussing a range of literature but also have an interest in the linguistic approaches to language you will enjoy this course. We explore the relationship between language and literature through a wide range of reading opportunities; critically reading and responding to both literary and non-literary texts, as well as writing for different audiences and purposes. Course outline AS Unit 1: Introduction to Language and Literature Study (1 hour 30 min exam: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) This introductory unit is taught through an anthology of literary and non-literary texts. You will be tested on your knowledge and understanding in an examination.
AS Unit 2: Themes in Language and Literature
(Coursework: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) In this unit, you study a pair of texts and respond through coursework on your knowledge and understanding of the texts and from a creative perspective.
A2 Unit 3: Talk in Life and Literature
(2 hour exam: 30% of A-Level) You will study a play and respond in an examination to the way the writer uses language to create dramatic effects, and compare to unseen texts.
A2 Unit 4: Text Transformation
(Coursework: 20% of A-Level) In this unit you will be required to produce coursework in changing texts into another form.
Goes well with . . .
This course goes well with any other A level. Critical reading is an invaluable academic asset and important in any form of further education, as well as being an important life skill. Any English A level is well regarded by higher education facilities.
For advice
Contact Miss J Thomas or Mrs J Wilson or
Careers and Higher Education
The Literature and Language Combined A-Level is a flexible and adaptable course that opens up a wide range of career choices. It will enable students to develop skills in written and spoken communication, working independently and thinking critically; skills all highly valued by employers. Excellent written skills and skills of analysis are essential in a wide range of jobs, but are particularly relevant in journalism, media, public relations, law, education, advertising and marketing. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
English Language
Exam Board: AQA
English Language is the study of language and how it reflects and influences changes in society. It challenges you to explore how texts are constructed and how language impacts on communication in its diverse forms. You will study a wide range of topics and, although it is not primarily a creative writing course, you are given the opportunity to create and categorise texts. Debate and discussion are as important as grammatical frameworks in English Language, allowing both analytical and creative students to excel in this course. Do be aware that English Language is an academic and demanding A Level that relies upon detailed analysis and research of language issues, and is unlike anything students will have experienced at GCSE level. The study of the English Language is fascinating and suits students who are analytical, exploratory and curious to understand more about human behaviour and how language is learnt, used and changes in different situations and through time. Course Outline Unit 1: Categorising Texts
(2 hour exam: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) This unit introduces students to the study of language and focuses on Language and Power, Language and Gender and Language and Technology. Students will be assessed in a 2 hour exam.
skills are invaluable academic assets and important in any further education as well as being an important life skill. Any English A-Level is well regarded by higher education establishments.
For advice
Contact Miss J Thomas
Unit 2: Creating Texts
(Coursework: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) This coursework component tests students writing skills. Students will use writing fames and models to create their own texts.
Unit 3: Developing Language
(2 hour exam: 30% of A-Level) Students will study Child Language Acquisition and Language Change.
Unit 4: Investigating Language (Coursework: 20% of A-Level) Students apply their knowledge of linguistic methods and concepts to a coursework investigation of their choice.
Goes well with . . .
This course will go well with any other A Levels, particularly English Literature, Modern Foreign Languages, Psychology, Sociology and History. Critical reading, conceptual thinking and discussion
Careers and Higher Education
Excellent written skills and skills of analysis are essential in a wide range of jobs, but particularly relevant in journalism, Media/ advertising, PR/Marketing, Law, Education, clerical jobs and indeed any job which requires good communication skills. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
English Literature
As you will already know, English Literature comprises Drama, Poetry and the Novel – and also a good helping of Shakespeare. We study any literature for pleasure, but also to widen our emotional sympathies by entering into the lives of other people. As we read we are forced to take sides and pass moral judgement, as supposedly real characters grapple with the most important issues of life. Moreover, the chief new requirement of English Literature is that we study ‘Literature in History’. A level Literature requires us to see how writers are using their work to bring out the crucial issues of their own day and their own lives e.g. the role of women, love and marriage, the plight of the poor, death, slavery and so on. This is literature in History, or, as the specification says, ‘Texts in Context’. Course outline
For advice Contact Mr N Abbey or Mrs J Wilson
Unit 1: Texts in context (2 hour exam: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level)
You will study Victorian, World War One or Modern or
Literature and be assessed in a 2 hour examination.
Unit 2: Creative Study (Coursework: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) You will study set prose and drama texts and produce a coursework folder containing two pieces of writing comprising 2,000 words in total.
Unit 3: Reading for Meaning (2 hour 30 min exam: 60% of A2, 30% of A-Level) This unit focuses on studying and responding to a range of literature on the theme of love.
Unit 4: Extended Essay and Shakespeare Study (Coursework: 40% of A2, 20% of the A-Level) Students will study three texts, including one Shakespeare play and produce a coursework folder containing two essays totalling 4,000 words.
Goes well with . . . Studying English Literature develops the skills of careful reading, close analysis and developing a thoughtful written argument. It goes well with any other A Level subject. It is of special relevance to students interested in Modern Foreign Languages, the Humanities, especially History and Religious Education, Art and Drama.
Careers and Higher Education
English Literature provides an excellent foundation for anyone considering a career in Media, Education, Law, the Arts, Psychology and Sociology. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
General Studies
Exam Board: OCR
All students take AS & A-Level General Studies as part of the Sixth Form Enrichment Programme. General Studies aims to give you the opportunity to extend your interests to a wide range of disciplines; recognise the interdependence of different areas of study and experience; think critically and logically; develop the skills of study, analysis and evaluation of chosen issues, and provide clear, accurate and effective communication of information and evaluation. Therefore, General Studies seeks to broaden your mind and develop the skills of critical and logical thinking so that you can form your own opinions. Course outline AS Unit 1: The Cultural and Social Domains
(2 hour exam: 70% of AS, 35% of A-Level) Key content includes: Political systems, processes and goals, social and economic trends and constraints, explanation and evaluation of human behaviour, beliefs, values, and moral reasoning, media and communication, creativity and innovation.
For advice
Contact Mr N Bowater
AS Unit 2: The Scientific Domain
(1 hour exam: 30% of AS, 15% of A-Level) Key content includes: Characteristics of the sciences (physical, life and earth), understanding of scientific methods, principles, criteria and their application, mathematical reasoning and its application.
A2 Unit 3: Domain Exploration: Applying Synoptic Skills (1 hour 30 min exam: 25% of A-Level) This unit provides you with the opportunity to develop your thinking and analytical skills through the exploration of the Cultural, Scientific and Social Domains.
• S ection A questions explore the three domains to enable you to develop thinking and analytical skills. • S ection B questions allow further development of your analytical skills through the three domains.
A2 Unit 4: Culture, Science and Society: Making Connections
(1 hour 30 min exam: 25% of A-Level) This unit enables you to make connections between information, data, concepts and opinions drawn from the Cultural, Scientific and Social Domains.
Goes well with . . .
General Studies is taken in addition to your main subjects, not instead of them. In this sense it stands alongside every other A-Level.
