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ARTmania Festival Sibiu 2013
• exhibitions • 10:00 - 20:00 Monday-Sunday Muzeul Civilizației Populare 34 10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday-Sunday Muzeul Național Brukenthal 36 10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday-Sunday C.N.M. ASTRA 34 • music • performance • party • Monday Bohemian Flow 22:00 Opening Party
Brukenthal Palace Sibiu 21:30 Deine Lakaien Oldies Pub 23:30 Disaster Party
Large Square 19:00 Amaranthe 20:30 Haggard 22:20 Within Temptation Bohemian Flow 23:59 Dark Fusion Live & AfterParty Saturday - 10 august 16 Large Square 12:00 Start Harley Davidson Parade
Wednesday Bohemian Flow 20:00 Obsession Thursday - 8 august Small Square 15:30 Mes Quins 19:00 Lights Out! 20:30 The Mono Jacks
Friday - 9 august Small Square 15:20 Aeon Blank 16:30 Alternosfera
Small Square 15:20 Coma acustic 16:30 Omul cu Șobolani Large Square 19:00 Xandria 20:20 Orphaned Land 21:50 Lacrimosa Bohemian Flow 23:59 Vespera Live & AfterParty Sunday - 11 august Small Square 19:30 Closing Party cu DJ Hefe
• cinema • Habitus
Thursday - 8 august 15:00 Full Moon preview 17:30 Political Dress 20:00 Premiere: Child’s Pose Friday - 9 august 14:15 Child’s Pose 16:15 Rocker 18:30 Premiere: Killing Time 21:00 Life Principles 00:00 Full Moon preview Saturday - 10 august 16:30 Avalon 18:00 Timishort 20:00 FAMU Shorts 22:00 Austrian Shorts Sunday -11 august 20:00 Killing Time • exhibitions • Thursday-Sunday 29 Thursday - 8 august 12:00 Opening „From White to Black” Ioana Popescu 12:30 Galateca presents Simon Henwood, Mircea Roman, Mircea Nechita and Edward Gorey. 14:00 Opening ”7 days and 7 nights” Roman Tolici at Habitus
• workshops • Smart Zone
Thursday - 8 august 12:00 Opening Vellant Bookshop 15:00 Curtea Veche presents: ”Hârtiile Masculului” by Silviu Gherman 19:30 Bruno Wine Bar recommends Friday - 9 august 12:30 Opening ”URBAN COMICS made in Cluj” 13:00 ”How do we read in the digital era?” powered by Bookaholic 18:00 Press@School: Revista Zona Nouă versus Ziarul Carevasăzică 19:00 Bruno Wine Bar recommends Saturday - 10 august 12:30 ARTmaniere Poetice #2 19:00 „Bruno Wine Bar recommends” Sunday - 11 august 17:00 ARTmaniere Poetice #3 Geea Cafe General Info
Sibiu SMART: The theme that the authorities have selected for the events of this year’s cultural agenda portrays Sibiu as a University Centre and tries to introduce the young people to the city’s cultural life. Moreover, it will bring to the attention of the public the multiculturalism of a city that has had a young spirit ever since 1191.
ARTmania returns to Sibiu for its 8th edition. Along seven years, the annual festival reached a special position between the artistic manifestations with the same specific, thanks to the great number of people attending the concerts, but also to a great organisational system. At the present moment, ARTmania proves to be one of the events that brings to Sibiu an important number of visitors, therefore I would like to congratulate the entire team of the festival. I am certain that the rock bands that will go on stage this year in the centre of Sibiu will provide a great show, which will be well-received by the audience.
Sibiu has always been an effervescent city when it comes to education, as well as culture. This year’s events highlight exactly these characteristics. The public and the guests will have the option of choosing between varied events, ranging from music of all genres to exhibits, workshops and conferences. The stages placed in the centre of Sibiu, together with several other stages at local venues will host events of the highest quality that have elements of tradition and folklore, as well as representing the internationality of the cultural creation in Sibiu.
I wish great success to the organisers and a pleasing experience to the participants of this special event. Klaus Iohannis Mayor of Sibiu Municipality
We welcome you to discover Sibiu through cultural events that will take place over the period of this year. We also invite you to meet a medieval city with a young spirit, where history and present intertwine in a harmonious manner! ACŢIUNE COFINANŢATĂ DE CONSILIUL LOCAL SIBIU PRIN PRIMĂRIA ŞI CASA DE CULTURĂ A MUNICIPIULUI SIBIU
ARTmania Smart Zone: Exhibitions, Projections, Book Releases and Workshops at the ARTmania Festival 2013
The ARTmania cultural platform supports the arts by organizing an annual event that has a festive aspect, placing the spotlight on music that evolved from contemporary waves directly or derived from rock music. Together with its trusted partners and the event’s hosts, ARTmania has become an international brand thanks to the concert schedule and the fact that it is placed in one of the most beautiful medieval fortresses in South-East Europe: Sibiu.
Being a supporter of alternative culture, this year ARTmania will be launching a conceptual space. This space is meant to dynamise the life of the medieval fortress, to encourage cultural dialogue and to promote national values in an international context: ARTmania Smart Zone. At the 8th edition of the festival painting, photography, graphics and writing will intertwine with the idea of performance, film and music. This will bring closer to the public a great variety of events filled with culture, which will take place in the Small Square and partner venues that are located in the proximity, as part of the ARTmania Smart Zone.
In 2013 the ARTmania Festival takes place between the 5th and the 11th of August and offers a culturally varied schedule which includes concerts, exhibitions, workshops and other events dedicated to the arts. During the week in which the Festival will take place, ARTmania will support in an intensive manner the activity of the cultural institutions in Sibiu. Ever since the beginning of the collaboration with the Brukenthal National Museum and the ASTRA National Museum Complex, a great number of participants to the ARTmania Festival have been granted access to museums and galleries in Sibiu, which are greatly esteemed for their cultural value.
On top of the fifteen bands that carry much weight in the international and local musical landscape, ARTmania kicks off a series of events that will take place in Sibiu, in the spaces allocated to the festival: The Large Square and the Small Square, the Brukenthal National Museum, The ASTRA National Museum Complex and Habitus.
The ARTmania Festival is co-financed by the Local Council of Sibiu through the Town Hall and the Cultural House of Sibiu Municipality. Partners of the ARTmania Festival Sibiu 2013: Tuborg, CocaCola, Marquardt, the Carpatica Comercial Bank. •5•
The Small Square will be brought to life by photography and painting exhibitions, workshops, film and documentary screenings, book releases, literary debates and other events, organized with the support of Transilvania Film, Parada Film, The Austrian Cultural Forum, The Polish Cultural Institute, The Czech Centre, The Cervantes Institute, the Cultural House of Sibiu Municipality, the Vellant and Curtea Veche bookstores and other representative brands when it comes to promoting culture in Romania.
