In 1946, Ioannis and Maria Chatzigeorgiou established CHATZIGEORGIOU GP, an import – trade company, in Thessaloniki. The next generation of the company, Petros and Dimitris Chatzigeorgiou, renamed the company PDH Emporio, plotting a new, international course for the company. With 4,000 m2 of privately-owned facilities, PDH Emporio imports and sells a large range of goods in the Greek market, such as domestic DQG RI¿FH SURGXFWV JLIWV GHFRUDWLYH REMHFWV HOHFWULFDO PDWHULDOV DV ZHOO DV SURGXFWV FRYHULQJ FRPSDQLHVœ SURPRWLRQDO QHHGV Grasping the latest developments, commercial opportunities and challenges, PDH Emporio is planning its future course, focusing on its modernization. The company is investing in human resources, automation and computerization, as well as communications. Moreover, the company is organizing its sales network and launching GRUPPE, an updated brand of small domestic electric appliances, featuring reliable devices with modern design, new packaging and an advertising promotional campaign. Its philosophy highly attuned to the needs of its associates and end consumers, PDH Emporio is planning its further growth, aiming at providing products and services of even higher quality in the future. At PDH Emporio, priority is always placed on substantial partnerships. facebook: Gruppe Pdhemporio
Through Directive 85/374/EEC concerning liability of the supplier vis-Ă -vis the consumer for loss or malfunction, the European Union provided a different dimenVLRQ WR WKH LVVXH RI SURGXFW ÂłTXDOLW\´ 2EMHFWLYHO\ SURYing the “qualityâ€? of products and their compliance is the only way to safeguard the elements of logistics, from WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU WR WKH ÂżQDO VDOHVSHUVRQ RU LQVWDOOHU Laboratory controls and markings of quality assurance organisations do not only ensure the quality of products, but also safeguard the people distributing these products. Throughout its history and growth, Chatzigeorgiou has focused on customer satisfaction. The quality and reliability of its products have been a Âż[HG SHUPDQHQW SRLQW RI UHIHUHQFH DQG WKH PDLQ IRXQGDWLRQ IRU UHDFKLQJ LWV REMHFWLYHV
We pay attention to developments, we plan for the future and prepare ourselves. We comprehend the needs and requirements of our associates and work consistently in RUGHU WR UHDOL]H RXU FRPPRQ REMHFWLYHV DQG WR FRQWLQXously grow. We have the foundations, the technical knowledge and dynamism necessary to successfully maneuver in a competitive, continuously shifting environment. Facing new horizons, we stand by the principles that brought us acclaim: ‡ 3URYLGLQJ DGYDQFHG WHFKQRORJ\ ‡ 3URYLGLQJ KLJK TXDOLW\ VXSSRUW ‡ 3URYLGLQJ H[FHOOHQW VHUYLFHV ‡ 5HPDLQLQJ IDLWKIXO WR SURYLGLQJ TXDOLW\ SURGXFWV
Today, with extensive experience in the introduction of electrical products and home care, with products covering all the requirements of European Directives and is manufactured according to European, Greek and International Standards, including some with prizes awarded RED Dot Awards and IF Products design Awards. So all products guarantee consumer safety and funcWLRQ FRPSDWLEOH ZLWK RWKHU GHYLFHV ZLWK &HUWLÂżFDWHV RI Quality Assurance, CE, TĂœV GS, International GS, ISO, ROHS etc.
