2 minute read

Closing Session

15 min


• Participants consolidate their individual learning journeys over the course of the module through high-level summaries and points of emphasis. • Feedback on the training module is obtained through evaluation forms. • Learning networks and relationships are cemented to promote ongoing sharing and learning.

Trainer’s insights

We have now come to the end of the module! We realise that the learning curve may be steep for many participants who have not been fully involved in DC before. We also recognise that the content has been intense and the sessions have been highly compressed to fit into a short space of time. By the end of this module, we are certain that most participants will be tired and anxious to finish. However, this last session is an important one. It provides an opportunity to reinforce what has been learnt over the last two days. If possible, summaries can be delivered by participants and training skills will be acknowledged

High-level summary

1. Summary & questions to clarify doubts

We recommend making a short summary of each chapter, outlining the main headings and points of emphasis. This should be done in about 5 minutes. There is no need to go into much detail. This is merely meant to serve as a summary and as a reminder of what has been covered.

2. Consolidate the learning process through personal reflection

Spend the next 5 minutes asking each participant to write their 3 most important TAKEAWAYS from the module. This should be done on the cards provided. The trainer can collect these cards, as they are completed, and arrange them on the board and then take a picture for documentation purposes.

3. Create space for some critical evaluation of the module

In addition to circulating confidential module assessment and evaluation forms, we suggest allowing some time for a group session and providing an opportunity for some general reflections on the two-day course.


10 min Final Exercise – Passing/transmitting energy

The session will close with the following final exercise:

Exercise Instructions

1. Standing in the circle, the trainer thanks the participants for their participation. At this point, the trainer may ask for any final feedback from the group before the session closes. 2. Once the participants have spoken, the trainer will ask the group to hold hands. The trainer then briefly summarizes what has been learnt, emphasizing the role that they will play all around the world as agents of change helping to localize the SDGs in DC programmes. The trainer will emphasize such issues as co-operation, communication and connectedness (at the local and global scales) as part of the drive to help achieve the goals. The participants will be reminded of the importance of being the pulse of the global heartbeat and the trainer will explain that s/he will

‘pass the pulse’ around the circle. 3. The trainer will do this by gently squeezing the hand of the person to their left who, in turn, must squeeze the hand of the person to their left, until the pulse has been passed round the circle. This activity is to be done in silence. 4. The trainer will then ask everyone to release their hands, allow a few seconds of stillness, and then say ‘Goodbye and thank you’.

Coordinated by: UCLG Learning

Main authors:

Sogen Moodley Noluthando Mkhize

Gaming and Design:

Smile Mundo Dala

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