ArtsCamp Brochure 2014

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ArtsCamp Summer 2014

For Rising K-12th Graders

IMPORTANT DATES Monday, January 27 – Early Registration Opens for ArtsCenter Friends (Family Level and above) Monday, February 10 – Camp Registration Opens for General Public

NEW! Online Registration Available!

GENERAL INFO The ArtsCenter offers one-week and two-week camp programs with half-day and full-day options. Mix and match to fit your schedule and your camper’s interests. In all camps, instructors focus on skill development and encourage discovery of creative voice. We favor process over product, and self-expression over perfection. A low camper/instructor ratio provides a nurturing environment to explore the creative process. ArtsCamp Staff Professional teaching artists lead all camps with the assistance of a dedicated group of volunteer teen Counselors. Our staff is made up of a year-round Director, along with a seasonal Manager and two Assistant Managers. Family Sharing Events & Open Classroom The opportunity for campers to share their work with family and friends is an important aspect of our program. Camp staff will provide an exact schedule of Family Sharing/Open Classroom events during the first few days of each camp session. While attendance is optional for family members, we encourage you to attend. In general, camps will offer either Open Classroom on Thursday or Family Sharing on the final Friday. Both are normally during the last half-hour of that day’s camp. Extended Supervision For parents who require child supervision beyond scheduled class time, we offer three extended supervision periods per day. Supervision is available from 7:30 – 9 am for $20 a week, and 4 – 5:30 pm for $20 a week. You may register during the camp week for extended supervision, advance registration is not available. Additionally, supervision is provided at no charge from noon – 1pm for campers in both full day and half-day programs. No registration is required for lunchtime, but all campers participating must bring or buy lunch, see below. Lunch/Snacks Each child attending the supervised lunch period must bring a lunch or buy a boxed lunch. The ArtsCenter offers boxed lunch through Amante Gourmet Pizza, which can be ordered daily or weekly. Daily lunch orders must be given to camp staff by 9 a.m. The boxed lunch fee is $30 per week, or $6 per day. Amante lunches will vary daily but will include items like pizza, sandwiches, fruit and juice. Vegetarian options are available. Snacks will be sold during break times, but children are encouraged to bring their own snacks. Boxed lunch and snack purchase are available only for programs at The ArtsCenter. ArtsCenter Friend Discounts Show your support of The ArtsCenter at the Family Friend level and receive a year’s worth of benefits including early registration for all camp programs, reduced prices on tuition and events, as well as priority seating at performances. It’s quick and easy to join or renew your membership. Either include payment with your ArtsCamp registration form, sign up on our website ( before you register, or call (919) 929-2787 to learn more. (Family level is required to receive ArtsCamp discounts.) Scholarships Your tax-deductible contribution will help us provide scholarships to low-income students in our community. Donations to the Camp Scholarship Fund are welcome in any amount. Scholarships are limited, and early application is encouraged. We offer scholarships only to those who express significant financial need. Many scholarships are partial and require some financial participation from the family. Scholarship applications are available at The ArtsCenter’s Box Office and on our website ( Camper Behavior The ArtsCenter reserves the right to ask a child not to return due to behavioral problems. If a child is asked to leave our program, all fees will be forfeited and no refund will be given. A copy of ArtsCamps discipline policy is available upon request.


For more information please contact Louise Tremblay, Summer Camps Director at (919) 929-2787, ext. 204 or email

CAMP CALENDAR (See pg. 10 for 7th-12th grade workshops) Little Campers (K-1st Grade) AM/PM/Full Day


6/16 • 6/20 6/23 • 6/27 6/30 • 7/3


7/7 • 7/11 7/14 • 7/18

7/21 • 7/25


7/28 • 8/1 8/4 • 8/8



Secret Gardens

Beginning Sewing A (2-4 grade) Sculpture & Papier Mâché A Let’s Make a Play A (2 weeks)

Abstract Painting & Drawing A Beginning Sewing B (4-6 grade) Handbuilding & Clay Sculpture A Hip Hop & Urban Dance A Ceramics A (2 weeks)

Art Safari

Beginning Sewing C (2-4 grade) Darkroom Photography A Sculpture & Papier Mâché B

Cartooning & Comics A Painting Techniques A Spoken Word & Storytelling (4-6 grade)

Once Upon a Time

Improv Acting & Theatre Skills A (2-4 grade) Intro to Digital Arts A (4-6 grade) Puppetry & Mask Making A

Handbuilding & Clay Sculpture B Knit One, Purl Two A (3-6 grade) Painting & Drawing Techniques Ceramics B (2 weeks)

Circus! Circus!

