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From the Editor
Dear Readers,
Here we are in May, the month of all the Bank Holidays! Did I mention it is my most favourite month?! And as a super bonus, we’ve got an extra one for the Coronation. Whether you are a Royalist or not, as a working person, I am more than happy with that, especially since I’ve had a super busy month, so the bank holidays are always good to catch up with the ‘adulting’ chores for me.
Speaking of the Coronation – what do you think to our Coronation special? Our very talented designer Lisa has spent a good deal of time in the last few months to create the front cover but I hope you agree, it looks pretty spectacular. We’ve also got some other lovely articles relating to the Coronation, The King and all things Royalty (including another wonderful humorous verse via Mike’s Musing – this is your last call to purchase Julie’s poems via Mike’s page and help raise some much-needed funds for a wonderful charity). I hope you enjoy it as much as we’ve enjoyed creating the mags this month & we hope that it lands in your collection of keepsakes that can be referred to in years to come.
Also, because we weren’t busy enough (hence the need for some additional sales support), our Matlock magazine has launched!! We had some lovely discussions with the advertisers, so we’re hopeful that it will be as well received in the community as all our other editions.
In other news, our rescue dog Flake has been in for a small lump removal this month, on his ear. The bandages make him look like a cosmonaut from the 1960’s (see pic!), which is very funny. For anyone that has endured the ‘cone of shame’ on their beloved furry friends, you will feel my pain as he charges into every piece of furniture at full pelt and walks around the house in the middle of the night, boshing into everything – please send fast healing well wishes and all the coffee if you see me! I’m considering a ‘Gofundme’ page for the coffee actually, as it is now a luxury item in our house due to the daylight robbery that occurred when picking up the bill! It’s a good job we love our boys!
Anyways, I’m off to walk past some coffee shops for the smells!
See you next month,