Index KitchenDesign
04 34 58 66
kitchen design
4 design colours
SN 3813-02 Kettle Retro Capacity 0,8 Lit / Jug of excellent construction. Safety locking lid / Rotating base 3600 On / off switch with light indicator / Cord storage in the base. ǿıȤȪȢ 9 +] : L 0.8
W 1190
3 perfect colours
EKS 17135 Kettle Capacity 1.7 Lit / Jug of excellent construction. Safety locking lid / Rotating base 3600 On / off switch with light indicator / Cord storage in the base. Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1850W. L 1.7
W 1850
kitchen design
F 708 Kettle Capacity 2 Lit / Jug of excellent construction / Safety locking lid . It features LED-illuminated during operation /Base of inox / Rotating base 3600 On- off switch with light indicator / Cord storage in the base. Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1850-2200W L 2.0
W 2200
CM 2039 Electric coffee pot Fast heating / Maximum quantity indicator of water or coffee / Resistor STRIX Heats rapidly / On -Off switch / Light indicator / Modern design Power 220 -240V 50Hz 730 - 870W CAPS W 5 870
++Ǻ Kettle &DSDFLW\ /LW ,QR[ MXJ RI H[FHOOHQW FRQVWUXFWLRQ 6DIHW\ ORFNLQJ OLG ZLWK RSHQ VZLWFK Rotating base 3600 / On- Off switch with light indicator / Cord storage in the base. Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1370-1630W
L 1.2
W ǿȃȅȋ 1630
HH 1018 Kettle &DSDFLW\ /LW ,QR[ MXJ RI H[FHOOHQW FRQVWUXFWLRQ 6DIHW\ ORFNLQJ OLG ZLWK RSHQ VZLWFK Rotating base 3600 / On- Off switch with light indicator / Cord storage in the base. Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1370-1630W
L 1.0
W ǿȃȅȋ 1630
MK 17S 10A Kettle JOHAN &DSDFLW\ /LW ,QR[ MXJ RI H[FHOOHQW FRQVWUXFWLRQ 6DIHW\ ORFNLQJ OLG ZLWK RSHQ VZLWFK Rotating base 3600 / On- Off switch with light indicator / Cord storage in the base. It features LED lit during operation Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1850-2200W L 1.7
W ǿȃȅȋ 2200
kitchen design
HHB 1729 Kettle Capacity 1,7 Lit / Jug of excellent construction / Safety locking lid Rotating base 3600 / On -Off switch with light indicator Cord storage in the base / Shuts off automatically when water boils Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1850-2200W L 1.7
W 2200
WK 8269E Kettle JOHAN Capacity 1,7 Lit / Jug of excellent construction / Safety locking lid Rotating base 3600 / On -Off switch with light indicator / Resistor STRIX Cord storage in the base / Shuts off automatically when water boils Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1850-2200W L 1.7
W 2200
one red, two black, three white colours
WK 8279 Kettle JOHAN Capacity 1,7 Lit / Jug of excellent construction / Safety locking lid Rotating base 3600 / On -Off switch with light indicator / Resistor STRIX Cord storage in the base / Shuts off automatically when water boils Water level indicator with blue led Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2200W L 1.7
W 2200
kitchen design
kitchen design
CM 2028 Coffee maker JOHAN Capacity 12-15 cups / 'HWDFKDEOH JODVV MXJ HDV\ WR FOHDQ / Water level indicator Drip stop feature 5HPRYDEOH FRQH ¿ OWHU ,QGLFDWRU OLJKW È Q RII Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1000W CAPS W 15 1000
CM 2021 &RIIHH PDNHU -2+$1 ZLWK WKHUPRV MXJ Capacity 8 cups / 'HWDFKDEOH WKHUPRV MXJ HDV\ WR FOHDQ / Water level indicator Drip stop feature 5HPRYDEOH FRQH ¿ OWHU ,QGLFDWRU OLJKW È Q RII Power 220 -240V 50Hz 870W CAPS W 8 870
CM 2038 Coffee maker JOHAN Capacity 10-12 cups / High quality covering / Water level indicator Drip stop feature 5HPRYDEOH FRQH ¿ OWHU ,QGLFDWRU OLJKW ȠQ RII ,QGLFDWRU OLJKW ȠQ RII / Remaining warm coffee function / Aroma control Power 220 -240V 50Hz 820-980W CAPS W 12 980
SP 7407 Electric coffee grinder Grinds coffee beans for espresso, capuccino, greek / Transparent cap Easy to use / ,QGLFDWRU ȠQ RII Power 220 -240V 50Hz 150W W 150
kitchen design