Beginning Sewing D (4-6 grade) Hip Hop & Urban Dance B Mixed Media Miniatures

Abstract Painting & Drawing B Beginning Quilting A (3-6 grade) Drawing Techniques A

Animal Kingdom

Cartooning & Comics B Knit One, Purl Two B (3-6 grade) Let’s Make a Play B (2 weeks)

Beginning Sewing E (2-4 grade) Drawing Techniques B Elements of Acting (4-6 grade) Handbuilding & Clay Sculpture C Ceramics C (2 weeks)

Missoula Children’s Theatre – Blackbeard the Pirate (see pg.8) (1st-12th grade, rehearsal based PM program + AM optional theatre classes for 3rd-12th grade) Ocean Adventures

Darkroom Photography B Intro to Digital Animation (4-6 grade) Intermediate Sewing A (2-4 grade)

Beginning Quilting B (3-6 grade) Digital Photography A (4-6 grade) Drawing Techniques C

Fairy Tale Forest

Fabric & Fiber Arts A Knit One, Purl Two C (3-6 grade) Let’s Make a Play C (2 weeks)

Abstract Painting & Drawing C Digital Photography B (4-6 grade) Handbuilding & Clay Sculpture D Improv Acting & Theatre Skills B Ceramics D (2 weeks)

Appetite for Art

Knit One, Purl Two D (3-6 grade) Puppetry & Mask Making B

Hip Hop & Urban Dance C Intermediate Sewing B (4-6 grade) Painting Techniques B

Birds of a Feather

Beginning Sewing F (2-4 grade) Fabric & Fiber Arts B Intro to Digital Arts B (4-6 grade) Let’s Make a Play D (2 weeks)

Beginning Sewing G (2-4 grade) Cartooning & Comics C Digital Photography C (2-4 grade) Handbuilding & Clay Sculpture E Spoken Word & Storytelling B (4-6 grade) Ceramics E (2 weeks)

Carnival Kaleidoscope

Drawing Techniques D Intermediate Sewing C (2-4 grade) Intro to Digital Arts C (4-6 grade)

Beginning Sewing H (4-6 grade) Creative Bookmaking Digital Photography D (2-4 grade) Improv Acting & Theatre Skills C (2-4 grade) Short Fiction (4-6 grade) 2

8/11 • 8/15

8/18 • 8/22


(2nd-6th Grade unless otherwise noted)

Little Campers For campers entering K-1st grades

Little Campers are one-week camps designed to make our youngest campers feel right at home. Small classes, fabulous teachers, and creative arts activities galore! Each session features visual arts projects, coupled with music, movement, or drama. The week’s theme is expanded with daily story times, games, and imaginative exploration. Morning and afternoon sessions do not repeat content. Lunchtime supervision provided for all campers at no additional charge.

9:00 am-Noon, 1:00-4:00 pm, or 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Secret Gardens

Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – This week we’ll make arts, crafts and performances inspired by the natural environment. From earthworms and insects, to rainbows and butterflies, we’ll cultivate creativity and harvest fun. Dig in!

Art Safari

Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 - Look… a herd of giraffes on the horizon! And a tiger cub in the grass! This camp will be filled with projects inspired by wild places and things.

Once Upon A Time

Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (No camp Friday, July 4) - Our imaginations will transport us to mythical lands, long ago and far away… when dragons ruled the land. Court jesters welcome!

Circus! Circus!

Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 – Acrobats, clowns, lion tamers and jugglers are all invited, as we create our own version of the greatest show on earth!

Animal Kingdom

Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – Whether your camper loves kittens or crocodiles, eagles or elephants, we’ll have creative projects to engage every type of animal fan this week.

