Artios Partners - Fall 2015

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ARTIOS PARTNERS An Artios Community Publication









Once a quarter, Artios will be putting together an online magazine especially for Artios parents. Within its pages, Artios Partners, will contain articles and information to better equip you on your personal

Welcome to Artios Partners! Lori Lane Executive Director, Artios Academies

and homeschooling life journey. We hope to share with you news about the Artios campuses around the country to broaden your scope of understanding of the Artios programs as well as to give you information to life these campuses up in prayer. Although Artios Partners is meant for Artios families, we hope that you will feel free to share it with your friends and relatives as well. Our desire is to truly assist you, in every way possible, in raising students who are thoroughly equipped and fully prepared.

Recently, 150 Artios high school students journeyed to Greenville, SC to participate in the 43rd Annual High School Fine Arts Festival on the campus of Bob Jones University. John and I traveled from Colorado to Atlanta by plane. Once there we joined a caravan of cars from the Gwinnett campus to make our way up to Greenville. It wasn’t very long before we received news that I-85 North was at a standstill due to multiple wrecks in the area. We searched for an alternative route using a map on our phone and using our phone’s GPS. We chose a route that took us through rural north Georgia and Anderson, SC. We thought we were so clever until we found out that many of those that had been behind us were now ahead of us and already checked in at BJU. We had not chosen the best route despite all of our maprelated resources.

I have always secretly hated reading maps. I may be a strong visual learner, but somehow the skill of map reading has always been hard for me. My poor husband, more times than I could count, has offered to help me navigate with a map, but I turn him down every time. I’d rather stop and get directions than pull out a map. I guess in this area, I tend to want a quick fix. The need for having a place I can go for directions will never change. The question is, where will I go to receive those directions. I’m not talking about traveling directions now. I’m talking about directions for my life and for the lives of my children.


Our kids are bombarded every day with sources that desire to give them direction. Some of these sources may be Biblically sound, but more often than not, they are sources that are based on an earthly wisdom as described in Colossians 2:8. In this verse, Paul describes a type of wisdom that can easily take us captive in our thoughts, words and deeds. It is a type of conventional wisdom that is built on human tradition and human knowledge and “not according to Christ.” We often say we know the source for true and wise direction. We say we know the source of true wisdom. But I often have to ask myself, whether I’m effectively going to the Scripture for wisdom and direction for my own life, and, whether I’m pointing my children to Scripture as a source for their wisdom and direction. (cont’d)


Welcome (cont’d) If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the seas that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

As you have heard many time, the word “artios” means fully prepared and thoroughly equipped. It is a Greek word that is found one time in Scripture. II Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

It’s easy to ask friends, read books, or follow the newest trend or philosophy when it comes to looking for direction. In and of themselves, those things are not wrong. But, when we look to those things instead of God’s Word, we will find ourselves double-minded and confused. Why try and “recreate” the map when God has already given it to us in His Word? It is powerful and it is profitable for us and for our children.

Scripture is the source through which our children can become thoroughly equipped and fully prepared. It is Scripture that will reach the heart of a child. It is Scripture that will equip that child. But, let’s take it one step further. This year, our verse for our Artios school year is Romans 12:1-2.

Faith and Courage, Lori Lane Executive Director, Artios Academies

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Scripture can also transform us, and it can transform our children. In this age in which we live, our children must be grounded in God’s Word, so that they can resist being conformed to the world around them. Through God’s mercies, we can be transformed and have a renewed mind so that we can discern what is good, acceptable, and perfect. So, the next time I’m needing direction in my life, where am I going to go first? When my child has questions that I can’t seem to answer, where am I going to send them? I think the answer is evident based on these two passages of Scripture. God’s Word is the source for direction in our lives and in the lives of our children. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but God does. He promises that wisdom in James 1:6-8:


The goal of Artios Partners is to bring Artios

communities from around the nation together in fellowship. Although we are far apart, we are together in like-mindedness in education and worship of our Lord God.

table of contents Meet Grand Haven, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Meet South Atlanta, GA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Meet Danville, VA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Safety from the Tidal Wave of Over Achievement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Meet Littleton, CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Returning to Your Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Meet Castle Rock, CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fighting For the Heart of your Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Meet San Antonio, TX . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 16 Reading Austen to Avoid Becoming Mrs. Bennett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Meet Gwinnet, GA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Meet Greenville, S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Meet Johns Creek, GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Congrats!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Parenting and Education:

Beginning with the End in Mind SEASON 1, EPISODE 1 VIEW HERE

Grand Haven, MI


Artios is in full swing in Grand Haven, MI. The elementary kids are working on their self portraits and learning about Dutch Art in Art class!

