Tony Nero's Art issue 10

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Tony Nero’s Art


The really random newsletter all about my art.

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

‘I will fight for fredom until the end of my days’ Nelson Mandela

In this issue: John Clare Festival Overground Arts Jam Celebrating Diversity

January 2014


Welcome to issue 10 of my newsletter 2013 has been a super year, not just for me but for the local art scene in general. I have had such a busy year basking in the joys of creating new work and also being a part of various groups proactivly promoting local art. Ever more so, art is making it’s mark here in Peterborough. The Arts Festival and the Lantern Festival was such a smash, and lit up the city, all thanks to Vivacity and Metal. We had the exciting ‘Fresh Take’ exhibition in the amazing rooms of Burghley House and a follow up photographic exhibition at the City Gallery for ‘Find Me Keep Me’. You can read my review in Issue 8 of my newsletter. In October the zombies came to town and I finished up with two events for Black History Month, ‘Celebrating Diversity in Peterborough’. I am chuffed and pleased to say that the last newsletter, issue 9 has reached over 4000 views. The first newsletter, issue 1 had just over 200 views, so this is exciting to see that not only the quality has grown but also grown in the number of people seeing it. Much thanks to everyone for the quick read, the comments, feed backs and your support.

John Clare Festival For a few years now I have been taking part in the John Clare festival with artist and photographer Shaun Pitchers. Since being invited by Richard Astle to show our work in the open fields of Helpston, it has been some enjoyable times. In 2012 the event was cancelled due to the terrible weather we were having, but last year, just at the right time the weather was superb, and totally made up for it.

The whole event was contained in a much smaller area of the field than usual, but this created a much better athomasphere for the event. It was great to see some new faces and hear excellent poetry, and theatrical improvisation from Tom Fox and his colleague. Topped with some super cool folk music from Pennyless. It was ever so sad to see that the tree in the middle of the field was no longer there. The large elm was totally destroyed by the heavy winds from the previous year. Above is a pastel drawing of which I did before it got destroyed.

Overground Arts Jam

Stuart & Luke

Thanks to Melanie Williams fot this super cool pic of me

Well if you missed the Overground Arts Jam, which took place at The Green Backyard back in August, then you really missed out on a super cool event. This arts jam has been going for a few years now and was started by brothers Luke and Stuart Payn, to create some artistic vibes in the city. I was so pleased to take part in the event, mixing it up with a whole bunch of street artists and making some cool friends on the way. The rain thretened to spoil play. but music, food and art ruled the day. On the day I worked on this urban style piece of which the title ‘Emma’s kiss’ was inspired by a young lady I met on the day who took a liking to the piece. Here are a couple of pictures to give you a flavour of the kind of day we had.

Artists doing what they do best

The unmistakable art of Parlee

Tony’s shout out!

Most recent painting

In this issue, my shout goes out to a beautiful young lady, and I mean beautiful inside and out, with a massive heart. Harley Carrington may only be a smidgen of a little girl at age 11 but she has a huge heart, bigger than some adults. Harley spends the majority of her spare time fundraising for Help for Heroes. With a constant flow of ideas for events and new ways for raising funds, she has now embarked on setting up her own charity to help others. Tussling between her school work and her own daily difficulties she never stops. There’s sterling help and support from her family, but even they have a hard time keeping up with her. Harley Carrington is a true Champion.

Tony Nero, Harley Carrington & Cllr Julia Davidson at BHM celebrations

If you wish to support her cause you can find her on facebook at: Harley Helps the Heroes.

Well here it is, my most recent painting, and it’s already had a few nice coments on facebook. Some time in the summer of last year my good friend Harley Carrington asked me if I would do a painting for her and donate it to a fundraising event she was planning. Well of course I said yes... after I said, ‘what are you getting me into now’. We had a chat about what she wanted and she clearly wanted to portray a soilder and his dog. I wanted to do something she would be pleased with and this is the result of what I came up with. Painted in oils on canvas and entitled ‘Ok dude i’ve got your back’. I really enjoyed working on this and love the mood of the finished piece. If you fancy tickets for the Masquerade Ball and Auction, Saturday 15th Feb. Email:

Vigil for Nelson Mandela On December 15th, the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Cliff Walker led a candle lit vigil for Nelson Mandela. The Revd Canon Ian Black said a prayer and we had a variety of speakers say a few words. Bumped into Mr walker the day before and he said he may call on me to say a few words. Well i’m not ashamed to say I got real nervous. Honored, yes of course but in no way qualified to speak on such a man. But still I wrote a few words in preperation and this is what I said: ‘Just a few weeks ago we celebrated Black history Month here in the square and I displayed my painting of Nelson

Mandela. It’s a gift and a great honor to be able to create such a piece of work. The world was given a gift in the form of Nelson mandela, and today we light a candle to help him on his journey. It is said that you judge a man by what he does and not by what he says he can do. Nelson said, I will fight for freedom until the end of my days, and he sure did that. How can we not celebrate a man who has given so much of himself to us. The world will not forget you Nelson Mandela’.

