The Courant Issue 2

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Royal infirmary

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st john’s

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western general

Page 9 Together The interests and talents of the hospital community inform everything we do. The artists placed within each site capture and build on this in an imaginative way; supporting patients, staff and visitors to enrich the experience of being in a hospital. It is always truly amazing to see the talents that are uncovered flourish.


Welcome to The Courant, the second edition of the new look newsletter which keeps you up to date with Artlink’s varied programme of workshops, projects, events and exhibitions at the Royal Infirmary, St. John’s and Western General Hospitals.

There are many opportunities to contribute to our programme. At St John’s we’ve been working with canteen staff and porters to design and place different motifs around the hospital. At the Royal Infirmary we are experimenting with x-ray art and seeing where that will take us and at the Western staff have been leading the ever popular Crafty Lunches.

Create Positive change in the physical environment is important. Placing art work inspired and created by staff and patients in unexpected places makes a real difference. It’s fun to find the next motif or can give your bed, uniform, ward or department a unique identity.

provide entertainment and expose the wonderfully talented people that you all are! Want to know more about the interests and skills of your colleagues and friends and how they are creatively contributing to their hospital?

Please read on... In the 1869 Edinburgh Evening Courant... advertisement appeared for ‘Luxuriant and Beautiful Hair’: ‘Miss S. S. Allen’s World’s Hair Restorer or Dressing never fails to quickly restore grey or faded hair to its youthful colour and beauty.’

Read our Mirror...

We’ve done something similar at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital with The Morningside Mirror, a newspaper published in the hospital from the 1840s to 1970s.

Participate Your input, whether you are a patient, member of staff, visitor or local resident is what is really important. It supports the artist to take their work into unexpected places. It helps us to

For an edition of The *new* Morningside Mirror please contact Artlink on 0131 229 3555 or email us at info@

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“ Helen set the bar very high with an X-Ray of a Russian doll. I think it’s the best piece of art I’ve seen in ages!”

Ways of seeing at the ROYAL INFIRMARy

Jonathan Owen’s art work looks at the essential qualities of an object or image, and then he transforms its meaning and presents the viewer with the curiously unexpected. Intricate and beautiful carvings and cut outs are a trademark of this fascination with construction and de-construction. The Doodle murals on the Medicine for the Elderly Wards are an example of how Jonathan has encouraged staff to transform specific corners of the Infirmary. 05



It’s clear that this fascination of transforming has found new meaning in the radiography department at the Infirmary. Jonathan recently told me: “I have never had an x-ray so it is fascinating and exciting to work in this department and find out more about the equipment and learn what is possible. I asked staff to bring in an object so we could begin to experiment with different materials and explore the machines more. Radiographers Maggie Thomas, Caroline Waddilove and Helen Wycherley were equally keen to join in and explore everyday objects such as interesting shaped perfume bottles, a camera, mobile phone, toy dolls, a teddy bear, shells and stationary.

More objects have been spotted by Jonathan - he has noticed an umbrella plant in the waiting room so would like to try that next, especially the pot and roots. We expect some of the final images to end up in the Pelican Gallery alongside the inr-i project exhibition – these might exist as simple x-rays and others we might add to or develop into limited edition products. At the moment they are enjoying the explorations and will see what happens, keep a look out for some of the products appearing soon.

1–4: Staff exploring x-rays of everyday objects 5–8: Xograms by Hugh Turvey, inr-i project exhibition (see listings)


what’s on at The royal infirmary

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Building on the many musical skills that staff have and the patient’s interests we are extending our programme of music and dance events in the Royal Infirmary across to St John’s and the Western. Over the years recently retired Neo-natal consultant Ian Laing shared his considerable violin playing talents on the Infirmary Medicine for the Elderly wards to great acclaim. He says that violin playing is an antidote to the National Health Service - which he also likes very much. Most of all he likes playing with the Abbotsford String Quartet. ”It sounds grand, but their main specialty is cooking for each other, sipping a little wine, and sometimes forgetting to practise at all.” The music events are also very dear to Pat Kerr’s heart. Pat is a clerkess on Ward 202 and she is a big fan. “A guitar player (Bruce Davies) came into the ward a few weeks ago and the patients really enjoyed it –

I could tell, their eyes lit up and they were asking for requests and what was really good was that it started up conversations – so we had the full room talking and telling us their memories. It’s a really good way of finding out common interests and taking people away from their illness, even if that’s for a short time.”

