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Cover, Edward Hopper (1882–1967), Tables for Ladies, 1930. Oil on canvas, H. 48-1/4, W. 60-1/4 in. (122.6 x 153 cm.). George A. Hearn Fund, 1931 (31.62). The Metropolitan Museum of Art. © 2020 Heirs of Josephine N. Hopper/Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY. Photo Credit: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY; pages 8, 153, 189, 198, 203, Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock. com; pages 15, 60, 62, 64, robuart/Shutterstock.com; pages 17, 71, 88, Sashkin/Shutterstock.com;page 40, petekarici/ DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images; page 70, (left, from top) Frank Rocco/Alamy Stock Photo, ixpert/Shutterstock.com, Pawel Horazy/ Shutterstock.com, Pineapple studio/Shutterstock.com, domnitsky/ Shutterstock.com, Yulia Glam/Shutterstock.com, O.Bellini/ Shutterstock.com, Sashkin/Shutterstock.com, (right) “Unisphere, 1960” by Khan.saqib01, courtesy Wikimedia Commons, is licensed under the Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en; page 73, Bogdan Dreava/Alamy Stock Photo; page 75, robuart/ Shutterstock.com, design56/Shutterstock.com, tomeqs/ Shutterstock, BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock.com; pages 104 (left), 105, Theo van Doesburg, Card Players, 1916–1917, Gemeentemuseum den Haag/HIP/Art Resource, NY.; page 104 (right), Public domain via Wikimedia Commons; page 133, Created by: Stephen Blumrich. Black Uncle Sam pieced miniature quilt, 1986. cotton, 30 × 21 7/8 × 1/4 in. (76.2 × 55.6 × 0.6 cm). Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of the Collection of James M. Caselli and Jonathan Mark Scharer; pages 152, 186, Ejichka/ Shutterstock.com; page 172, (left) Diego Rivera, Watermelons, 1957, Museo Dolores Olmedo Patiño, Mexico City, D.F., Mexico. Licensed by Art Resource, NY. © 2020 Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, (right) Albert Kahn (1869-1942) American industrial architect and Arts Commissioner; Architect of Detroit; Frida Kahlo (1907-54) Mexican painter; Diego Rivera (1886-1957) Mexican painter; possibly taken by a DIA staff photographer; American Photographer, (20th century) / American; Credit: Detroit Institute of Arts, USA ©Detroit Institute of Arts / Bridgeman Images; page 178, Jar, c. 1895–1910, Acoma, New Mexico, ceramic, natural pigment, H: 8.5 x Dia 10.5 in., Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, New York, Gift of Eugene V. and Claire E. Thaw, Thaw Collection T0423. Photograph by Richard Walker; pages 187, 188, (composite image) AlexeiLogvinovich/ Shutterstock.com, asiandelight/Shutterstock.com, bergamont/ Shutterstock.com, kosam/Shutterstock.com; pages 195, 196, 197, Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.com, vectorpouch/Shutterstock. com; page 201, venski/Shutterstock.com; page 220, (left) TVR/Shutterstock.com, (right) Denver Post/Getty Images; page 221, (from top left) Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock.com, The Picture Art Collection/Alamy Stock Photo, Denver Post/Getty Images, MPVHistory/Alamy Stock Photo; page 248 (left) TVR/

Shutterstock.com, (right) The Picture Art Collection/Alamy Stock Photo; page 249, Denver Post/Getty Images; page 266, Adeline Harris Sears (1839-1931), Signature Quilt. ca. 1857-62. Rhode Island, USA. Silk with inked signatures, 77 x 80 in. (195.6 x 203.2 cm). Purchase, William Cullen Bryant Fellows Gifts, 1996 (1996.4). Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY; pages 280, 281, lattesmile/Shutterstock. com; page 306, (composite image) Jay Venkat/Shutterstock. com, sirtravelalot/Shutterstock.com; page 307, (composite image) doomu/Shutterstock.com, NiglayNik/Shutterstock.com; pages 376, 377, Nynke van Holten/Shutterstock.com; page 393, (composite image) Public domain via Wikimedia Commons, Archive PL/Alamy Stock Photo, Photo credit: University of California Davis. Photo by Gregory Urquiaga, Photograph Courtesy of the University of Chicago, Courtesy NASA/Bob Nye, Intellson/Shutterstock. com; page 396 (top) BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock.com, (bottom), subarashii21/Shutterstock.com; page 470, Eva Daneva/ Shutterstock.com; page 493, Public domain via Wikimedia Commons; page 496, (from top left) Photograph Courtesy of the University of Chicago, Courtesy NASA/Bob Nye, famouspeople/ Alamy Stock Photo, Photograph of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons; page 497, (left) Photo credit: University of California Davis. Photo by Gregory Urquiaga.; (right) Margaret Sarah Carpenter, Portrait of Ada Lovelace, 1836. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons; All other images are the property of Great Minds.

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