MICA (P) 213/11/2011
Nee Soon Central
AUGUST 2012 Issue
nee soon central
Chinese New Year Activities
Published by the Nee Soon Central Grassroots Organisations
Family! 04
Grassroots Adviser: Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim
Residents’ Committees
MAEC Family Carnival
Editorial Team: Ms Florence Ho • Ms Carol Chong • Ms Dalvin Sidhu • Ms Angelia Wong • Ms Ho Peck Hong
Network Nee Soon Central
Adviser´s Foreword Grassroots Adviser
Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim MP for Nee Soon GRC (Nee Soon Central)
Dear Residents of Nee Soon Central,
I am very pleased to be able to engage you through this edition of the Nee Soon Central Network newsletter.
n this issue, I would like to share with you a predominant theme that I feel has been embedded in Nee Soon Central for many years. During my block visits, chit chat and breakfast sessions, and attending the many grassroots events around the constituency, I could not help but feel a strong sense of "care and commitment" amongst Nee Soon Central residents towards their family, friends and neighbours. This feeling is reinforced by the many positive and meaningful contributions of our residents that I have come across as I engage more and more of you this year. I am also happy to meet many generations of families living together and close to one another, reinforcing the strong family bonding and level of care towards the elderly. These values and traits are important in weaving a strong social fabric that would hold our society strong.
当我在进行楼层探访,与居民一起享用早餐, 和参加社
I am also inspired by the continued large turnouts of residents during our grassroots events. During the recent Nee Soon GRC Family Carnival, I was most pleased to meet residents from other parts of GRC enjoying the day with our fellow residents. It is this communal spirit that together we can build a cohesive Nee Soon Central family, as well as being part of Nee Soon GRC.
I am also thankful for the feedback given to me by you on issues affecting your lives. The need to expedite the Lift Upgrading Programme, requests for a hawker centre, improvements in public transport connectivity and many others were brought up by residents during my walkabouts and chit chat sessions. As we are geographically linked to other parts of Nee Soon GRC, some of your feedback are also the concerns of others in the GRC. I would also like to share that our Grassroots leaders often meet to continue thinking of ways to engage residents and improving your lives. I salute their commitment for being the pillars in our community.
In close, this spirit of “care and commitment” in Nee Soon Central is a strong subset of this year’s National Day theme “Loving Singapore, Our Home”. It encourages all Singaporeans to reflect on what it means to love our country, what we appreciate about Singapore, and how each individual can express their love for the nation. It is also a good time to remind ourselves to stay united, to maintain and build an endearing home, one that preserves our cultural identity and heritage, for ourselves and for our future generations. Let us work together to make our Nee Soon Central Town the best place to live and play , a place we call “Home”.
区活动时,我不禁感受到义顺中的居民给予家人,朋友和 邻里一种“关怀与承诺”的强烈意识。自从接触了这些居 民,他们的积极和贡献让我留下深刻的印象。在同一个屋 檐下能够看到三代同堂和睦共处,并且还能保持家庭凝聚 力以及对长辈的关心,我感到非常欣慰。这些价值观和特 点对建立一个强大社会的基本结构来说是非常重要的。 居民热情和积极地参加基层组织主办的活动也启发了我不 少。最近的义顺集选区家庭活动日,我很高兴能见到来自 不同地区的居民和我们一起度过美好的一天。这是我们一 时也是义顺集选区的一份子。 我也很感谢居民们在我徒步访问和谈话会时所提出的反馈, 例如要求电梯翻新计划尽早完成,建设小贩中心,改善公 区内其他的选区,其中的反馈也会受到他们的关注。我想 和大家分享,其实我们的基层领袖时常开会,努力地想方 设法改善居民的生活环境。我向这些勇于付出,不求回报 的基层领袖们致敬。 最后,义顺中“关怀与承诺”的精神和今年国庆日的主 题“爱在新加坡,我们的家”有着密切的关联。它鼓励新 加坡人,促使他们想想“爱国”究竟意味着什么,感激新 加坡的一切,还有表达他们对国家的爱意。为了种族和谐 和我们的下一代,我们 必须时时提醒自己要保持团结,建 立一个温暖,并且还保留着我们传统文化的家。 让我们共同努力,使我们的义顺中市镇拥有最佳的娱乐场 所和居住环境,一个我们称之为“家”的地方。 费绍尔副教授 义顺集选区(义顺中)国会议员
Network Nee Soon Central
Kepada penduduk Nee Soon Central,
Dalam isu kali ini, saya ingin mengongsi bersama anda satu tema utama yang saya fikir sudah lama tersemai di Nee Soon Central. Semasa program lawatan blok, sesi sarapan dan berbual-bual, dan menghadiri banyak acara akar umbi dalam kawasanundi ini, saya dapat rasakan satu semangat yang kuat, ‘prihatin dan komitmen’ di kalangan penduduk Nee Soon Central terhadap keluarga, rakan dan jiran mereka. Perasaan ini diperkukuh dengan sumbangan positif dan bermakna daripada penduduk kita yang dapat saya lihat sedang saya bertemu lebih ramai penduduk pada tahun ini.
