Redwod Art Group Media Kit

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Table of Contents -

● AboutRedwoodArtGroup

● MediaOpportunities ○ Newsletters ○ EditorialandCustomContent ○ SocialMedia ○ EventSponsorship

● RateCard

● EditorialCalendar

Red Dot Miami

About Us -


Withover60artfairsspanningmorethan15years,ourfineartfairs inNewYork,Miami,SantaFe,andSanDiegoarecelebratedas premierdestinationsfordiscoveringandcollectingcontemporary andmodernartanddesign.

Additionally,ouronlinepresencevianewsletters,socialmedia,and ourwebsite,ArtBusinessNews,offersbothadvertisersandartists anopportunitytoconnectwithourhighlyengagedaudience.

Red Dot Miami

Our Audience -

Our audience is comprised of well-educated professionals who love to travel and enjoy fine wine and great food. They are typically museum members, “doers” who enjoy luxury items, great design, and giving back to their communities. Attendees include collectors, artists, designers, architects, civic leaders, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and retirees.

Red Dot Miami

Our ReachWe continue to grow our engaged newsletter list and social media presence daily. We are also investing in SEO strategy and content for our flagship site, Art Business News.

Artexpo New York

Media Opportunities -

Editorial: Custom Features

Connectwithouraudiencethroughthepowerof editorial. Oursite,ArtBusinessNewshasbeenanindustry leaderforover30years. Aswecontinuetobuildmore contentandengageouraudience,itʼspresencewill continuetogrowstronger.

Highlycustomizablecontentthatfeaturesbrandand relatedstories. Createdincollaborationwithbrandor includingbrandincurrentcontent. Publishedand indexedonArtBusinessNewsindefinitely. Weincludedistributionofcustomeditorialthrough newslettersandsocialmediaasastand-aloneofferingor tohelpsupporteventsponsorshipatanyofourfairs.


Sponsored name/branding or ad

Editorial: Meet the Artist: Meet the artist

Whetheryouʼreagalleryoranartistlookingfor exposure,oryouʼreabrandinterestedinaligningyourself withspecificartistsortypesofart(likesustainableart), RedwoodArtGroupcanbringittogetheranddistribute thefeature,yourbrand,andyourmessagetoour audience.

Customeditorialfeatureforaspecificartistorartgallery canincludeimages,interviews,andCTAs.

Stand-alonefeaturesareavailable,orcouplethefeature withdistributionacrossournewslettersandsocialmedia.

Newsletters -

Reach our active and engaged community of over 160,000. We create content for newsletters that gets distributed weekly. With a focus on topics of interest to a high net-worth audience like “Meet the Artist”, News on the Art Front, Events, and distribution of Custom Editorial, our newsletter gets read by the right audience.

Including both advertising space as well as branding and logos, our newsletters deliver engaging must-read content to our audience.

Average Open Rates: 27.6%

Click Through Rate: 12.5%

Drive awareness and clicks to your website or custom editorial with our newsletter opportunities.

Social Media -

Generate incremental traffic for custom editorial programs through distribution on our social channels through both Organic Posts and Boosted Posts.

Promoted across Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to a minimum of 207,000 followers.

Total Audience - 207K and growing

Facebook - 115K

Instagram - 92K











● Art & Sports (Olympics)

● Collecting Focus: Mixed Media

● The Buzz - News on the Art Front

● September in NY - Fairs, Museums & More

● Meet the Artist/Gallery

● Affordable Art Fair - September 20-24

● Meet the Artist/Gallery

● Collecting Focus: Outsider Art

● The Buzz - News on the Art Front

● Spotlight Artists (ASD24)

● Meet the Artist/Gallery

● Collecting Focus: Fine Art Photography

● Report: At the Auctions

● The Buzz - News on the Art Front

● Miami Art Week - Top Fairs to See

● Gift Guide

● Spotlight Artists (SMIA24 & RDM24)

● Meet the Artist/Gallery

● The Buzz - News on the Art Front

● Miami Art Week Recap

● Gift Guide

● Meet the Artist/Gallery

● The Buzz - News on the Art Front

Rate Card -

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