09: Highland Dancers


10: Accord Ladies Choir 11: Dylan Mitchell 12: Bruce Davies 13: The Duo 14: Ian Laing 15: The Accidentals 16: Laure Paterson




Look out for a music event near you!





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staff ADS:

hospital ADS:

For a range of limited edition products developed with the x-ray results of everyday objects. Jonathan Owen will continue to work with Radiology and also start working with the Dialysis Unit. He is always interested in ideas, photographs or artwork from staff and patients around the hospital to use them to inform new ideas. Contact us to get involved!

Apr–Jun We are delighted to welcome back pupils from the Linda Ann Gillan School of Highland Dancing to entertain staff and patients in the mall and on the wards. Highland dance teacher, Linda Gillan works as a Nursery Nurse on Ward 211, Maternity, looking after newborn babies. “I started my Nursery Nurse training in 1979 and the same year started to teach highland dancing, so have been doing both for over 30 years and I love both. I teach 6 Highland dance classes a week and 1 National class, my pupils range from 3–17 years old and most of the girls start at a young age. Classes take place in Pentland Community Centre on Mondays and Fairmilehead Church Hall on Wednesdays.”

Get in touch

We would be very grateful for any help in providing a knitted baby hat for all newborns – as babies quickly loose body heat after birth. We currently deliver over 6,500 babies per year at the Simpson Centre for Reproductive health – so we are in need of a constant supply. Any help you feel you could give in helping to keep our newborns warm and cosy would be greatly appreciated. If we are able to sustain a good supply we hope to be able to provide mum with the hat as a memento of their baby’s birth. For more information and hat pattern details please contact Barbara Herkes on 0131 242 2608 at the Simpson Centre For Reproductive Health, Room S7331.

Look Out

Musicians Sought

We are always looking for talented people to entertain patients and visitors, so don’t be shy – share your skills and brighten up someone’s day! Get in touch and be our next headline act.

Highland Dance

To advertise your creative skills & activities or to find out more about any aspect of the Artlink programme please get in touch with Vanessa on 0131 229 3555 or email info@

Little Limpet At Your Service...

For something a bit special....I am happy to make any kind of card to order from birthday, Christening, thank you, wedding, engagement, anniversary, thinking of you, new baby as well as Christmas cards. To discuss ideas for cards that are unique, personal, handcrafted yet very affordable contact Tracey Stronach on 0131 334 2211..

Or drop them off at the main reception desk in the main mall and Barbara will collect them.

Jogging At The Royal...

Exhibitions: inr-i

2nd Apr–25th Jun Pelican Gallery (ground floor south corridor). We are pleased to present this touring exhibition of x-ray art from the inr-i project developed as part of an artist in residency programme funded by The Wellcome Trust and Yeovil District Hospital. X-ray artist Hugh Turvey collaborated with senior radiographer Sasha Moore and consultant radiologist Richard Clarkson to explore the potential for using imaging equipment to help engage patients in understanding the interventions they experience.

Knitted Hats


Is a new ladies’ choir. “We enjoy coming together to sing a mix of traditional and contemporary songs for pleasure. We also like to perform to support charities. Our choir is led by our young and talented Music Director, Helen Robbie. We also have a very accomplished pianist, Fiona Hobson. We meet on Thursday evenings in Newington and are happy for new people to come along and join us.” If you are interested, please contact Ann on 0131 444 1842.

Beautiful Handmade Invitations For Any Occasion

Whether it is a wedding, christening or any other occasion invite relatives with these elegant invitations. We use top quality materials and printing techniques. Standard wording available but your own ideas are welcome. Contact Marcin 07845598113 or mikashoppingbay

Keep fit and join your Infirmary colleagues on a Tues, Wed, or Thurs at 12:30, outside Chancellors Building for a quick jog around the building and local area. Organised by Jog Scotland – Tuesday is a training session (everyone welcome), Wed is for beginners and Thurs is a 3-4/5 mile run, so more for experienced runners. New members are welcome. Runs normally last for 30-40 minutes, but people can go out for as long as they like. For more information please contact Jog leader on 0131 242 6612 or

Accord will perform on Saturday 26 May, 3pm in the main mall. They first sang at the Royal Infirmary in the run up to Christmas and are pleased to have been asked back. We hope you enjoy listening to Accord.

what’s on at The royal infirmary

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pe Ex




Spot the Motif


Begining of aN The e

e Carolin

Mikey Boy is a porter at St John’s with a strong interest in football and banter. He got talking to artist Frances and Kirsty, Artlink’s Gallery and Events Manager when they were painting motif designs in St John’s Gallery. They talked about the motif project, Mike’s work and what he does in the hospital and then about sport and his tattoos. “I was impressed with the designs and when asked I was happy to get involved in the project; I thought it would be a bit of fun”.