Careers and Higher Education
Having an ‘A’ level pass in General Studies can be enormously helpful in getting into university. Even where a university department does not normally accept General Studies, a good pass is bound to be a favourable influence. Moreover, if you do less well than you had hoped in one of your main subjects and you may think you have lost your place at a university, General Studies will sometimes be swapped in as an alternative by the university if they are interested in you. So you may never realise how important General Studies is to you until Results Day at the end of Year 13! Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Applied Health & Social Care
Exam Board: EDEXCEL
This course has been designed to provide a broad educational basis for further training, further education or for moving into appropriate employment within the health and social care sector. The qualification has been designed to be delivered in a work-related context and to allow you to develop an understanding of the diverse and complex nature of the health and social care sector. It is delivered via a work related context and a work experience is organised early in the course with the support of teaching staff. This is arranged to coincide with one delivered lesson, as the work experience is the basis of the coursework. Course outline AS Unit 1: Human Growth and Development
(1 hour 30 min exam: 331/3% of AS ) Health and social care practitioners need to develop a knowledge base for working with people in every stage of their lives. This unit will develop your knowledge and understanding of patterns of human growth and development.
AS Unit 2: Communication and Values
(Coursework: 331/3% of AS) This unit will give you an understanding of the importance of communication in all caring activities, and about values involved in care. You will learn about the value base of care and the transmission of values through communication.
AS Unit 3: Positive Care Environments
(Coursework: 331/3% of AS) The knowledge that you gain from this unit will allow you to understand that positive care practice relies on practitioners having a comprehensive understanding of the diverse society we live in, and that the promotion of a care value base can enhance services users’ opportunities in accessing services.
A2 Unit 6: Investigating Disease
(Coursework: 162/3% of A-Level) This unit builds on the concepts of health and disease you were introduced to in Unit 1. You will learn about the disease process, and will carry out an individual investigation into various aspects of two specific diseases. This will include the biological basis of diseases, the ways in which a diagnosis may be made, the availability of treatment, the factors that may influence the outcome of the treatments, the strategies for preventing the spread or occurrence of the disease, and epidemiological methods for tracking disease.
Goes well with…
Health and Social Care combines well with a range of other subjects in the social sciences, such Psychology and Sociology, as well as the sciences, especially Biology, together with technology subjects, such as Food Technology. It might also be taken alongside PE.
For Advice
Contact Miss R Geillis
A2 Unit 4: Meeting Individual Needs
(1 hour 30 min exam: 162/3% of A-Level) This unit assesses your knowledge and understanding of how health and social care services are structured and provided within the UK. The unit will focus on how services are tailored to meet individual needs through the use of care plans, and on the importance of working in a multidisciplinary environment.
A2 unit 5: Promoting Health and Well-Being
(Coursework: 162/3% of A-Level) This unit will develop your knowledge and understanding of promoting health and well-being. You will find out why health promotion campaigns are carried out, and how topics and target groups are identified.
Careers and Higher Education
This qualification supports progression into further education, training or employment, as it offers a mix of both theoretical and vocational learning. Learners who successfully complete the course have several routes of progression: • Degrees in health and social care-related subjects and areas • NVQ in Care • BTEC Higher National Certificates and Diplomas in health and social care-related subjects and areas • Training within employment Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
The AQA specification for Geography retains the core physical and human aspects of the subject whilst approaching some more contemporary issues. You will study a range of themes, places and environments taking into account different scales and contexts, including the UK and countries that are in different stages of development. You will be expected to use contemporary examples and case studies, and to carry out individual research into these. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Physical and Human Geography
(2 hour exam: 70% of AS; 35% of A-Level) This unit will allow you to build on knowledge gained from the GCSE and to develop new skills and a more in-depth understanding. The unit consists of the following topics: • Rivers, floods and management • Coastal environments • Global population change • Health issues The coastal environments unit will be delivered in conjunction with the Y12 Field Trip, where students will develop their research and fieldwork skills.
AS Unit 2: Applied Geography (2 hour exam : 30% of AS; 15% of A-Level) Unit 2 assesses the skills taught through Unit 1. Broadly speaking, these skills are cartographic, investigative, graphical, statistical and ICT.
A2 Unit 3: Contemporary Geographical Issues
(2 hour exam; 30% of A-Level) This unit look a rage of contemporary issues from the following topic list: • P late tectonics and associated hazards • W eather and climate and associated hazards • Challenges facing ecosystems
• W orld cities – evolution or revolution? • Development and globalisation • C ontemporary conflicts and challenges.
A2 Unit 4:
(1 hour 30 min or 2 hour exam: 20% of A-Level) This unit is subject to change, but will be either a write up of a fieldwork investigation under controlled conditions, or a geographical issues paper based on pre-release materials.
Goes well with . . .
Geography is compatible with a range of other subjects, and is now often studied with science and
Careers and Higher Education
technology based subjects, like ICT, Biology, Physics, Psychology, Mathematics and Technology, as well as the more traditional companion subjects like History, Sociology and English. You will be expected to be able to write in detail and with flair, as well as demonstrate more practical and analytical skills. Geographers develop excellent transferrable skills including: communication skills; teamwork; flexibility; decision making; time management; analysis/ problem solving; project writing.
For advice
Contact Mr D Napper
A qualification in Geography is very well respected by both universities and employers. As well as progressing onto a Geography based degree, common jobs chosen after studying Geography at A level include: education, professional and social services; environmental management; information services; business and finance; scientific services; management and administration; leisure, travel and tourism. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” GEORGE ORWELL
History isn’t a subject that’s stuck in the past. Far from it, historical events have shaped society worldwide into what it is today. Moreover, as the quote above suggests, how the past is interpreted has been just as important in shaping peoples’ minds and outlook. While today can be influenced by what happened in the distant as well as the recent past, the course focuses on the latter and, perhaps to us, the most relevant recent era, that of the twentieth century, as we continue to move forward into the twenty first. If you are an independent thinker who wants to learn more about how the past impacts upon the present, then A-Level History could be for you. Course Outline
A2 Unit 3: Aspects of International Relations, 19452003
(1 hour 30 min exam: 30% of A-Level) In the second year you will study the development of Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War.
A2 Unit 4: Historical Enquiry
(Coursework: 20% of A-Level) This is a coursework unit for which you will write a personal study of approximately 3500 words based on an investigation into Race Relations in the USA 1863-1980.
Goes well with…
History goes well with a wide range of other subjects. It is a good partner
subject for the other humanities, of course, but also goes well with Modern Foreign Languages and all of the English A-Levels. It also compliments many of the Social Sciences, especially Law, Business and Economics, and also sits well alongside some of the visual and performing arts, such as Art, Music and Theatre Studies. While not always an obvious companion to the Sciences, some students will be found studying Biology alongside History.
For advice
Contact Mr Leese
AS Unit 1: Britain 1906-1951
(1 hour 15 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) This unit looks at a period of rapid and significant change in British politics, society and the economy.
AS Unit 2: Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 (1 hour 30 min exam: 50% of the AS, 25% of the A-Level) This unit will look at the methods Hitler and the Nazis used to control people’s lives and how far he succeeded in achieving his aims.