In literature class they worked together to build a raft like Robinson Crusoe.



Safety from the Tidal Wave of Over Achievement Written by: Debbie Strayer


He’s a skilled athlete at such a young age! She has such an ear for music. Look at how quickly he learned to read…must keep him challenged so he will reach his potential! The tidal wave of over achievement with all its consequences, is just now beginning to reach the shores of our parenting and there are some important decisions that will need to be made. While God places potential within each one of our children, it is extremely important how we respond to it. With our response we will give our child an example of how to feel about himself and how to handle the gifts and talents God has given him. Will he see himself as only a potential achiever, in need of great effort to measure up or as the workmanship of a loving and patient God, able to rest and trust in God’s faithfulness? Even in Christian circles, the answer to this question can sometimes seem shocking. We are a sports family. We have always enjoyed talking about sports, participating in sports and watching sports. I was sure that my husband was most blessed among men because I grew up loving the game of football and would willingly watch sports of almost any type with him. When I was a child, my family went to Miami Dolphin football games. Even though the early season ticket years were painful to watch, we still had fun. But over time, they became a wonderful team, with great coaches and players who contributed to our community and made following them a great joy. My father and I would go to the practices and keep diligent track of the progress of each player. Our devotion was rewarded with the perfect season of 1972, a record of 16 wins and no losses, which still stands today fortyone years later. To this day, those years remain a true bond between my father and I. My children both showed skill and love for their sports at a young age. We spent many days at ball parks with my son and many hours at pools with my daughter. They enjoyed the competition and strove to be the very best they could be. Both achieved a measure of success that built their confidence and broadened their horizons. The measure of these gifts for us was not their ultimate success or recognition. It was the opportunity for many hours spent together supporting, encouraging, processing and overcoming the ups and downs of sports. It was embracing the responsibilities of team and enduring with and blessing the unlovable or downright mean. It was, in short, preparation for life. (cont’d next page) 11


Safety from the tidal wave of over achievement - continued When we began homeschooling, we had found, I hoped, a safe haven from undue pressure to excel academically. My children loved to learn and delighted in our time together homeschooling, so we were spared from the pressures of peers and teachers alike to do more than was appropriate for them at the time and the idea that the only reward for learning was a grade or a sticker. As they progressed into high school, goal setting became a natural part of their lives and they demonstrated the care and concern we had hoped they would about the quality of their work. The desire to please us and the Lord with their school work and effort in life provided protection from the pressure to overachieve merely for the recognition of others. It was wonderful to feel safe from the schoolish environment that I had left behind when I came home from teaching in schools to teach my children. Now, as we travel the country to attend home school conventions, we find parent after parent who feels overwhelmed and unsuccessful. Why? Because they can’t keep up the pace of achievement they feel is expected of them or their children. They feel inadequate and so do their children. To bridge the gap, they turn more and more of their schooling over to others who can “do it better than I can.” Unfortunately, I fear that the new wave of over achievement has begun washing ashore in the ranks of Christian homeschooling. No longer does it seem adequate to desire a pleasant relationship with our children and a peaceful home environment where learning is natural, trusting God to raise up a child for His perfect calling. Now homeschooling parents are made to feel behind if their child is not pursuing some sort of accelerated achievement in academics, sports, the arts or a combination of the above. The worst crime of our day seems to be to raise a child with unfulfilled potential, yet the Author of the potential must be trusted enough to bring about the development in His timing without a great deal of stress and striving on our part. It is my prayer that you will protect your children from the destructive pressures of over achievement. It is my hope that you will step away from the voices in homeschooling that tell you that it is your job to produce, one way or another, children who will impress the world. It is my belief that God has created a perfect plan for you and your children and the sign of that plan is peace. No matter how challenging or different your child’s path in life is to be, that will be the path of peace for you and your family. The outcome does not rest on your shoulders. He will accomplish with peace what our strivings cannot. He is faithful to His callings and faithful to the called, both to you and your children.