Lights Out! Thursday 19:00 Small - Smart Zone LightsSquare Out! joi 19:00 Piața Mică - Smart Zone The band, which started in Cluj, was remarked since its first chords, Trupa clujeană becoming a musicalLights project with a Out! a fostevolution, remarcată crowned de fulminant by la primele acorduri, devesuccess. In 2010, the year in which nind un proiect muzical the band was founded, the band încununat de admirație released their first demo.și succes pe toate planurile. În lansat primul 2 2010 years au later, after opening for lor demo, intitulat „InsideBand, O. bands like We Have Out”. Children, Chew Lips and the exceptional Romanian indie acts 2such aniasmai după Thetârziu, MOOoD, The Mono concerte pentru Jacks, Thedeschise Amsterdams sau Snails, nume precum We Have the released „EOD”, the first single Band, O. Children, Chew taken out of the band’s debut disc, Lips sau excepţionalii ro- in April „Patience” (an EP released mâni la The 2012).deTheir firstMOOoD, video, made for The Mono Jacks,Romanian The song „Mirror” the best Amsterdams sau Snails, of 2012 according to No. 3 music lansează „EOD”,upprimul blog, took them to the 3rd place single extras de an pe international disin RØDE Rocks, cul de debut al trupei, band contest, in front of over 500 „Patience” în from all bands from(EP 40 lansat countries aprilie over the2012). world.Primul lor •6•
Halfway through this spring, Lights Out! released a video calledrealizat „Wayfaring”, minute long i-a liveurcat session clip, pentrua 15 piesa „Mirror”, pecontaining locul 3 la 3 new songs, called „Noosi”, „Downcast” „Pleasures”, concursul internaţional RØDE Rocks, în faţaand a peste 500 de that mark a divergence from the path that they’ve taken on participanţi din 40 de ţări din întreaga lume. „Patience”, sonically and stylistically. Where „Patience” was enthusiastically raw oand brisk atât - a collection of songs Anul 2013 a marcat deviere la nivel sonor, cât şithat stifelt onodată a waycuto apariția somewhere - thesenoi, new„Noosi”, tracks are uncanny listic, a 3 piese „Downcast” and graceful, insinuating themselves through thoughts şi „Pleasures”. Dacă „Patience” era în mod entuziast brut likeenergic, shadows and, because of Teodora’s haunting voice, şi noile creații sunt stranii şi graţioase, insinuânwarm printre and overwhelming. Immediately after the release, du-se gânduri asemenea unor umbre şi, datorită Lightsuluitoare Out! headed out on a wide-ranging tour in După order vocii a Teodorei, sunt fierbinţi, apăsătoare. to debutLights theseOut! brand which included lansare, au new pornitsongs, într-un amplu turneu venues de profrom Romania the Czech Republic and movare a celor 3and noifrom pieseHungary, care a depășit granițele țării ajunSlovakia as well. This season will be the summer of Lights gând în UnOut! - până the band will play all the major Romanian festivals. garia, Cehia şi Slovacia. Lights Out! înseamnă Teodora Retegan – voce şi clape, Andrei Sîncrăian – chitară, Oana Pop – tobe şi Andrei Bobiş – chitară.
Performance: OBSESSION
Performance: OBSESSION Wednesday 20:00 Bohemian Flow Miercuri 20:00 Bohemian Flow Coregrafie & scenografie: Iulian Gliță șiwith Doru Muzica: Combining the art of performance theZanfir. audio-visual Alex Halka. effects, the re-make of “Obsession” brings to the attention of the public characters devoured by anxiety and by Împletind artaofperformance-ului cu efectele the danger obsessive feelings, throughaudio-vizuale, dramatized repunerea în and scena a spectacolului aduce experienced trough a catharsis-like”Obsession” choreography… în atenția publicului personaje devorate de angoase, măcinate nocivitatea sentimentelor obsesive, prin trăiri The showdeuses alternative spaces in the most ingenious dramatizate printr-o coregrafie asemeni unui catarsis… ways and șigoes beyond the limit of reality, becoming a place of free speech through expressivity brutal Fiind un show readaptabil care folosește spațiileand alternative of movement. “Obsession” won thelimita prize for “The înhonesty modul cel mai ingenios și care depășește realului Best Show” at the Iaside Fringe Festivalliberă this year. devenind o platformă exprimare printr-o expresi-
vitate și o sinceritate Emphasizing the brutală idea a mișcărilor, ”Obsession” that obsessions becomea câștigat anul premiul addictions, theacesta performance pentru ”Cel Buntowards Spectabecomes “a Mai calling col”self, la Iași the a Fringe mirror Festival. of our own soul, a story that everyone Ilustrând ideea ca obsesiile perceives differently based devinone’s dependențe, on experienceperforand mance-ul devine ”o chemare culture, degree of idealism către noi, o oglindire a proand sensitivity”. (Cristina priului nostru suflet, o povesgazner-Ziua News) te pe care fiecare o percepe în funcţie de experienţă şi “Fluid, of cultură, hypnotizing, de gradul defullideaenergy meaning, itpetakes lism sauand sensibilitate care you out of the mundane îl are.”(Cristina Gazner – Ziua and throws you in a parallel News). universe, opening your conscience beyond the ”Fluid, hipnotic, plin de enerlimitations the mind.” gie şi de of sens, te absoarbe din cotidian şi te aruncă Choreography într-un univers& paralel, desscenography: Iulian Gliță dinchizându-ţi conştiinţa and Alex coloDoru de Zanfor. limiteleMusic: mentale.” Halka. •7•
Editura Vellant
Friday 13:00 Small Square - Smart Zone
Vellant has the strong belief that books and good reading kept their power of inspiration, even in a digital age. At ARTmania, Vellant brings a selection of the best books of the last year:”Versez” and ”Uibesc” by Iv cel naiv, “ Religion for the Atheists” and “The Architecture of Hapiness” by Alain de Botton, “Art at the Wall” by Bansky, Irvin Yalom’s Novel and Alexandru Andrieș’ books. One of the best publishing houses in Romania, Vellant has published refined books for children, big and small, contemporary novels, art and architecture albums and essay collections that make us see the world in a different way.
The Mono Jacks
Thursday 20:30 Small Square - Smart Zone The history of the band started in 2008, when Doru Trascu, the leader of AB4, laid the foundation for this new project. Their style sheds light on guitar riffs that melt the tension of the compositions, reminding us of bands such as Interpol, Snow Patrol, Editor and even White Lies.
“The Mono Jacks is definitely a band I intend to keep an eye on. If this foursome continues to develop their obvious talents, they have a future as the massive radio band they aspire to be.” FR. Jones – FakePlasticTunes.com “The Mono Jacks are on everyone’s lips when they talk about the new ‘new wave‘ of Romanian music, and if you attend any of their performances, you can surely understand why.” darkwave.ro
“Now in Stereo” their 2010 debut album, was a great hit and singles such as “Maria”, “Come Back Girl” and “Push the Pedal” stormed the radios and made the band into one of the most appreciated bands in the alternative rock local landscape. 2011 brought about new material, the “Fortunes” EP, consisting of “four tunes”recorded in only two days, in a year in which The Mono Jacks had numerous concerts throughout the country, as well as on the stages of great festivals such as Sziget and the EXIT Festival.