Careers and Higher Education
History is clearly an essential subject for those who wish to pursue it at university but it also has a much broader relevance. It is highly appropriate to careers in law, journalism, politics and general management, in fact any area in which the ability to evaluate information and present reasoned arguments is useful. Many of Britain’s top company bosses have history degrees. People as diverse as Jonathan Ross, Gordon Brown, Anita Roddick, Chris Martin and Salman Rushdie have History degrees. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
Following this course at AS-Level you will develop a knowledge and understanding of the legal system and an ability to evaluate its operation and performance. The specification introduces substantive law and requires simple application of aspects of criminal law and tort law. At A-Level, the specification further develops knowledge of the legal system through criminal and civil law. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Law Making and the Legal System
(1 hour 30 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) This unit covers the sources of law including legislation and how it is made by Parliament, how the judges interpret legislation and how they create law through decisions in cases and also delegated legislation such as by laws made by councils. Also covered, is an examination of how disputes are solved within and outside the court system and the various personnel involved for example judges, juries, solicitors and barristers.
AS Unit 2: The Concept of Liability
(1 hour 30 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) In this unit you will explore two areas of substantive law; criminal and tort. The criminal covers nonfatal offences against the person
and sentencing and tort covers negligence and the calculation of damages. The emphasis is on solving legal problems and students learn the skill of applying the rules of law to hypothetical situations.
A2 Unit 3: Criminal Law
(1 hour 30 min exam: 25% of A-Level) This unit covers non fatal offences in greater detail and also the crimes of murder and manslaughter. You will also learn about defences which can be raised to remove or reduce liability such as self defence and provocation. The skills of using legal sources and of legal problem solving are developed further
A2 Unit 4: Tort and Concepts of Law (2 hour exam; 25% of A-Level) The tort of negligence is explored in more depth, including negligence
Careers and Higher Education
that causes psychiatric injury, and other torts are studied including occupiers’ liability and nuisance. In addition to studying the substantive law you will also look at some interesting concepts such as the extent to which law and morality overlap and the extent to which law achieves justice.
Goes well with . . .
Law goes well with many other subjects, including the Arts and Humanities subjects such as English and History. It also goes well with Social Science subjects such as Business Studies and Economics, and will also combine well with a Modern Foreign Language.
For advice
Contact Mrs P Whelan
A Level Law has become increasingly popular over recent years and is highly regarded by employers and universities. For students thinking of studying law at degree level, whilst it is not a compulsory subject for admission it provides a valuable introduction to the nature of law as an academic discipline and it starts to develop important skills such as legal problem solving. Many students, after their first year at university, comment as to how much it helped them. However for those not considering law after school, studying it to A Level provides skills development in research and the use of source materials, writing academic essays with reasoned arguments and critical evaluation. Law affects every aspect of our lives and so some knowledge is useful whatever the choice of career. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
In 1913 psychologist John Watson claimed Psychology was the science of human behaviour. Today’s exam specifications certainly echo this sentiment and there is a clear emphasis on the scientific approach. As an A-Level Psychology student you will be assessed on the following skills: • Your ability to recognise, recall and show understanding of scientific knowledge. • The way you select, organise and communicate relevant information in your written work. • Your ability to analyse and evaluate scientific knowledge. • How you apply knowledge and processes to unfamiliar situations. • The extent to which you can assess the validity, reliability and credibility of scientific information • The level at which you can describe ethical, safe and skilful research techniques and processes. • Your understanding of how to make, record, and communicate valid observations. • The depth to which you can analyse, interpret, explain and evaluate research methodology. Course outline AS Unit 1: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods (1 hour 30 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) You will study the following topic areas in this unit:
• C ognitive psychology, including memory and eyewitness testimony • D evelopmental psychology, including early social development, attachment and the effects of day care • Research methods, in the context of the topic areas.
AS Unit 2: Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Individual Differences
(1 hour 30 min exam: 50% of the AS, 25% of the A-Level) This unit covers the following topics: • B iological psychology - stress, factors affecting stress, coping and managing stress • S ocial psychology - conformity, obedience and independent behaviour
A2 Unit 4: Psychopathology, Psychology in Action and Research Methods (2 hour exam: 25% of A-Level) You will study media, depression, research methods and inferential statistics You will develop your evaluation skills through studying debates and different approaches in psychology.
Goes well with . . .
If you just want to do a degree in Psychology then it doesn’t usually matter what other subjects you take alongside it, but if you want to work in this area, universities will expect you to combine it, usually with Biology and Chemistry, or Biology and Mathematics. That said, Psychology goes well with many other subjects, including Law, English, Business Studies and Sociology.
For advice
Contact Miss R Geillis
• I ndividual differences - definitions of abnormality, approaches and therapies.
A2 Unit 3: Topics in Psychology
(1 hour 30 min exam: 25% of A-Level) You will study a range of topics, including biological rhythms and sleep, aggression and eating behaviours.
Careers and Higher Education
Psychology provides you with many useful skills which are sought after in many sectors of the workplace, including health, counselling, teaching and business. If you want to work in clinical psychology further study is required, and your degree will have to be accredited by the British Psychological Society. These degrees allow you to do further training leading to careers such as clinical psychologist, social worker, psychotherapist and speech and language therapist. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Religious Studies
Exam Board: EDEXCEL
This is an exciting and dynamic course which is designed to enable you to develop insights into areas of knowledge, belief and thought central to an understanding of the modern world. Through a study of philosophy, ethics, scripture and some of the world’s major religions, you will be equipped with a range of knowledge and skills which will help you to make sense of contemporary events. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Foundations
(1 hour 45 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) This unit looks introduces two areas of study: Philosophy of Religion and Ethics.
AS Unit 2: Investigations
(1 hour 45 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level) This unit allows the students to study ethical issues at more depth through an enquiry-based approach to learning. You will be given the opportunity to undertake individual research into the topic area, which will enable you to study independently and to use, and evaluate, a wide range of source material.
Goes well with…
A-level Religious Studies complements many other subjects, such as English, History and the Social Sciences.
For advice
Contact Mrs K Shakeshaft
A2 Unit 3: Developments
(1 hour 45 min exam, 25% of A-Level) This unit has been designed to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in Unit 1: Foundations. You will study further issues in the Philosophy of Religion such as Atheism and Near Death Experiences and as a complete contrast you will also study aspects of Hinduism.
A2 Unit 4: Implications
(1 hour 15 min exam, 25% of A-Level) This unit has been designed to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in Units 1, 2 and 3. This unit is designed to test you further through the study of religious, philosophical and ethical source material.
Careers and Higher Education
A-level Religious Studies is highly respected by universities and employers alike. It encourages the development of transferable skills alongside its academically rigorous subject content, which helps prepare students for work and higher education. Many of Arthur Terry’s students have gone on to study Religious Studies and Philosophy, but also Nursing, Law, History, Journalism, Politics and a variety of other subjects. A Religious Studies qualification is also valuable for careers in Politics and Social Services, Armed Forces and many others. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
Sociology definitely makes you question events in society. It is vital you have an interest in the world around you and you need to have an up-to-date knowledge of current affairs to succeed in this subject. There is a good deal of essay writing in the course and you will really develop your evaluative skills. As an A-level Sociology student you will be assessed on the following skills. • Your knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives in Sociological research. • Your ability to understand key concepts and methods used by Sociologists. • The extent to which you can understand research evidence and make links to the chosen methodology and theoretical perspective. • Your ability to communicate your knowledge in a clear and effective manner. • The level at which you can apply research to the topic under discussion. • The depths at which you are able to analyse and interpret findings. • The insight you show when evaluating research studies and theories. Course outline AS Unit 1: Families and Households
(1 hour exam: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) You will sit a one hour exam paper consisting of a five part question, two of which are essay based. The questions all focus on the topic of Family and Households.