Ocean Adventures

Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – It’s HOT out there, so join us on an imaginary trip to the beach! We’ll explore the shapes and textures of the ocean floor, as well as use natural beach materials to make art.


Missoula Children’s Theatre Blackbeard the Pirate

Monday, July 21-Saturday, July 26 Rising 1st Grade • See page 8 for more information

Fairy Tale Forest

Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1 – Gnomes, goblins, fairies and giants will populate our projects this week. This camp will provide a nourishing climate for magical imaginations.

Appetite For Art

Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – Celebrate your favorite things to eat through music, movement, and visual art. Food glorious food!

Birds of a Feather

Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 - Birds are poetry in motion, whether they’re filling the air with song or the sky with their rainbow colors. Our projects this week will take us to creative heights. Let’s soar together!

Carnival Kaleidoscope

Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22– Costumes, parades, and colorful fiestas will provide the inspiration for our projects this week. Celebrate the end of a wonderfully creative summer and join the party!

Full Day (9:00 am - 4:00 pm) $250… $230 ArtsCenter Friends Half Day (9:00 am - Noon OR 1:00 - 4:00 pm) $125… $115 ArtsCenter Friends

ArtsFocus For campers entering 2nd-6th grades (Unless otherwise noted) ArtsFocus camps enable your camper to concentrate on select art forms. Offered in one-week and two-week sessions, these half-day camps can be mixed and matched to make a full day. Lunchtime supervision provided for all campers at no additional charge.

Two-Week ArtsFocus Camps

Two-week ArtsFocus $300 Public ... $280 ArtsCenter Friends


Session A - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 27 - 1:00-4:00 pm Session B - Monday, June 30-Friday, July 11 (No camp Friday, July 4) - 1:00-4:00 pm Session C - Monday, July 14-Friday, July 25 - 1:00-4:00 pm Session D - Monday, July 28-Friday, August 8 - 1:00-4:00 pm Session E - Monday, August 11-Friday, August 22 - 1:00-4:00 pm These camps are some of our most popular ones, so sign up early! Campers will learn handbuilding and wheelthrowing techniques and how to finish their artwork with glazes. Original, kiln-fired pieces will be ready to take home at the end of each session to share with family and friends.

Let’s Make a Play

Session A - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 27 - 9:00 am-Noon Session B – Monday, July 14-Friday, July 25 – 9:00 am-Noon Session C - Monday, July 28-Friday, August 8 - 9:00 am-Noon Session D - Monday, August 11-Friday, August 22 - 9:00 am-Noon The perfect session for the drama enthusiast! From casting to curtain calls, campers learn all aspects of staging a play, including set design and costuming. Pair with a Ceramics session for a fantastic two week block.

One-Week ArtsFocus Camps

One-Week ArtsFocus $150 Public ... $140 ArtsCenter Friends

Abstract Painting & Drawing

Session A - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B - Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11– 1:00-4:00 pm Session C - Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1 – 1:00-4:00 pm For the camper who is ready to loosen up and escape the confines of realistic images – join us to paint and draw from your imagination. We’ll explore a variety of media in our quest to find a personal language of shapes, lines, symbols and colors, while taking inspiration from historic trailblazers in Abstract art.

Beginning Quilting

Session A – Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 - 1:00-4:00 pm (3rd-6th grade) Session B - Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 1:00-4:00 pm (3rd-6th grade) Quilting is both fun and creative! We will learn the basics of color and fabric choice, quilt piecing, simple block design and putting together a quilt. We will be making a quilted potholder, a pillow and a 30”x30” quilt. Fabric and basic sewing kits will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own. 4


One-Week ArtsFocus $150 Public ... $140 ArtsCenter Friends

Beginning Sewing

Session A - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 9:00 am-Noon (2nd-4th grade) Session B - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 1:00-4:00 pm (4th-6th grade) Session C - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 9:00 am-Noon (2nd-4th grade) Session D - Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 – 9:00 am-Noon (4th-6th grade) Session E - Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – 1:00-4:00 pm (2th-4th grade) Session F - Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 – 9:00 am-Noon (2th-4th grade) Session G - Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 – 1:00-4:00 pm (2th-4th grade) Session H - Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 – 1:00-4:00 pm (4th-6th grade) This camp is for those with little or no sewing experience. Learn how to operate a sewing machine, and experiment with a variety of stitches, as well as learn some hand stitching. Projects include a pillow, sunglasses case, drawstring bag, and other items as time permits. Fabric, patterns, and basic sewing kits will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own.