Deine Lakaien
Thursday 21:30 Brukenthal Palace Large Square
ARTmania Festival is honoured to announce the performance of the German duo Deine Lakaien, great representatives of the avant garde of electronic music, that will arrive to Sibiu for an acoustic concert hosted by the Brukenthal National Museum on Thursday, 8th of August, at the Brukenthal Palace located in the Large Square. The event proves to draw the perfect passage to the rock and symphonic metal acts that will take place in the Large Square of the medieval city during the weekend. After a voyage of more than twenty years, Deine Lakaien proves to be the most successful and noble appearance on the dark-wave scene, still exploring the complexity of sounds and lyricism. When the band started in 1985, singer Alexander Veljanov and keyboard player Ernst Horn were opening the way by approaching electronic music from a more Gothic perspective.
celebrated also through an exceptional acoustic tour alongside the Neue Philarmonie Frankfurt orchestra. “Older, wiser, but still we are these fighters” (one line from Deine Lakaien’s song “Along Our Road”) synthesizes the message of their last studio album “Indicator” (2010), outstanding as one of the most exciting album of their entire career. This discographic material clearly depicts a new phase of the band`s existence: Deine Lakaien destroy any cliché and invite a broader range of listeners to their artistic world, by trying out “new themes and creative paths” (Ernst Horn).
In 2007, the German duo released “20 Years of Electronic Avantgarde”, a multimedia pack containing a double audio CD plus double DVD, celebrating two decades of extraordinary musical activity. The anniversary was • 10 •
Bosch Rexroth Stage Technology
With “Indicator” they prove to maintain their original focus on electronic instruments, but stand out for the amazing stylistic diversity and natural playfulness they derive from it. The German duo tends now to come closer to its audience. They have a simple poetic approach, highly emotional, but free of heavy metaphors and overwhelming pathos. Unlike their earlier albums, the new songs have “a poetic and political immediacy never before present in our work to this extent”, confessed A. Veljanov.
A beautiful music show is one which enchants your sight and hearing, makes your spirit exalt and surprises you in every way. For this, the impact of the artist’s piece of art, his songs, are completed by a special location and an impressive stage show. Since every aspect counts in this complex equation, a concert is also led to perfection by a good stage technology, one which allows the artists’ and set designers’ imagination to run free.
Several years of artistic creation and extraordinary performances around the world, unleash a more powerful Deine Lakaien that sings about controversial political issues, about immigration, European unity, war, powerlessness of everyday people and responsibility for the future, but also about the theme of all themes: love. “To sing of love is the most difficult thing of all, for any singer”, claims Veljanov. ” It’s a theme that will never cease to preoccupy me but today, I’ve found my own way of transporting it, with my voice and in my own words”. www.deine-lakaien.com
For more than three decades, Bosch Rexroth has been innovating and developing high standard stage technology which can be customized for shows of every scale – from large performing art centers and shows organized by internationally reputed cultural institutions, like the Bolshoi Theatre to small or medium-sized theaters around the globe. By combining hydraulic and electro-mechanical drives, Bosch Rexroth puts small and large stages into motion and allows for a highly individualized design.
Deine Lakaien is coming to the ARTmania Festival with an intense performance, full of emotions, on the 8th of August. Access to this event will be granted on the basis of the festival full pass or a festival ticket for one day, only with reservation made in advance. • 11 •
Aeon Blank
Disaster Party
Oldies Pub Thursday 23.30
Friday 15:20 Small Square - Smart Zone
Disaster Party is the fusion of two underground concepts of parties: Lux Noctis ( punk, post-punk, Gothic & industrial) and Extanze (dark wave, electronic and industrial).
The “Aeon Blank” project started in the spring of 2011, at the initiative of Emil Luca and Alex Gabroveanu, both guitar players in the initial band. The specific style of the band was obvious from the beginning: alternative rock with dark wave, metal and Gothic-rock influences. A young band, but with a mature and serious approach, Aeon Blank was quickly taken note of on the stages of Romanian festivals in the year 2012, winning the title of Best Alternative Newcomer after the Metalhead organized competition. Five track from the “Handmadegods& Godmadedemons”, released in April 2012, were heard on the radio, “Of Gravity and Passion” reaching #2 on the “Top Show” programme, and “Auguries of Innocence”, #3. At the moment, the band is working on their second album, “ Dark Waters”, which will be released at the end of the year.
Lux Noctis is more than just a party – it`s the only Romanian old-school Gothic community with a history of 6 years of events related to the punk, gothic & industrial musical scene with a portfolio of numerous thematic parties, concerts and album releases. Over the years, Lux Noctis has brought important names from the international gothic scene to Romanian grounds, such as: Lucas Lanthier – Cinema Strange, Frank Vollmann – Frank The Baptist, Mona Mur & En Esch (KMFDM), Noblesse Oblige.
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Friday 16:30 Small Square - Smart Zone Alternosfera was founded in 1998. Its members changed, at the moment the band consisting of only two of its original members: Marcel Bostan and Marin Nicoara. The “Wamintirile” track, which won over radio and television stations from Romania and The Republic of Moldova alike, is found on the band’s debut album “Orașul 511” (2005). In 1997, Alternsofera released “Visători cu plumb în ochi sau ultima scrisoare pentru femeia nordică” and put an end to the period of romantic lyricism in its creation. “Arunca-mi”, “Doua Eve”, “Muta” included on the “Virgula” (2012) album have been broadcasted in heavy rotation on the Romanian radio stations. In the spring of 2013, Alternosfera released a new album, “Epizodia”, promoted through a tour that took place in 11 Romanian cities, which managed to attract over 10,000 people. Their creative momentum will peak at the end of the year with the finalization of yet another studio album.
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Friday 19:00 Large Square
The concerts in the Big Square will be kicked off by Amaranthe this year, a musical project that combines melodic metal with exciting choruses and the band’s vocalist’s, Elize Ryd, fascinating performance. The band, part Swedish, part Danish, has mesmerized Europe through spectacular shows and through amazing studio material. The band has won a great number of fans in Japan where it was invited to play numerous times. After a lengthy spring tour through Europe, as well as taking part in Sweden Rock Festival and getaway rock Festival, Amaranthe will play on the stage in the Big Square, opening the 8th edition of the ARTmania Festival.
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Friday 20:30 Large Square
During more then 20 years of activity, Haggard has performed all over the world, acquiring huge popularity and an extensive fan base through their outstanding shows. We are proud to host such an intense live act at the eight edition of the ARTmania Festival. Haggard is the eclectic musical ensemble led by Asis Nasseri, an exceptional artist of Afghan and German descent, who writes all the songs, sings, plays guitars and percussions. Founded in Munich in 1989, Haggard was to become one of the first ClassicalOrchestral-Symphonic-Metal acts in the world.
in Middle – Ages, the prophecies of Nostradamus on the second album – „Awaking the Centuries“ (2000) – or the life of Galileo Galilei, on „Eppur Si Muove“ (2004). „Tales of Ithiria“, Haggard`s latest material, features a fantasy story created by the band leader and performed in English, German, Italian, Latin and Spanish. The record focuses a lot on the narrative parts, harmoniously interwoven with a perfect arrangement of instruments and chorus interventions.