Saya juga gembira untuk bertemu keluarga dengan beberapa generasi tinggal bersama dan berhampiran, menguatkan pertalian keluarga kukuh dan tahap prihatin kepada anggota keluarga lebih tua. Nilai dan ciri-ciri ini adalah penting dalam membangun sebuah fabrik sosial yang kukuh yang akan mendokong sebuah masyarakat yang kuat. Saya juga teruja dengan kehadiran ramai penduduk semasa acara akar umbi kita. Semasa Karnival Keluarga GRC Nee Soon yang terbaru, saya amat gembira bertemu dengan para penduduk daripada bahagian lain GRC kita, bersama-sama menikmati acara itu bersama penduduk kita. Semangat masyarakat inilah yang boleh kita bangunkan bersama untuk membentuk sebuah keluarga Nee Soon Central, sebahagian daripada GRC Nee Soon. Saya juga berterimakasih di atas maklum balas yang diberikan kepada saya mengenai isu-isu yang menjejas kehidupan anda. Keperluan untuk mempercepatkan Program Peningkatan Lif, permohonan bagi sebuah pusat makanan, pembaikan dari segi kesambungan sistem pengangkutan dan banyak lagi telah diutarakan para penduduk semasa acara bertemu penduduk dan sesi berbual-bual. Memandangkan kita dikaitkan dengan bahagian lain GRC Nee Soon dari segi geografi, sebahagian maklum balas anda juga merupakan keprihatinan penduduk lain di GRC ini. Saya juga ingin mengongsi bahawa para pemimpin akar umbi kita selalu bertemu untuk terus memikirkan cara-cara mendekati penduduk dan mempertingkat mutu kehidupan anda. Saya tabik komitmen mereka dan mereka adalah tunggak masyarakat kita. Rumusnya, semangat ‘prihatin dan komitmen’ di Nee Soon Central adalah sejajar dengan subset utama tema Hari Kebangsaan tahun ini, “Sayangi Singapura, Kediaman Kita’. Ia menggalakkan semua warga Singapura untuk memikirkan apakah makna untuk mencintai negara kita, apa yang kita hargai tentang Singapura, dan bagaimana setiap individu boleh melahirkan rasa cinta mereka kepada negara. Ia masa yang baik untuk mengingatkan diri kita sendiri untuk sentiasa bersatu, untuk memelihara dan membangun sebuah kediaman tercinta, yang memelihara identiti budaya dan warisan untuk kita sendiri dan untuk generasi akan datang. Mari kita bekerjasama untuk menjadikan Bandar Nee Soon Central kita tempat terbaik untuk tinggal dan bermain, tempat yang kita panggil ‘Kediaman Kita’. Professor Madya Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim Anggota Parlimen bagi Nee Soon GRC (Nee Soon Central)
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Network Nee Soon Central
Chinese New Year activities Light Up Ceremony
hinese New Year is one of the numerous festivals that Singaporeans celebrate. To usher in the Dragon year of 2012, an array of exciting activities were organized.