Cartooning & Comics

Session A - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B - Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – 9:00 am-Noon Session C – Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 - 1:00-4:00 pm Designed for the artist who wants to tell a story with text and images, this popular camp returns for three sessions this summer. Campers will explore a wide variety of forms, including single panel cartoons, short comics, and caricatures. All kinds of stories are welcome, so bring your wildest ideas!

Creative Bookmaking

Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 - 1:00-4:00 pm Explore the possibilities of books as works of art. In this camp, we’ll fold, stitch, staple, glue and cut to create a variety of book forms such as accordion books, books with secret panels and handy pockets, starburst books, pop-ups, or small hand-stitched notepads. Campers can fill their finished books with stories or artwork.

Darkroom Photography

Session A - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 9:00 am-Noon Session B – Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 9:00 am-Noon In this class, campers will have hands-on experience with photography starting with composing and lighting an image. After taking the photo, we head off to the darkroom to learn the art of developing film, and creating the final print. All materials (including cameras) will be provided.

Digital Photography

Session A - Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 1-4 pm (4-6 grade) Session B – Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1 – 1--4pm (4-6 grade) Session C - Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 – 1-4 pm (2-4 grade) Session D - Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 – 1-4 pm (2-4 grade) For the camper who’s a shutterbug this camp is the place to be! We’ll cover photography basics such as framing, composition, and lighting, and also consider options for editing and enhancing photos. Please note: Campers will need to provide their own digital camera for this camp and an extra battery pack is highly recommended.

Drawing Techniques

Session A - Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B - Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 - 1:00-4:00 pm Session C - Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session D - Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 - 9:00 am-Noon Artistic expression starts with a solid foundation in drawing. Campers will learn new techniques and strengthen existing ones, while exploring the use of pen, pencil, charcoal, and pastels. All skill levels are welcome.


One-Week ArtsFocus $150 Public ... $140 ArtsCenter Friends

Elements of Acting (4th-6th grade)

Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – 1:00-4:00 pm This camp is for those who want to take their acting to the next level through a focus on movement, voice, and character development. We’ll create characters in detail, animating our performances through a myriad of theatrical styles both physical and vocal. Come prepared to move and play.

Fabric & Fiber Arts

Session A – Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1 – 9:00 am-Noon Session B – Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 – 9:00 am-Noon There are so many possibilities for art made with fabric and fiber! Campers will use fabric as a medium and a canvas, learning dyeing, fabric collage, and clothing modification. With fiber, we’ll transform wool into creative objects through the process of felting, and weave tapestries of our own design.

Handbuilding & Clay Sculpture

Session A – Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B – Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 -1:00-4:00 pm (No camp Friday, July 4) Session C – Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session D – Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session E – Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 – 1:00-4:00 pm These camps focus on handbuilding and sculpture techniques, giving campers the skills to create both functional and decorative pieces. We’ll learn a variety of ways to build with clay, and use surface decorations to personalize our creations. (Note: In these camps no wheelthrowing will be taught.)

Hip Hop & Urban Dance

Session A - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B – Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 – 9:00 am-Noon Session C - Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – 1:00-4:00 pm One of our most popular camps is a great introduction to this exciting style of dance. Campers will learn basic steps and choreography, while building confidence and skills in a fun, energetic environment. The final performance is an exciting showcase of each camper’s best moves. Be prepared to sweat!

Improv Acting & Theatre Skills

Session A – Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (No camp Friday, July 4) - 9:00 am-Noon (2nd-4th grade) Session B – Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1– 1:00-4:00 pm (2nd-6th grade) Session C – Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 – 1:00-4:00 pm (2nd-4th grade) In these high-energy sessions campers will learn the building blocks of acting while having fun. We’ll explore theatre through games, creative movement and improv while using our imaginations to develop characters and create stories.