T 338 Toasters JOHAN High quality, cool touch covering / For 2 slices of bread / 7 browning settings /DUJH VORW WR 多 W GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI EUHDG +LJK OLIW WR WDNH DZD\ VPDOO SLHFHV RI EUHDG Disposable crumb tray with easy clean function / Cool touch cover Defrost - heating function with blue led light / Cord storage Power 220 -240V 50Hz 850W W 850
ST 17 Sandwich maker Antislippery base / Detachable nonstick plates / Cover Cool Touch Safe locking clip / Indicator light “Power on” / Indicator light “ready to use” Power 220 -240V 50Hz 750W W 750
ST 3318 Sandwich maker OVAL Antislippery base / Detachable nonstick plates / Cover Cool Touch Safe locking clip / Indicator light “Power on” / Indicator light “ready to use” Power 220 -240V 50Hz 750W W 750
kitchen design
TXS 886 C Sandwich maker Antislippery base / Detachable nonstick plates / Cover Cool Touch Safe locking clip / Indicator light “Power on” / Indicator light “ready to use” Opening 1800 Power 220 -240V 50Hz 750W W 750
A 326C Sandwich maker Antislippery base / Detachable nonstick plates / Cover Cool Touch Indicator light “Power on” / Indicator light “ready to use” / Opening 1800 Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1800W W 1800
CCP 40A/40A9 Teppanyaki 2 sizes Depth pot 4 & 9 cm Transparent glass lid / Non stick coating pan / Detachable temperature controller $QWLVOLSSHU\ IHHW 'LIIHUHQW WHPSHUDWXUH DGMXVWPHQW 6XLWDEOH IRU JULOOLQJ DQG IU\LQJ Quick and easy dry clean / faster cooking / Saves power Diameter 42 cm Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1400W
Ø 42
W 1400
&&3 ǹ Teppanyaki Depth pot 4 Transparent glass lid / Non stick coating pan / Detachable temperature controller $QWLVOLSSHU\ IHHW 'LIIHUHQW WHPSHUDWXUH DGMXVWPHQW 6XLWDEOH IRU JULOOLQJ DQG IU\LQJ Quick and easy dry clean / faster cooking / Saves power Diameter 32 cm Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1400W
Ø 32
BG 06 Crepe maker Large cooking / Non stick surface of crepe preparation OHYHOV DGMXVWDEOH WHPSHUDWXUH 2Q RII VZLWFK ZLWK OLJKWV LQGLFDWRU IXQFWLRQ Easy and quick crepe preperation /Rubber feet for extra stability Diameter 30 cm Power 220 -240V 50Hz 900W Ø 30
W 900
W 1400
kitchen design
TS 11824 Electric grill Antislippery base / Detachable nonstick WHĂ€ RQ plate / Cover with glass Indicator light / Grease tray / 5 levels thermostat / Easy to move Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1500W
W 1500
TXG 039 Electric grill Non-slip base / Detachable QRQVWLFN WHĂ€ RQ SODWH Power light / smooth surface and wave spring Grease tray / temperature selector Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1500W W 1500
CLF3-045C Electric plate Easy to use / Covered electrical resistance Smoke-free for use / Heats rapidly Power 220 -240V 50Hz 450W W 450
GTM 8111 Juicer JOHAN 2 speed settings / Extra large feeding tube / Fits whole fruit Powerful motor with inox cutters / 2XWOHW RI MXLFH GLUHFWO\ LQWR JODVV (DV\ WR FOHDQ 1RQ VOLS EDVH Power 220 -240V 50Hz 450W
W 450
kitchen design
VC 02 Salad cutter 5 discs of different cuts / ideal for vegetables Power 220 -240V 50/60Hz 150W W 150
B 7002 Multi chopper Blade stirrer / Large grain bin Easy to clean / silent mode Power 220 -240V 50/60Hz 300W L 0.5
W 300
kitchen design
WTE 013 Convention oven Timer / Different choice of different temperature gradients / Capacity 300x150mm without the stainless steel extension / Detachable Accessories / Capacity 300x220mm with stainless steel extension Cooks, defrosts, dries, sterilizes / It features a halogen lamp Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1300W
W 1300
FS23-09M(PC) Food steamer Timer / Capacity 9 lit / Detachable parts for easy cleaning Easy storage / Bowl of rice / Steam cooking containers and cap Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1000W L 9
W 1000
W 900