AS Unit 2: Education & Sociological Methods
(2 hour exam: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) For this unit you sit a second exam. There will be one question on Education consisting of four parts, one question on sociological research methods in Education, and a final question made up of four parts on free-standing research methods.
A2 Unit 3: Media and Society
(1 hour 30 min exam: 20% of A-Level) This unit will consist of an exam covering Media. You will be expected to answer one compulsory question and a second question from a choice of two. As with AS exams, essay writing skills are important.
A2 Unit 4: Crime and Deviance & Theory and Methods
(2 hour exam: 30% of A-Level) This second exam will be based on Crime and Deviance. You will answer a two part question on this topic, again including essay writing. This is followed by a two part question on research methods used to investigate Crime and Deviance. Finally you are required to answer one question on theory and methods in which essay responses are expected.
Goes well with…
Sociology can be combined with arts or science subjects. Health & Social Care, Biology, Law, Psychology, Business and Economics will all go well with it.
For Advice
Contact Miss R Geillis
Careers and Higher Education
There are many different kinds of degree in this area, and it can be combined with other degree subjects as at A-Level. There are many graduate jobs related to Sociology, such as education, training and teaching, social/community work, social research, social worker and probation officer. If you do not go on to degree level in the subject, an A-Level will help get you a career in the areas of business, the public sector and the not-for-profit sector. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Mathematics and Further Mathematics Exam Board: EDEXCEL Mathematics is the application of a finite number of methods to an infinite number of problems. If you have a reasonable aptitude for Mathematics the subject can be rewarding, enjoyable and very useful. A special advantage is that it is about the only academic subject that does not involve a substantial amount of factual knowledge. A good understanding of the principles involved, together with practice in solving the recurrent type of problems, will make a successful Mathematician. Course outline Mathematics The scheme of Assessment has a modular structure. The A Level award comprises four compulsory Maths Pure Core units, and two optional Applied units, one of Mechanics and one of Statistics.
AS Unit 1: MPC 1
(I hour 30 min exam : 331/3% of AS, 162/3% of A-Level) Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Differentiation, Integration.
AS Unit 2: MPC 2
(1 hour 30 min exam: 331/3% of AS, 162/3% of A-Level) Algebra and Functions, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Exponentials and Logarithms, Differentiation and Integration.
A2 Unit 3: MPC 3
(1 hour 30 min exam: 162/3% of A-Level) Algebra and Functions, Trigonometry, Exponentials and Logarithms, Differentiation, Integration, Numerical Methods.
A2 Unit 4: MPC 4
Universities take this qualification very seriously, but it is accessible for all students with a love of Mathematics and a very good GCSE ability.
FP1: Mechanics
(1 hour 30 min exam: 331/3% of AS) Algebra and Graphs, Complex Numbers, Roots and Coefficients of a Quadratic Equation, Series, Calculus, Numerical Methods, Trigonometry, Matrices and Transformations.
S2: Statistics
(1 hour 30 min exam: 331/3% of AS) Discrete Random Variables, Poisson Distribution, Continuous Random Variables, Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Square Contingency Table Tests.
D1: Decision
(1 hour 30 min exam: 331/3% of AS) Simple Ideas of Algorithms, Graphs and Networks, Spanning Tree Problems, Matchings, Shortest Paths in Networks, Route Inspection Problems, Travelling Sales Person Problem, Linear Programming, Mathematical Modelling.
(1 hour 30 min exam: 162/3% of A-Level) Algebra and Functions, Coordinate Geometry in the (x,y) plane. Sequences and Series, Tirgonometry, Exponentials and Logarithms, Differentiation and Integration, Vectors. Plus the following two units:
MS1A: Statistics 1
(1 hour 30 min exam: 162/3% of A-Level) Numerical Measures, Probability, Binomial Distribution, Normal Distribution, Estimation, Correlation and Regression.
MM1A: Mechanics
(1 hour 30 min exam: 162/3% of A-Level) Mathematical Modelling, Kinematics in One and Two Dimensions, Statics and Forces, Momentum, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Connected Particles, Projectiles.
Further Mathematics Further Mathematics is offered at AS Level for Year 12 or Year 13 students who are enthusiastic Mathematicians.
Careers and Higher Education
Goes well with ‌
Mathematics goes well with subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business, Economics and ICT. It can also be combined with other subjects such as Music and Modern Foreign Languages. A-Level Maths can be a good companion subject with any other A-Level.
For advice
Contact Mrs K Robinson
It is essential for almost all Engineering courses, and is very useful (indeed essential at some universities) for Business Studies, Accountancy, Finance, Management Science, Economics, Physics and other Science courses including Medicine, Computing and Architecture. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
French & Spanish
Exam Board: AQA
There is a French saying: “A man who speaks two languages is two men”. Mastering another language enables you to become acquainted with another way of thinking and another culture. Apart from the purely practical benefits for business, social life and leisure, having another language is a personally enriching one. Over the two years of the course, you will develop your ability to speak and write in French/Spanish, as well as to understand the spoken and written forms of the language. You will also develop your cultural knowledge of the countries in which the language is spoken, and have an opportunity to discuss topical issues relevant to these countries. You will also have a weekly lesson in a small group with the French/Spanish assistant for most of the course to provide you with opportunities to improve your spoken language. Course outline
• F amily/relationships (Relationships within the family, Friendships, Marriage/Partnerships)
A2 Unit 3: Listening, Reading and Writing (2 hour 30 min exam: 35% of A-Level)
A2 Unit 3: Speaking Test
(35 min, including 20 min preparation time: 15% of A-Level) The A2 course will cover the following: • Environment: pollution, energy and protecting the planet • T he multi-cultural society: immigration, integration and racism • C ontemporary social issues: wealth and poverty, law and order and the impact of scientific and technological progress
The structure of the course is the same for both languages
• C ultural topic: the study of a target language speaking region/community or the study of a period of 20th century history from a target language-speaking country/ community or the study of a novelist/dramatist/poet from a target language-speaking country/community or the study of a director/architect/musician/painter from a target language-speaking country/ community.
AS Unit 1: Listening, Reading and Writing
Goes well with . . .
(2 hour exam: 70% of AS, 35% of A-Level)
AS Unit 2: Speaking Test
(35 min, including 20 min of preparation time: 30% of AS, 15% of A-Level) The AS course will cover the following: • M edia (Television, Advertising, Communication Technology) • Popular Culture (Cinema, Music, Fashion/trends) • H ealthy Living/Lifestyle (Sport/Exercise, Health and wellbeing, Holidays)
You may choose to study more than one language at A-Level or you may wish to combine a language with other subjects. Languages go well with almost anything, but popular combinations include English Language and English Literature, History, Music, Business, Law and Mathematics.