Intermediate Sewing

Session A - Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 9:00 am-Noon (2nd-4th grade) Session B – Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – 1:00-4:00 pm (4th-6th grade) Session C - Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 – 9:00 am-Noon (2nd-4th grade) Learn the skills you need for clothing construction in this camp. We will read and use a pattern to make a simple item of clothing, an apron, a tote bag or purse. Fabric, patterns, and basic sewing kits will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own. Some sewing experience required.

Intro to Digital Animation (4th-6th grade)

Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25- 9:00 am-Noon You’ve seen digital animation in movies, games, and websites, now you can learn how it’s done. We’ll explore Adobe Creative Cloud programs and learn how to give characters motion and bring them to life on the screen. No experience necessary.

Intro to Digital Arts (4th-6th grade)

Session A – Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (No camp Friday, July 4) - 9:00 am-Noon Session B - Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 – 9:00 am-Noon Session C - Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 – 9:00 am-Noon Campers will take their imaginations into the digital realm using tools provided by Adobe Photoshop. We’ll gain skills in this powerful program to draw, scan, color, edit, and manipulate our images. Then we’ll put it all together and create digital works of art.


One-Week ArtsFocus $150 Public ... $140 ArtsCenter Friends

Knit One, Purl Two (3rd-6th grade)

Session A – Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (No camp Friday, July 4) – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B – Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – 9:00 am-Noon Session C – Monday, July 28 – Friday, August 1 – 9:00am - Noon Session D – Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – 9:00 am-Noon Would your camper like to learn to knit? This class is for those with little or no experience with knitting but an interest in exploring this exciting art form. Yarn, needles, and basic supplies will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own.

Missoula Children’s Theatre Blackbeard the Pirate

Monday, July 21-Saturday, July 26 - See page 8 for more information.

Mixed Media Miniatures

Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 – 9:00 am-Noon Join us to explore the magic of tiny, multilayered art created in the Artist Trading Card format. We’ll learn a variety of techniques, including drawing, painting, stamping, collaging, stitching, and foil tooling. Campers will have the opportunity to create a small collection of miniature artworks, which they can save or trade among themselves.

Painting & Drawing Techniques

Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (No camp Friday, July 4) – 1:00-4:00 pm During this short holiday week we’re offering a special camp for artists who want to develop or expand skills with both pencil and paint in an intensive workshop setting. All levels welcome.

Painting Techniques

Session A - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B – Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – 1:00-4:00 pm Whether your camper is a practiced painter or picking up a brush for the first time, this session is a great opportunity to develop new skills with paint. Campers will gain experience with acrylic and watercolor, while increasing confidence and embracing their own personal expression.

Puppetry & Mask Making

Session A – Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (No camp Friday, July 4) - 9:00 am-Noon Session B – Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – 9:00 am-Noon Puppets! Masks! Art will come ALIVE in this camp. From flat puppets and rod puppets to masks, young artists will get plenty of hands-on time to craft imaginative creatures from a wide variety of media.

Sculpture & Papier Mâché

Session A “Enchanted Forest” - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 - 9:00 am-Noon Session B “Seaside Village” – Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 - 9:00 am-Noon This camp explores a variety of media, including wire, clay, cardboard, paint and natural materials, giving campers the skills to create a miniature fantasy world filled with imaginative details. Perfect for the camper who loves to build and experiment with different materials.

Short Fiction (4th-6th grade)

Monday, August 18-Friday, August 22 – 1:00-4:00 pm In this camp we’ll look at the qualities shared by great short stories: strong characters, a sense of place and mood, as well as the spark of mystery or compelling action that engages your reader. Bring your wildest ideas to this supportive workshop and prepare for a chance to get creative, as we hone our fiction skills.

Spoken Word & Storytelling (4th-6th grade)

Session A - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 1:00-4:00 pm Session B – Monday, August 11-Friday, August 15 - 1:00-4:00 pm From the ancient Greeks to modern poetry slams, the art of spoken word has been used to entertain, inspire, and express views both personal and political. These camps will provide tools for crafting a strong piece of writing, and a space for participants to find their unique voice and create a powerful performance.