A group of about twenty well-skilled musicians, playing classical and medieval instruments like cello, flute, oboe, harp, violin, a piccolo or a timpani, amazingly combine soft passages and dreamy female voices with iron and guitar riffs, growling male vocals and more aggressive metal rhythms, building up a sophisticated sound and performance. Still unpolished during the first phase of its evolution, the Haggard style vividly detached on the international musical scene through unique compositions and authentic lyrics inspired by unprecedented themes like the history of Europe • 15 •
Within Temptation
The release of „Black Symphony” DVD set, featuring the band”s most ambitious live show to date, turned Within Temptation into a legendary figure on the international symphonic metal scene. Black Symphony was a unique concert filmed at Rotterdam’s Ahoy Arena on February 7, 2008, where Within Temptation performed in front of an audience of 10,000 people along the 60-piece Metropole Orchestra, the Pa’dam classical choir and their special guests Keith Caputo (Life of Agony), Anneke van Giersbergen (ex-The Gathering), and George Oosthoek (Orphanage). The magnificence of the show was enhaced by the presence of stilt performers, the gorgeus costumes, and intensified by the astonishing lighting and pyrotechnic effects.
Friday 22:20 Large Square ARTmania Festival proudly presents the first head-liner for 2013: Within Temptation, one of the most popular rock bands in the world/ Europe. Famous for its extravagant shows, a sublime blend of elegance with melodrama and powerful metal compositions, the Dutch group will bring to Sibiu an exhilarating performance presenting a fresh, dramatic & dynamic discographic material: ”The Unforgiving”. Formed in 1996 by guitarist Robert Westerholt and the staggering soprano Sharon den Adel, instantly distinguished itself as the most charismatic symphonic Gothic metal bands of the last decade of music history.
The latest album of Within Temptation -”The Unforgiving”marks a radical change in terms of musical direction and imagery, bringing a new perspective to the band’s unique world, full of diversity and versatility. Based on their multi-layered musical background, this fifth full-length album proves the band`s pleasure of exploring with sound, resulting in a fascinating material gliding from the darker Gothic metal themes to a more radio friendly pop influence, shifting to a less symphonic approach.
What really brought to light the gems of Netherlands was ”Mother Earth” (2000), their second album, that attracted more commercial visibility and registered 2.8 Million sold CDs & DVDs released in 48 countries, 30 Gold and Platinum awards, 2 MTV European Music Awards, 2 World Music Awards and many more, foreshadowing a successful evolution.
The new visual orientation stands out not only from the graphics of the album cover, but also from the comic book and the three long-form promo videos for the songs ‘Faster’, ‘Shot In The Dark’ and ‘Sinéad’ that accompanied the disc.
The intense touring, completed by passionate studio works and the following 2 discs ”The Silent Force”(2004) and ”The Heart Of Everything”(2007), increased the crowd of followers worldwide, setting new standards for symphonic rock and metal. • 16 •
”And it turns out there is a reason why The Unforgiving comes off as sounding cinematic: the group issued a series of short films (and even a comic book), in which the tunes from the album provide the soundtrack. A concept album that doesn’t get weighed down by the story line is a rarity, but it is something that Within Temptation succeed at with The Unforgiving.” www.allmusic.com “We didn’t want to make a traditional concept album where you just make up a story and write lyrics to tell the tale. What we’ve always done in the past when we read a book or saw a movie, is that it inspires us to write a lyric or a song, and that’s how we wanted to approach this. We have 12 tracks and they’re soundtracks to the story.” explains Westerholt. • 17 •
Dark Fusion
Friday 23:59 Bohemian Flow
Saturday 15:20 Small Square - Smart Zone
“Dark Fusion” proposes old school metal seasoned with components of the new wave, the band’s style being a combination of thrash with many elements of industrial, hardcore and melodic, groovy in places. Their first album “InFusion” was released in September 2012, the band promoting it through concerts throughout Romania and Hungary.
“Coma”, the first band to go on stage Saturday in the Small Square, is preparing a first for Sibiu, an acoustic set. Founded in Bucharest in 2000, the band made itself known quickly through live performances and videos that were filled with dynamism. After a year, the band released its first album, “Somn”, under the A&A Records label. In 2002 it was nominated in the Best Alternative Band category at the Romanian Musical Industry Awards.
“Nerostitele” (2006), a 100% independent produced album, impressed through its instrumental complexity, the quality of the mixes, approaching the old “Coma” sound with more maturity.
Saturday 23:59 Bohemian Flow
“Vespera” was founded in Cluj in 2005 when Dorin Panduru and Vlad Popovici laid the basis of a power-goth and doom musical project. The end of the year 2007 represents a conceptual and musical transformation for Vespera, as well as a new sound and a new image. Their first album, “Desert of the Real” (2007) combines a great variety of musical genres ranging from industrial, electro and hardcore, to oriental and metal.
The first unplugged album “Coma Light”, released in 2008, was promoted through a series of concerts throughout the country and the Republic of Moldova. The material combines older songs re-orchestrated and reinterpreted, songs that include the contribution of DJ Hefe even if they are acoustic, maintaining their power.
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Omul cu Șobolani Saturday 16:30 Small Square - Smart Zone
The creation of OCS (Omul cu Sobolani) enriched the Romanian alternative music landscape with a band that would become a symbol of a non-conformist generation. Founded in 1997 in Constanta, at the initiative of the vocalist Dan Amariei and Adrian Albu (a.k.a. Koks), the band is bearing the name of the famous homonymous work whose author is Sigmund Freud. In 15 years of activity, their tracks were always found in the music magazines’ playlists and tops. You couldn’t have missed the music videos of “Cine e de Vina” or “Nu incerca asa ceva acasa “ and you may have found yourself singing the lines to songs such as “Copilul Rebel”, “(Dez)Orientat” and “Oda (In Piata Romana)”. This summer the members of the band decided to take part in some of the biggest festivals, but to spend the rest of their time in the studio in order to finish recording their new album “ Marea Cautare”, which will be released in October.
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Saturday 19:00 Large Square Founded in 1994 at the initiative of Marco Heubaum, Xandria is a symphonic metal project from Germany that took a lot of years to define its style and find its way of expression. In the band’s incipient period, Marco created alongside talented artists; Xandria received excellent musical press reviews all over Germany, and in 2001 became “Best Newcomer of the Year” with the demo disk “Kill the Sun”, featuring the amazing voice of Lisa Middelhauve. The official debut album ”Kill the Sun”, released by Drakkar Records in May 2003 has been praised worldwide, both musically and lyrically, its success being amplified by exotic themes and Middle Eastern motifs. After the release of the „Salome – The Seventh Veil” (2007), considered to be the band’s finest album, Xandria emerges stronger than ever with „Neverworld’s End” and the addition of vocalist Manuela Kraller, who joined the band in 2010. Xandria will go on the stage of ARTmania Festival 2013, promoting „Neverworld’s End“, its newest studio album, the first to feature Manuela Kraller on vocals. Unlike its first ten years, when Xandria was leaning closer to gothic metal with a touch of electro, „Neverworld’s End” represents a major shift in the band’s sound, reaching a higher level of complexity in the realm of Symphonic Metal.
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Friday 20:20 Large Square
Orphaned Land
“Middle Eastern Progressive Metal” has actually achieved the unimaginable and united Israeli and Arabian people in spite of all their cultural, religious and political differences and conflicts!