Č‚Č‚ &5/ Microwave oven Capacity 20lt / 5 different levels of temperature 3RVVLELOLW\ WR GHIURVW 7LPPHU PLQ 6RXQG QRWLÂż FDWLRQ Power 220 -240V 50Hz 800W L 20
W 800
DH 7060 Oven with 3 plates 6ZLWFK Č…Čƒ 2)) SODWHV FRRNLQJ 6HOHFWRU VZLWFK IRU XVH PLQXWHV WLPHU Mode of the oven with air / Capacity 38 lit / Includes baking tray and grill Door with ventilation by window Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2000W W 2000
kitchen design
SH 709A Drink mixer Silver Longer rotating axis with two rotating disks / 2 rotating disks Two speed settings / Bowl capacity 450ml / 6 colours Power 220 -240V 50Hz 100W
L W 0.45 100
SH 709 (SB 102) Drink mixer Glossy Longer rotating axis with two rotating disks / 2 rotating disks Two speed settings / Bowl capacity 450ml / 6 colours Power 220 -240V 50Hz 100W
W L 0.45 100
6 modern colours SH 709 Drink mixer Rubberized Colours Modern design / Longer rotating axis with two rotating disks / 2 rotating disks Two speed settings / Bowl capacity 450ml / 6 colours Power 220 -240V 50Hz 100W
L W 0.45 100
kitchen design
ST 729 Drink mixer Longer rotating axis with two rotating disks / 2 rotating disks / Two speed settings Large unoxidizable bowl with capacity 450ml / Modern design / Instant rotation switch Available in 2 coatings and 3 colours / Matt rubber black or red and dynamite red Power 220 -240V 50Hz 100W L W 0.45 100
HB 202A Hand mixer Works with current / A large stirrer Includes plastic cover dispenser High quality construction / Available in 4 colors Power 220 -240V 50Hz 15W KB 120/S
W 15
+% Ǻ $& Hand mixer Works with current / A large stirrer Includes plastic cover dispenser High quality construction / Available in 4 colors Power 220 -240V 50Hz 15W W 15
+% Ǻ '& Hand mixer Battery operate / Works with current / A large stirrer Includes plastic cover dispenser / High quality construction / Available in 4 colors Battery 6 V VOLT 6
HB 950P Mulri stick blender JOHAN Powerful motor / 2 speed settings / Lock system ǼDV\ WR XVH ,GHDO IRU URH DQG FUHDP Power 220 -240V 50Hz 500W W 500
kitchen design
UMI 925BS Mixer with bowl 5 speed settings with Turbo action / Bowl Inox 3 lit capacity / Button to remove mixer and use it on its own With 4 detachable accessories: 2 whiskers and 2 beaters Power 220 -240V 50Hz 300W
W 300
+Č‚ 3 Mixer JOHAN Powerful motor / 5 speed settings Turbo function / Special knobs on back for self - standing With 4 detachable accessories: 2 whiskers and 2 beaters Power 220 -240V 50Hz 400W W 400
GTM 8003 SS Mixer with bowl JOHAN Inox rotating bowl / 5 speed settings / Turbo function Button to easily lift the mixer from bowl / Disposable stainless bowl With 4 detachable accessories: 2 whiskers and 2 beaters Button to remove mixer and use it on its own Power 220 -240V 50Hz 300W W 300
ǞȂ %6 Mixer with bowl JOHAN Rotating bowl / 5 speed settings / Turbo function Button to easily lift the mixer from bowl / Disposable stainless bowl With 4 detachable accessories: 2 whiskers and 2 beaters Button to remove mixer and use it on its own Power 220 -240V 50Hz 350W W 350
kitchen design
ǾȂ % Mixer with bowl JOHAN Rotating bowl / 5 speed settings / Turbo function Button to easily lift the mixer from bowl / Disposable stainless bowl With 4 detachable accessories: 2 whiskers and 2 beaters Button to remove mixer and use it on its own Power 220 -240V 50Hz 300W W 350
ǾȂ Mixer Modern design / 6 speed settings Turbo function / With 4 detachable accessories Power 220 -240V 50Hz 350W W 300
W 5150 Electronic kitchen scale inox Touch techno key buttons / Max capacity 3kg or 5kg / Graduation 1g With precise weight sensors / LCD screen LCD 21X53mm Weight unit shift between kg/lb/g/oz / Lithium battery CR 2032 (included) Auto zero shut off and tare function KG 3-5
EC 403 Electronic kitchen scale Touch techno key buttons / Max capacity 3kg or 5kg / LCD screen 21x53 mm Safety glass surface, 4mm thick / Weight unit shift between kg/lb/g/oz Lithium battery CR 2032 (included) / With precise weight sensors Auto zero shut off and tare function / Low buttery and overload indicator Available in black and white colour KG 3-5