DEBBIE STRAYER Debbie Strayer was a veteran educator, speaker, author and home educator. She was a frequent speaker at homeschool conventions and was a true friend to Artios Academies. For more books and articles, see

The Power of Integrated Learning: 13



We here at Artios of South Atlanta are considered a baby of the Artios family but already we are growing into one big happy family. It is only week 8 but we have already packed so much into our year.

South Atlanta, GA W We jumped right into hands on

learning with a visit from Native

American Storyteller, Elena Beck. She spent the day explaining the importance of storytelling in the Native American culture. She explained how dance is also an important part of the culture. She

taught them how to dance, shared a story, and helped the students pick out their own Animal name. Everyone had a great time! Each month we invite the parents to come in and have lunch with their students and then after lunch spend time learning about something new and creative to do in their own homes. The first lunch and learn was an introductory course on Haiku and how to use it. Our September meeting was about how to incorporate fun activities to teach about different holidays and celebrations. We look forward to many more of these wonderful gatherings.

Our students started the year visiting the High Museum of Art, where they got to see art up close and personal. Next we took in the musical Mary Poppins performed by The Henry Players. It was a magical experience that left all excited to try their own hand at performing. That’s not all, we also took a Saturday to go and be a part of a real Native American festival to close out our Native American studies. These opportunities have really helped strengthen us as a group and create a real sense of family.

As the weather has started to cool down it has allowed us to have some much needed breaks outside. All ages have enjoyed playground time and a little basketball. Over the last week of September into the first of October, we celebrated Homeschool Spirit Week. On Wednesday our students came in wearing crazy socks and on Thursday it was crazy hair day. Not only did our students participate but so did the teachers and even the church secretary, Misty, and Pastor Mike. It was a fun time for all!


Life is made up of many moving parts, and those multiple moving parts all relate to one another. Once we understand that, all those little details that we learned growing up begin to make sense and truly come alive, especially when they’re put in the correct context and integrated with all the other areas of life. Approaching education in an integrated format gives freedom, but it can also bring fear. Fear of the unknown! Fear of not knowing what “boxes� we are checking as we teach our children. In this podcast, Lori Lane and her co-host Danielle Sterner discuss the power of integrated teaching and learning and how to make that approach doable in your own approach to homeschooling.


About The End in Mind The End in Mind is an online community for moms wanting to make each moment count‌for moms wanting to live, love, and learn with intentionality. It is our prayer that the articles, resources, podcasts, and conferences will help you in the quest to live life intentionally. The End in Mind is affiliated with Artios Academies.


This year at Artios of Danville, we are offering a

Danville, VA I A Letter from a Parent

Forensics class. On the first day of class students “came upon” the murder scene. The pictures below are of the

In just one year’s time, Artios has become a huge part of our life. Our Children enjoyed going to class each Monday for so many reasons.

Middle School class, but the

You would think seeing their friends was the highlight for them, but it was their teachers they talked about most. That is what touched my heart the deepest. The love and care shown to Emma and William has had a great impact on our lives. Being in the Artios environment allowed our daughter to realize that she really enjoys learning about History. She commented often on how much she liked Mr. Timm’s teaching style.

high school level. Students

Artios also gave our son the opportunity to develop a special relationship with Mrs. Dailey over their shared love of Science that made him even more excited to learn.

observe at the scene of the

These are only two examples out of dozens of how Artios positively impacted our children. No matter how well run or organized our homeschool may become, the one thing I can’t do is have infinite insight into my children and their needs. This is what I have come to appreciate so much about the teachers of Artios. The genuine insight and feedback I got regarding our children was just what our family needed.

they found a “romantic”

I like that Artios allows the children to gather with like-minded – but not cookie cutter – people. For me, it is just the right mix of letting go without letting them go. Artios provides a unique mix of structure, which is often a challenge for homeschooling families, and the flexibility that we value so much. Of all the things that I appreciate about Artios, it is the relationships that are being built through this community that I value the most.


class is also offered at the

had to create a story about what happened based on the evidence that they could

crime. As you can see,

picnic setting.


T Littleton, CO

This year Artios of Littleton is celebrating its fifth year by hitting the ground running with all of our events and activities.

Year 5 - Here we go!

On October 8th and 9th the Conservatory Drama Club put on a smashing production of Shakespeare’s A Comedy of Errors in style!