Orphaned Land are the legendary pioneers of the Oriental metal world formed in 1991 under the moniker “Resurrection”. In 1992, after a period of research and selfrealization, the band decided to focus on the actual and cultural reality of the middle-east region and therefore changed its name to “Orphaned Land”.
Israel’s ORPHANED LAND is probably the only band from this country that has managed to succeed at building up a huge following among Muslims and Arabian people. These fans communicate freely via the band’s social networking pages, some of them even proudly bearing ORPHANED LAND tattoos. The time has come for Middle Eastern metal to take over!
Orphaned Land is an explorer of various musical styles and existing ideas worldwide. They combine philosophies and religious concepts in their diverse music, which is based on metal music, yet the sky is the limit when it comes to musical richness and Orphaned Land: they combine ancient folk instruments such as Saz, Kanoon, Oud, Bouzouki, 20 different percussion types, using 6 languages and singing styles from various cultures worldwide, while using and mixing the monotheistic religions,- Judaism, Islam and Christianity with a rainbow full of cultural elements. Day after day, in every news program on this planet, the Middle-East conflict is a major topic and it is one of the reasons the world we all live in is a world apart. For decades every attempt to make peace between Israel and the Arabian world has remained futile and the death toll keeps rising. Where politicians have failed, a mere metal band daringly labelling its style “Jewish Muslim Metal” or • 21 •
Saturday 21:50 Large Square
famous LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios, and reached top placements in the charts in over 25 countries worldwide.
Performing Saturday 10th of August in the Large Square of Sibiu, Lacrimosa, the remarkable name of the beloved gothic rock duo, gives a mastery touch of grandeurs to the line-up of ARTmania Festival 2013.
Released in September 2012, Lacrimosa`s 11th studio album features an extraordinary orchestra and choir, along talented artists such as Mille Petrozza, guitarist of the thrash metal band Kreator and the drummer Stefan Schwarzmann, from Accept.
Born in 1990 as the project of the German composer Tilo Wolff and the Finnish artist Anne Nurmi, Lacrimosa became a pioneer of the German Alternative and Symphonic-Metal scene, blending rock themes with passionate lyricism and classical music interventions.
The hypnotic musicality of `Revolution`plays with the trademark sound of Lacrimosa by adding a bit of roughness and more direct lyrics, providing the track an openness to a broader spectrum of musical styles, touching a wider range of passionate listeners.
Lacrimosa originally started as a Darkwave, more gothic band with occasional metal elements, but since Inferno (1995), its forth album, their style has shifted more towards gothic metal, mixing heavy metal and gothic rock sounds along with violin, trumpet and more classical instruments. Over 20 years now, the band brought to light an amazing discography through their own record label Hall of Sermon.
The world tour promoting `Revolution`, their most recent disc, brings Lacrimosa back to Europe, after having conquered one more time the hearts of their fans in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Korea, China, Ukraine and Russia, back at the heart of the medieval fortress of Sibiu.
As the first independent band with German lyrics LACRIMOSA visited Mexico back in 1998, followed by South America, Russia and China. Meanwhile LACRIMOSA play concerts all over the world, worked with the world • 22 •
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Full Moon Preview 2013
Political Dress powered by The Polish Institute
Thursday 15:00 & Friday 00:00 Habitus
Thursday 17:30 Habitus
Before the 2nd edition of the ”Full Moon” International Festival, four fantastic short-films that oscillates between absurd and macabre will be presented during ARTmania Festival at the Habitus Gallery.
During the period of socialist realism, in Poland fashion was often an expression of protest against the totalitarian regime. In order to get clothes, people had to make a superhuman effort, regardless of whether they wanted to display elegance or just to stand out from the ”gray” background of that period. Poland, 2011, 63 min., documentary with English subtitles
Al Altro Lado • Spania 2012, 20’ • Alicia Albares Isaac still sleeps • România 2012, 18’ • Alexandru Ponoran Delivre-moi • Belgia 2013, 12’ • Antoine Duquesne Pristine in Tormen • Chile 2011, 29’ • Carlos Dittborn
Director: Judyta Fibiger Screenplay: Judyta Fibiger, Ewa Olbrychska The movie is part of the “Guide to the Poles” series prepared by the “Adam Mickiewicz” Institute in Warsaw. The projection takes place with the support of the Polish Institute.
Reaching its second edition, the Full Moon International Horror & Fantasy Film Festival, the first and only festival in Romania dedicated exclusively to this genre, takes place in an extended formula between the 14th and the 18th of August 2013, at Biertan, Sibiu county. This year, the schedule includes 5 days of films in four projection spacestwo of them indoors and two openair, exhibitions, guests, special effects workshops, concerts and parties, shortfilm competition, whose winner will be chosen by the public and a film jury.
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Rocker powered by Transilvania Film
Child’s Pose in Premiere at Sibiu
Friday 16:15 Habitus
Thursday 20:00 & Friday 14:15 Habitus ARTmania will be hosting the screening of “Child’s Pose”, directed by Calin Peter Netzer, a film about the traumas of children suffocated by love and about the marks that parents leave upon their children’s personality.
Rocker, Marian Crișan’s second movie, distributed by Transilvania Film, proved to be a great success internationally. The new film had its world premiere at the International Film festival in San Sebastian, where it took part in the ”Nuevos Directores” section of the competition. More recently, Rocker entered the competition of the International Film Festival in Trieste and the International Film Festival in Göteborg.
For the first time in Sibiu, “Child’s Pose” will be screened at the Habitus Gallery, as part of the ARTmania 2013 Festival, with the support of Parada Film. The film received the Golden Bear Award for the best film at the International Film Festival in Berlin.
Synopsis: Victor, a 45-year-old rocker, loves his son, Florin, more than is socially and morally accepted. The father’s daily life revolves around his son, a drug addict. Desperate and ready to take down any obstacle that is in the way of Florin’s happiness, Victor ends up stealing and humiliating himself. The two of them are not only tied by blood, but also by music. Rock music.
“Child’s Pose” is a radiography of the contemporary Romanian high-class, talking about lobby-ism and corruption at a small scale in the basic institutions of the society and their effects on the whole socio-economic system in contemporary Romania. • 25 •
Killing Time - Premiere la Sibiu
Life Principles
Friday 18:30 & Sunday 20:00 Habitus
Friday 21:00 Habitus
Transilvania Film brings to the ARTmania Festival 2013, in premiere in Sibiu, a new Romanian production directed by Florin Piersica Jr. : Killing Time (2012, 99 min). You will recognize in the cast people like Florin Piersica jr., Cristian Ioan Gutău, Olimpia Melinte and Florin Zamfirescu.
Over forty, Emilian Velicanu, can think of himself as an accomplished man. He has enough money, he’s building a house on the outskirts of the Capital, he has a young (second) wife, with whom he has a baby, as well as a child from his first marriage. He has to tie all loose ends the day before leaving Bucharest, to go on vacation. As things get delayed, Velicanu’s need to control his own life, as well as the lives of those around him, as it becomes more and more absurd and painful. The crisis at the end of the day forces him to ask himself if he`s truly a happy and accomplished person. Velicanu has to find out whether or not he has the strength to give an honest answer to that question.