The residents of Nee Soon Central were invited to participate in the Nee Soon Central Light Up Ceremony. The event was held on 6 January 2012 at the hard court located beside Block 749 Yishun Street 72. Residents were engrossed by the spellbinding performances put up by talented local and foreign artistes. The event was also graced by Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal. As many as one thousand residents participated in the Light Up ceremony.
Mandarin Orange Distribution
he distribution of mandarin oranges to the residents and shop owners of Nee Soon Central ensued over a span of 3 days on 13, 14 and 15 January 2012. Mandarin Oranges were distributed at densely populated venues like Northpoint Shopping Centre as well as shops and coffee shops located at Nee Soon Central Neigbourhoods 6 and 7.
Network Nee Soon Central
Senior Citizens´ Hong Bao Presentation
he Nee Soon Central Constituency Senior Citizens’ Hong Bao Presentation was subsequently held on 8 January 2012. 2000 senior citizens gathered at the hard court situated beside Yishun Polyclinic from 9am to 11am. Each senior citizen received a red packet and a warm handshake from our amiable Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim. Refreshments and goodie bags were also readily distributed during the event.
Chinese New Year Dinner
he Chinese New Year Dinner was held on 4 and 5 February 2012. The convivial event was jointly organized by the RCs of Zones 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 from 7.30pm to 10.30pm.
Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim graced the event that was held over a span of two days with as many as 1060 sprightly residents participating in the joyous event. The event was kicked start by a rousing performance put up by a team of Lion Dance enthusiasts from Chung Cheng High School (Yishun). The agile Lion Dance troupe danced with ease to the beat of the drums, cymbals and gongs with precision as they welcomed the Guest of Honour, Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, MP for Nee Soon GRC (Nee Soon Central).
The residents of Nee Soon Central were subsequently treated to a series of captivating performances by various professional artistes. They also laughed heartily at the capricious jokes cracked by a jovial and witty host. Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)’s award winning Wushu team also put up an enthralling performance that left many residents awestruck and mouths agape as they watched the exhilarating performance. The team of budding martial artistes pulled off their performance with confidence. Residents who relish good food were also treated to a highly pleasing dinner that delighted the palate. It was certainly a delightful occasion for all!
Network Nee Soon Central
Nee Soon Central
Residents´ CommitteeS Zone 1
Block 736 Yishun Street 72 #01-79 Tel: 6752 8501
endering aid in helping students attain academic excellence has always been the primary objective of the Nee Soon Central Zone 1 Residents’ Committee. Residents are proactive in organizing tuition classes on a regular basis. As of now, the initiative has attracted 80 inquisitive students who possess a thirst for knowledge. The affirmative reviews and feedbacks received from parents and students of the community, serve as a testimony to the effectiveness of the programme. Some residents even commented that the tuition classes serve as an apt platform to actively engage the residents of Nee Soon Central Zone 1.
Zone 2
Block 757 Yishun Street 72 #01-464 Tel: 6758 8648
ndian Traditional Dance is a popular recreational activity amongst the residents of Nee Soon Central Zone 2. The activity has enticed 180 passionate residents who are eager to acquire graceful dance moves and routines pertaining to Traditional Indian Dance. Participants of this programme are frequently invited to put up enthralling public performances at various venues. They have constantly received affirmations and raving reviews from their appreciative audiences.
Network Nee Soon Central
Zone 4
Block 773 Yishun Street 72 #01-151 Tel: 6257 1518
enior citizens do play a crucial role in our society! At Zone 4, the Residents’ Committee organizes numerous activities and meaningful programmes to engage the senior citizens. Activities such as potluck sessions are held on a regular basis. These activities cater to the emotional and social needs of our senior citizens whereby they not only get to flaunt their culinary skills but also mingle and socialize with members of the community.
Zone 5
Block 610 Yishun Street 61 #01-233 Tel: 6756 8179
ee Soon Central Zone 5 RC frequently organizes one day tours for their residents, allowing committee members and residents to mingle and promote neighbourliness through unintimidating and relaxing recreational tours. Our residents are also given opportunities to explore and acquire more knowledge about intriguing cultures that might potentially differ from Singapore when they participate in the recreational tours. In 2012 , Nee Soon Central Zone 5 RC has organized 2 one-day tours to Johor Bahru on 8 January 2012 and to Batu Pahat, Muar on 4 February 2012. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a fun and fulfilling one-day tour today!
