Annex 2
Annex 2 /
Specific examples of LGs (Local Governments) and LRGAs and similar organizations monitoring and reporting on the SDGs
Kitakyushu, Japan The city´s Mayor, Mr Kenji Kitahashi, presented the city´s report at the HLPF Special event: “First local and regional government forum”. This was the first occasion on which cities and territories were able to report to the HLPF at whole-day session and at the same time that their respective ministries presented their VNRs at the United Nations Headquarters. The approach chosen followed the same logic as national reporting, which has already been explained in chapter 3. The report, which was published under the title of “Kitakyushu City the Sustainable Development Goals Report. Fostering a trusted green growth city with true wealth and prosperity, contributing to the world” corresponds to the title “SDGs Future City Vision”. The structure of the report was based on the “Handbook for the Preparation of Voluntary National Reviews: 2018 Edition” and it took into consideration both specific characteristics and the current state of progress on initiatives in each city. According to the text: “In a manner of speaking, it is a voluntary local review on the progress of SDGs actions in the city”. Kitakyushu has set itself six priority goals and targets linked to the SDG vision (pursuing SDGs 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 17). To be more specifically, the city seeks to focus its actions on promoting and/or creating: nursing care robots; next-generation automobiles; offshore wind farms; new advanced industries (economy); greater diversity; ESD; disaster-resilience (social) and renewable energy; energy saving; recycling, better public transport; and a compact city (environment). The report describes specific projects that have been designed to achieve the SDG Vision and how the different city plans (a total of 17 are currently being aligned with the SDGs) would work. Regarding new initiatives, the city has created the following projects to enhance the implementation of its goals: Goal 7 (Energy) — The next-generation local energy model project; Goal 11 (Urban development) — A city forest project: urban development aimed at improving the coexistence between cities and nature; Goal 12 (Sustainable consumption and production) - Recycling throughout the city; Goal 15 (Life on the land) – The use of forest resources in large cities. In the document, each of these initiatives is linked to one of the SDGs. 42