Plot: Two robbers await their next victim in an empty apartment. The hours pass. Tension rises. Innocent jokes turn into taunts. Insults become threats. Blood will flow.
A film by Constantin Popescu with Vlad Ivanov, Gabriel Huian, Rodica Lazar, Crina Muresan 90 min., 2010, Romania Director: Constantin Popescu; Screenplay: Razvan Radulescu & Alex Baciu; A co-production Hi Film Productions, Scharf Film, Tandem Film. Screening supported by PARADA film.
The screening of Killing Time will be preceded by Bad Penny, a short movie with Andi Vasluianu, Șerban Pavlu, Dorian Boguță, directed by Andrei Crețulescu. (Romania 2013, 13 min.) • 26 •
Romanian shorts powered by Timishort
Saturday 16:30 Habitus
Saturday 18:00 Habitus
The AVALON film house from Spain brings to ARTmania five short-films (four fiction and one documentary). The screening will take place with the support of the Cervantes Institute in collaboration with the External Affairs Ministry and The International Cooperation of Spain. Subtitles in English.
The short movies selection presented at ARTmania is made up of movies that participated at the 2013 edition of Timishort National Competition. Apart from the 3 productions awarded this year in Timișoara, the screenings, the excerpt includes Cecilia Felméri`s comedy of revenge and the intimate documentary of Ivana Mladenović, the only film that entered the international competition.
DESPIERTA A LAS MOSCAS (Spain 2011, 15 min.) Director: Nacho Ruiz Capillas
The Camp in Răzoare, directed by Cristi Iftime (Special Prize of the Jury)
MI OTRA MITAD (Spain 2010, 8 min.) Director: Beatriz Sanchis ¡QUÉ DIVERTIDO! (Spain 2012, 10 min.) Director: Natalia Mateo
The Pill of Happiness , directed by Cecilia Felméri
OJOS QUE NO VEN (Spain 2012, 15 min.) Director: Natalia Mateo
As You Like It, directed by Paula Oneţ (Best Romanian Film and the Public`s Award)
LA CLASE (Spain 2008, 20 min.) Director: Beatriz Sanchis
If 6 Was 9, directed by Ivana Mladenović Voices of the Sea, directed by Ştefan Munteanu (Special Prize of the Jury) Organised by the The Romanian Association of the Independent (ARFI), Timishort invites the audience to get to know the newest international cinematographic productions. Through its competitional sessions, Timishort International Film Festival aims at discovering Romanian and international film makers that have an original and innovative vision upon cinematography. • 27 •
Austrian Shorts
FAMU Shorts powered by the Czech Cultural Centre
Saturday 22:00 Habitus
Saturday 19:50 Habitus

The Austrian Shorts Series consists of a selection of 15 Austrian short-films, all nominated at the “Best Short-Film” section in 2012, including “Unser Lied”, the winner of the grand prize offered annually by the Austrian Film Academy. The films are subtitled in English. The production was aided by the Austrian Cultural Forum.
FAMU (Filmová a televizní fakulta Akademie múzických umění v Praze / Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague) was founded in 1946 and became the cradle of the 60’s New Wave movement, becoming one of the centers of the Velvet Revolution in 1989.
Conference (Notes on Film 05) - Austria, 2011, 8 min. Directed by Norbert Pfaffenbichler Unser Lied - Austria, 2012, 30 min. Directed by Catalina Molina Zounk! - Austria, 2012, 6 min. Directed by Billy Roisz 366 Tage - Austria, 2011, 12 min. Directed by Johannes Schiehsl Schneiderei - Austria, 2011, 5 min. Directed by Kurdwin Ayub Hypercrisis - Austria, 2011, 17 min. Directed by Josef Dabernig The Way to M - Austria, 2011, 7 min. Directed by Zsuzsanna Werner Flaschenpost - Austria, 2012, 30 min. Directed by Gabriele Mathes Endeavour - Austria, 2010, 16 min. Directed by Johann Lurf Sommerurlaub - Austria, 2011, 4 min. Directed by Kurdwin Ayub Kreis Wr. Neustadt - Austria, 2011, 5 min. Directed by Johann Lurf Hatch - Austria, 2012, 19 min. Directed by Christoph Kuschnig Heldenkanzler - Austria, 2011, 13 min. Directed by Benjamin Swiczinsky Arcana - Austria-SUA, 2011, 30 min. Directed by Henry Hills Abgestempelt - Austria, 2012, 11 min. Directed by Michael Rittmannsberger
Many famous directors, Czech as well as of other nationalities, have graduated from FAMU: Miloš Forman, Jiří Menzel, Věra Chytilová, Emir Kusturica, Filip Remunda
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”7 days and 7 nights” Roman Tolici
„From White to Black” Ioana Popescu
Thursday 14:00 Opening at Habitus
Thursday 12:00 Opening in the Small Square ARTmania cultural platform and the contemporary art promoter Modernism.ro, recommend ”From White to Black”, an exhibition signed by Ioana Popescu. The young artist brings to Sibiu a black and white photo collection illustrating a minutious capture of the human feelings, dreams, hopes and uncertainties. Following her empathic and spontaneous spirit, Ioana delicately portrayals the fragility and intensity of her subjects.
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Born in 1974, in the Republic of Moldova, Roman Tolici attended the “Igor Vieru” special fine arts school in Chișinău. In 1990 Tolici arrived in Bucharest, first with a scholarship granted by Romanian state and attended the classes offered by the “Nicolae Tonitza“ art high school. Roman Tolici completed his studies by graduating the Graphic section of the Romanian National University of Arts. Passing through the entire path from the figurative forms of expression to those non-figurative and back, the series of works of art presented within the art exhibition entitled “7 days and 7 nights” brings into the spotlight fragments of projections of the world, of life and death. The colour, as a main vehicle of expression, approaches different painting techniques in each of the works of art – from the freshness of the specific atmospheric touches to consistent and less usual colour marks. “Within a range which may seem unlinked with my existence one may find subtle inner emotions, which led me to this precise selection of the art themes that I approached in the exhibition. In this way, the childhood meets the age, the unexpected meets the destiny, the sexuality meets the death and the humour meets the drama.”
Galateca presents Simon Henwood, Mircea Roman, Mircea Nechita and Edward Gorey
bibliophile books, Mircea Nechita exhibited his works in Romanian galleries and museums, as well as in international engraving biannuals of great amplitude such as the ones in Spain, Italy, Japan, Holland, Belgium and France.
Opening Thursday 12:30 Small Square - Smart Zone
Mircea Roman: Winner of the Great Prize for sculpture of triannual in Osaka, Japan, the most important prize of its kind , as well as the winner of the prestigious prize Delfina, in London, Great Britain, he is one of the most important contemporary Romanian artists.
Invited to ARTmania Festival in Sibiu, Galateca Gallery will showcase a selection of engravings, drawings, photo collages, watercolours and bibliophile books by internationally renowned artists: Simon Henwood, Mircea Roman, Mircea Nechita and Edward Gorey.