For advice
Contact Miss N Plante
Careers and Higher Education
You may study a specific language at degree level or as part of a combined degree in modern languages. To get on to one of these courses you often have studied two languages at A-Level and have a high degree of competence in the language of your choice. Jobs which require a modern language include translation and interpreting, teaching, some areas of journalism and even the Diplomatic Service. Other jobs in which a degree in modern languages might be useful include marketing, publishing and printing and logistics management. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
Dance is a physical expression of images, ideas and feelings that are personally, socially, culturally, politically or historically significant. Dance encourages choreographers and performers to discover, explore and develop their natural instinct for movement as well as their psychological and emotional personality. A Level Dance is a demanding course that will push students to challenge their perceptions of dance, explore technique and performance, understand and critically appreciate the work of professional artists and help students embed the foundations of the type of choreographer they will become. In order to be successful at A level Dance students will need to be proficient in skills such as communication, resilience, creativity, organisation and reflection. Students will benefit from being involved in Dance outside of school to thoroughly develop their fitness, strength, technique and performance skill. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Understanding Dance
40% of AS Written Exam: 1 hour 30 mins In preparation for this unit you will study 5 professional works critically, learn about the physiology of a dancer and be expected to be able to articulate your experiences as a choreographer and performer.
AS Unit 2: Choreography and Performance
60% of AS Choreography and performance of a solo dance Performance in a duo / trio Preparation for this unit will consist
of technique training, learning and developing your understanding of choreographic skills and development of your performance skills. You will complete a full mock examination before completing the work you will be examined in for your final grade.
For advice
Contact Miss N Beech
Careers and Higher Education
A Level Dance will help prepare students for higher education in a range of courses from Dance, Contemporary Arts, Performing Arts and Musical Theatre. A Level Dance also provides students with many transferable skills that will support study in areas outside of the Creative or Performing Arts. These transferable skills include; working with others, presenting, communication, creativity, persistence, reflection, analysis and evaluation. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Drama and Theatre Studies
Exam Board: EDEXCEL
The Drama and Theatre studies course provides an exciting opportunity for all of you who are passionate about Theatre and about Acting. It is a vibrant, high energy subject that will challenge your perceptions on Theatre and Performance. The course is designed to stretch not only your Acting ability but also develop an in-depth theoretical understanding and appreciation of Theatre. The Drama department at Arthur Terry has been nationally recognised by the Good School’s Guide 2011 for both excellent teaching and the results of our KS5 students. By choosing to study here you will be part of a community that will offer support and guide you through each step to ensure you gain both enjoyment and academic success from a rewarding and dynamic course Course outline AS Unit 1: Exploration of Drama and Theatre
(Internally assessed performance and written elements: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) The written element of Unit 1 requires you to use your knowledge and understanding of Theatre to analyse the social, cultural and historical context of the text and consider its value within today’s society. The practical element of Unit 1 requires you to practically apply your knowledge and understanding to shape and develop a performance of each text.
AS Unit 2: Theatre Text in Performance
(Externally assessed performance: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) Unit 2 consists of a group performance of a set text and of a monologue or duologue from another text. Although you will be assessed upon your Acting skills only, you will also be expected to develop a concept for your given texts and direct the pieces yourself. Unit 2 will be marked by an external examiner. Therefore 60% of their mark for AS level is awarded purely from two performances.
is a comparison of a contemporary production of a text to the text’s original performance conditions.
Goes well with . . .
This course goes well with any other A level. However students often take English Literature, Language or Combined to back up the use of language. Psychology is a popular option as it addresses the human responses of characters as well as other creative subjects such as Art, Dance and Music.
For advice
Contact Mr Chaplin
A2 Unit 3: Exploration of Dramatic Performance
(Internally assessed performance and written elements: 20% of A-Level) This unit requires the creation of a unique and original piece of theatre which culminates in a final practical performance in front of an audience. You will be assessed on your ability to create, direct, produce and evaluate the working processes and upon your acting within the final performance.
A2 Unit 4: Theatre Text in Context
(2 hour 30 min exam: 30% of A-Level) This Unit assesses your knowledge and understanding of two further texts. The examination breaks down into 3 sections. Sections A & B will be questions and essays based upon a text set by the examination board. Section C
Careers and Higher Education
Drama and Theatre Studies will open up a wide range of career or higher education choices. It will enable students to develop a range of transferrable skills : written and spoken communication, working analytically, working effectively in a group, developing intra and interpersonal skills, ability to work under pressure, application of ICT, working independently. These skills are valued by employers in a wide range of jobs, but are particularly relevant in theatre, media, performance and education. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Fine Art
Exam Board: OCR
We live in an increasingly visual world. Almost everything around us is designed; we are bombarded with advertising, surrounded by images on screens, intrigued by the latest outrageous fashion or architecture and immersed in a digital culture. This dynamic A-Level course develops your creative problem solving skills and requires you to work with independence, motivation and determination. Course outline AS Unit 1: Coursework Portfolio
(60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) You will produce a portfolio of work during the first term of AS. There is a strong focus on including work that shows exploration, research, development of techniques and skills. Recording from direct observation will form the starting point of projects. Ideas and techniques will then be developed to produce exciting personal work and well-informed responses. You will learn to analyse your own work and the work of others in contemporary and historical contexts. Experimentation with new media is very much encouraged with video, sound, image manipulation, casting, photography, painting, installation and sculpture being explored through a variety of approaches.
five sections: Stimuli – typically 1 word starting points, Observational – brief descriptive items, Design brief – product based tasks, Art in context – artist directed tasks, and Visual starting points – tasks derived from 3 or 4 images.
A2 Unit 3: Personal Investigation
(30% of A-Level) The focus of this work is determined by you. One major project is produced which must include a related written study between 1000-3000 words.
A2 Unit 4: Controlled Assignment
(20% of A-Level) You again select one starting point from an early release question paper. The paper takes the same format as the AS Unit 2. You work within a 15 hour controlled period to produce a final outcome.
After discussion with individual candidates at interview stage, we may offer the option of Art with a Photography bias. Some of these students may then be entered for Photography A Level, depending upon their commitment and technical ability shown through independent study and photo shoots. Students interested in this option must be willing to experiment with all aspects of Art and Design initially.
Goes well with . . .
AS Unit 2: Controlled Assignment
(40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) You select one starting point from an early release question paper and are given a minimum of three weeks in which to plan and prepare. Five hours of controlled examination time are given to reach an outcome. The paper has
Careers and Higher Education
Art is a popular subject at Arthur Terry and the department has had 100% success rate at A’ Level for many years. You should ideally have studied Art and Design at GCSE, but must have taken a creative subject, such as Textiles or Graphics, and have a Grade C or above in English in order to succeed at advanced level.