Missoula Children’s Theatre presents

Blackbeard the Pirate Monday, July 21-Saturday, July 26, 2014

For the tenth year in a row Missoula Children’s Theatre touring company will arrive in Carrboro in a truck loaded with everything needed to put on a play – costumes, scenery, makeup, and scripts – all that’s needed is young actors! Sixty local actors in rising grades 1st-12th will rehearse with the MCT team all week and present two public shows on The ArtsCenter’s main stage that Saturday. A group audition takes place on Monday at 12:30 pm and all enrolled get a part. Rehearsal schedules will be assigned after the group audition based on each actor’s part. Students (age 8 and above) may opt to enroll in the full-day program, which includes supplemental acting classes each morning (9:00 am-12:00 pm) and additional activities during afternoons when not needed for Blackbeard the Pirate rehearsals. The Play: Blackbeard the Pirate is a full-length, original musical production featuring a cast of colorful characters, including mermaids, pirates, beach bums, seaweed creatures, parrots and crocodiles, who explore the secrets of Blackbeard’s legendary treasure. What starts as a lazy day at the beach turns into mystery and adventure when the search for treasure begins. Grab some sunscreen, and get ready to join in the hunt for untold riches!

No previous theatre experience required. Please check the option below and fill out other side

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MCT101: MCT Rehearsal-Based Program Only (schedule varies) Open to rising 1st-12th graders Group audition Monday 12:30-2:30 PM Afternoon rehearsals, only as scheduled by MCT, Monday-Friday * Saturday AM dress rehearsal & two performances (1:00 & 3:00 PM)

* No supervision provided when actors not in rehearsal. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends

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MCT102: MCT & Theatre Enrichment Program (9 AM-5 PM) Open to students aged 8 through 12th grade Theatre games and skill building, 9:00 amNoon, followed by rehearsals, as scheduled by MCT, or additional theatre instruction, until 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Lunchtime supervision included. Group audition Monday 12:30-2:30 PM Saturday AM dress rehearsal & two performances (1:00 & 3:00 PM) $300 Public… $280 ArtsCenter Friends

For more information please contact Louise Tremblay, Summer Camps Director at (919) 929-2787, ext. 204 or email


7th-12th Grades DIGITAL ARTS

Adobe PhotoShop (at The ArtsCenter) SYW103A - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 1:00-4:00 pm SYW103B – Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (no class 7/4) – 1:00-4:00 PM Photoshop is the industry standard for digital image manipulation used by photographers, graphic designers, website builders, animators, comic artists, plus other creative professionals and hobbyists. Students will learn to create, enhance and edit images, as well as how to generate amazing effects. The week’s projects will help launch your artwork into the limitless digital realm. All skill levels welcome. SYW103A: $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends & SYW103B: $120 Public… $110 ArtsCenter Friends Beat Making (at The ArtsCenter) SYW106 - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Music is a tool to build dialogue, amplify voice and strengthen solidarity. Unlike traditional music, Beat Making doesn’t require being able to read music, or play an instrument. Instead participants learn the techniques of beat making through composition, sampling, and songwriting on the most powerful instrument of the 21st century: a laptop. The results are computer-based electronic dance music and hip hop songs that merge art and activism, giving every voice a chance to be heard. No experience necessary. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends Create a Music Video (at The ArtsCenter) SYW119 – Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1– 9:00 am-4:00 pm Many film directors get their start making music videos, and what a creative launching pad! You can learn a lot from directing a three minute film. Using pre-recorded musical tracks participants will imagine a piece of music as a visual experience and select film techniques and action to illustrate this vision. No experience required. $300 Public… $280 ArtsCenter Friends

Digital Fabrication (at the Artist’s Studio, 9 miles from The ArtsCenter, off Mt. Sinai Rd.)