Network Nee Soon Central
Nee Soon Central
Residents´ CommitteeS Zone 6
Block 636 Yishun Street 61 #01-112 Tel: 6756 6053
Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim. Brisk walking cards are also readily given out to deserving members to affirm their commitments to leading a healthy lifestyle while fostering congenial ties amongst the residents of Nee Soon Central. Additionally, Brisk Walking Coordinator, Mr Toh Hong Chiaw was deservingly accorded with the North West Brisk walking Club Outstanding Coordinator Award 2011 for his industrious efforts in organizing Brisk Walking activities.
o lead a healthy lifestyle by “Exercising as a society” is a compelling goal to be attained amongst the sporty and athletic residents of Nee Soon Central Zone 6. Their passion for sports is evident with the establishment of the Brisk Walking Club. Members of the Brisk Walking Club comprising of approximately 250 members from all walks of life frequently organize brisk walking sessions with our
Zone 7
Block 653 Yishun Avenue 4 #01-453 Tel: 6756 1101
raditionally, karaoke facilities within the RCs attracted generally Chinese residents who enjoy participating in singing lessons or simply singing for leisure. However at Nee Soon Central Zone 7, it is common to see effervescent Malay residents brightening up the night life of the neighbourhood with their melodious duets. During these energetic and lively karaoke sessions, they come together to mingle and interact with their neighbours who share a common interest in music on a weekly basis. Community Garden bags Gold Award!
ave you ever dreamt of having a Community Garden at our housing estate? Fret Not! A community Garden at Block 662 has been incepted! It was officiated by our Grassroots Adviser Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim on 5 November 2011. Out of 114 entries in the Community In Bloom (CIB) Awards 2012, Nee Soon Central Zone 7 RC bagged the prestigious GOLD AWARD under the Public Housing Estate Category. This garden serves as an apt platform for our residents to bond as they engage in gardening activities. In addition, it serves as an educational platform for inquisitive children to learn more about our eco-system.
Network Nee Soon Central
Zone 8
Block 935 Yishun Central 1 #01-37 Tel: 6754 2554
ver wonder who’s been taking care of the enchanting Yishun Town Garden? The garden is maintained by enthusiastic residents who have green thumbs and take it upon themselves to beautify the environment. It is also common to see senior citizens gathering at the garden to water the crops and share useful agricultural tips and techniques amongst fellow volunteers. If you need help in growing a pot of flowers, head on down to Yishun Town Garden to garner agricultural tips from the experts today!
Zone 9
Block 366 Yishun Ring Road #01-1500 Tel: 6754 6588
one 9 RC organizes activities to cater to the differing needs and interests of residents residing at Zone 9. They have a myriad of interest groups organizing various lessons like Art and Craft, Flower arrangement and Yoga classes. The Creative Arts Interest Group is led by Ms Peck Yan who organizes basic Art and Craft lessons every Saturday
night. The Yoga classes are taught by two trainers, Ms Karen Goh and Adeline Toh on Wednesday and Thursday nights. All lessons are held free of charge. Interested residents are only required to purchase relevant craft materials or sports gear such as a yoga mat for the respective lessons.
