Art of Rolling magazine issue 1

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A Glimpse into New York City’s

Issue one March 2009

Art of Rolling


Photography By Angelo Ferrer

This issue: Adonis Taylor Trevor Johnson Will Hoover Alex Nunez Anthony Soto Frank D’ Angelo

Introduction This is my first attempt at putting some of my past photos into a page-style format to share with the public. These photos were taken from 2005- 2009. The skaters shown are all very skilled and have put at least 5 years into this sport. By photographing them, I have been given the chance to preserve the memory and skill of skating; in doing so, I am burdened with the responsibility to capture their tricks to their fullest integrity. While there is a big time gap between when some of these photos were taken, the ability to progress has been a huge factor to all these riders. This is the first edition of Art of Rolling and hopefully there will be more of them to come in the future. - Angelo Ferrer

Cover: Anthony Soto- Fish stall All photos are copyrighted. Any use of photos in this zine without permission from Angelo Ferrer is prohibited. Produced and Edited by: Layla Quinones For more photos visit:

Adonis Taylor

Kindgrind Kindagrind Kindgrind

180 mute grab Mute grab 180

Gap to sole gap For more photos visit:



Royal- up & down 450 back farf

THE CHAMP IS HERE Trevor Johnson

Boogie Down Show Down Winner For more photos visit:

180 gap

180 Rocket grab For more photos visit:

Will Hoover

Sole 180

180 Luikang sign kick

FS back farf For more photos visit:

Tru top soyal

Back farf 540 out

Pornstar to Tru Mistrial

New York’s very own

Alex Nunez For more photos visit:


FS Torque

68 park crew circa 1992- 2007

Anthony Valez Backslide sess

Billy O’neil Gap transfer For more photos visit:

Frank D’ Angelo Acid

Angelo Ferrer 180 mokeyplant

Justin Brasco Fish

Josh Kindgrind

Romeo Fish

Frank D’ Angelo Gap through Hector Rodriguez Bank Mute Grab

Trevor Johnson Backslide

Jeff Scott Sweatstance For more photos visit:


AO TS Mistrial For more photos visit:

Backside Backslide

Anthony Š


TS Mizou For more photos visit:



Frank D’Angelo

BS Savanna For more photos visit:

BS Torque

For more photos please visit

Thank You!

To all the dedicated skaters who contributed to this zine! Your skating will forever be appreciated. If you are interested in being featured in an up and coming issue of Art of Rolling please contact This is a not for profit zine printed for aggressive inliners. All photographs are copyrighted. Any use of any photograph in this zine without permission from Angelo Ferrer is prohibited. This zine was produced and edited by Layla Quinones.

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