SYW104 – Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 9:00 am-Noon Create designs with Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, and then experience the thrill of actually making your project with Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machines. The week will start with simple projects to introduce the software, and end with a project of the student’s choice, be it a circuit board, wooden sign, an art project (print blocks or molds,) or a small furniture project. Cost of materials for smaller projects included, there may be an additional charge for large projects. (Artist’s studio directions provided prior to first class.) $180 Public… $170 ArtsCenter Friends

Digital Photography (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW102 – Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 9:00 am-Noon Photographers at all levels of experience will gain professional shooting and photo manipulation techniques in this workshop. Course topics include how light, contrast, composition and shutter speeds interact to create successful digital images. Working with their own digital camera, participants will first focus on how to strengthen their images. Then students will use Adobe Lightroom to enhance favorite images for final presentation. Beginners welcome. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends

The Art of Animation (at The ArtsCenter) SYW115A – Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – 9:00 am-4:00 pm SYW115B – Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – 9:00 am-4:00 pm This workshop is an introduction to basic animation techniques and concepts, and a chance to try your hand at this versatile art form. We’ll focus on simple ways to conceptualize, design, and create a film from initial storyboarding to final production. Students will create short animation exercises with traditional stop-motion and digital techniques, as well as produce a final short animated film. No experience required. $300 Public… $280 ArtsCenter Friends 10

The Art of Filmmaking (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW112 - Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 - 9:00 am-4:00 pm No art form is quite like film in its power to manipulate reality and impact the viewer. This workshop explores the artistic and technical vocabulary used in Filmmaking and experiments with a variety of ways to impact the viewer’s sensory experience. Using a set of practical exercises we’ll develop creative approaches towards expressing a sense of time and place, as well as explore ways to build a sense of feeling or mood. All levels welcome. $300 Public… $280 ArtsCenter Friends

DRAWING & DESIGN Advanced Drawing (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW108 - Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (no class 7/4) – 9:00 am-Noon This workshop is for experienced artists looking to develop their drawing skills and push themselves further. We’ll cover the basics of drawing techniques, offering in-depth technical instruction and longer, more focused activities in a wide range of media including charcoal, ink and pastels. Participants will practice composition, shading, spatial relationships and texture by working with subjects like landscapes, animals and portraits. Whether you’re an artist working from life or fantasy, this workshop is bound to inspire you and add some impressive pieces to your portfolio. $120 Public… $110 ArtsCenter Friends

Glass Fusing

(at the Artist’s Studio, 9 miles from The ArtsCenter, off Mt. Sinai Rd.) SYW101 - Monday, June 16-Friday, June 20 – 9:00 am-Noon If you like to play with color and light this workshop is for you! Imagine the possibilities of a pile of colored glass and a kiln to fuse it into one piece. Perhaps you’d make a colorful window hanging, or a piece of jewelry, or even a unique and functional dinner plate. Tuition includes cost of materials for smaller projects; there may be an additional charge for large projects. (Artist’s studio directions provided prior to first class.) $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends

Graphic Novel (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW111 – Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 - 9:00 am-Noon Graphic novel is a swiftly growing art form that has been popularized by works such as Art Spiegelman’s Maus and Kate Beaton’s Hark! A Vagrant. In this workshop, we’ll learn to create cohesive comics narratives, both short-form and graphic novel length, while emphasizing clarity and experimentation. We’ll explore a variety of materials while learning basics such as page composition, character design and story structure. All skill levels welcome. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends


Elements of Acting (at The ArtsCenter) SYW110 - Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (no class 7/4) – 1:00-4:00 pm For actors interested in taking their acting to the next level this workshop will focus on movement, voice and character development. We’ll create characters in detail, animating our performances through a myriad of theatrical styles both physical and vocal. Beginners are welcome; just come prepared to focus, move, and be challenged. $120 Public… $110 ArtsCenter Friends Hip Hop Dance (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW113 – Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 – 1:00-4:00 pm Hip Hop has been the most popular dance style of recent years, and has been featured in countless music videos. This dynamic, high-energy form is great exercise and improves flexibility, balance and coordination. But most of all it looks amazing! After daily warm-ups, we’ll focus on learning basic steps and combinations, while finding our individual styles, too. Be prepared to sweat! All levels welcome. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends

Improv Acting (location TBA) SYW117 – Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 9:00 am-4:00 pm In this workshop, students practice the techniques of Improvisational Theatre in a safe and fun environment that fosters teamwork and creativity. Through games and exercises, students learn commitment, skills to build a scene with a partner, and how to create characters in a moment’s time, all without a script! All skill levels welcome. $300 Public… $280 ArtsCenter Friends