SKS 996 Electronic kitchen scale inox JOHAN Touch techno key buttons / Max capacity 3kg or 5kg LCD screen / Safety glass surface, 4mm thick Weight unit shift between kg/lb/g/oz / Lithium battery CR 2032 (included) / With precise weight sensors Auto zero shut off and tare function Low buttery and overload indicator
KG 3-5
TNP-2008 I-E3 &HUDPLF KHDWHU ¿ UHSODFH +HDWHU ¿ UHSODFH 2YHUKHDW SURWHFWLRQ $GMXVWDEOH WKHUPRVWDW 6ZLWFK RQ RII Power failure to roll It offers a nice feel to the space Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1500W W 1500
HFTF 5 Fan Heater Metalic body / Overheat protection / Automatic temparature $GMXVWDEOH WKHUPRVWDW 6ZLWFK È II IDQ ORZ KLJK Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2000 W W 2000
KPT-150 0579 Ceramic heater Rotating fan 700 2YHUKHDWLQJ SURWHFWLRQ $GMXVWDEOH WKHUPRVWDW VZLWFK RQ RII Power loss in roll Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1500W
W 1500
BH 1000F Quartz heater 2 quartz lamps / parabolic mirror / Easy to carry Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1000W W 1000
QH 1500C Quartz heater 2-quartz lamp Parabolic mirror / Wall mountable Ideal for any bathroom / 3 levels of heating 500W 1000W 1500W Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1500W W 1500
home solution
NGF 24FF Quartz heater with fan $GMXVWDEOH WHPSHUDWXUH KHDWLQJ OHYHOV : : : +LJK KHDW HI¿ FLHQF\ ZLWK IDQ KHDWHU IXQFWLRQ Light indicator Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2800W W 2800
NDS 24A Quartz heater Easy to carry / 3 levels of heating 800W 1400W 2400W +LJK WKHUPDO HI¿ FLHQF\ 7KHUPRVWDW 3RZHU OLJKWV Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2400W W 2400
NGF 24BFH Quartz heater with fan 3 quartz lamps / Wheels for easy transport / Fan switch Metal fence / Thermostat / Blinds Heat Exhaustion Has a strong fan Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2400W W 2400
CX-QNQ-10-16 Halogen heater Halogen Heater 700 rotating 4 levels of heating 450W 900W 1350W 1800W Metal fence / With thermostat Stop roll-over Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1800W
W 1800
DHR 75-(9-11-13) Electric oil heater 9, 11 or 13 slices / 3 power settings / Handle and transport wheels Large surface heating / Thermostat / Stop roll-over Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1900W W 1900
home solution
slim design
USH 14L Heater High quality aluminum heater / Display LCD / Remote +LJK HI多 FLHQF\ KHDWLQJ WLPHU KRXUV 3DQHO *ODVV Overheating protection / wall installation possibility Power 220-240V 50Hz 2000W W 2000
KRT 20A3 Wall heater JOHAN Heater wall type air-condition / remote control features Power 220-240V 50Hz 2000W
W 2000
PO-E03A GAS heater Electronic ignition / With ODS (Oxygen Deplention Sensor / 3 ceramic plates XSJUDGHV WHPSHUDWXUH IURP NZ WR NZ +LJK WKHUPDO HIÂż FLHQF\ Wheels for easy transportation / gas Autonomy Max. 290g / h Min.110g / h Dimensions 755x455x370 GAS LPG
GS 20 / GS 40 Insect killer 2 sizes 60m2 țĎȚ P2 Action area 60m2 and 120m2 / Special drawer for cleaning Safe and easy to use / Wall or standing Made from high quality aluminum 1800V - 3000V / Power 220-230V 2X10W or 2x20W per bulb W W ȋ ȋ
home solution
PMC52-3-1L Ceiling fan Dimension 42 ¨ / It has light / Remote control Switch mode to change direction (left - right) 3 speeds / 3 blades of white pvc Power 220-240V 50Hz 55W W 55
R44001-XY-1L Ceiling fan Dimension 44 ¨ / It has light / Remote control Switch mode to change direction (left - right) / 3 speeds 5 blades of white pvc Power 220-240V 50Hz 55W W 55
MB42-5-1L Ceiling fan, Wood design Dimension 42 ¨ / It has light / 3 speeds Switch mode to change direction (left - right) / 5 blades of wood MDF Handling on- of chain Power 220-240V 50Hz 50W W 50