As a hospital porter most of Mikey Boy’s job is spent transporting patients. There are two sides to the job, there’s the serious side but on the other hand there’s a light-hearted side too: “You need to keep the patients motivated and give them a distraction; it’s good if you have a bit of character, some wit and charm”. Mikey Boy liked the idea of putting the motifs on the wheelchairs: “It’s nice to have a bit of design and colour to brighten up the place.

what’s on at st JOHN’S

Everyone has been teasing me about my design saying I’ve got my own personal chair. I’m quite surprised how many of them are still kicking about and that they haven’t been damaged or vandalised – I thought mine might have had something drawn or written over it! People have asked me how I got involved so I think it makes more people aware about the project too.“




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“ My design is called Stirkfield Farm – the name of the farm I grew up on!”

Sheila, Catering Supervisor





Motifs Spreading all around us

As we found out in the last edition, Frances Priest is an artist with a fascination for object quality and it’s interaction with the visual environment.


17: ‘Mikey Boy’ 18: ‘Mikey Boy’ and Graham Warren 19: Painting motifs in St John’s gallery 20 & 21: Painted motifs in the gallery (International Traveller by Tracey & Putting in Pittenweem by Bernard) 22: Workshop on Ward 17 23–27: Vinyl motifs spreading around the hospital 28: Catering staff, Gloria, Sheila & Pat with their motif crockery 29: Catering Manager, Isabel enjoying the motif exhibition


“ The customers in the Cake Walk cafe have been delighted when having tea or coffee to see the artistic motif designs on the cups and saucers.” Isabel, Catering Manager

Recently she has been working in Ward 17, inviting patients and staff to come and chat about the idea of personal motifs. She told us: “Each week different people sat down for a chat and joined in, making simple drawings from paper collage.” During the run of the exhibition, these motif designs began to appear around the hospital, on crockery in the staff canteen, on the backs of trolleys used by hospital porters, on windows along long corridors near ward 17 and the psychology department and even in staff toilets, the motifs popped up everywhere. It was interesting to see how the motifs had a universal appeal, with many people recognising and claiming particular designs for themselves.

Fiona Ronaldson, OT said: “I have spotted a few designs around the hospital on windows and on the back of wheelchairs, I have to say they look brilliant – especially the ones on the window! My partner ended up in A & E last weekend and I was pushing him in a wheelchair and one of my patient’s motifs was on the back of the wheelchair, put a smile on my face to see that!” Congratulations to Leanne Smart and Chuck Caseby from Ward 21 – between them they managed to spot 35 motifs around the hospital, winning the Spot the Motif Competition! Rab

what’s on at ST JOHN’S

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Opportunities: Different Motifs

Frances Priest is currently working with staff from the psychology department to make improvements to their meeting room. Initial designs are exploring decorative vinyl patterns for the window and a bespoke tea set. Frances is looking for more wards and departments to work with to design motifs and make changes to your working environment. Contact us with details about your department and where you would like a motif to appear.


2012 Hospital Open Show: People

11 Apr–27 Jun St John’s Gallery (2nd floor next to dining room). Highlights of the ever popular Annual Open Show return. This exhibition celebrates the creative talents of staff and patients from St John’s, the Western General, the Royal Infirmary and the Royal Edinburgh Hospitals. This year’s exhibition has a ‘people’ theme, from self-portraits to paintings and photographs of famous faces. Many artworks are for sale – not to be missed!

staff ads: Get in touch Advertise your creative skills & activities or to find out more about any aspect of the Artlink programme please get in touch with Vanessa on 0131 229 3555 or email info@artlinkedinburgh.

Marcin Mankowski Photography Contact: 07845598113 Speciality: Parties, celebrations, newborns, family portraits and at home/outside sessions. Very competitive prices.

hospital ads:

Gardening volunteers wanted

Over the next few months volunteers from Friends of St John’s and staff and patients from West Park /Templar Gardens day centres are transforming the garden space they look out onto by making the garden more patient friendly, creating raised beds and changing the uneven slabs. Patients are already bringing in plants and getting involved there’s even plans for a potting shed. Volunteers with gardening experience are welcome. Contact Agnes McKenna, Volunteer Services Manager for more information Agnes.McKenna@ 01506 523 588.