For advice
Contact Miss Goodwin
Art can be taken in conjunction with any other subject, linking well with other Arts subjects, or providing balance and a wider skills base for Science students. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: OCR
AS Music is an exciting and lively course if you enjoy performing / singing, composing and studying music. Music is a popular subject at The Arthur Terry School and we have one of the highest candidatures of any school in the Midlands, with a 100% success rate at A-Level since 1989. You need to be able to perform to a good standard on an instrument or voice (approximately Grade 4 by the start of the AS course, Grade 6 by the A2 course), and be able to read music fluently. Many students have taken GCSE Music before taking the AS course, but this is not an absolute requirement, although we would like to see evidence of musical skills before acceptance. Course outline AS Unit 1: Performing
(40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) is in three parts: • Y ou will prepare a solo recital on your main instrument or voice of around 8 minutes duration, to be performed to a visiting examiner in the Spring Term of Year 12. • T here is a short viva voce discussion in which you will discuss the performance and the preparation of their recital. • Y ou will also be asked to choose either to perform a four minute piece on a second instrument, to perform in an ensemble or to improvise.
set works and then be asked questions relating to musical details of the works and their context. You will also be asked questions on either classical or popular instrumental music, comparing, describing and adding missing notes to the score.
A2 Unit 4: Performing 2
(20% of the A-Level) is in two parts: • S olo recital on the student’s main instrument or voice of around 15 minutes duration • V iva voce discussion with the examiner showing understanding of the works performed in the recital This unit is assessed by a visiting examiner in the spring term of the course; you need to be prepared for the exam which could be as early as February half term!
AS Unit 5: Composing 2
(15% of the A-Level) is in two parts: • A composition for voice using a text set by the exam board, or a composition for a film storyboard • A set of harmonizations of Bach’s chorales.
A2 Unit 6: Historical and Analytical Studies in Music
AS Unit 2: Composing
(30% of AS; 15% of A-Level) is in two parts: • Y ou will prepare an arrangement of a lead sheet (a melody with chords, for example a popular song). This will be completed on music computers. You will need to submit a score and a recording by Easter of Year 12. • Y ou will complete seven exercises of harmony, the last of which will be under exam conditions. To prepare for this you will receive full training on the methods and conventions of music theory.
AS Unit 3: Introduction to Historical Study in Music
(1 hour 45 min exam: 15% of the A-Level) This is a written examination sat at the end of the A2 course, which will include listening questions around vocal music of the early 20th century, and an essay on a historical topic studied as part of the course, which is currently popular music.
Goes well with . . .
Music can be taken in conjunction with any other subject. Many students opt to take Music Technology alongside Music.
For advice
Contact Mr K Williams
(1 hour 45 min exam: 30% of the AS, 15% of the A-Level) This is an exam sat in the summer term of Year 12. You will study three classical music set works and three jazz
Careers and Higher Education
As you can see from the course outline, Music AS level requires a wide range of skills and techniques, attractive to employers and universities. These include analytical techniques, historical techniques, (historical topics), time management skills and self-motivation (with instrumental practise), organisation and people-management (conducting/rehearsing), team work (performing in an ensemble), and creativity (composition). Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Music Technology
Exam Board: EDEXCEL
This is an exciting course that is innovative and vocational in style. The AS Level course prepares you for the vigorous A2 course where you will build upon the fundamentals learned in the first year. Every element of the two-year course is delivered in a fast paced, university style lecture/workshop sessions by industry experienced specialist staff trained in Session Musicianship, Film Composition and Music Production. You will use industry standard hardware and software for the duration of the two-year course. The course ethos is one of an ‘anything is possible’ attitude, even under extreme pressure and focuses upon fully preparing students for the rigours and pressures of working within the music related industry. The course covers a wide variety of practical topics including: Music Sequencing/Arranging, Multi-Track Recording, Popular Music Studies, Sound Design, Electronic Synthesis, Film Composition and Music Production. Course Outline
Goes well with . . .
This course complements all subjects including Music, Drama, ICT, Physics and English.
AS Unit 1: Music Technology Portfolio 1 (70% of AS, 35% of A level)
For advice
Topics included in this unit include:
Contact Mr K Williams or Mr P Bagnato
• Sequenced Realised Performance • Multi-track Recording
• Creative Sequenced Arrangement or
AS Unit 2: Listening and Analysing
(1 hour 45 min exam: 30% of AS, 15% of A-Level) This unit is based upon popular music since 1910, including two special areas of study: Heavy Rock and Reggae.
A2 unit 3: Music Technology Portfolio 2 (30% of A-Level)
Topics included in this unit include: • S equenced Integrated Performance • Multi-track Recording • C omposing Using Music Technology
A2 Unit 4: Analysing and Producing
(2 hour exam: 20% of A-Level) This unit requires you to use computer software to comment upon musical elements and technological processes, find errors in recordings and create a stereo mix from a multitrack session.
Careers and Higher Education
Music Technology provides a plethora of multi-faceted employment pathways following graduation including: music producer, recording engineer, composer for TV/film, music journalism, A & R, promotion, teaching & session musicianship. The course has enjoyed great successes with the A2 course achieving 100% A-C with overall performance well above national averages. Previous students have gone on to study at: Birmingham Conservatoire, London College of Music – Thames Valley, SAE – School Of Audio Engineering, Leeds College of Music and the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: OCR
For students who are naturally gifted or seriously involved in any aspect of sport, it is a pleasure to realise that PE is one of the options you can take at A-Level. You will be able to exploit your innate abilities through the practical components of this course, but you should note that you will also have to get down to some serious theoretical academic study for the majority of the course. Course outline
Section B – Acquiring Movement Skills • Classification of motor skills and abilities • The development of motor skills • Information processing • Motor control of skills in physical activity • Learning skills in physical activity Section C - Socio-Cultural Studies relating to participation in physical activity (Practical: 40% of AS; 20% of A-Level) • Physical activity • Sport and culture • Contemporary sporting issues
AS Unit 2: Acquiring, developing and evaluating practical skills in Physical Education (Practical: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level)
• Performance – 2 activities from different activity profiles • E valuating and planning for the improvement of performance
A2 Unit 3: Principles and concepts across different areas of Physical Education (2 hour 30 min: 35% of A-Level)
This unit is made up of the following topic areas: • Socio-cultural options - Historical Studies • Scientific options - Sports Psychology • Scientific options - Exercise and Sport Physiology
A2 Unit 4: The improvement of effective performance and the critical evaluation of practical activities in Physical Education
AS Unit 1: An Introduction to Physical Education (2 hour exam: 60% of AS, 30% of A-Level) This unit is divided into three sections: Section A - Anatomy and Physiology • The skeletal and muscular systems
(Practical: 15% of A-Level) You will be assessed in one chosen activity and in a response to a live performance.
Goes well with . . .
PE goes well with any ‘A’ Level, but could make a very useful combination of subjects with Leisure, Biology and Business Studies.