M48007-XY-1L Ceiling fan, ǾLJK ȉHFK Dimension 48 ¨ / It has light / 3 speeds Switch mode to change direction (left - right) / 5 blades of wood MDF Handling on- of chain Power 220-240V 50Hz 50W W 50
home solution
LDS01 40BS Floor fan 40cm diameter / 3 speed settings / Revolving and steady function URWDWLRQ LPSHOOHUV 3URWHFWLYH PHVK +HLJKW DGMXVWPHQW RSWLRQ Transportation handle Power 220 -240V 50Hz 55W W 55
FS 1801 Floor fan Diameter 40cm / 3 speeds / Swivel & stationary operation VSRNHV VSLQ ODWWLFH VHFXULW\ KHLJKW DGMXVWPHQW &DUU\LQJ KDQGOH Power 220-240V 50Hz 60-85W
W 85
FD 45M 0HWDO À RRU IDQ 4 rays of rotation / 3 speeds / It has vibration /DWWLFH VHFXULW\ $GMXVWDEOH KHLJKW 6ZLYHO VWDWLRQDU\ RSHUDWLRQ Enhanced metal base / Diameter Ø 45 cm Power 220-240V 50Hz 60-85W W 85
SF 6780 Floor fan 5 radius of rotation / 3 speeds It has vibration / Diameter Ø 55 cm $GMXVWDEOH KHLJKW DOXPLQXP DUP Power 220-240V 50Hz 55W W 55
LDS05-45AX9 Floor fan Diameter Ø 40cm / 3 speeds / Swivel & stationary operation VSRNHV VSLQ ODWWLFH VHFXULW\ KHLJKW DGMXVWPHQW Carrying handle / Robust base Power 220-240V 50Hz 55W W 55
home solution
TS 04-30B / TS 04-40B Table fan 2 sizes Diameter 30cm & 40cm 3 speeds / 3 turning radius Lattice security / Modern design Power 220-240V 50Hz 35W and 45W W 35
W 45
BOX AF500 Table fan 2 sizes Diameter 35cm & 45cm 3 speeds / 3 turning radius / Timer Rotating grid diffuses the air / carrying handle 3RZHU 9 +] : țĮȚ : W 40
W 60
home solutions
DH 4 'HKXPLGL¿ HU -2+$1 $GMXVWDEOH DLU RXWOHW 7LPHU KRXUV (DV\ WR FDUU\ /LW WR H[WUDFW ZDWHU D GD\ $XWR 'HIURVW 5HPRYDEOH ¿ OWHU IRU HDV\ FOHDQLQJ Space covers 40m2 / Maximum intensity function (A) 2,2 A water detection with auto power off. Power 220-240V 50Hz 340W W 340
DH 6014 'HKXPLGL¿ HU Digital control panel / Auto restart in case of power failure 16 Lit to extract water a day / Auto Defrost 5HPRYDEOH ¿ OWHU IRU HDV\ FOHDQLQJ VSDFH FRYHUV P ZKHHOV IRU HDV\ WUDQVSRUW Maximum intensity function (A) 2,2 A / Connectivity permanent drainage. 'LPHQVLRQV ȋ ȋ PP Power 220-240V 50Hz 380W W 380
'+ ǹ 'HKXPLGL¿ HU JOHAN $GMXVWDEOH DLU RXWOHW WLPHU KRXUV (DV\ WR FDUU\ Extract up to 15 Lit water a day / Auto Defrost 5HPRYDEOH ¿ OWHU IRU HDV\ FOHDQLQJ VSDFH FRYHUV P2 Wheels for easy transport / Detection with automatic shut-off water. Maximum intensity function (A) 2,2 A Power 220-240V 50Hz 340W W 340
home solution VD 8102 Vacuum cleaner 0HWDO WXEH ZLWK DGMXVWDEOH OHQJKW 6SHFLDO GHVLJQ WR UHGXFH QRLVH GE$ It features LED illumination / Filters containment trash High power Suction / Stand pipe / Suction volume control +(3$ ¿ OWHU %DJ FDSDFLW\ OW %DJ IXOO LQGLFDWRU Hose swivel 3600 rotation / 2 built-in components Automatic cable rewind Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1800-2000W W FILTER 2000 HEPA
CP - CY4505 Vacuum cleaner 0HWDO WXEH ZLWK DGMXVWDEOH OHQJKW 6SHFLDO GHVLJQ WR UHGXFH QRLVH GE$ It features LED illumination / Filters containment trash / High power Suction 6WDQG SLSH 6XFWLRQ YROXPH FRQWURO +(3$ ¿ OWHU %DJ FDSDFLW\ OW %DJ IXOO LQGLFDWRU EMC thermostat / Hose swivel 3600 rotation / 2 built-in components / Automatic cable rewind Power 220 -240V 50Hz 1800-2000W W FILTER 2000 HEPA
VL 604 Vacuum cleaner :LWK FDQYDV EDJ 0HWDO WXEH ZLWK DGMXVWDEOH OHQJKW 6SHFLDO ORZ QRLVH GHVLJQ Base that support pipe for easy storage / Aspirator selectable / Filter that holds rubbish Hose swivel 3600 rotation / Automatic cord winding, 2 accessories included Available in three colours : red-silver, silver-white, green-white Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2000W W 2000
home solution
U 010 Vacuum cleaner with detachable Modern design / Dual use with hand or stick / Motor power max 800W ,QQRYDWLYH WUHDG IRU EHWWHU ZLSLQJ 'RXEOH 多 OWUDWLRQ +(3$ 多 OWHU Folding arm for better storage Power 220-240V 50Hz 800W W 800
