As one of our NQT appointments you will have already demonstrated infec8ous enthusiasm, an engaging personality, a crea8ve approach, and a;en8on to detail, all of which are essen8al in order to accelerate student progress and promote enjoyment of school. But to succeed in such a vibrant environment you need not only passion, energy and crea8vity – you need a comprehensive and personalised programme of professional development and support. We will deliver a planned induc8on programme for the last two weeks of the summer term, designed to provide confidence and support in developing your teaching role. The added bonus is that this period, and the six weeks summer holiday, is salaried.
What’s included in the programme You will be teamed up with a trained personal mentor who will support you over the forthcoming year, guiding you to meet and exceed the statutory NQT requirements. In the two weeks before the summer holiday you will meet your fellow NQTs plus lots of other staff members in addi8on to your own department, as well as mee8ng your ‘buddy,’ one of last year’s NQTs, who will help calm any fears, nerves and concerns. You will undertake workshops in a variety of areas including; Ø
Learning and teaching strategies
How to survive as a NQT
Classroom management
An introduc8on to ver8cal tutoring and registers
The role of the tutor
Strategies for G&T
Developing team work
An introduc8on to our Guidance and Support Hub
Cover procedures
The importance of display and a s8mula8ng learning environment
Relaxa8on and media8on
Voice coaching to use your voice correctly to last for the years ahead
and of course spending lots of 8me in your department. We also have regard for well-‐being and stress management as part of your induc8on, giving you the tools to balance workloads and effec8ve methods of dealing with and avoiding stress.
We currently have the following vacancies: @Arthur Terry MFL -‐ Spanish with French Science RE @Stockland Green English with Drama Science with Maths If you would like the opportunity to work with highly mo8vated and suppor8ve colleagues, as part of our Federa8on, please visit our vacancies page on the appropriate website. Here you will find further informa8on about our school, the role and an applica8on form. www.arthurterry.bham.sch.uk www.stockgrn.bham.sch.uk
The Benefits of being an NQT at Arthur Terry/Stockland Green Schools
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. Being part of a highly mo8vated staff team in an outstanding Federa8on with a crea8ve buzz which pervades all areas of the curriculum. 2. Being part of a school at the cu^ng edge of Learning and Teaching where you can contribute to the next steps in its development. 3. Benefi8ng from a structured programme of training and development delivered by a highly experienced team of staff. 4. Benefi8ng from the schools commitment to the con8nued professional development of all staff at all levels. Extensive opportunity for career progression and developing your poten8al and gaining experience. Early opportuni8es to make a difference, as distributed leadership is a strength of the school. Being in a school that will prepare you well to take the next steps in your career. Access to fresh challenges, responsibili8es and experiences within and across our schools, the Federa8on and other Teaching School opportuni8es, achieved by involving all staff in leadership development programmes. Access to a state of the art building at both school where technology is a strength of the learning and teaching within the school, including laptops for every teacher, whiteboards in classrooms, impressive performing arts and sports facili8es, including an all-‐weather astro-‐pitch, a developing use of technology including the use of apps and other handheld devices which support crea8ve teaching. A par8cular benefit is the offer of paid employment from mid-‐July which helps you establish yourself within the school before the start of the Autumn Term.
And the future aPer life as an NQT
If you have any ques8ons or for further informa8on please email, Richard Gill, Associate Headteacher at Arthur Terry rgill@arthurterry.bham.sch.uk or Tracey Peters at Stockland Green t.peters@stockgrn.bham.sch.uk
NQTs are our educa8on leaders of tomorrow and it is in all our interests to ensure our NQTS are supported and encouraged to become the confident, well-‐mo8vated teachers we need to inspire our students. Both Arthur Terry and Stockland Green are outward facing schools where all staff are leaders in their own areas. We provide support and mentoring to a number of schools locally and na8onally and we were recently accredited as one of the first 100 Teaching Schools in the country. Over the last decade our success has provided 10 Headteachers, 14 Deputy Headteachers and 16 Assistant Headteachers. Currently in our schools we have Curriculum Leaders, Subject Leaders, Progress Leaders, Key Stage Leaders and Ac8vi8es Co-‐ ordinators who were once par8cipants of our NQT induc8on programme. What will you be? The opportuni8es are endless and boundless: You are the only limi8ng factor!