Network Nee Soon Central
Record Breaking Feat to Form the character ` ´ with 10,888 Mandarin Oranges
n 4 February 2012, the CC-YECs of Nee Soon Central, Nee Soon South, Marsiling and Woodgrove as well as enthusiastic student helpers from Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) took part in an inaugural record breaking feat. The unprecedented event was held at the hard court situated next to Nee Soon Central CC at Block 749 Yishun Street 72. 80 fervid participants collaborated to partake in an event whereby they formed the character ‘ ’ with 10,888 Mandarin Oranges. Guest of Honour was Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, MP of Nee Soon GRC (Nee Soon
Central); he was joined by Special Guests Mr Hawazi Daipi, Er. Dr. Lee Bee Wah and Mr Ong Teng Koon, Grassroots Advisers to Marsiling, Nee Soon South and Woodgrove Grassroots Organisations respectively. The event was organized with the primary aim of getting youths and participants from various backgrounds to collaborate and wish Singaporeans a prosperous and happy Lunar New Year. The atmosphere at the hard court was a festive one, enlivened with gleeful laughter as YEC participants and students mingled and worked assiduously to form the character ‘ ’. The meaningful event was rounded up with the distribution of oranges to 10 Voluntary Welfare Organizations located in Nee Soon and Sembawang GRCs. It was indeed a good way to kick start 2012. May all Singaporeans have a good year ahead with bountiful and prosperous surprises and fortuitous windfalls!
Nee Soon Central
Lunar New Year Recreational Folk Dance Nite
s American modern dancer, Martha Graham once said, ‘dance is the hidden language of the soul.’ This phrase was brought to life at the hard court next to Nee Soon Central CC at Block 749 Yishun Street 72 as over 300 passionate women took part in the Nee Soon Central Lunar New Year Recreational Folk Dance Nite. The highly anticipated event was organized by our Nee Soon Central CC-WEC on 18 February 2012. Avid dancers of various ages, dressed in eye-catching costumes flaunted their talents in dancing. The audience of various age groups was treated to a felicitous folk dance which incorporated contemporary dance moves. It was indeed a memorable night for all!
Network Nee Soon Central
Nee Soon GRC MAEC Family Carnival
he much-anticipated MAEC family carnival, attended by over 1,000 residents was held at the hard court beside Yishun Polyclinic on 1 April 2012. The event was a synergistic effort of 5 MAECs of Nee Soon GRC. The bunga manggar, made of colourful pieces of glittering paper wrapped around thin sticks sliced from coconut fronds was particularly special during the carnival. Traditionally, the bunga manggar is carried to usher the arrival of important guests. In this light hearted family carnival, Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim and residents each held a
SCEC Outing to HaW Par Villa
bunga manggar and danced along to traditional music as one Nee Soon GRC signifying the importance of each and every resident in the Nee Soon Central family. Apart from an impressive lineup of stage performances and reminiscing games that were frequently played during the kampong days, the event organizers infused an element of modernity by coordinating a Kebayarobics dance, which participants thoroughly enjoyed.
Nee Soon Central
IAEC Family Day
hree busloads of enthusiastic residents visited Har Par Villa, also known as the Tiger Balms Garden on 6 May 2012 in an outing organized by Nee Soon Central CC-SCEC. The residents were visually treated to over 1000 statues and 150 dioramas that depicted Chinese legends and folklore. Some of the attractions which the residents enjoyed included statues of the Laughing Buddha and the Goddess of Mercy, as well as dioramas of scenes from the Journey to the West, one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature. The group also visited the most prominent attraction, the Ten Courts of Hell, with gruesome depictions of hell in Chinese mythology, all set in a 60 meter-long trail of a Dragon. After spending the afternoon in Har Par Villa, the residents forged close friendships amongst each other as they excitedly discussed the attractions they saw throughout the day over lunch at a restaurant.
n 15 July 2012, Nee Soon Central CC – Indian Activity Executive Committee & North West CDC jointly organized the Nee Soon Central IAEC Family Day. The primary aim of the event was to promote family cohesion. Approximately, 300 residents and Grassroots Leaders participated in the event. Our fun-loving children were kept entertained with a series of games specially catered to their interests. Namely, an art competition, balloon sculpting and lucky draws. The IAEC will be using various platforms to reach out to more Indian residents and actively encourage them to join the Nee Soon Central Grassroots Organisations. Our residents can look forward to more exciting and interesting activities in the ensuing months.
Network Nee Soon Central
C2E Events
he Community Emergency and Engagement (C2E) Committee is the amalgamations of the former Emergency Preparedness Group and Civil Defence Executive Committees.