ZB06-25 Vacuum cleaner Dual use with hand or stick / Motor power max 800W ,QQRYDWLYH WUHDG IRU EHWWHU ZLSLQJ 'RXEOH 多 OWUDWLRQ Folding arm for better storage Power 220-240V 50Hz 800W W 800
HC 1003 Rechargeable mini vacuum Lightweight and EASY to use / Bin dust collection and solid %XLOW LQ ¿ OWHU ZKLFK VLGH IDFHV HDVLO\ Power 7.2 V V 7,2
JH 2111 Steam cleaner JOHAN Full range of accessories / Tank 300ml / Production of continuous steam Light protection from overheating / power light Operates with deionized water (recommended). Power 220 -240V 50Hz 800W W 800
HS 01 Steam cleaner with stick Patented heating / Direct steam / Tank 450ml Production of continuous vapor / light protection from overheating Power light / 5 meter cable / Works with deionized water (recommended) 3HUIRUPDQFH LQ WKH À RRU DQG RQ FDUSHW VWHDP WHPSHUDWXUH 0C Time ergonomics 14 - 17min / Led operation Power 220 -240V 50Hz 800W W 1600
home solution
ES 293 Steam iron &HUDPLF SODWH QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ 9ROXPH DGMXVWPHQW SRVVLEOH VWHDP Self-cleaning / Vertical steam spray / Ability to spray water Operation against dripping / Automatic activation Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2300W W 2300
home solutions
AJ 2188 Steam iron 6WDLQOHVV VWHHO VROHSODWH 9ROXPH DGMXVWPHQW SRVVLEOH VWHDP Self-cleaning / Ability to spray water / Anti drip function Automatic activation Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2200W W 2200
AJ 2031 Steam iron 6WDLQOHVV VWHHO VROHSODWH 9ROXPH DGMXVWPHQW SRVVLEOH VWHDP Self-cleaning / Ability to spray water Power 220 -240V 50Hz 2200W W 2200
ES 258 Travel steam iron Hinged handle / Nonstick plate with 285 extraction steam holes Water tank capacity 160ml / Frequency of continuous steam 20gr/lepto Operation of spray water and steam shot /Ready for use LED indication Power 220-240V 50Hz 1000W W 1000
home solution
GBF 835 Digital scale JOHAN LCD monitor / measurement capability up to 150kg Includes 3V lithium battery Durable glass / Automatic reset - closing Low battery indicator Non-slip soles / of Modern Design
Ǽ% 6/ Digital scale Glass surface / Display LCD 22 mm / Max weight: 150 kg Automatic zero and automatic ON - OFF Units: KG, LB, ST low battery indication and overload Contains 1 tchm. Lithium / Glass Platform 6mm Division: 0,1 KG - 0,2 LB / Equipped with high sensor
EB 821 Digital scale JOHAN LCD monitor / measurement capability up to 150kg / Includes 3V lithium battery Durable glass / Automatic reset - closing Low battery indicator / Non-slip soles / of Modern Design
home solution ȉȂǺ Digital blood pressure monitor JOHAN LCD display with lights / Register 60 measurements Easy to use even by elderly
LT MS 500 3UHFLVLRQ GLJLWDO REMHFW VFDOH -2+$1 Capable of measuring up to 500g / Graduation indication weight 0,1 gr LCD screen / Indications of low battery / Battery operated AAA are Weighing Function / Ergonomic design / Switch on-of / Easy to use
0470 Digital phone JOHAN FSK-DTMF-ETSI compatible with auto detection LCD display with 12 digits / Memory 62 incoming and 62 outgoing 62 personal phones and hold with music / Speakerphone $XWRPDWLF 多 OWHU IRU FRGH VSHFLHV ULQJWRQH Changes screen brightness LCD (4 levels)
beauty stylista 8900 Professional hair dryer Suitable for professional use / 2 speed toggle switch / Grades 2 temperature sensors 3 styling nozzle / Body with double-layer thermal insulation / Magnet back cover A styling concentrator may be included (not included) / Silent function Ring for hanging Power 220-240V 50Hz 2500W W 2500
beauty stylista 5850 Professional hair dryer Suitable for professional use / 2 speed toggle switch / Grades 2 temperature sensors 3 styling nozzle / Body with double-layer thermal insulation A styling concentrator may be included (not included) / Silent operation / Ring for hanging Power 220-240V 50Hz 1800W W 1800