• Motion and movement
For advice
• T he cardiovascular and respiratory systems in relation to the performance of physical activity
Contact Miss D Horspool
Careers and Higher Education
Few sportsmen or women make a living as a professional competitor, but A-Level PE is useful for anyone interested in physiotherapy, coaching and sports administration. The course develops valuable team skills, communication skills, selfconfidence and independent learning, which are vital in any career and profession. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: OCR
AS Biology studies animals and plants at greater depth than at GCSE. You will be expected to do more independent learning than before. Practical work is an integral part of the course and you will learn to think critically about aspects of Biology that impinge on everyday life. The aims of A-Level Biology are: • To understand essential biological facts, concepts and principles. • To promote the importance of experimental work. • To realise that Biology plays an important role in our society. • To give a sound base for students who simply wish to study Biology to A-Level, but at the same time provide an excellent foundation for Science degrees at university. The specification ensures that students who have a good Science GCSE background will be able to successfully understand wider aspects of the subject with ease. Course outline AS Unit 1: Cells, Exchange and Transport
• Biotechnology and Gene Technologies • Ecosystems, Populations and Sustainability
(1 hour exam: 30% of AS, 15% of A-Level)
• Plant tropisms and hormones
• Cell Structure, Cell Membranes and transport
• Animal Responses: The Brain and Muscles
• Cell division, diversity and Cellular Organisation
• Animal Behaviour
• Breathing, Blood & blood vessels • Lymph & tissue fluid, Heart & Circulation • P lant transport of water and nutrients in xylem and phloem
AS Unit 2: Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health (1 hour 45 min exam: 50% of AS, 25% of A-Level)
• Biological Molecules (Biochemistry), DNA and RNA • Enzymes and their reactions • Biodiversity, Classification and Evolution • Conservation of animal and plant species • Healthy Diet and Food Production
A2 Unit 6: Practical Skills 2
(10% of A-Level) Students will also have the opportunity to attend a residential field course, to study ecological techniques.
Goes well with . . .
Biology can be combined with any other subjects but goes particularly well with Chemistry and Psychology.
For advice
Contact Mr G Singh
• Health, Immunity and Diseases
AS Unit 3: Practical Skills in Biology 1 (20% of AS, 10% of A-Level)
A2 Unit 4: Communication, Homeostasis and Energy (1 hour 45 min exam: 15% of A-Level)
• Hormones and the Nervous System • The Kidney and Excretion • Photosynthesis and Respiration
A2 Unit 5: Control, Genomes and Environment (1 hour 45 min exam: 25% of A-Level)
• Protein synthesis using the genetic code • Meiosis, Variation and Selection
Careers and Higher Education
Biology can be used as an entry qualification for a wide variety of courses at higher education. These include traditional Biological topics, medicine, dentistry, midwifery, physiotherapy, sports science and environmental science. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
An A level in Chemistry provides you with a range of transferable skills and develops your ability to apply your knowledge to new problems. The course is challenging and aims to give students the opportunity to develop their understanding of Chemistry concepts. The aims of A level Chemistry are to : • Develop students independent study skills • To familiarise students with experimental techniques • To provide students who wish to continue studying Science with a firm foundation of Chemistry concepts. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Foundation Chemistry
(1 hour 15 min exam: 331/3% of AS, 162/3% of A-Level) • Atomic Structure • Amount of substance • Bonding • Periodicity • Introduction to Organic Chemistry • Alkanes
AS Unit 2: Chemistry in Action (1 hour 45 min exam: 462/3% of AS) • Energetics • Kinetics • Equilibria • Redox reactions • Group 7: The Halogens • Group 2: The Alkaline Earth metals
ability to perform these tasks and also on the collection and processing of their data in written exams. This is similar to the GCSE ISA requirements.
A2 Unit 4: Kinetics, Equilibria and Organic Chemistry (1 hour 45 min exam: 20% of A-Level) • Kinetics • Equilibria • Acids and Bases • N omenclature & Isomerism in Organic Chemistry • C ompounds containing the Carbonyl Group
(20% of AS, 10% of A-Level) You will be expected to carry out a range of practical activities through the year. You are assessed on your
For advice
Contact Miss J McConnell
• Polymers • Organic Synthesis and Analysis
A2 Unit 5: Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry
AS Unit 3: Investigative and Practical Skills
Chemistry can be combined with any other subjects but goes particularly well with Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography.
• Amino Acids
• Haloalkanes
• Analytical Techniques
Goes well with . . .
• Amines
• Structure Determination
• Alcohols
(10% of A-Level) This unit is similar in structure to Unit 3
• Aromatic Chemistry
• Extraction of metals • Alkenes
A2 Unit 6: Investigative and Practical Skills in A2 Chemistry
(1 hour 45 min exam: 20% of A-Level) • Thermodynamics • Periodicity • Redox Equilibria • Transition Metals • R eactions of Inorganic Compounds in Aqueous Solution
Careers and Higher Education
Chemistry can be used as an entry qualification for a wide variety of courses at higher education. These include the traditional Chemistry topics of medicine, dentistry, midwifery, veterinary courses, environmental science, natural science and forensics. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Exam Board: AQA
This course is designed for you to progress smoothly from your previous GCSE studies in Physics. You will develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles of Physics, gain hands-on practical skills and data analysis skills, appreciate How Science Works and its relevance beyond the laboratory, see how Physics links to other sciences and how the subject underpins important technologies and study optional topics so that you can specialise in areas that interest you. Course outline AS Unit 1: Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity (1 hour 15 min exam: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) This unit includes the following topic areas: • T he nucleus including particles, antiparticles and photons; hadrons and leptons; the quark model;
Section A: Nuclear and Thermal Physics • T his section builds on key ideas about particles and energy from AS physics and covers probing the nucleus, radioactivity, nuclear instability and nuclear energy as well as the thermal properties of materials, ideal gases and the kinetic theory of gases Section B: Option Units
• Q uantum phenomena including photoelectricity, energy levels and photon emission, wave particle duality;
This section will provide students and teachers with opportunities to develop deeper knowledge and understanding in one chosen area of the subject:
• E lectricity including electrical quantities, resistivity, circuits and components, alternating current.
• A strophysics: lenses and telescopes, non-optical telescopes, classification of stars, cosmology
AS Unit 2: Mechanics, Materials and Waves
• M edical Physics: physics of the eye, physics of the ear, biological measurements, non-ionising imaging, X-ray imaging
(1 hour 15 min exam: 40% of AS, 20% of A-Level) This unit includes the following topic areas
• M echanics, including motion along a straight line, projectile motion, Newton’s laws of motion, energy and power, • P roperties of materials, including density and the Young modulus, • W aves, including longitudinal and transverse waves, progressive and stationary waves, refraction, diffraction and interference.
AS Unit 3: Investigative and Practical Skills (20% of the A-Level, 10% of A-Level)
In this unit you will develop the practical skills of: • Selection and use of various equipment • Processing of data, • Making observations and measurements,
• A pplied Physics: rotational dynamics, thermodynamics, engines • T urning points in physics: the discovery of the electron, wave-particle duality, special relativity.
A2 Unit 6: Investigative and Practical Skills
(10% of A-Level) The skills you will develop will be the same as at AS but at a higher level of sophistication.
Goes well with . . .
The study of Mathematics to AS level at least will be essential to any student wishing to study Physics to A2 level. The study of Physics will support work in Mathematics and Chemistry and also in Music Technology.
For advice
• Analysing and evaluation of results.