Edward Gorey (1925-2000): the American illustrator and writer is the author of over 100 illustrated books. His stories are show dark humour and, even though inspired by children’s literature, the artist defined his work ironically as being “nonsense literature”. His artistic style is a constant source of inspiration, proven by the fact that Tim Burton named Gorey a major influence over “The Nightmare before Christmas” (1993).
A developing project, Galateca set out to present national and international design projects and original contemporary art, aiming to develop valuable exhibitions of applied and multimedia art. Simon Henwood: His multidisciplinary works have been exposed in famous museums and galleries around the world, amongst which are MOMA (NYC), ICA (London), UCLA Hammer Museum (LA) and the Sophie Sheideker Gallery (Paris) in a double exhibition signed “Simon Henwood and Francis Bacon”. The artist is also known for his collaboration with musicians Kanye West, Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Roisin Murphy, Badly Drawn Boy and Imogen Heap. Mircea Nechita: A plastic artist with an intense activity in the engraving domain, easel graphics, book graphics and • 30 •
”URBAN COMICS made in Cluj”
Bookaholic ”How do we read in the digital era?”
Opening Friday 12:30 Friday-Sunday Small Square - Smart Zone
Friday 13:00 Small Square - Smart Zone
Starting Friday the 9th of August until the end of ARTmania Festival 2013, Cluj Comics Club is welcoming you in the Small Square of Sibiu to discover “Urban Comics Made in Cluj”, a comics album inspired by urban legends. The comics books are available in Romanian and German, the project being supported by the German Cultural Center in Cluj. Five of the authors of these graphics will draw and sign your comics album.
Do we read faster or slower? Are we paying more attention? How have our reading habits changed in the century of speed and information? What changes has the increasing popularity of e-books brought about in our way of reading? What is our relationship with books? Do we read more or less? We will try to find the answer to all these questions and more together with the writers, Cecilia Ștefănescu and Florin Iaru, as well as Paul Balogh, a specialist in digital publishing, in a meeting moderated by Cristina Foarfă and organized by Bookaholic.ro.
The young artists come to ARTmania with an exhibition of 30 artworks and invite you to take part in a drawing workshop, where you will be able to create your own sketches.
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Press@School: Revista Zona Nouă versus Ziarul Carevasăzică
ARTmaniere Poetice #2
Saturday 12:30 Small Square Smart Zone
Friday 18:00 Small Square Smart Zone
ARTmaniere Poetice proposes an honest syncretic formula - poetry and music, literature and performance - which will bring to the public’s attention the newest and most maverick names in the young and very young generation of artists and writers. The first meeting will take place on Saturday, the 10th of August in the Small Square, where the writers Claudiu Komartin, Vlad Pojoga, Ilinca Pop and Catalina Stanislav will hold a recital that promises poetry far from the comfortable and lonely space that textbooks have become. Ana Toma’s piano will double the entire period of the reading.
Projects taken on by youth offer fresh perspectives and approaches, just like Zona Nouă magazine from Sibiu and the Carevasazică newspaper in Bucharest. We are invited to take part in a debate about what journalism means to the new generation, about what it means to write, to take interviews, to find attractive topics, to make people read; a debate about the people you should listen to, about the people you should bring close to you; about the borderline between reportage and art.
zona nouă
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The reading will be followed by a discussion on the subject of music, literature and insurgent literature accompanied by the poet Ionel Ciupureanu and Mihai Florea, philosopher and ex-member of the post-punk band Terror Art.
ARTmaniere Poetice #3 Sunday 17:30 Geea Café
ARTmaniere poetice will continue on Sunday, at 17:00, at the Geea Coffeehouse, where you will be able to listen to poetry and prose written by Rita Chirian and Radu Vancu, as well as Amelia Cernat and Ioana Vintila- “the bad girls” of the most recent wave, who have been remarked for their fresh, sensitive, acute and contorted literary discourse. By their side will be Romulus Cipariu and his anti-traditional cimbalom.
Bruno Wine Bar comes to ARTmania to complete the depth of a prose or poetry lecture with a noble wine or a refreshing appetizer for the summer. Founded in 2008, the Bruno Wine Bar & Bistro introduces in the urban landscape a mix of refinement and tradition with modernity. The wines are carefully selected, from Romanian producers, as well as many outstanding wine importers known on all 5 continents, with wines from 15 countries. In a lounge atmosphere, at ARTmania Smart Zone, Bruno Wine Bar joins the concept, recommending special types of wine, starting with the star of the Bruno brand, Romanian Tămâioasă and other four types of white wine, Bruno Black Feteasca, Red wines, refreshing Roses and Prosecco Italia.
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the island of dream and oblivion CASA HERMES
To found, to build… to become CASA ARTELOR
Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 – 18:00 Small Square Opening Friday 12.00
Tuesday-Sunday 11:00-18:00 Small Square
The annual exhibit “to found, to build…to become” sums up and documents the Romanian civilization illustrated at the open-air museum in Dumbrava Sibiului, bringing to the public, through showcasing traditional tools, accompanied by vintage photographs from the Fischer collection, the main occupations and crafts practiced ever since archaic times in the Romanian states: fishing, agriculture, milling, weaving, pottery etc.
The ASTRA National Museum Complex, together with the Romanian Peasant Museum in Bucharest, with the support of the Turkish Democratic Union in Romania, brings to the attention of the public the Ada Kaleh island, a place like no other, which was covered in 1971, by the water of the Portile de Fier I reservoir, located on the Danube, through the itinerant exhibit Ada Kaleh, the island of dream and oblivion. The exhibit will be open to the public at The Hermes House, The Small Square no. 11, between the 9th and 20th of August 2013.
The exhibit’s selection proposes a diachronic route, from past to present, putting face to face the museum’s history, the first monuments that were moved and reconstructed here with the newest projects that harness its movable and immovable patrimony.
We are proposing a new perspective of the sunken island to the public, inviting them to look through their eyelashes at the Ada Kaleh and to admire it through the eyes of the people that visited it at some point, keeping it in their memory as an island of dream and oblivion.
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painted Easter eggs, wood and bone carving, painting on wood and glass, designing masks, dolls, musical instruments, hats and jewellery making, weaving vegetal fibres. These folkloric artworks are representative for the majority of the ethnicities living together in Romania and all the traditional ethnographic regions of the country.
Muzeul de Etnografie Universală Franz Binder Casa Hermes Tuesday--Sunday 11:00-18:00 Small Square
THE NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF TRADITIONS – the 11th edition – 9th – 11th of August
Muzeul de Etnografie şi Artă Populară Săsească Casa Artelor
The purpose of the National Festival of Traditions joins the mission of the ASTRA Museum by preserving and promoting the traditional culture. The event presents authentic traditions from the whole country through a direct dialogue between the people taking part in the event (over 200 participants dressed in the national costumes specific to the area of the country where they come from) and the audience, making sure that all the seven sections are covered: Religious Arts (story-telling, folkloric poems and drama), Traditional Literature, Musical Arts, Choreographic Arts, Traditional Imitative Arts, Mechanical arts and Culinary Art. Practical demonstrations of the craftsmen Friday (16:00-19:00), Saturday and Sunday (10:00-13:00 and 16:00- 19:00) Practical demonstrations of culinary arts - Friday, starting from 16:00
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Populare Tradiţionale ASTRA daily 10:00 – 20:00
THE FAIR OF THE TRADITIONAL CREATORS OF ROMANIA, the 30th edition, 9th- 11th of August The event brings together over 200 traditional creators from all corners of Romania and gives shape to a typology of the traditional crafts: embroidery, weaving, pottery, • 35 •
”Gothic” - Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal
Poeme pentru păsări şi extratereştri de Cristian Bădiliţă
6-11 august 10:00-18:00 Palatul Brukenthal Piața Mare
Galeria de Artă Contemporană a Muzeului Naţional Brukenthal, Strada Tribunei 6 6-11 august, ora 10.00 – 18.00
The Gothic permanent exhibition opened at the Brukenthal National Museum, is the first to explore the roots of the phenomenon in the visual arts at the end of the 18th century , and throughout the 19th century, highlighting the literary sources and the historical context of the neo-gothic reaction to the Enlightenment.