Our students set the play in the wild, wild West! The production was a great way for students and parents alike to enjoy Shakespeare -many for the very first time! Meanwhile, the Elementary and Middle School students are putting on their dancing shoes and scariest pirate faces as they work away at preparing for their production of Peter Pan Jr.

All classes sat on blankets and listened to the story story of why Abram’s family left Ur, where they were headed, who was with them, what happened along the way, etc. Key people included: Terah, Abram, Sarai, Lot, Pharoh, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac.

Our History and Literature classes got off to a great start as well! One week we discussed Abram and Sarai. We had lots of fun as we ventured outside to the land of Ur! We sat inside one of the tents which had belonged to Abram. (This tent was left behind when they packed up the previous day for the land of Canaan.)


As we look forward to the rest of the semester, we have tons of preparing still to do for fun events like our Christmas Extravaganza, which will include music, dancing and drama by all ages of Artios students, as well as an art show displaying some of the best work from our art classes! We also put the final touches on some incredible solos, ensembles, scenes, and art pieces in preparation for the Bob Jones Fine Arts Festival in Greenville, SC next month!


While the philosophies of men come and go, the bottom line is this: does your child know how to persevere until deliverance comes? Debbie Strayer


Returning to your Roots Written by: Debbie Strayer



Ancient history evokes pictures of amazing structures and advanced civilizations, togas and pyramids, warriors and chariots. Somewhere, I fear, our focus on the cultures considered by the world as prominent has obscured our view of what is really important – our Biblical roots. Dr. Beechick’s words on this topic ring true. “One reason that connections are usually not made to Bible history is that most courses do not give sufficient attention to the fact that the roots of our own culture go back to the Hebrews, as well as to the Greeks and Romans. Much is made of our roots in pagan Greece and Rome, while the important Hebrew roots are slighted.”

As I read and study, the words of Abraham, Moses and Joseph speak volumes of truth and wisdom. In the riveting stories of their struggles I find heroes full of humanity lifted up by a faithful God. And in the failures of the people I find a journaling of my own daily need for a Savior.

Dr. Ruth Beechick, You Can Teach Your Child Successfully, pg. 376

Does your child know that the opinion of the world is not the final word? Does your child see your resolve, no matter how imperfect, to do what you believe you are called to do?

In that daily struggle, the most important task we have with our children is to build this bedrock of understanding. Our God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What was true then is true now. While the philosophies of men come and go, the bottom line is this: does your child know how to persevere until deliverance comes?

As I currently work on our next curriculum project for middle schoolers covering ancient history, I am drawn back to these roots. As a Christian homeschooler, my philosophical and educational beliefs are rooted in the bedrock of the Bible, beginning with the Old Testament.

When you teach your child about history, don’t begin with the works of men. Begin with the works of God. The powerful acts of God bringing about deliverance in the face of seemingly undefeatable Egypt gives me perspective. Seeing the compassion and care God showed for His people in the wilderness gives me hope. May our testimony be the same. God called us, God brought us out of our bondage, and God sustained us. When we face need and fear as homeschoolers, may we call upon the unchanging name of the Lord and wait with expectation for His glorious response. After all, it’s our history.

Debbie Strayer was a veteran educator, speaker, author and home educator. She was a frequent speaker at homeschool conventions and was a true friend to Artios Academies. For more books and articles, see



Castle Rock, CO Here at Castle Rock we are thrilled to be starting our very first year of Artios!


Every Monday morning we start of the

History and Literature are always a highlight with Mrs. O’Connor! She’s always planning fun activities! In week 4 we were learning about the tower of Babel, so we got into groups and tried to build our own towers, but we could only use animal noises to communicate! Drama with Miss LeBlanc is always a blast too! Right now we are starting plans for our very first musical production Honk! Jr. We are very excited about the future of Castle Rock and are really starting to find our groove as a new campus!

day with Choir and Art club! Here’s a picture of our choir learning about vowel shapes with Mr. White as they prepare for our Christmas concert where they will be performing some of our favorite Christmas Carols!

In Art club students learn about a new historical artist every week and do a project based on him or her. We’ve been all throughout the history of Art as we study people like Anna Atkins and her cyanotypes, Pablo Picasso and his cubist collage, Mondrian and his primary color paintings, and we even talked about comic strip artists and made our very own illustrated stories!