RCY 38 Hair dryer JOHAN VSHHG WRJJOH VZLWFK 5HPRYDEOH 多 OWHU IRU HDV\ FOHDQLQJ Grades 3 temperature sensors / Nozzle styling / Modern design Quiet operation / hitching ring / Accepts diffuser Power 220-240V 50Hz 1800W W 1800
HD 9900 Professional hair dryer 2 speed toggle switch / circuit breaker ratings 3 temperatures Cold air switch / Body double layer of insulating material Accepts diffuser / Quiet operation / hitching ring / By DC motor long life Power 220-240V 50Hz 2000W W 2000
beauty stylista TA 740 Hair straightener Suitable for professional use / Ceramic coating with tourmaline crystals Ionic ceramic straightening plates / Has steam / Digital temperature display panel PTC resistor that heats up in no time / Handle locks / 3600 swivel cord Temperature from 1800 to 2300C Power 220-240V 50Hz 50W W 80
C 230
TC 3128 Hotelia hair dryer 2 speed toggle switch / circuit breaker ratings 3 temperatures Cold air switch / Body double layer of insulating material Quiet operation / hitching ring Power 220-240V 50Hz 1600W W 1600
HC 27 Hair straightener Suitable for professional use / On -off switch / Switch temperature ratings Digital temperature display from 80oC to 2300C / Ceramic plates Body with thermal insulation coating / PTC resistor that heats up in no time Swivel cord 3600 Power 220 -240V 50Hz 50W W 50
C 230
TA 651 Hair straightener Precision heat / Modern design / Switch temperature ratings Ceramic plates / Led light / PTC resistor that heats up in no time 3600 swivel cord Power 220-240V 50Hz 35W W 35
C 230
LD 8895 Epilator Operation with lighting / Quickly removes hair / It is more convenient than waxing Leaves the skin soft and smooth / Makes the development less noticeable ,GHDO IRU ZD[LQJ WKH XSSHU /HLOD OHJV Âż QJHUV FKHHNV ELNLQL OLQH XQGHUDUPV Ideal for travel / Includes carrying case / Easy to clean, includes cleaning brush
beauty stylista HC 71 Hair styler Ceramic coating with tourmaline crystals / LCD display Digital temperature display from 1800 to 2100C / PTC resistor that heats up in no time 3600 swivel cord / Support stand /Special non-slip grip / Ring for hanging Power 220-240V 50Hz 50W W 50
C 210
Ǿ% ǹ Hair styler JOHAN Heated hair tongs with ceramic coating Ø 25/2 choices of heating Operation of steam from the spout / Swivel cord 3600 Resistance heated to a minimum time / Stand Support / hitching ring Brush for larger curls. Power 220-240V 50Hz 32W W 32
TB 667 Hair styler Heated hair tongs with ceramic coating / LCD screen PTC resistor that heats up in no time / Swivel cord 3600 Temperature from 1800 to 2000C / Support Stand / Ring hitching Power 220-240V 50Hz 35W W 35
C 200
performance line
PR 975 Hair trimmer Cutting hair and beard: Can be used without head (1 hour) Electronic switch / Indicator light / Cutting width 39 mm Built-trimming / Batteries: Ni-MH, 600mahx2 / Motor Voltage: DC 2.4V Accessories: cleaning brush, oil, comb, charger Power: AC220-240V 50Hz Charging time: 8 hours
performance line
PR 1066 Hair trimmer Cutting hair and beard: Can be used without head (1 hour) Electronic switch / Indicator light / Cutting width 39 mm Built-trimming / Batteries: Ni-MH, 600mahx2 Motor Voltage: DC 2.4V / Accessories: cleaning brush, oil, comb, charger Power: AC220-240V 50Hz Charging time: 8 hours
PR 1018 Hair trimmer Cutting hair and beard: Electronic switch Indicator light / Cutting width 25 mm / Batteries: Ni-MH, 600mahx2 Motor Voltage: DC 2.4V / Accessories: oil, charger Power: AC220-240V 50Hz Charging time: 8 hours
AD 2027 Hair trimmer Cutting hair and beard: Can be used without head (1 hour) Electronic switch / Indicator light / Built-trimming Batteries: Ni-MH, 600mahx2 / Motor Voltage: DC 2.4V Accessories: cleaning brush, oil, comb, charger Power: AC220-240V 50Hz Charging time: 8 hours
AD 815 Hair trimmer With a full range of accessories Four detachable clipper combs Lever two positions for different lengths of haircuts Switch on / off Power: AC220-240V 50Hz 10W W 10