In conjunction with Emergency Preparedness day, Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim launched the Nee Soon Central Women-in-Action Team. Women volunteers readily shouldered responsibilities in ensuring that our estate is a safe place for all to reside.
On 12 February 2012, at the Basketball Court in front of Block 636, Nee Soon Central C2E orchestrated an exercise to prepare us for any plausible emergencies. About 800 residents and grassroot leaders participated in the exercise.
012 marks the introduction of the inaugural Community Games (CG), aims to develop a strong and sporting culture, with enhanced social cohesion and community bonding by “linking” people (of all ages, races living in both public and private housing estate) through mass participation and involvement. The ten sports to be featured are Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Bowling, Dragon Boat, Football, Netball, Sepak Takraw, Swimming and Table Tennis. CG will also serve as a qualifying round for the upcoming Singapore National Games (SNG) from 1 to 9 September.
Nee Soon Central Community Sports Club is pleased to announce that we have attained the first position for Nee Soon Cluster Men’s 5-on-5 Basketball competition. Our basketball team will be one of the 2 teams which qualify for the prestigious SNG. They will also be competing with winners from other clusters in Singapore. So do render our athletes with your much sought after support and encouragements!
Network Nee Soon Central
Nee Soon Central
Constituency Dinner
he Nee Soon Central Constituency Dinner was held at the hard court next to Nee Soon Central CC at Block 749 Yishun on 24 March 2012. It was jointly organised by the Nee Soon Central CCC and the Integration and Naturalization Champion (INC). Over 250 residents, including new citizens, graced the dinner. The constituency dinner was an excellent platform for residents to get to know one another, as new residents were welcomed into our Nee Soon Central family by Grassroots
Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim. They were treated to songs and performances that represented the different races in Singapore, showcasing the multiracial society that we harmoniously live in.
Parent´s Night
arent’s Night events were held in June this year, consecutively on 3 occasions, jointly organized by various committees. The turnout for all 3 events was indeed promising with as many as 900 participants (Grassroots Leaders and Residents) attending the event. In the spirit of celebrating SCEC’s 11th Anniversary , Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim was invited on stage to cut a delectable looking cake. He also gamely acceded to the residents’ request by spontaneously singing a Hokkien song. It was indeed memorable to be able to witness our grave and sober Guest of Honour let his hair down during an
informal event. He also promptly graced all three occasions and gave a fiery and meaningful speech which kept the audience engaged. In addition, the events proved to be appropriate platforms for parents to forge closer and more intimate ties with their children when they participated in family activities which required teamwork.
Network Nee Soon Central
PCF Nee Soon Central
Sports Carnival
CF Nee Soon Central Education Centre held its annual Sports Carnival on 18 March 2012, at Nee Soon Central Community Park. Our affable Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim graced the event and gave away prizes to PCF’s deserving competitors.
It was an exhilarating and fun-filled event whereby our students and their family members cheered the gamesome competitors on heartily. Many a time, the vivacious audience was left glued to their seats as the adrenaline pumping races took place. To encapsulate, the Carnival duly promotes the significance of sportsmanship, appreciation of sports and family cohesiveness.
Parental workshop
CF Nee Soon Central Education Centre orgainsed a Parental Workshop on the 26 May 2012 at Nee Soon Central Community Centre. The Parental Workshop was organized to help parents better comprehend the consequences and outcomes of various parenting styles. Grassroots Adviser Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim graced the event and gave a moving and
National Healthcare Group Polyclinics – Yishun
to relocate in December 2012
he Yishun Polyclinic you have grown to love over the years is set to move from 100 Yishun Central to its new premises at 30A Yishun Central 1 (between blocks 928 – 931) by December 2012. Situated just behind the Yishun bus interchange, the Polyclinic will be
Artist Impressions
thought-provoking speech on how the actions and behaviours of parents could affect their children. A token of appreciation was presented to the genial guest speaker from Strom Training Singapore.
easily accessible, bringing primary healthcare right to your doorstep. With a gross floor area of 4,300sqm, residents visiting the polyclinic will have a view of the Yishun reservoir from within the clinic, creating a space of lush natural greenery to promote a healing environment. Every effort has been made to ensure that the new polyclinic will blend into its surrounding area with little disruption to the natural beauty that the residents have come to enjoy. Ever mindful of the ageing population in Singapore, all the existing services will be located on one floor for easy accessibility. The consultation rooms, care management, allied health services, Family Physician Clinic, diabetic screening services and a satellite diagnostics centre are clustered together for easy access to promote a one-stop service concept for patients. National Healthcare Group Polyclinics is certainly looking forward to serving the residents of Yishun even better at its new location.