Fighting for the Heart of your Child Written by: Lori Lane

There are so many things that compete for our children’s hearts. We cannot let down in any area that affects the heart of our children.



Listen! • I know it can be hard to stand firm on principle and conviction when emotions are running high. • I know it can be lonely to be the only one who takes a stand with their child on a particular issue you feel strongly about. • I know you would rather laugh with your child than endure some of those struggles over conviction and principles. • I know it’s natural to want to be “liked” as well as loved by your child. • I know it is tiring and inconvenient to try and stay in the fight. But, if you are going to fight for the heart of your child…it’s not going to be comfortable. Yesterday, I got a text from a friend who was discouraged…discouraged because so few parents, including homeschooling parents, seemed to value the same things that she valued in fighting for the heart of her child. Because of that, her child was coming in contact with influences (movies, books, etc) that she had been hoping to postpone her daughter being parents were allowing their children to read books that were explicit in nature, to watch movies that didn’t fit the Philippians 4:8 criteria, and dwell on things that were not positive for their development either emotionally or spiritually. I wasn’t shocked! I guess I’ve been around too long. But, I am terribly burdened and have been for some time. I wrack my brain trying to think of ways to help parents in this fight for the hearts of their children…to encourage them to stand strong and steady on Biblical principles. Bottom line, the answer is pretty simple. My best advice! • WE MUST BE IN GOD’S WORD OURSELVES! • Study what He says about these issues. • Ask Him for a sensitive conscience • and the courage to speak up when necessary. When we aren’t grounded in God’s Word, we are susceptible to earthly wisdom. We are tossed about on human opinion instead of being grounded in Biblical principles. And, when we are not grounded in God’s Word….

• It becomes easy to say yes to things when our answer should be no. • It becomes easy to make decisions based on emotions instead of principles. • It becomes easy to let up on our watch as gatekeepers for our children. • It becomes easy to say “well, just this once.” • It becomes easy to sear our own conscience as well as the conscience of our children. We all get weary. But mom, we have to fight for our children. There are so many things that compete for our children’s hearts. We cannot let down in any area that affects the heart of our children. We are supposed to be bringing them up in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4) That’s our goal…that’s our end in mind. But, it’s easy to get distracted. It’s easy to get weary in well-doing. (Galatians 6:9) It’s easy to go with the flow, instead of giving the effort needed to swim up stream. I get it. I’m tired too! But, that doesn’t mean that I can quit, let down, or walk away. My child’s heart is worth the struggle. Struggle, you say? Sometimes it’s an outward struggle when we are “laying down the law” or explaining a Biblical principle. But, more often than not, it is an internal struggle. For we “wrestle not against flesh and blood, (Ephesians 6:12). Instead, this war is fought primarily on our knees as we pray for discernment, for wisdom, for direction, and for strength to meet each day’s challenges head on. We are only equipped for that war when we have put on the armor of God which only comes from being in His Word…. not the opinions of others. SO, how are we doing? Are we winning the war? Are we fighting the good fight when it comes to the heart of our children. How can we better prepare for this daily battle? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic as well. Faith AND Courage, Lori Lane


Greenville, SC

Conservatory Art

A day in the life‌

Worldview Class


‌ of a Greenville Artios student!

Prayer before auditions

Dancing our hearts out


San Antonio, TX


A Letter from the Director


“Artios of San Antonio is up and running! It is our first year and we are so excited about what God is doing in and through us. The quote I hear from parents is “We are small but mighty!” and I couldn’t agree more! I realized that last week we had a moment as a community. As the parents came to pick up their students, each of their students came out and said,”Can I just stay a few more minutes?” The parents stayed and chatted with each other, the kiddos spent some extra time with friends, and I realized that we had crossed the threshold from people going in the same direction, to being family.

That is what Artios of San Antonio is really all about. We are praying through illnesses and job challenges as we take this amazing journey together. These are a few pics of our kids “Tilting at Windmills” as we studied Don Quixote and our first few weeks in class.” - Melodie Sartain, Director of Artios San Antonio


Reading Austen to Avoid Becoming Mrs. Bennett I I am currently reading Jane Austen’s Pride

and Prejudice with my soon-to-be 13 yearold

daughter. It is such a joy most of the time, as Austen is such a master at characterization. I say, most of the time because there are moments when reading her is just painful. Painful because when she goes on and on

about Mr. Collins (the obnoxious protegée of Lady Catherine de Bourg) one finds oneself about to scream with frustration! Mr. Collins is so completely narcissistic, self-absorbed, socially retarded, and downright selfish, that his lengthy monologues are almost too much to bear. He is beyond human endurance..