Bags and Bling


Exploring Stories New Directions

We are working on a new direction for our programme in St John’s so get ready to be amazed! In the meantime if you are involved in amateur dramatics, the theatre, musicals, storytelling or are a budding director we would like to hear from you.

It’s Funny

Share your best jokes with us. Just make sure that we can actually use them as material – so you know what to do... Q: What do you call a man with a seagull on his head? A: Cliff

Musicians Sought

We are always looking for talented people to entertain patients and visitors, so don’t be shy - share your skills and brighten up someone’s day! Get in touch and be our next headline act.

what’s on at st JOHN’S

Apr–Jun Local singer / songwriter Bruce Davies will be entertaining patients and staff on Ward 3 and West Park Day Unit with a selection of favourite tunes. He will also be exploring stories about individuals, creating personal motifs through song.

Bryan Crookes Photography

Contact: 07587159460 Specialities: Portrait photography. We have a mobile studio-suitable for bringing to your house or you can come to us – your choice. Prices start from £40.

Tea Dance

We will also have entertainment from pianist, Lizzy Shamash, wartime songs performed on the fiddle by Laure Paterson, plus a spring time tea dance for patients and staff on Ward 3 to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. If you would like a concert on your ward please get in touch.

Pako Mera photography

Contact: 07910533481 Speciality: Portraiture. My studio is situated in 151 London Road. pakomera

Last Thursday of every month 10-6pm (main reception) The Friends of St John’s put on a bags and bling fundraising event where local crafts people come in and sell items such as jewellery, this is your chance to grab a bargain and help support a local cause.

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Taking the lead



at the WESTERN GENERAL Over the last few months the Crafty Lunches have spawned new directions... Staff are taking the lead! Danielle Carmichael showed a large group of enthusiastic crafters the art of chocolate moulding and Veronica Tyre, a secretary from Manual Handling, shared her well-honed mosaic making skills. She spent a couple of weeks teaching the mosaic making skills and also shared some of her knowledge of the history of mosaic making. “I mentioned that I had taken up mosaics and Francesca asked if I could provide a workshop. I am intending to launch a website selling limited edition prints and offering workshops so this opportunity with Crafty Lunches seemed an ideal test run.” We are always on the look out for talented staff to share their skills with us. Francesca Nobilucci the artist coordinating the Crafty Lunches has really enjoyed seeing people share their skills. It also reflects something of her own artistic practice which explores the meaning and value and status of art when given greater or lesser prominence.

Crafty Lunches are now taking a tour around the world by introducing crafts from different parts of the globe. Recently participants have been exploring Chinese Calligraphy, cultural hats with a local milliner, and African-inspired safety-pin jewellery. Coming up are Aztec Scarves, Henna Art Tattoo and Japanese Paper Making & Origami.


Contact us if you would like to find out more about taking part in a crafty lunch or maybe you have a craft or skill you would like to share with your colleagues we’ve had staff sharing street dance tips before so it really can be anything. These workshops can also take place on your ward or department – please get in touch!

30: Veronica Tyre 31: Jewellery workshops 32: Haley Patterson showing results of millinery workshop 33: Chinese calligraphy workshop 34: Lynda Kerr with her finished mosaics


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Crewe Toll to Djenne


The next exhibition in the Gallery is going Around the World. When looking for contributions from staff we approached OT, Ali Millar. Did you know that she is an avid traveller? 35

“I think I must have visited over 80 countries! I love travelling - I even have a tattoo of a map on my back! I love exploring places with ancient traditions and particularly ancient cities, probably Mali and Ethiopia are my favourite countries. I enjoy physically crossing borders between countries, and overnight train travel when you go to sleep in one country and wake up for breakfast in another. My most recent trip was to Istanbul and I’m planning to go to Japan next spring.”

“I’ve always been interested in photography and after attending a course at Stills in black and white photography I have really got into developing my own pictures. I enjoy showing my work and have taken part in Artlink’s annual hospital open show since 2006 – the first pictures I showed were from a trip to Ethiopia and I sold one of them. I’m looking forward to taking part in the next exhibition; I think it is a great idea to have a map showing different places people in the hospital have been.”