Contact Mr D Jones
A2 Unit 4: Fields and Further Mechanics
(1 hour 45 min exam: 20% of A-Level)
This unit includes the following topic areas: • F urther mechanics, including momentum, circular motion and simple harmonic motion • F ields, including gravitational fields, electric fields, capacitors, magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction
A2 Unit 5
(1 hour 45 min exam : 20% of A-Level) This unit comprises two sections:
Careers and Higher Education
Physics is the basis for a wide range of degree level subject including Astrophysics, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Particle Physics, Nanotechnology and many more. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Environmental Studies
Exam Board: AQA
As the saying goes “if you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”. But by taking the Environmental Studies course you will definitely have an in-depth understanding of the fragile world we live in. This course involves the scientific study of how the environment supports us, how we threaten these support systems, and strategies for a more sustainable lifestyle. Environmental Studies doesn’t just help you understand ways in which we can save the also helps you to develop valuable skills that will help in any walk of life. Like how to collect, analyse and evaluate information in order to arrive at the big picture. The first year of Environmental Studies covers two main study topics: The Living Environment and The Physical Environment. The ‘living’ topic includes wildlife conservation, the conditions for life on Earth, and a study of land resources. Then the ‘physical’ topic introduces you to the three systems of our planet: the atmosphere, hydrosphere and the lithosphere. In the second year you’ll delve into environmental issues in more depth. The first part of the year is spent studying topics like energy resources and environmental pollution. The second part of the year looks at issues like the impact of mankind, food production systems and the important issue of sustainability.
Course outline AS Unit 1: The Living Environment
A2 Unit 3: Energy Resources and Environmental Pollution (1.5 hour examination: 25% of A-level)
• F uture problems of energy supply and how these may be resolved • P roperties of pollutants to explain why some materials or forms of energy cause environmental damage • Minimising releases, treating effluents and managing the damage causes by pollutants.
A2 Unit 4: Biological Resources and Sustainability (2 hour examination: 25% of A-level)
• F actors controlling human population growth in relation to the demands placed upon the planet’s resources and life-support systems • Food production and forestry systems
(1 hour examination: 40% of AS and 20% of A-level)
• Study of sustainability of human lifestyles.
• Reasons why the conservation of life on Earth is important
Environmental Studies directly links with Biology, Geography and Chemistry. The subject also has links with Geology, Economics, Politics and Sociology.
• M ethods which may be used to achieve effective conservation
For Advice
• C onservation in the UK, coral reefs, Antarctica and tropical rainforests
Goes well with ......
Contact Mr D Napper
• E cological relationships between organisms and their abiotic and biotic environment.
AS Unit 2: The Physical Environment
(1.5 hour examination: 60% of AS and 30% of A-level) • Atmospheric gases, water and mineral nutrients • Human exploitation and management of physical resources to provide higher material living standards • Unsustainable natural resources.
Careers and Higher Education
There are a number of jobs available that are directly or indirectly related to Environmental Studies. The following website has up-to-date jobs available: . There are also many University courses linked directly to Environmental Studies, these include: Environmental Science, Geography, Geosciences, Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Management and Planning, Applied Bioscience etc. Also Environmental Studies in conjunction with other subjects can be used to access a wide range of courses in higher education. Tel 0121 323 2221 Web
Code of Conduct ACCEPTABLE DRESS Girls • Dresses, skirts (of a suitable length) or trousers. The dress, skirt or trousers should not be made from a lycra based material and should not be figure Detailed guidelines are provided in the Sixth Form Planner which each student receives at the beginning of the year. However, the main points are indicated as follows : • Attendance at lessons is an absolute priority. Students who fall below a minimum attendance requirement will become responsible for the payment of their own external examination entry fee. • Students must register with their tutor every morning at 8.50 am. • Students should consider their non contact lessons as independent study time. They will need to make use of this time in the Sixth Form Centre or Library. • We expect Sixth Form students to show maturity and
hugging. Trousers should not be made from Denim, Canvas or Corduroy and should not be “in the style” of jeans. Dresses and skirts should be of an appropriate length. • Tights can be worn under skirts and dresses, however no leggings are allowed. • Shirt/blouse, short or long sleeved. These should not be revealing or low cut in design. • Cardigan or V-neck jumper. • Smart shoes or leather boots.
Boys • Smart trousers should be worn. Trousers should not be made from Denim, Canvas or Corduroy and should not be “in the style” of jeans.
self-discipline both in and out of school and to behave in
• Smart shirt or polo shirt with collar, short or long
such a way as to maintain the very good reputation of the
sleeved. No casual checked shirts are allowed. • Cardigan or V-neck jumper .
school. • Students must follow the Sixth Form Dress Code. All of the above guidelines are common sense, and, of course, are upheld by the vast majority of students at all
• Smart shoes. Note: Tailored blazer, jacket or suit (with or without tie) are optional for boys and girls
Sixth Form Dress Code Smart Dress for the workplace Main Principle Dress that is smart, comfortable and appropriate to wear to a school comprising young people aged 11-18
UNACCEPTABLE DRESS Material - no denim, corduroy, lycra, canvas Footwear – no trainers; canvas shoes; boots of a suede or snow variety such as UGG boots; Doc Martin- style boots laced outside trousers or over tights; flip flops; or sandals.
At Arthur Terry, we believe that, although it has unique features, the Sixth Form is a core part of our school; this is
Items of clothing – no leggings or jeggings, no
reflected, for example, by the active participation of Yr 12
sportswear, beachwear or shorts, no hoodies.
and Yr 13 students within our Vertical Tutoring system. Younger students do look up to Sixth Form students so it
Design – no large emblems/slogans or prints on
is important they present the highest standards of dress,
clothing. Shoulders and stomach always covered, no
behaviour and respect and are “Leaders of Learning” within
extremes of fashion.
the school.
Index BUSINESS STUDIES & ICT • Business Studies & BTEC Business • Economics • ICT • Leisure Studies
1 3 4 5
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY • Food Technology • Product Design • Textiles
• English Combined • English Language • English Literature
6 7 8
10 11 12
GENERAL STUDIES • General Studies
• Applied Health & Social Care • Geography • History • Law • Psychology • Religious Studies • Sociology
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
MATHEMATICS • Mathematics & Further Mathematics
• Dance • Drama & Theatre Studies • Fine Art • Music • Music Technology • PE
24 25 26 27 28 29
SCIENCE • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Environmental Studies
30 31 32 33
WHERE EVERYONE ACHIEVES At Arthur Terry School we firmly believe in ensuring that you have everything you need to reach your full potential. We want you to leave the Sixth Form prepared for the challenges that our changing world will present you with. Therefore, we offer a personalised, high quality education that will develop your academic ability and personal skills in equal measure. We enable all students to achieve by providing
• outstanding learning and teaching; • detailed information, advice and guidance; • opportunity to enrich your experience and life skills.
Mr N C Bowater Director of Sixth Form Studies Assistant Headteacher
The Arthur Terry School Kittoe Road, Four Oaks Sutton Coldfield B74 4RZ Tel: 0121 323 2221 Fax: 0121 308 8033 Designed and Printed by leachprint, Abingdon, Oxon.