I went and wrote my bit in the book of condolences at the Town Hall

Celebrating Diversity in Peterborough

Part of Black History Month

In October last year, as part of Black History Month we held two events ‘Celebrating Diversity in Peterborough.’ Although the events were put together in a short time, it was exciting to see the public’s response and the efforts from the performers, who give up their time freely to be a part of such an event. The first event was held at the Millennium Centre on 19th and the second event on the 26th, held jointly at the Town Hall and in Cathedral Square. At both events we were honored to have the presence of the Mayor Cllr June Stokes and a variety of councullors which included Cllr Julia Davidson, Cllr Lisa Forbes, Cllr Darren Fower and Cllr Asif Shaheed. You really had to be there to fully experience the event. Different sectors of the community were

involved in live performances, creating a real diverse and interesting atmosphere. Along with my Black Heroes collection of portraits we had a fusion of culture, art, music, poetry, dance and crafts. At the Millennium Centre, the Peterborough Community Gospel Choir, poet Sonya King, Brillo & Brandon and The Latino Sounds raised the roof. Followed by live performances by the likes of King Don, African Heritage Centre, Tallawah Roots Reggae Band, Full Dimension, Octavious, Latvian dancers and even Belly Dancers, we rocked the square. To sum it up, Chelsey Rambler posted on my page on facebook. ‘I only wanted to watch Tallawah on my way through town and I ended up staying on the square all day.’

Members of the Black History Month Committee with Cllr Julia Davidson and the Mayor Cllr June Stokes Tallawah

African Heritage Centre, hypnotic drums

Full Dimension keeping things sweet

Brillo & Brandon, the Huskisson brothers getting their groove on in the square

Peterborough Community Gospel Choir, really raised the roof at the Millennium

More photos from this & other exhibitions on Flickr -

Birthday joy for Lee It’s that icing on the cake time, when you hear that your work has really made someone smile. I met Nicola by chance while showing my work on the square in October at the Celebrating Diversity in Peterborough event. Even though she was rushing off on a mission. she stopped by long enough to have a look at my work and even order a print of Muhammad Ali. The picture below shows the happy birthday boy, Lee with a big smile on his face after recieving and opening his surprise pressie. So, another bit of art making another someone’s day.

Exhibition dates for your diary

28 & 29 June 5 & 6 July 12 & 13 July Inspirational art in homes and studios throughout the city of Peterborough and surrounding villages

Gallery art and Shop in the


fine and decorative art paintings sculpture photography printmaking ceramics glass textiles jewellery handcrafted gifts prints cards picture framing

47 Bridge Street, Peterborough, PE1 1HA Tel: 07910 118148

Raffle winners


I’m pleased to finally announce the raffle winners from our ‘Summer Exhibition’, which was part of the PAOS exhibitions last June. We had four prizes which were donated by all the artists showing; StaceyAnn Cole, Mahemuda Arsalani, Josephine Kelly-Gobuiwang and myself. In total we raised £250 for Shine charity. It took some time to track down the winners but much

Mary Kemp

Dalia Caskey

to their joys of winning. I caught up with Dalia Caskey in Queensgate Shopping Centre after her hols, and when I met Lexiana she was delighted and said ‘I have never won anything before.’ Mary Kemp said ‘My prize lizzard now has pride of place in the lounge.’ And Yas Patel is still for the delivery of hers. Thanks to everyone who came and make it all happen.

Yas Patel

is here to stay

In the last issue, I mentioned that Metal Peterborough was about to launch a website, which is totally geared up to host local information about any arty stuff going on in and around town. Well true to the game, Idea 1 website was launched on 19th September. The launch evening was held at Metal’s HQ at Chaufers cottage, and at a glance I coule see the venue littered with artists and creative people of all genre. Cllr Gavin Elsey opened the evening as the smell of BBQ filled the air and the sound Kerry Devine and her band echoed across the courtyard, followed by Moony

Kerry Devine and her band

Ruth Campbell co-ordinator of Idea 1, demonstrates the website

Opaque and his band caressing our eardrums with their footstomping sounds. Meanwhile, website coordinator Ruith Wilson was busy inside showing how easy it is to to upload information to the website. Designer and artist Lee Mason, who built the site with his team Freethinking Design was on hand to see it all ran smoothly. You can visite the website here

Moony Opaque and his band Opaque

This little painting I slipped in between working on some portrait commissions. Really just for a break to do something different. But at the same time it’s for someone who has been asking for it for a while. I don’t use much acrylic but it’s painted in acrylic on canvas and a bit of a loose style keeping it soft with a bit of texture

A puppy painting, not just for xmas

Here are a few doggy paintings I did just before Christmas. These were commissions and mainly for Christmas presents. Even though it was hectic trying to get them done in time, it was great fun. Not just working on the pieces but trying to keep the project a secret. What I mean is, one person wasn’t ment to know what the other person

were doing and the other person wasn’t ment to know what that person was doing either. Let’s just say I almost blew it a few times in the presence of both parties. I’ve heard there were tears also... It’s always a joy to know that your work had brought tears and smiles all at the same time.

What’s On ! l Live

art Saturday: Art in the Heart 47 Bridge Street, Peterborough, PE1 1HA. A different artist each Saturday l The

Poet Laureate of the year Pete Irving looking real jolly as he recieves his trophy, back in September, from Benjamin Zephaniah and host ex Poet Laureate Simon Bales.

Bronties of Dunwich Heath... and Cliff 28th Jan-1st Feb 2014. Key Theatre, Embankment Road PE1 1EF Box Office:01733 207239

Picture of the day Ok so this is not the most fantastic picture but it’s not every day you get to mix it up with the great poet Benjamin Zephaniah. This pic was taken in September at Bushfield Academy, where Ben was judging the Poet Laureate competition. This then followed his live set ‘Too cool for School’, which was a blast.

l Summer

Exhibition - Part of Peterborough Artists Open Studio (PAOS) 28 & 29 June 5 & 6, 12 & 13 All 3 weekends at Shine, 42 Park Rd, Peterborough PE1 2UQ. Featured artists: Stacey-Ann Cole, Tony Nero, Mahemuda Arsalani, Carole Boyer & Josephine Kelly-Gobuiwang l Peterborough

Artists Open Studio (PAOS) 28 & 29 June. 5 & 6, 12 & 13 July 2014 Stay intouch with Art of Tony Nero find me on Twitter and Facebook

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