35: Ali Millar


36: Photo of Mohammed, Mali by Ali Millar 37: Photo of The Grand Mosque in Djenne, Mali by Ali Millar 38: Photo of a Yurt in Kyrgyzstan, by Ali Millar 39–43: Photos by staff members, part of the Around the World exhibition (see listings) 39–40: The Arctic by Sally Cross

Other contributors to the exhibition are Dr Mike Jones, Yogendra Piya, Maria Shevchenko-Veart, Caroline Souter, Sally Cross, Asta Valenciute and Liz Markey.

41: The Arctic by Liz Markey 42–43: Nepal by Yogendra Piya



When travelling Ali always has her camera with her;






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Opportunities: Crafty Missions – Coat Of Arms

Francesca will launch the latest Crafty Mission – designed to be worked on any time, any place! This new Crafty Mission will embrace the theme of identity. Taking inspiration from the ancient history of Heraldry it invites you to create a visual identity for yourself or your department, ward, group, office or team in the shape of a modern interpretation of a coat of arms. We encourage any type of approach: traditional, inventive, brave or as humorous as you wish! Any creative response will be considered and will be employed to produce a set of badges, mugs and canvas bags for your department/team, while a small few will be selected by a team of skilled artists and makers to be ultimately executed in different artistic media – maybe a hand-crafted banner, a wall painting or a mosaic for example. “I’m looking forward to the next Crafty Mission - for me coat of arms definitely says dragon, I will have to think about that!” Lynda Kerr (previous Crafty Mission participant) Get in touch if you are interested in creating your own design, or if you would like to commission a coat of arms for your ward or department.






13 Apr–29 Jun The Gallery (ground floor link corridor between the Alexander Donald and Anne Ferguson Buildings). The name “Western” implies geography – it alludes to the fact that there are other places – an east, a north, a south: far off places, other worlds, different countries. Where are these places and what happens there? Artlink is going Around the World celebrating the rich diversity of the people and places beyond the Western’s borders. Within the exhibition there will be an interactive map, why not join in by telling us all the countries you have visited.

Get in touch

Around the World


Dance Around The World

Apr–Jun Look out for a new programme of dance and music performances from around the globe. Dance Namaste will lead an interactive Nepalese dance session from both folk and classical traditions – unleash your inner Bollywood star! Expect pop-up performances such as Spanish Flamenco, Polish Acro-Balance, Tango, Samba, Salsa and more! If you have a specific request, or if you would like a dance performance or concert on your ward please get in touch. We are also looking for more performers to come forward, so if you are a member of a local dance group or a professional or amateur musician who would like to perform, please get in touch!

Advertise your creative skills & activities or to find out more about any aspect of the Artlink programme please get in touch with Vanessa on 0131 229 3555 or email info@artlinkedinburgh.

Veronica Tyre (limited edition prints and mosaics)

I studied tapestry weaving, exhibiting in Edinburgh and, while working in this discipline, was a professional member of the Scottish Society of Women Artists (now Visual Arts Scotland) in Applied Art. Last year I started working in mosaic and I have designed and completed small mosaics for indoor and outdoor use e.g. mats, pictures, stepping stones and tea light shrines. Favourite subjects for paintings include buildings, still life, and aspects of the Greek Islands. I will be opening a website in the autumn showcasing my paintings and selling Limited Edition prints. For more information contact: Veronica Tyre

HOSPITAL ADS: Unleash your creativity!

Did you know that hand hygiene is the single most important measure we can take to reduce avoidable illness such as the common cold and healthcare associated infections like MRSA. World Hand Hygiene Day will be celebrated across the globe on and around 5th May 2012. To mark this event, we are urging everyone to be creative in helping to improve hand hygiene compliance. You could develop a poster, make a badge, plan an awareness session using the ultra violet light box, in fact anything which will help staff, patients and visitors to clean their hands. For further information or advice, please contact NHS Lothian’s Hand Hygiene Co-ordinator ann.mcqueen@nhslothian. If possible, please take photographs of your artwork or event and send to Ann at the email above for her to share with colleagues around the globe.

Maggie’s Professional Visitors Day

The Maggie’s Centre are delighted to hear from professionals wanting to learn more about the centre and what they can offer people affected by cancer and their families. The Professional Visitors days are on the first Monday of the month, booking is essential. Contact the centre for more information on 0131 537 3131 or edinburgh@


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Funded by:

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The Courant is written and produced by Artlink, a company registered in Scotland No. 87845 with charitable status, Scottish Charity No. SC006845. 13a Spittal Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DY.

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