But there is another character who tries human patience almost as much. Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Bennett is nearly as narcissistic, self-absorbed, and socially retarded as Mr. Collins. Her only saving grace is that she does have 5 daughters who demand her attention. But Mrs. Bennett is almost worse than Collins in that she humiliates, embarrasses and nearly sabotages the prospects of those 5 daughters in her efforts to find them suitable husbands. What makes Mrs. Bennett’s behavior sometimes even more painful than Collins’ is that her actions have an uncanny ability to hit close to home. I know that most teenagers (and even adolescents) are sometimes embarrassed by their parents. This is a natural and important part of the separation that must come for healthy independence. But how often, inadvertently, and maybe even intentionally, do I embarrass my teen/adult children by behavior that simply lacks discretion?

As parents, I think that we can easily mistake a teen’s particular vulnerability as immaturity, and not regard it properly. By failing to be discreet with our teen’s areas of sensitivity or vulnerability, we can easily become like Mrs. Bennett. I know I have failed at times in this area, and Mrs. Bennett teaches me what not to be. Another area where Mrs. Bennett’s behavior is particularly instructive, is her insatiable need to boast about her daughters looks, prospects, impending engagements, and so forth. She does this regularly while putting other girls down in comparing their hopes and expectations to her superior daughters. Austen is a master at exposing what is such a common foible of the mother heart. As mothers, our tendency is to compare our children to other children. Even if we aren’t so foolish as to verbalize those feelings in social situations (as the clueless Mrs. Bennett often does), harboring those feelings can become a destructive force. If our children are academically or artistically gifted, then our comparisons lead to pride. If our children are not academically or physically gifted, then our comparisons can lead to envy. Not good, either way. We humans laud beauty, intelligence, athletic ability, education, artistic skill, charm, and graciousness. We hold persons who have these attributes in high esteem. We often forget that these qualities and abilities are the fruit of other’s investment, time, and sacrifice.

We often forget that we are all products of those who have loved us, sacrificed for us, driven us to countless orthodontic appointments, paid for violin lessons, attended myriad sporting events and so forth. The academic is the product of the teaching, skill, and investment of many teachers through every stage of their intellectual development. The successful athlete reflects the tutoring, training, and coaching of many individuals. Failing to nurture a recognition of this very obvious fact in our children, can create narcissistic, self-absorbed youngsters that believe the world revolves around them. This can lead to our children thinking much more highly of themselves than they ought to think. When our children do well, when their successes please us, if they ace the SAT, score a winning goal, or land a leading role, we would do well, unlike the foolish Mrs. Bennett, to reflect upon and remember all those who helped to make that success possible. Cultivating the ability to see that we are who we are, because of what we’ve been given is foundational to having a grateful, humble, and joyful perspective on life. Reading books like Pride and Prejudice together, affords us opportunities to wrestle with our baser instincts, ponder them with our children, to see ourselves for what we truly are, and to help ourselves and our children grow in favor with God and man.


Rea Berg enjoys organic gardening, travel to historic sites (especially Paris!), dance and yoga. One of her favorite pastimes is discovering classic children’s books in old bookshops. Rea has a bachelor’s degree in English from Simmons College and in 2006 earned a Master’s degree in children’s literature at the Center for the Study of Children’s Literature in Boston, where she was named a Virginia Haviland Scholar. Rea founded Beautiful Feet Books in 1984 to provide quality literature to the home schooling market. She speaks around the country on the joy of discovering history through literature and has written numerous guides on this topic, which have garnered acclaim in the home education community. Along with her husband Russell, she has brought back into print many classic works of children’s literature. The Beautiful Feet Books website is www.bfbooks. com and Rea can be emailed at Rea is a columnist for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and blogs on children’s literature

Gwinnett, GA O One of our former teachers, Teryl Gonzalez, is a

translator for Wycliffe. As a school we have been discussing how blessed we are to have so many different translations of God’s Word in our own language, and we have decided to work together

to raise money to help translate the Bible into the language of the “Baku” people that Teryl is currently serving. (This is a pseudonym for this people group as they are under great persecution). It takes approximately $35 per verse for translation to happen. Many of our students have come up with unique ideas for raising money on their own, including a school bake sale that has been quite successful, and they have been excited to help support this project.


