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Chewing - gum artist, based on research on the physical properties of chewing - gum,YIMLIM’s <2024 Paris Olympics - eye climbing> It’s a work more focused on action. It’s goes further than sports climbing and experiments with the similarities between sports and art.
Through climbing to find an answer to a given problem in an individual way, the artist visualizes his own journey and introduces a new climbing technique which call ‘eye climbing’, that allows climbing only with the eyes, not the body the similarity of problem solving given to sport climbers and individual artists.
In other words, climbing with aesthetic elements derived from action, decision and resolution, while visualizing the movement as a problem solving course, artist offer a playful vision through eye climbing by installing new problems and obstacles.
Resolving formation and aesthetics through a process, an aesthetic element similar to climbing, is a problem given to the artist.
Artists also act, decide and solve problems. If it is characterized by making curves on the wall with origami technology, expanding or reassembling modular paper, the work proceeds by attaching gum that matches or opposes the lines and planes.
If his previous works were explorations and experiments based on the material characteristics of chewing gum, <eye climbing> is an experiment based on the human body as a medium. In that sense, it is connected to some extent with the behavioral motif in <DUREX>, a previous work that experimented with the sensory identity of chewing gum and condoms. The climbing technique in eye climbing by the artist can be explained as a way to solve personal problems by expanding or moving the functions of the body rather than dividing the body and sensory organs.
The artist uses the unconscious movement of the masticatory muscles to extend the act of chewing gum to the act of making materials, and reaches the creation of ‘unconscious materials’ through direct participation in material creation. The artist reconstructs the surrealism of the past in a new way by interpreting the experimental mood and expression of Yves Tanguy.
If previous works were pictorial attempts using chewing gum, < eye climbing> can be seen as belonging to a movement that creates pictorial images through attempts.
DISCOVER MORE https://www.ecgc.co.kr
Instagram: @yimlim_limyim