Network Nee Soon Central
Estate Enhancement Activities
esiding at Nee Soon Central is indeed delightful with more estate enhancement programmes to equip your cozy homes with congenial facilities befitting the needs of your loved ones!
Covered walkway at Block 774 Yishun Avenue 3
You will be sheltered from Block 744 to the bus stop situated at Yishun Ring Road.
Covered walkway with drop off point at Block 637 Yishun Street 61 Drop off point at Block 362 Yishun Ring Road
HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME (HIP) Home Improvement Programme (HIP): A HIP poll was conducted amongst residents who reside at Yishun Street 72, Blocks 732 to 752. As much as 92% of the residents who were involved in the poll were in favour of uplifting works. Construction works are expected to commence in 2012 (3rd quarter of the year).
NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL PROGRAMME (NRP) Neighourhood Renewal Programme (NRP): Residents dwelling at Blocks 343-346,349-360, 350A & 355A Yishun Avenue 11/ Ring Road were involved in a consultation to garner feedback on their choice of improvement works. The consultation was held at Block 352 in mid July.
Network Nee Soon Central
Join Us! Learn First Aid Skills CERT is a group of volunteers who receives special training
for the purpose of enhancing their abilities to recognize, respond to and recover from a major emergency or disaster situation. The main role as a CERT member • Help the community • Organise emergency respond to and recover preparedness programmes from emergencies for residents • Disseminate critical • Provide emotional support information to residents to residents under • Help identify residents psychological stress during requiring special assistance emergencies during emergencies Training for CERT • Basic First Aid • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) • Fire Safety and Casualty Evacuation
• Emergency Procedures • Ability to deal with unconventional threats • Basic Counseling
CERT Member Enrolment Criteria • Be a Singapore or Permanent Resident • At least 14 years old For any enquiries, please contact us at Nee Soon Central Community Centre (CC) Block 749 Yishun Street 72 #01-138 Singapore 760749 Tel: 6753 7402 / 6752 7687 • Fax: 6752 8965
Be Part of the Nee Soon Central
Grassroots Organisations
• Get to meet people from all walks of life; different profession • Improve interpersonal skills through promoting neighbourliness, harmony and community cohesion among residents in the Neighbourhood • Opportunity to upgrade yourself at National Community Leadership Institute and Outward Bound Singapore • Special Incentives If you are Singaporean or Permanent Resident, aged 18 and above, residing in Nee Soon Central, just simply fill up the application form and return to: Nee Soon Central Constituency Office Block 749 Yishun Street 72 #03-138 Singapore 760749 or your nearest RC For further enquiries, please call us at Tel: 6753 7402 / 6752 7687 • Fax: 6752 8965 Name:
Home Address:
Community Emergency Response Team
Contact No.: Email Address: Occupation: cut along dotted line
Join Us!
Come and join the largest brisk walking club in Singapore and enjoy the following benefits: • Keep healthy • Reduce stress • Reduce body fat
• Reduce risk of heart attack • Increase bone density • Make more friends!
To become a member of North West Brisk Walking Club, simply complete the registration form below and submit to your nearest Residents' Committee (RC), Neighbourhood Committee (NC) or to North West CDC.
欢迎加入新加坡最大的轻快步行俱乐部 并享受以下的福利: • 保持身体键康 • 缓解压力 • 减少体脂肪
• 减低心脏病的风险 • 增强骨骼密度 • 广交新友!
如果您想成为西北轻快步行俱乐部的会员, 请填 妥下一页的登记表格提交给您邻近的居民委员会 (RC), 邻里委员会(NC)或西北社区发展理事会。