Theatrical excitement is in the air at Gwinnett as rehearsals are well underway for most of this year’s shows! Our High School Drama Club will be presenting Niada this fall, which was written by one of our former graduates who has been on staff for several years. Our Elementary and Middle School Drama Clubs will be presenting a double feature of Peter Pan and The Jungle Book in the spring. We’ll finish up the year with an all-school production of The Wizard of Oz.



Johns Creek, GA T The Artios Academies of Johns Creek has gone

through several changes this past year! The biggest

change is our new location. We are currently leasing an old school from the City of Sugar Hill, GA. It’s something we’ve been praying about for a long time and has quickly become a huge blessing to our community.

In order to have our new location up and running by the time school started, we hosted a HUGE Extreme School Makeover day and were thrilled with the amount of families that came out to help and way the served as a great school bonding event. Having this new building has allowed us to expand our classes, rehearsals, productions, and add new events that continue to help build community at our campus. The most recent addition to our school is our Family Movie Nights. We watch a movie together and eat pizza and ice cream sundaes.


In order to have our new location up and running by the time school started, we hosted a HUGE Extreme School Makeover day and were thrilled with the amount of families that came out to help and way the served as a great school bonding event. Having this new building has allowed us to expand our classes, rehearsals, productions, and add new events that continue to help build community at our campus. The most recent addition to our school is our Family Movie Nights. We watch a movie together and eat pizza and ice cream sundaes.

After the movie is over, we discuss the movie from a worldview perspective. This past week kicked off our first movie night with 70+ in attendance (from little kids to adults) and watched Inside Out, which provided for some amazing discussion afterwards where the entire family could participate! This year is off to a great start and we can’t wait to see what God does through the rest of the year.

Annual High School Fine Arts Festival


Congratulations to this year’s theater and film finalists and winners!

Artios of Littleton

3rd place acting - Scene from Quilters - Meghan Whatmore, Megan Falvey, Laura Kelly, Anna Piper, and Kimberly Pine 2nd Place Film - Zach Miller

Artios of Danville, VA

Solo Dramatic Performance - Finalist - Whit Whitfield In Greenville, SC, over 150 Artios Conservatory students, from six different Artios campuses, joined 1100 other high school students to participate in the 43rd Annual High School Fine Arts Festival on the campus of Bob Jones University. Artios students competed in multiple areas within the areas of visual arts, theater, music, and film. Our Artios students participated in all of these categories. Below is the list of Artios winners from around the country. I am SO proud of each of the students who attended and participated. Artios, at large,had finalists and/or winners in every discipline area: film, music, theater and visual arts.


Artios of Johns Creek, GA

1st Place Film - Noah Richards Playwriting - Destiny Garza Finalist - Scene from Arsenic and Old Lace: Meg Ausband, Sam Perry, and Annabelle Lee

Artios of Greenville, SC

Finalist - Scene from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern - Nick Yasi and Drew Reynolds

Artios of Gwinnett

Playwriting - Tricia Bolick Congratulations to this year’s Artios Art Winners at the BJU High School Fine Arts Festival!

Artios of Gwinnett

Kaylee Boyd - 2nd place Extemporaneous Drawing Kaylee Boyd - 2nd place Drawing Allie Herndon - 1st place Ceramics Allie Herndon - 2nd place Sculpture

Artios of Littleton

Kimberly Pine - 1st Place - Sculpture

Artios of Greenville

Julia Hiner - 1st Place Lettering Abigail Moore - 2nd place - Watercolor

Artios of Johns Creek, GA

Trinity Garza - 3rd place - Sculpture Congratulations to this year’s music competition finalists and winners!

Artios of Gwinnett

Harp/Guitar - Gabe Bach - 3rd place

Artios of LIttleton

Men’s Voice Finalist - Jared Lane Women’s Voice Finalists - Anna Piper

Artios of Danville, VA

Men’s Voice Finalists - Whit Whitfield


PMS390 (When on dark)


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