the excitement brought about by the artworks themselves, it is truly worth noting that these famous works, be it in stone, plastic, oil on canvas or any other medium, have been perfectly captured by the artist down to the minutest detail in watercolor. A feat no one less that a master of the medium can hope to pull off. Even thick impasto is rendered so realistically that one would believe the works to be oil on canvas and not watercolor if not for a closer inspection of the artworks. One cannot even begin to imagine the process with which this marvel is achieved. In this regard, this exhibition is a testament to the skill and artistry that Christian Mirang has honed over decades in the arts. And this display of the artists undoubtedly divinely bestowed talents are the artists homage to the ultimate artist, the creator of all creation, God himself. The artist recognizes that his work would not be possible without God being the source of his abilities and thus it is only fitting that the show “Pugay Kamay” is not only an homage to the greatest artists of our time, but more importantly it is an homage to God, the greatest artist of all who has inspired an given the ability to create to all artists.
This exhibition is a fine rendering of a reflection upon the art of painting itself: thoroughly referential, yet no less aesthetically pleasing, and deeply entrenched in the history of art through the ages — made present most palpably through the artist’s rendition of some of the most celebrated works of the most iconic artists of their age spanning from renaissance, to modern, up to the post-modern age.
With over 38 years in the art scene, Christian Mirang is a multi award winning artist including the grand prize in AAP’s Annual Art Competition in 2006 and is a hall of famer for “Kulay Sa Tubig” a watercolor art competition winning the award in 1999, 2000 and once again in 2005. He has also been featured in several notable Art Publications including “Twentieth Century Filipino Artists” by Manuel Duldulao, People Magazine’s “Ten Artists” in 1982, he painted the back cover for Readers Digest in 1995. Christian Mirangs career is as stellar as they come, but despite it all, putting his faith above all else, he attributes all the success to God as the source of it
Christian Mirang in his latest exhibition and sixth solo exhibition entitled “Pugay Kamay” (Salute or Homage) pays tribute to the greatest artist through the ages. The exhibit features some of the worlds most recognizable artworks such as Michaelangelo’s “David” is juxtaposed in the same frame as Maurizio Cattelan’s “The Comedian”, the now infamous duct taped Banana as David’s covering. An homage to the artist themselves are also present in the show where the artist such as Keith Haring and Piet Mondrian’s portraits appear inside their own famous works. A walk through this exhibition is not only a feast for the senses, but for the curious, it is akin to going on an easter egg hunt through art history.

AND AUDREY WAS HER NAME (homage to Johaness Vermeer and Audrey Hepburn) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

(homageBananArt to Michaelangelo and Maurizio Cattelan) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

F2F: MATISSE (homage to Henri Matisse) 22” X 2022Watercolor30

BURST YOUR BUBBLES (homage to Jean Siméon 2022Watercolor30”Chardin)X22”

CARRAVAGGIO IN BLACK AND WHITE (homage to Caravaggio) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

(homageCHARLIE to Caspar David Friedrich and Charlie Chaplin) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

CAUGHT IN THE ACT (homage to Francisco Havez and Kees van Dongen) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

GRANT’S INASAL (homage to Grant Wood) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

OH, (homageNO! to Joseph Ducreux) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

MY WAY: THE KARAOKE KING (homage to Joseph Ducreux) 30” X 2022Watercolor22” VINCENT 3 (homage to Vincent Van Gogh and John van Eyck) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

WATERCOLORING REMBRANDT (homage to Rembrandt) 22” x 2022Watercolor30”

HARING KEITH (homage to Keith Haring) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

IMAGINE: LENNON - WARHOL (homage to Andy Warhol and John Lennon) 22” X 2022Watercolor30”

(homageBEWITCHEDPerel Bottel and Kees Van Dongen) 22” X 2022Watercolor22”(homageIT’S2022Watercolor30MR.BEANtoCaravaggio)X30”

LOVE MESSAGE ACCEPTED (homage to Michaelangelo and Acrylic48”Banksy)x36”on Canvas 2022

A TOUCH OF FAITH (homage to Salvador Dali and Andrew Wyett) X 2022Watercolor22”

(homageROTHKO to Mark Rothko) X 2022Watercolor22”

YOUNG (homageMONAtoLeonardo Da Vinci and Vermeer) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

(homageDUNCIC to Vladimir Duncic) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

(homageMONDRIANtoPiet Mondrian) 30” X 2022Watercolor22”

JOHN 3:13 ( homage to Salvador Dali) 30” X 2022Watercolor40”

(homageMIRO to Joan Miro) 22” X 2022Watercolor30”

WHISTLER’S ONLINE (Homage to James Abbott McNeill Whistler) 22” X 2022Watercolor30”SELFIE2022Watercolor30”X40

(homageMAGRITTEto Rene Magritte) 30” X Watercolor40” MOBILE (homageLEGENDtoSalvador Dali) 30” X (homageMANGWatercolor22”ENTENGtoVicente Manansala) 30” X Watercolor22”

SOCIAL 2022Watercolor30”(homageDISTANCING...PLEASEtoFredericLeighton)x22”

ADB Avenue cor Dona Julia Vargas, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City
Building A, Madrigal Avenue, corner Commerce Ave, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila
The www.artloungemanila.comPodiumMolitoLifestyleCenter