This exhibition made up of 3 series of 70 artworks, 14 posters and 7 shirt “poemed up”, the author doesn’t intend to “take the bread away from the painters mouths, but try to bring a bit of cake to the poets mouths”.
The concept of the exhibition meets the public’s fascination with Gothic stories, through an educational and rational approach, based on an aesthetic form offered by the museum’s artefacts, creating a lively image of this period of cultural uproar and bold artistic inventions.
Cristian Bădiliță has developed a unique poetry concept: classic in its form, playful and provocative in expression, proposing an “expended poetry” that touches theology, visual arts, as well as the “banality” that surrounds us.
3 years after its opening, the space that hosts this exhibition has been upgraded with architectural elements, as well as urban furniture (7 pieces of medieval and modern hardware), 2 costumes (creations of the students from the Arts High School in Sibiu) and new ambient lighting.
Poetry isn’t only word, but sound, silence, colour, atmosphere, graphic form, monochrome lines or a polychrome throb. Rarely is poetry not related to irony and caricature.
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GROUND FLOOR: Transylvanian stone sculpture from the 13th-19th centuries • Graphics Chamber: The fortresses of God at the edge of the world. Photography Exhibition • Cartography Chamber: Stefan Orth. Retrospective through Posters • Halls of Temporary Exhibitions: Preventive Research. The archaeological challenge of our days
BASEMENT: Antique Lapidary • Medieval Lapidary GROUND FLOOR: Weapons and Armors • The national movement of Romanians from the South of Transylvania FIRST FLOOR: The Evolution of human communities in the south of Transylvania • Glass in Transylvania • Guilds in Sibiu • The Magistrate of Sibiu
FIRST FLOOR: Medieval Transylvanian Art.The Brukenthal National Museum’s Collections • The German and Austrian School • The Brukenthal National Museum’s Painting Collection • Anatolian Carpets from The Brukenthal Museum’s Collection
THE LIVING TOWER: Golden coins and medals • Thesaurus: liturgical and laic silverware THE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: The Systematic of the living World • Multimedia Room: temporary Exhibition: The Butterfly’s Season
SECOND FLOOR: Masterpieces from the Samuel von Brukenthal Collection.The Brukenthal National Museum’s Painting Collection • Flemish and Dutch Schools. The Brukenthal National Museum’s Painting Collection • The Italian School. The Brukenthal National Museum’s Painting Collection • Access to the Romanian Art Gallery (in the Blue House)
THE PHARMACY MUSEUM: The dispensary, the laboratory and the Homeopathic Collection THE “AUGUST VON SPIESS” WEAPONS AND TROPHIES MUSEUM: Permanent Exhibition
BLUE HOUSE : Multimedia Room • Temporary Exhibition: Classics, Modern, Contemporary. Romanian Painting: The Collection of Lucian Pop. • 37 •
General Conditions The participants to the ARTmania events are obliged to show a valid ticked or invitation. The access will be permitted based on the valid ticket, to one person, only once. ARTmania can guarantee that the ticket is legal and not falsified only if that ticket is bought directly from ARTmania or one of the authorized vending points or through official representatives. Check the integrity and the validity of the acquired ticket. Any complaint that will be placed after the purchase of the ticket will not be taken into consideration and no sum of money will be refunded. Law Enforcement has the right to deny access to people under the age of 14 who are not supervised, aggressive people or people under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Doing any of these things, as well as any form of violent behaviour, may attract the restriction of access or the eviction from the event location. Each participant is responsible for any damage they may cause. If you notice any incidents please reach out to the organizers or their representatives, who will be at your disposal in order to avoid any unpleasant moments. The public of the ARTmania festival is asked to be vigilent and not to leave their belongings unattended, the organizers not being responsible for any misplacements or thefts. Children under the age of 14 must have a supervisor with a valid ticket in order to take advantage of the offer to enter the festival without paying any entrance fees. The supervisors also have to take full responsibility for the safety of the children, the organizers not being responsible for any incidents. Parents should come without strollers in order to avoid any incidents. For children under the age of 10, using a pair of ear plugs is recommended. First Aid area: to the right side of the stage is The First Aid Area. In case you cannot move, ask any representative of the festival or guard for help. Free Access for people with disabilities: certified people with disabilities don’t have to pay any entrance fees (with or without a caregiver) if they present a certificate (or a copy of it) at the INFO ARTmania Festival Sibiu located in the Large Square, as well as an ID. The ARTmania Festival Sibiu 2013 also offers a platform for wheelchairs.
Tickets & Bracelets: access to the festival is permitted only after showing a valid ticket or invitation. The tickets and the invitations will be exchanged for bracelets, based on the type of ticket (pass or a one day ticket). Wearing the bracelet is mandatory for the whole period of the festival, which will be checked by the organizers every time you enter or exit the event area. The deterioration or loss of the bracelet means no longer being able to enter the festival’s designated area. The bracelet permits access only to the concert area and the ARTmania Festival connected events. The bracelets cannot be given to another person. Participants to the festival must submit themselves for a summary body check. The organizers maintain their right to not allow access into the festival area to people who refuse the summary body check. Proof of age: only people over the age of 18 are allowed to buy alcohol and cigarettes, and therefore a valid ID is necessary and must be show when asked. You are not allowed to bring food or beverages into the festival area. You are not allowed to bring any blunt objects; weapons; objects and materials that may be considered dangerous; glass, metal and plastic containers; bottles; fireworks; banners with sticks; chairs; chains; dangerous objects; umbrellas (in case of harsh whether we recommend using raincoats); animals; flags; Chinese lampions, substances that the law doesn’t allow. Access with medicine is allowed only accompanied by a prescription. Cameras: Any type of camera is allowed in the festival’s area as long as the length of its lens is under 5.9 inch (15 cm) or the whole length of the camera is under 7.9 inch (20 cm). Pictures may be taken, as long as no flash is being used and the public and smooth running of the festival is not perturbed. This year, the restrictions on tripods, detachable flashes and other accessories, filming and audio recording equipment stay in place. A token system will be put in place in order to purchase food and beverages, where it will be marked so. The tokens are not valid at the festival’s merchandise vending points, the price having to be paid in cash. Lost objects can be found or declared lost at the place that is marked for this purpose.
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