Summer Youth Workshops info continues after registration form

Lyric Lab (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW105 - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 9:00 am - Noon In this workshop, participants will learn the art of Emceeing by exploring the work of some of the dopest hip hop lyricists to ever write. Then we’ll move on to reciting lines and composing stanzas of our own. The class, taught by poet and hip hop musician Shirlette Ammons, will feature guest emcees, and conclude with a recording session at Chapel Hill’s Beat Making Lab at Street Scene Teen Center in Chapel Hill. Beginners welcome. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends

Missoula Children’s Theatre presents Blackbeard the Pirate Monday, July 21-Saturday, July 26 - See page 8 for more information.

On-Camera Acting (location TBA)

SYW120 – Monday, July 28-Friday, August 1– 9:00 am-4:00 pm The minimalism of on-camera acting requires the actor to tap into their concentration and find subtle forms of expression. This week we’ll learn techniques for fine-tuning our acting and apply those techniques to exercises, improvisations, monologues and scene work. We’ll cover the difference between close-ups, overthe-shoulder, medium and long shots, along with the importance of hitting marks, continuity, and staying in frame. Scenes will be rehearsed, framed, and taped in a series of camera set-ups that may include working with the Music Video class. All skill levels welcome. $300 Public… $280 ArtsCenter Friends


Beginning Knitting (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW109 - Monday, June 30-Thursday, July 3 (no class 7/4) – 9:00 am-Noon Whether you’re inspired by yarn bombing, fashion, or just want to make yourself a hat, this is the place to start. This workshop is for those with little or no experience knitting but an interest in exploring this exciting art form. Yarn, needles, and basic supplies will be provided, or you’re welcome to bring your own. $120 Public… $110 ArtsCenter Friends

Intro to Sewing (at The ArtsCenter) SYW107 - Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 – 1:00-4:00 pm Yes, you really can learn to sew! We’ll take the mystery out of operating a sewing machine, and experiment with a variety of stitches, including hand stitching. Through a range of simple projects (throw pillows, tote bag, laptop case, or skirt) we’ll explore the basics of sewing construction and terms. Fabric, patterns, and basic sewing kits will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends Metal Jewelry Crafting (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW114A – Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 – 1:00-4:00 pm SYW114B – Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 1:00-4:00 pm SYW114C – Monday, August 4-Friday, August 8 – 1:00-4:00 pm This workshop will teach beginning basics of working with metals like copper and brass for small jewelry pieces. Students will be introduced to jewelry making tools and learn techniques to create a copper or brass pendant and pair of earrings. We’ll finish our projects with decorative textures and patinas. As time allows we’ll explore additional jewelry making tools and techniques, and make a copper or brass bypass ring. No experience required. Cost includes all materials. $170 Public… $160 ArtsCenter Friends


Dark Fiction (at The ArtsCenter) SYW116 – Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 – 1:00-4:00 pm Join us to celebrate the grotesque and the weird as we embrace the spirit of Gothic masters like Edgar Allen Poe and Shirley Jackson. Participants will learn the basic elements of storytelling with an emphasis on world building, character development, scene-setting, and establishing tone. Both new and seasoned writers are welcome, as long as they’re willing to travel to the “dark side.” $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends Flash Fiction (at The ArtsCenter)

SYW118 – Monday, July 21-Friday, July 25 – 9:00 am-Noon Flash fiction, a form of short stories under 1,000 words, has been practiced by writers for ages — Hemmingway, Kafka, Vonnegut — but has gained in popularity in recent years. This form is a great opportunity for writers to practice restraint and precision with words, and an opportunity to create stories where the unsaid can be as meaningful as what is explicit. In this workshop, writers will read and discuss published examples of flash fiction, and participate in exercises designed to sharpen skills. Fiction lovers of all levels welcome. $150 Public… $140 ArtsCenter Friends 14

300-G East Main St. Carrboro, NC 27510



Summer 2014

January 27 - Early ArtsCenter Friend registration • February 10 - Registration open to public

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